Life & Style


Hot tip

Combat fat: eat spicy food

A spice-rich diet can limit the negative effects of high-fat meals, research shows.

Comments 17

Cuppa health

Tea: medicine in a cup

Teapot, tea cup, pouring tea, afternoon tea, high tea.

Tea and herbal infusions offer a wide range of health benefits.

Comments 9

Erectile dysfunction

Are his mates coming between you?

Generic party, couple, dating pic.

Your closeness to his friends can kill your sex life, say researchers.

Comments 9


Long hours tied to alcohol abuse

Generic pic of a woman asleep with wine glass in hand.

Long working hours can triple the risk of alcohol addiction, New Zealand study finds.

Comments 4

Chew On This

In defence of potatoes

Roast potatoes, capsicum and olives.

Paula Goodyer Potatoes have topped the list of foods most likely to put on weight - so do they still deserve a place on the plate?

Comments 56

Stress at work

Middle-age single parents at highest risk of work stress

Rachael Robertson

Kelly Burke WORK is making more than one in 10 people ill, with high levels of stress prompting 13 per cent of employees to say they fear for their emotional or physical safety in their job.

Comments 90

Training session

Fitness lessons learned

Michelle Bridges

Michelle Bridges Michelle Bridges reveals the best training advice she ever received.

Comments 27

The heart of health


Love and sex are good for both mind and body. Even better if you have both, writes Rachael Oakes-Ash.

Hooked on health


We know we should eat more fish but the benefits are only just becoming clear, writes Shelly Horton.

Sing me a song, mum, in the key of love

Amanda Buggy and Keisha Quigley sing to their babies, Claire, left, and Liam.5th August 2011Photo: Janie Barrett

Alicia Wood BABIES do not care what their mothers sing or how bad their voices are - as long as they do it with feeling.

Women's health

Fit and Mrs

Generic beach wedding pic.

The first, heady days of falling in love can be a dizzying experience, with flushed cheeks, skipped heartbeats and sweaty palms at the mention of our flame's name.

Comments 26


Fish: the ultimate superfood


Shelly Horton Got a health problem? Oily fish can probably help.

Comments 12

Variety is the spice of life - especially if you're a 78-year-old mermaid

The Mermaids Viktorija McDonnell, Elyse Cole, Beryl Driver, in their car for the Variety Bash, Thursday 4th August 2011 Photo Danielle Smith

Aaron Cook AS the Productivity Commission and the federal government wrestle with the problems of an ageing population, slowing down is the last thing on the mind of 78-year-old Beryl Driver.

Healthy eating

Kids and vegetables: no more food fights

Salad, vegetable platter, vegetables and dip.

Heidi Stevens A dietitian's tips for making vegetables fun food for kids.

Comments 26


Secret to long life in genes, not lifestyle, study suggests

DNA genes, DNA, genetics (generic)colour / illustration / illo / toon / artwork

Drink more, exercise less to replicate findings of a new longevity study.

Comments 36

Bang a drum

Gyms take the work out of work-outs


Go ahead and bang a drum, hang from the curtains and spin that hula hoop. US gym instructors say it's good for you, even if you don't realise it.

Comments 3

Experts at odds on vitamin D tests for pregnant women


Julie Robotham SPECIALIST doctors are divided over whether to screen all pregnant women for vitamin D deficiency, amid questions about the test's medical value and government concerns about a rapid escalation in its use and cost.

Chew On This

Eating to beat inflammation


Paula Goodyer Chronic inflammation is linked to heart disease, diabetes and cancer.

Comments 45

Micro exercise

Fitness one minute at a time

Generic pic of a woman doing a push-up, exercise, fitness, health, beach, diet.

New research shows micro-bursts of exercise - even as short as one minute - can improve health and fight obesity.

Comments 55

Big problem

Appetite for self-destruction


Helen Greenwood Fat is the new slim as feasting obsession turns catastrophic.

Comments 25

Pet project

Farrah Barbie for a good cause

Farrah Fawcett

Farrah Fawcett's cancer fight lives on with a new fund-raising Barbie doll.

Comments 6

Futile effort

Obesity campaigns 'waste of cash'


Kate Hagan An obese person's body is programmed to regain any weight that is lost and authorities are wasting money on campaigns urging people to exercise and eat healthy food, an obesity expert says.

Comments 74

Ain't it grand: when parenting goes better the second time around


Adele Horin JUDY and Geoff Turner were in their mid-60s and had been married for 42 years when they became parents again - to the five-year-old granddaughter they had met only once.

A lot on your plate


It's not so much what we eat but how. Helen Greenwood looks at our obsession with feasting.

Fears over seaweed wrap used for sushi


Mark Russell CONSUMING more than a handful of the seaweed used as a wrap for sushi rolls or in soups and stews each week could affect the thyroid gland.

Craze for quinoa outflanks the supermarkets

Quinoa porridge with cranberries and raisins.

Rachel Browne A TINY seed that has become a favourite among the health conscious and food enthusiasts, has fallen victim to its own popularity.

Racing to the top of the class


Heather Quinlan GOING to school on a Sunday would make most children cringe.

Left out? That's right

Michael Mucci illustration.

It's no barrier to success - just ask Michelangelo or Obama - but it isn't easy being sinistral in a world that favours the dextral, writes SUE WHITE.

Inflaming an inner conflict

Illustration: Simon Letch.

Paula Goodyer Modern foods can set your body fighting with itself.

Game on

Fighting diabetes with just a Wii bit of exercise

Lia Timson demonstrates the Nintendo Wii gaming console.

Max Mason Australian researchers look to computer games to combat diabetes.

Comments 4


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Hidden fires flare today. This is less exciting than it sounds. Without the right fuel, nothing much will heat up but your imagination.

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