9 August 2011
Biggest global stock market plunge since 2008
By Andre Damon, 9 August 2011
The calamitous sell-off on world stock markets, which on Monday topped even the enormous losses of last week, puts to rest any claim that the crisis that erupted in 2008 was temporary.
Major police clampdown as riots spread across London and other UK cities
By Julie Hyland, 9 August 2011
A massive police presence has been established across parts of the capital in an attempt to crush the eruption of social anger that has affected areas of north and southeast London and is spreading to other UK cities.
China lectures Washington on S&P; downgrade
By John Chan, 9 August 2011
Xinhua’s strident statement is a sign of China’s vulnerability to the deepening US and international economic crisis and the consequent rise in tensions between the world’s two largest economies.
New York City workers speak out against budget cuts
By a reporting team, 9 August 2011
Workers and youth in the Flatbush section of Brooklyn in New York City spoke to the World Socialist Web Site about the impact of the budget cuts.
More on the US budget crisis »
CIA, US military operating inside Mexico’s “drug war”
By Bill Van Auken, 9 August 2011
The Mexican government has acknowledged that US intelligence and military officials are deployed inside Mexico, but refused to confirm details on their role in the country’s “drug war” for reasons of “national security.”
German army commences recruitment in schools
By Francisca Vier, 9 August 2011
None of Germany’s established political parties are seriously opposing moves by the military to exploit young people’s lack of prospects by conducting recruitment drives in schools.
Australian shares plunge along with Asian, world markets
By Patrick O’Connor, 9 August 2011
A massive sell-off underscores the acute sensitivity of the Australian markets to shifts in the world economy.
Québec Solidaire: An ally of the ruling elite
By Éric Marquis and Louis Girard, 9 August 2011
By its response to the crisis in the Québec sovereignty movement and to Canada’s imperialist intervention in Libya, Québec Solidaire has demonstrated that it seeks a place within Quebec’s bourgeois political establishment.
Tensions remain high after clashes on Kosovo-Serbia border
By Ante Dotto, 9 August 2011
Tensions remain high after violent clashes broke out again at the end of last month on the Kosovo-Serbia border.
US House Judiciary Committee approves bill to abolish visa lottery
By Ali Ismail, 9 August 2011
The measure approved by the House panel would eliminate a 16-year-old program that provides a legal route to permanent resident status for some 55,000 immigrants each year.
New in Romanian
Bugetul bancherilor
De Jerry White , 8 august 2011
Statele Unite s-au născut în urma unei lupte revoluţionare împotriva unei aristocraţii adânc înrădăcinate. Clasa muncitoare se confruntă astăzi cu un inamic la fel de determinat: o elită financiară parazitară a cărui unic răspuns la criza pe care a creat-o sunt atacurile tot mai drastice asupra condiţiilor sociale a majorităţii populaţiei din SUA şi din întreaga lume.
New in Spanish
La convocatoria de elecciones anticipadas en España
Por Peter Schwarz, 9 Agosto 2011
Bajo la creciente presión de los mercados financieros, el primer ministro español José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero ha anunciado elecciones anticipadas para el 20 de noviembre, cuatro meses antes de la fecha límite de marzo de 2012.
New in German
USA verlieren ihr Top-Rating
Von Barry Grey, 9. August 2011
Die beispiellose Herabstufung der Kreditwürdigkeit der USA markiert einen Wendepunkt in der Krise des amerikanischen und des weltweiten Kapitalismus.
Auftaktveranstaltung der PSG zum Berliner Wahlkampf
Von unserem Korrespondenten, 9. August 2011
Die Partei für Soziale Gleichheit diskutierte am 6. August auf einer gut besuchten Versammlung über die Folgen der Wirtschaftskrise, das Aufkommen der extremen Rechten und die Aufgaben einer revolutionären, sozialistischen Partei.
Größte Demonstration in der Geschichte Israels
Von Jean Shaoul, 9. August 2011
In Israel demonstrierten am Samstag über eine Viertelmillion Menschen gegen steigende Lebenshaltungskosten und Mietwucher. Es waren die größten Sozialproteste der Geschichte.
USA bereiten Militärintervention in Somalia vor
Von Susan Garth, 9. August 2011
Unter dem Vorwand der angeblichen humanitären Sorge um die Opfer der Hungersnot bereitet die Obama-Regierung in Somalia eine neue Militärintervention vor.
Tödliche Polizeikugel löst Unruhen im Norden Londons aus
Von Julie Hyland, 9. August 2011
Samstagnacht brachen in Tottenham im Norden Londons nach Protesten gegen die Erschießung von Mark Duggan Unruhen aus.
New in French
La révolution égyptienne à la croisée des chemins
Par Johannes Stern et Alex Lantier, 9 août 2011
Les forces de la contre-révolution se mobilisent pour tenter d’écraser le mouvement déclenché par le renversement du président Hosni Moubarak par la classe ouvrière en février dernier.
New in Arabic
تقارب بين طبقات البرجوازية المصرية والأمريكية بينما كفاح العمال لا يزال مستمر
بقلم جوناثان أسوان 20 يونيو /حزيران
شهدت الأيام والأسابيع الماضية انتفاضة جديدة للكفاح والنضال الثوري للطبقة العاملة المصرية. و عقب الاحتجاجات الجماعية في 27 مايو التي طالبت ب "ثورة ثانية"، ذهب آلاف العمال في اضراب مفتوح وصعّدوا من احتجاجاتهم في جميع أنحاء البلاد.
Other Languages
- Deutsch
- Börsenpanik vertieft Eurokrise (06.08.2011)
- Finanzmärkte brechen aus Angst vor neuer Rezession ein (06.08.2011)
- Etat der Banker (06.08.2011)
- Die ägyptische Revolution am Scheideweg (05.08.2011)
- Arbeitsgericht verbietet Fluglotsenstreik (05.08.2011)
- Die Amerikanische "Linke" und die Schuldenkrise (05.08.2011)
- Militärische Pattsituation in Libyen (05.08.2011)
- Die amerikanischen Haushaltskürzungen und der Kampf für den Sozialismus (04.08.2011)
- Die Bundeswehr im Klassenzimmer (04.08.2011)
- Protestbewegung in Israel entzündet Massenstreiks (04.08.2011)
- Video: PSG-Kandidat Endrik Bastian im Radiointerview (04.08.2011)
- Vorgezogene Neuwahl in Spanien (03.08.2011)
- Français
- Les Etats-Unis se préparent à intervenir militairement en Somalie (09.08.2011)
- Les Etats-Unis se préparent à intervenir militairement en Somalie (08.08.2011)
- Par crainte d'une nouvelle récession, les cours des marchés financiers plongent (06.08.2011)
- Les compressions budgétaires aux États-Unis et la lutte pour le socialisme (06.08.2011)
- Espagne: annonce d'élections anticipées (06.08.2011)
- Allemagne: Le nouveau programme du parti Die Linke (06.08.2011)
- La junte militaire égyptienne attaque le sit-in sur la place Tahrir (05.08.2011)
- Pourquoi les médias espagnols mettent-ils en avant Esther Vivas de la Gauche anticapitaliste? (05.08.2011)
- Les racines idéologiques de l'atrocité d'Oslo (04.08.2011)
- Des politiciens néo-fascistes français défendent les atrocités commises en Norvège (04.08.2011)
- Incendies : Traumatisme et tragédie au Moyen-Orien (04.08.2011)
- Español
- La révolution égyptienne à la croisée des chemins (09.08.2011)
- La crisis europea (04.08.2011)
- La crisis de la deuda europea y el peligro de las dictaduras (22.07.2011)
- EEUU reconoce a "los rebeldes", mientras las operaciones militares se estancan (22.07.2011)
- El ataque contra la educación pública en Estados Unidos, gobiernos estatales, reducciones (06.07.2011)
- Protestas en China hacen temblar al capitalismo mundial (04.07.2011)
- Miles de indocumentados detenidos mientras EE.UU. aprueba nuevas leyes anti-inmigratorias (04.07.2011)
- El papel de la ex-izquierda en las protestas de los indignados en España (25.06.2011)
- Nuevo presidente electo del Peru Ollanta Humala calma a inversores (14.06.2011)
- La "Segunda Revolución" de Egipto (10.06.2011)
- Aymaras toman ciudad de Puno (10.06.2011)
- Русский
- В защиту "великого и непреходящего исторического значения" Троцкого (13.07.2011)
- "Книга, которая не соответствует базовым стандартам исторических исследований":
Журнал American Historical Review разоблачает несостоятельность биографии Льва Троцкого, написанной Робертом Сервисом (05.07.2011) - Разногласия в Кремле усиливаются (15.06.2011)
- Разногласия в Кремле усиливаются (17.05.2011)
- Смертельная агония американской демократии (04.11.2011)
- Убийство Осамы бин Ладена (04.05.2011)
- Война в Ливии: новый взрыв межимпериалистического соперничества (14.04.2011)
- Кризис революционного руководства в 2001 году (06.04.2011)
- Нет империалистической интервенции в Ливии! (21.03.2011)
- Долой Каддафи! Нет интервенции США-НАТО! (14.03.2011)
- Израильские рабочие и египетская революция (22.02.2011)
- Português
- Obama e o teto da dívida (04.08.2011)
- A crise europeia (27.07.2011)
- Onde cairão os cortes de Obama (20.07.2011)
- Berlusconi duplica cortes do programa de austeridade italiano (20.07.2011)
- Divisão do Sudão prepara caminho para novos conflitos (15.07.2011)
- Guerra da Líbia: Por que o Novo Partido Anticapitalista continua em silêncio? (14.07.2011)
- As lições políticas da Grécia (12.07.2011)
- 120 mil estudantes e professores protestam no Chile contra os ataques à educação pública (12.07.2011)
- Bancos garantem interesses à custa da Grécia (06.07.2011)
- Aprofunda-se a queda da economia mundial (21.06.2011)
- Protestos continuam contra os cortes no orçamento implementados pelo parlamento catalão na Espanha (21.06.2011)
- Peru: Humala derrota Fujimori (14.06.2011)
- A Guerra Sem Fim de Washington (14.06.2011)
- 中文
- 美国的预算削减和争取社会主义的斗争 (08.08.2011)
- 默多克与寡头统治 (01.08.2011)
- 中国共产党成立九十年后 (09.07.2011)
- 中国的工人动乱震动世界资本主义 (05.07.2011)
- 华盛顿公开40年前出版的五角大楼文件 (28.06.2011)
- 北约对利比亚的恐怖轰炸 (16.06.2011)
- 希腊工人阶级被侵犯 (10.06.2011)
- 本 • 拉登被杀与“反恐战争” (10.05.2011)
- 上海卡车司机罢工的含意 (04.05.2011)
- 上海卡车司机因费用高涨罢工 (29.04.2011)
- 美国南北战争一百五十周年 (21.04.2011)
- 葡萄牙的救市:欧洲银行危机加深 (15.04.2011)
- 利比亚的战争:帝国主义爆发新的对抗 (07.04.2011)
- 不准帝国主义干涉利比亚! (30.03.2011)
- 谁要为日本的核灾难负责? (24.03.2011)
- 中国当局警觉应对“茉莉花革命”的呼吁 (09.03.2011)
- 中国恐惧“尼罗河热” (11.02.2011)
- 埃及革命 (07.02.2011)
- 突尼斯群众起义与不断革命的方向 (02.02.2011)
- >>
The Israeli protests and the reemergence of the working class
9 August 2011
Saturday’s mass demonstration in the streets of Tel Aviv powerfully illustrates the reemergence of the international working class as the most important force in world politics.
Workers Struggles
“We are fighting for our rights”
Verizon workers denounce demands for massive concessions
By a WSWS reporting team, 9 August 2011
The World Socialist Web Site spoke to workers on picket lines throughout the Northeast United States, who denounced the demand by Verizon for sharp cuts in wages and benefits.
Mobilize the working class behind Verizon strikers!
Statement of the Socialist Equality Party, 9 August 2011
This statement is being distributed by supporters of the Socialist Equality Party to the 45,000 striking Verizon telecommunications workers in the Northeast of the United States.
A socialist program for public sector workers in Sri Lanka
By the Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka), 8 August 2011
Workers Struggles: The Americas
9 August 2011
The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.
The US credit downgrade
By Barry Grey, 8 August 2011
Central Falls, RI residents denounce social cuts following city’s bankruptcy filing
By Kate Randall, 8 August 2011
Arts Review
Exhibitions at the Art Gallery of Ontario
Robert Motherwell and the Abstract Expressionists
By Lee Parsons, 8 August 2011
This week in history: August 8 - August 14
This week in 1986 the military regime of Mohammad Zia ul-Haq arrested of hundreds of anti-government activists and political figures, including Pakistan People's Party leader Benazir Bhutto.
On August 14, 1961, the German Democratic Republic (GDR or East Germany), closed down East Berliners' access to the western part of the city. At first the barrier was made of rope and barbed wire, watched over by police.
On August 14, 1936, after a fierce battle, the Spanish fascist forces of General Francisco Franco conquered the town of Badajoz, which is located near the border with Portugal.
On August 10, 1911, the United Kingdom's House of Lords approved the Parliament Act of 1911, which increased the power of the House of Commons by sharply circumscribing the Lords' ability to veto bills.
Herschel telescope discovered twisted ring of gas and dust at the centre of our galaxy
By William Whitlow, 5 August 2011
Letters from our readers
9 August 2011
A selection of recent letters to the World Socialist Web Site.
Videos and Images
Dearborn, Michigan residents protest pool closings
Hundreds of Michigan families seek assistance in Southfield
Catherine Ferguson Academy students and teachers speak
CAUS holds demonstration in Detroit
Video on the anniversary of the Dexter Avenue fire
Striking DSO musicians perform for Detroit homeless
Detroit residents speak on utility shutoffs
DSO musicians speak on strike
Inferno on Moenart Street in Detroit
CAUS and SEP hold press conference on Detroit fires
Detroit fire victims charge DTE Energy with negligence
Nick Beams explains Socialist Equality Party election program
Video series: The Gulf oil spill
Vale Inco strikers and supporters in Sudbury, Ontario speak
Detroit resident speaks on utility shutoff
Friend of Detroit fire victim denounces utility shutoffs
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