What is My IGN?

My IGN is a social community for people that play games. A place to brag about your epic raid last night, or to ask your friends where to find that last star. This is not a place where you have to listen to your annoying friend tell you her horoscope again, or where your mom spies on what you're doing. Wanna geek out? Go right ahead...

My IGN will be adding new features all the time, but here's what we've got for you today:

  • Custom newsfeed: Follow your favorite games and people (including IGN editors) to get all their updates delivered to you in real-time.
  • Rich user profile: Build a profile to show off what kind of gamer you really are. Display your game collection, your wishlist, your game IDs (like your XBL Gamertag), and more! See which gamers are like you by comparing your Match Maker score. The higher the number, the more games you have in common!
  • Points and levels: Earn points by doing valuable things in the community like updating your status, commenting on articles, and filling out your profile. Earning points helps you level up and get the respect you deserve!


Why is My IGN in beta?

My IGN is currently in a public beta open to everyone so you can check out our new features and help us improve them. We're doing this so that we can test some of our new ideas, listen to your feedback, and make our site better.

Don't be surprised if the site goes down occasionally or if things change dramatically.


How do I create a custom newsfeed?

Easy! Just follow at least one game or person on IGN. How do you do that? See below...


How do I follow games?

Just click on a follow button!

You'll find them all over the site including game pages (like this one for Super Mario Galaxy 2) and game indexes (like the review and upcoming games indexes).


How do I follow people?

You can follow any person from their profile in My IGN. We're working on better ways for you to find new profiles, but for now the easiest people to find are IGN editors. Here are a few editors you can check out:Jessica Chobot, Daemon Hatfield, Greg Miller. You can go to the People tab on their profiles to see who they are following and start building your own network.


How can I block people?

You can block any person who is following you by hovering over their icon in your newsfeed or profile page. You will then see a block graphic. Click it and confirm that you want to block them. They are now blocked from interacting with you.


How can I unblock people?

Go to your settings page. At the bottom of the page is a section for blocked users. You can click the unblock button to remove any blocked users.


How can I allow only the people I'm following from interacting with you?

Go to your settings page. At the bottom of the page is a communication settings section where you can check off that only people who are following you can interact with you.


How do I edit my profile?

Go to the "Edit Settings" tab in My IGN, or just click the "Edit" link when you're viewing your profile. On the settings page you can add your name, location, avatar, and more. We've made choosing an avatar easier than ever. When you click "Choose File", you'll be able to select from one of our pre-loaded avatars or upload your own. Just please don't upload anything profane or pornographic. We really hate banning users, but will do it if we have to.


How do I adjust my privacy settings?

We're still working on advance privacy settings for profiles, but you can read our privacy policy here. For now, the easiest way to manage your privacy is to delete any information in your settings that you don't want to share. Of course, we'll never show your email or zip code so you're safe there.


What are points?

Ding! Points are a way to earn status in the IGN community. Who knows... someday they may even unlock new features or prizes. Points can be earned by doing just about anything of value around IGN, like updating your status, commenting on an article, or uploading your avatar. When you earn enough points, you'll level up and others will see your progress. However, don't even think about spamming your way to the top. We limit how many points you can receive every day for doing certain things, so you'll have to keep busy to earn your way to the top. Good luck!


What is the Match Maker?

The Match Maker is a way to see how much you have in common with another gamer. It probably won't help you find your soul mate, but it will help you find a great competitor for tonight's Halo tournament. The score is very simple. It is just the percent overlap between your game collections.


Why are you asking me "What Are You Playing?"

We figured if Twitter can ask what are you doing, IGN should ask what are you playing. Think of it like a status message for gaming. In 140 characters, you can say things like, "I'm totally addicted to Call of Duty," or "I'm setting up a game of capture the flag tonight in Halo 3. Hit me up!" In the future, you'll be able to easily link to any game by typing #<game name>, and any person by typing #<username>. We'll let you know when it's ready!


How can I delete my latest status update?

Go to your newsfeed, and hover the status update you want to delete. In the right hand corner an 'x' should appear that you can click to delete the status update.


How can I delete an offensive wallpost?

Go your profile page, and hover the wallpost you want to delete. In the right hand corner an 'x' should appear that you can click to delete the wallpost.


How do I write a blog?

Easy! Just click on the blogs tab in My IGN. If it's the first time visiting the blogs, you should see a link to "start my blog." Just click that and select "write a new post." If you've ever used WordPress before, the blogging tools should feel very familiar. Just write your blog, embed the images and videos (IGN, YouTube, or Vimeo) you like, tag the blog, and click "publish." Your new blog post will not only show up under the blog tab of your profile, but it will appear on your wall and in the newsfeeds of everyone that is following you. How's that for instant popularity! You might also discover that blogging is a great way to earn points ;)


How do I get in the Community Spotlight on the homepage?

Just kick ass and the spotlight is yours. Our editors and community managers will be spotlighting different users all the time. We're looking for the most active, most popular, and most lucky members of the community. Give it a shot! You could be seen by millions of people on the IGN homepage.


Why am I following some people already and why they following me?

If you're an IGN Boards user, we've carried over the people on your Watched list (WUL) to the MyIGN follow list. So if you see someone already following you, or if you're already following them, that's the same way it was on the boards. We don't add any other people as default followers. So if you weren't watching anyone on the boards, you won't be following anyone on MyIGN. Also the WUL changes were a one-time event, so any changes you make to your WUL list won't be carried over.


How do I report bugs?

What bugs? Just kidding. We know there are going to be a lot of bugs while we test new features. If you see one you want to report, just click the "Feedback" button on the right hand side of your browser. Just start by type something into the search box, clicking Search and then submiting a suggestion if no existing suggestions match. We're checking the feedback constantly and addressing the issues as quickly as possible.


I've got an idea! Who should I tell?

Just click the "Feedback" button on the right hand side of your browser and submit an "Idea." We're constantly checking the feedback and finding ways to bring the most requested ideas to life.

  • Breaking News

    Follow your favorite games and editors so you never miss a thing!

  • Track Your Stats

    Show the world what you play and how much ass you kick.

  • Get Famous

    Build your team, talk to game creators, and level up!