Dn WATCH: Diana Nyad begins swim to Cuba without shark cage.
What do Katy Perry and Michael Jackson have in common?
LIP DUB: Soldiers gleek out to 'Don't Stop Believin'.
VIDEO TOUR: The Met's stunning Alexander McQueen exhibit.


Police Attacked in London as Riots Spread: VIDEOS


The riots in London are continuing tonight and spreading - both to new neighborhoods and to Birmingham and Liverpool.

Here's some new video of a mob in London's Woolwich district quickly outnumbering riot police. The videographer writes, "moments after this video the weatherspoons pub in the background was set alight at burnt to the ground." Also, a video of looting in Clapham Junction.


Riots What started as a protest over the weekend over a shooting has become a wider, "opportunistic crime spree," the L.A. Times reports:

Prime Minister David Cameron and other senior officials broke off their vacations and returned to London to try to stem the worst outbreak of urban violence in Britain in a quarter-century..

...Some community leaders say the violence appears to also be a reaction to frustration over high unemployment and cutbacks in government services in mixed-race, low-income neighborhoods.

Others called it merely an opportunistic crime spree by youths who figured out that by organizing through social media, they could outwit the outnumbered police. Youths wearing balaclavas and wielding sticks and iron rods meet up to vandalize and loot shops where they can smash windows or break open the doors.

Mashable reports that rioters appear to be communicating via Facebook and BlackBerry Messenger.

Here's a special Google Map which is being live updated with all the affected areas. The Guardian's live blog is here.

Watch the clip of riot police being overwhelmed, AFTER THE JUMP...

London Tottenham Riots: Time-Lapse [tr]
London Neighborhood Burned As Vigil Turns To Riot (Video) [tr]

Continue reading "Police Attacked in London as Riots Spread: VIDEOS"

Posted 10:04 PM EST by Andy Towle in Crime, London, News | Permalink | Comments (4)

David Boies and Ted Olson, Lead Attorneys in Prop 8 Challenge, Accept American Bar Association's Highest Honor: VIDEO


David Boies and Ted Olson, lead attorneys in the American Foundation for Equal Rights' federal challenge to Proposition 8, accepted the American Bar Association Medal today. It is the organization's highest honor.

AFER writes:

In accepting the honor, David Boies reflected on his role in Perry v Schwarzenegger and noted, “What we’ve been able to accomplish is based on the contributions of so many other people who made those contributions under much more difficult circumstances” and accepted the award on behalf of them.

AFER, Boies and Olson will be back in court on September 6 for oral arguments in front of the California Supreme Court on the question of whether under California law official proponents of a ballot initiative have an interest in defending the initiative when it is challenged in court.  The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit deemed the question essential to its determination as to whether the official proponents of Proposition 8 have standing to appeal Judge Vaughn R. Walker’s ruling from last summer.

Watch Boies and Olson accept the award, AFTER THE JUMP...

Continue reading "David Boies and Ted Olson, Lead Attorneys in Prop 8 Challenge, Accept American Bar Association's Highest Honor: VIDEO"

Posted 9:19 PM EST by Andy Towle in David Boies, Federal Prop 8 Trial, Gay Marriage, Law - Gay, LGBT, News, Proposition 8, Ted Olson | Permalink | Comments (1)

Everything is Big on the Sperm Whale: VIDEO


A beached Sperm Whale provides wildlife experts with an opportunity for a rather in-your-face male anatomy lesson on Britain's Channel4.

The Independent explains:

In March, a sperm whale was beached on the craggy sands of Pegwell Bay in Kent. Taupe skies gave a grimness to its final setting, but veterinary scientist Mark Evans, who looks like the sort of person you'd back in a fight with a cobra, saw this as a marvellous opportunity. He and the producers called in a garrulous anatomist called Joy Reidenberg, who soon emerged as the star of the show. In a 20-hour burst, first under floodlights and later fighting the tide, they went digging into Leviathan.

Watch (warning: may not be for the squeamish), AFTER THE JUMP...

Continue reading "Everything is Big on the Sperm Whale: VIDEO"

Posted 7:43 PM EST by Andy Towle in Nature, News | Permalink | Comments (4)

New MTV VMA Category Puts Spotlight on LGBT Discrimination, Bullying, Self-Empowerment: Watch Nominees

The MTV Video Music Awards will include a new social activism category this year:

Makeitstop This special category celebrates the powerful intersection of music and social activism, and highlights artists who created music videos with positive messages of self-empowerment or raised awareness of key social issues facing today’s youth.  With an outpouring of support from across the pop culture spectrum the last year, artists mobilized to support bullied youth, reject LGBT discrimination and emphasize self worth — issues MTV has been addressing through A Thin Line, its anti-cyberbullying and digital abuse campaign, launched in December of 2009 – and now via this special 2011 MTV Video Music Award Category.

Said MTV President Stephen Friedman of the new category: "During the past year, we've seen a remarkable number of artists use their music to explore deeply personal experiences and issues they were passionate about to create powerful videos that resonated with and inspired millions of their fans."

The VMA nominees for "Best Video With a Message" are Pink for "F***** Perfect," Lady Gaga for "Born This Way," Katy Perry with "Firework," Eminem featuring Rihanna for "Love The Way You Lie," Rise Against for "Make It Stop (September's Children)" and Taylor Swift for "Mean."

Which do you think should win? Will win?

Watch the nominees, AFTER THE JUMP...

(screencap from Rise Against, 'Make It Stop')

Continue reading "New MTV VMA Category Puts Spotlight on LGBT Discrimination, Bullying, Self-Empowerment: Watch Nominees"

Posted 6:42 PM EST by Andy Towle in Music, Music Video, News | Permalink | Comments (11)

Bravo's Andy Cohen to Write Memoir About Career, Coming Out

Bravo Executive VP and Watch What Happens Live host Andy Cohen is penning a memoir.

Andy_cohen Here's the book's synopsis, from its publisher, Henry Holt and Company:

"Growing up in the suburbs of St. Louis, Mo., Cohen knew two things about himself: that he loved popular culture and that, around the age of 12, he was gay. He suppressed the latter and fed the former. His media diet was a steady stream of 70s shows like 'The Brady Bunch,' 'Laverne & Shirley,' and 'Donny & Marie.' He had a passion too for the medium's stars like Farrah Fawcett, Mary Tyler Moore and Susan Lucci, many of whom he would later meet. By his twenties, he was out of the closet and out of St. Louis.  In 1989, his life changed forever when he landed an internship at CBS News in New York. With his irrepressible personality and sky's-the-limit attitude, over time he went from intern to producer, absorbing everything he could about the industry and the guest stars on the network’s morning show. His book will include many hilarious moments of mishaps on the set and while on assignment, and tell of his coming-of-age social life filled with antics and mayhem."

Cohen writes: "This is something I've always wanted to do and, if you've read this blog much over the past seven years, you know that writing is something I enjoy. And, yes, I will write every word of it, I don't know how I could settle for anything less than writing it myself. I started last weekend and have much work to do (understatement) before it comes out next summer."

The Hollywood Reporter adds: "Cohen is repped by CAA. Terms of the deal were not announced, though Cohen reportedly received a six-figure advance for the book."

Posted 6:21 PM EST by Andy Towle in Andy Cohen, Books, News | Permalink | Comments (22)

First Look: Weekend


Here's a first look at the official one-sheet for Weekend, a film headed for screens in late September which this year received Audience Awards at SXSW, Nashville and the Toronto Inside Out Film Festival, as well as OutFest's International Grand Jury Award.

On a Friday night after hanging out with his straight mates, Russell heads out to a gay club, alone and on the pull. Just before closing time he picks up Glen and that weekend, in bars and in bedrooms, getting drunk and taking drugs, telling stories and having sex, the two men get to know each other. It is an encounter that will resonate throughout their lives.

While the new one-sheet won't do much for face recognition of its actors Tom Cullen and Chris New, there is a teaser out there with the official trailer coming next week.

Anybody seen Weekend? Thoughts?

Check it out, AFTER THE JUMP...

Continue reading "First Look: Weekend"

Posted 6:15 PM EST by Andy Towle | Permalink | Comments (16)