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Ashland Annual Hiroshima/Nagasaki Vigil

WILPF, 23.07.2011 - 13:19
Annual Hiroshima/Nagasaki Vigil to be held in Ashland, August 6-9

“Hiroshima to Fukushima – Lessons from Disaster”

Films, speakers, music, dance and the “Nuclear Maze”

The nuclear disaster at the Fukushima nuclear plant in northern Japan earlier this year and the dropping of atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki 66 years ago will be commemorated and the dangers of nuclear weapons and power plants displayed during the annual Hiroshima & Nagasaki Vigil in downtown Ashland from August 6 through 9. This will be the 26th year for the vigil in Ashland.

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SW Oregon Proposed Pubic Land Privatization

Ashland Cascadian, 09.07.2011 - 18:08
Eco Advocates NW (formerly known as Cascadia’s Ecosystem Advocates) has been tracking and dogging the Oregon Department of State Lands and the Oregon State Land Board since a concerned citizen brought this privatization of Public Lands issue to us back in September of 2010.

Currently the Oregon Department of State Lands is proposing to privatize approximately 4,920 acres of Common School Fund lands throughout Josephine and Jackson counties in southwest Oregon. The Department of State Land website states that the auctions are to be carried out in 2012. The initial Josephine and Jackson land disposal plan was announced at the State Land Board meeting in December 15, 2010.

Astonishingly some of the land parcels proposed for sale by the Oregon Department of State Lands is ancient forests literally along the banks of the Wild and Scenic Rogue River which is visited by thousands of rafters, fisher people and travelers every summer.

The 334 Acre Galice #1 Parcel pictured here is directly across the river from the resort destination of Galice, Oregon. The state managed public land is located across the Rogue river at Galice Creek then proceeds NW 1 mile along the banks of the river just past Maple Gulch to the top of the mountain ridge above.

Eco Advocates Northwest has recently received some inside information that the Governor and the Department of State Lands is sick of hearing about the southern Oregon Public Land Privatization controversy. The rumor is that they are looking for an easy way out and are in the process of approaching federal agencies to acquire some sensitive parcels. However, it is now crucial to increase the pressure just a wee bit until this rumor becomes a reality. Eco Advocates NW is asking, especially those of you that haven't written yet, to write a letter to Governor Kitzhaber and/or other officials listed below and consider submitting a letter to the editor now while the controversy is still brewing.

In addition to asking for the cancellation of the privatization of all 4920 acres Common School Fund lands in Josephine and Jackson Counties continue to request that all entities involved especially the Oregon Board of Forestry be mandated to adopt a Code of Ethics. Also, urge for the initiation of an investigation of ethics violations in past Common School Fund land privatization transactions by Oregon Board of Forestry members.

Together we can make this a story with a happy ending and give us reason to celebrate the protection of these priceless public lands.

For more information go to  http://www.eco-advocates.org

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Wobbly skit is a Tombstone Tales hit!

Wobbly skit cast: Ralph Browning, Jason Houk, Vanessa Houk, Ivend Holen 1911 IWW Free Speech History Told with Tombstone Theatrics

The early reviews are in and this year's Tombstone Tales in Ashland, Oregon puts the spotlight on a skit that is timely, educational and fun! The Wobbly Free Speech theatrics take place in the Ashland Cemetery (right next to Safeway) with a five minute-long skit that tells the story of what happened 100 years ago...

It was February, 1911 when determined men, over 100 members of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW, nicknamed "Wobblies") road the rails in boxcars south from Portland, Oregon. After being kicked off the train in Ashland by the Railroad Police the Wobblies in an extreme act of bravery took off on foot marching up and over the Siskiyou Mountains on the Oregon and California border.

Bound for Fresno, California to support striking farmworkers the Wobblies marched up to 150 miles in an incredible act of solidarity which is not going to be forgotten. So say's Southern Oregon Jobs with Justice who has embarked on a campaign to create a Wobbly Free Speech Monument to honor these brave men of one hundred years ago.

Photo by Alice Mallory (click for larger view)
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Ashland Stop for the Cuba Caravan

Cuba Caravan, 03.07.2011 - 15:59

On Thursday July 7 the 22nd Caravan bound for Cuba, organized by Pastors for Peace, will arrive for an overnight stay in Ashland. This project of friendship and solidarity with the Cuban people takes US citizens and humanitarian aid to Cuba every summer, and provides a unique opportunity to experience Cuba and to discover what life is like in our neighbor nation. The Caravan advocates for an end to the fifty-year-old economic blockade of Cuba and for normalizing relations between the US and Cuba, with a US foreign policy based on justice and mutual respect.

Various segments of the Pastors for Peace Caravan travel through the US, stopping each night in a different city and gathering people and supplies bound for Cuba. They converge in Texas and then travel together into Mexico and fly to Cuba for nine days. Several Rogue Valley residents will participate this year, either leaving with the bus on July 8 or flying to McAllen, Texas by July 17.

The Caravan's arrival July 7 will include two buses and eight to ten participants from points north, including British Columbia. The event will be hosted by local supporters at the Presbyterian Church, corner of Siskiyou and Walker, Ashland. The social hour begins at 6, a pot luck dinner at 6:30, and a program about events in Cuba and the Caravan at 7:30.

The featured speaker is Alicia Jrapko, who fled her native country, Argentina, in 1976 during the military dictatorship. She first traveled to Cuba in 1994 with Pastors for Peace, and has been active since then in the Bay Area, supporting their projects and helping to recruit US students for the Latin American School of Medicine scholarship program in Havana. Alicia was instrumental in establishing the International Committee for the Freedom of the Cuban Five, which includes activists from the US, Latin America and Europe.

The public is invited; all are welcome. Music will be provided by the Modern Prometheus Jazz Company under the direction of Don Monjure.
Co-sponsors of the evening are Peace House, the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (Ashland), Jackson County Pacific Green Party and Rogue Valley Peace Veterans. For local information call 541-482-8915.

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Tombstone Tales: 1911 IWW Free Speech Skit

ONE BIG UNION!, 30.06.2011 - 21:54
Cast members: Ivend Holen, Vanessa Houk, Jason Houk, Ralph Browning * Tombstone Tales *
Labor history in focus with 1911 Wobbly Free Speech Skit

Southern Oregon Jobs with Justice is presenting an original labor history skit for Tombstone Tales - 2011 in Ashland, Oregon
See Tombstone Tales webpage

all photos from 6/30/11 rehearsal
click one to make it larger
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Honoring World Refugees in the Rogue Valley

CRP Volunteer, 25.06.2011 - 19:04
Refugees from war or persecution suffer every day of the year, but one day each year is set aside to consider the plight of the tens of millions of displaced citizens worldwide.

The United Nations’ (UN) World Refugee Day is remembered on June 20 every year. The day is devoted to lift up consciousness of the state of affairs of expatriates all through the world. The day is a greeting to the strength and bravery of the world’s many refugees, forwarding to them our back up, support and admiration. There are just about 40 million people on the earth who have been expatriated from their homes due to hostility and maltreatment, and in the prospect this number will amplify due to more and more complex issues, such as the sprain on civilizations and economies from harsh transformations in climates.

Collateral Repair Project and Southern Oregon University United Nations Club will honor these refugees on Monday June 20th. The evening will include music by the Peace Choir Ensemble and the amazing youth group, Siskiyou Violins. Mary Madsen will talk about the work of Collateral Repair Project, a grass roots organization based in Medford, which provides vital assistance to the Iraqi refugees in Amman.

The local observance of World Refugee Day will be held from 7 to 9 p.m. Monday, June 20th, in the Arena Room (basement) of the Stevenson Union at Southern Oregon University in Ashland.

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Nat. Move to Amend Campaign Stop in Ashland

JPGP, 12.06.2011 - 13:04
National Move to Amend campaign to make a Stop in Ashland as part of its Oregon Tour.

Corporations such as Enron, ExxonMobil and Blackwater have gone after our tax dollars. Not to mention our public services, jobs, schools, military and our votes. It is our future and freedoms and the federal courts have helped them every step of the way. It is time to put a stop to it!

One of the prime movers of a Constitutional Amendment to overturn the court decision that gives corporations the rights of Human Beings will be on the road in Oregon during the month of June and is making a stop in Ashland.

The forum will focus on how the Rogue Valley can join the national movement against Corporate Personhood. David Cobb will provide information about the issue and facilitate a discussion about local action in Southern Oregon and in communities across the United States to win the amendment campaign through grassroots mobilization.

“We are a diverse coalition with deep roots in communities nationwide. We recognize that amending the Constitution to restore the power of the people over corporations will not be easy, but we know correcting the Supreme Court is imperative to the progress of our nation,” stated Cobb.

The Jackson County Pacific Green Party will host a community forum on “Creating Democracy and Challenging Corporate Rule” with guest speaker David Cobb of the Move to Amend campaign. Part history lesson and part heart-felt call to action, the event will be at the Ashland Library, 410 Siskiyou Blvd. from 7 to 9 pm on Tuesday, June 14. Co-sponsors are MoveOn/Medford and Southern Oregon Jobs with Justice. This is a free event and all are welcome.

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Pro MERS amendment stopped in Oregon!

Nancie Koerber, Foreclosure Defense Advocate, 02.06.2011 - 04:56
"Celebration is in order"

Success! Starting on Friday May 27 through today, thanks to you and hundreds of of our members across the State calling and writing their representatives, the pro MERS amendment did not pass. "YEA!" The amendment, attached to an actually good piece of legislation that would help oregonians (SB 519), would have essentially removed the long standing State requirements to record title transfers in county records and let the banking industry move forward with questionable MERS foreclosures.
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Rally for a Better Way for Oregon Friday, May 20 in Salem

SOJwJ Invites You To Salem Southern Oregon Jobs with Justice invites ALL of Southern Oregon to come to Salem this Friday!

Thousands of Oregonians will converge on the front steps of the Capitol in Salem.

The spark we like to call the spirit of Wisconsin has awaken. Our communities are standing up for the working class. Just like in Wisconsin the struggle in Oregon is focused on public employees, however we see the bigger fight. It is one for strong communities. Good jobs. Good schools. Good healthcare. Join us in Salem this Friday. We Are One!

Check out this video on the affects of state budget cuts – including stories you’d never believe -  http://bit.ly/iywYQu.

What: Rally for A Better Way for Oregon
When: Friday, May 20, 11:30 a.m.
Where: Front steps of the State Capitol, Salem

SEIU Buses will come from Medford, Grants Pass, Klamath Falls, Roseburg (and more!) Schedule Below. GET ON THE BUS!
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Congressman Greg Walden Suffers "Foreclosure"

idholen, 09.05.2011 - 21:28
Walden Bend 1 Several dozen activists from throughout the state converged on Bend, OR on Saturday, May 7, 2011 to deliver a "Notice of Foreclosure" to 2nd District US Congressman Greg Walden.
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21-07-2011 20:34

Image Help Protect Mt. Ashland
13-07-2011 02:03

Image NEST Video & Fundraiser to save forests
04-07-2011 08:09

Image Film Series and Cuban Caravan Stop in Ashland
26-06-2011 16:31

Image PROTEST: Stop the Mt. Ashland Expansion!!
25-06-2011 15:10

Text No Justice for Women and Children in J.C.
24-06-2011 21:42

Image Wobblies March in RR Days parade Dunsmuir, CA
13-06-2011 23:20

Text Fast Track LNG HB 2700 Passes Senate
03-06-2011 18:27

Image Walmart Buys Politicians & Policy--New Report
03-06-2011 17:53

Text Video: Oregonians for a State Bank
31-05-2011 13:25

Text Pro-LNG HB 2700 Sent to Senate
24-05-2011 18:37

Text stop 12,600 truckloads of radioactive waste
20-05-2011 19:21

Image Things you can do whether you're on "the Better Way Bus" or not...!
18-05-2011 23:17

Text Illegal Farm Labor = Big $ for Agribusiness
18-05-2011 22:16

13-05-2011 02:10

Image a visionary's report: Art Aiding Forests!
22-04-2011 19:10

Image A Fruit Orchard for Rescued Farm Animal
20-04-2011 22:17

Image Indy Media Workshop and Film Festival
19-04-2011 19:24

Image Community Radio Open House
19-04-2011 19:15

Image LNG-focused Art Exhibit & Discussion
08-04-2011 21:13

Image “We Are One” solidarity rallies honoring MLK
02-04-2011 01:35

Image Stand with Japan Candlelight Vigil
26-03-2011 18:15

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Text Fullerton DA Covers Up Kelly Thomas Beating
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Text Bush Warrantless Domestic Spying Program Rule
28-07-2011 14:15

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28-07-2011 00:37

Image The Unsettling Report: art and commentary re:
26-07-2011 23:26

Text Class War Without Mercy
26-07-2011 01:48

Text 9/11: Who Really Benefited?
23-07-2011 20:06

Text Sheriff Joe Arpaio, Corruption, Profiling and
20-07-2011 23:59

Text Phone Hacking Whistleblower Feared 4 Life
19-07-2011 20:22

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15-07-2011 19:17

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