100,000 Preparers Who Failed to Follow New Registration Rules Are a Danger to Public

As part of its new oversight program of the nation’s tax return preparation industry, the Internal Revenue Service recently announced it will send letters to approximately 100,000 tax return preparers who prepared returns in 2011 but failed to follow new requirements.

In 2010, the IRS launched an initiative to increase its oversight of the tax return preparation industry and regulate the conduct of tax return preparers. All paid tax return preparers must obtain a Preparer Tax Identification Number (PTIN) and, when required to do so, sign their names and include their PTINs on the returns and refund claims they prepare for compensation. 

Starting July 7, 2011, the IRS began sending letters to about 100,000 tax return preparers who either used outdated PTINs or used social security numbers as identifying numbers on returns they prepared this filing season. The letters explain the new oversight program, inform preparers of how to register for a new PTIN, or renew an old PTIN, and where to get assistance.

“The vast majority of federal tax return preparers complied with the rules. Obviously, some preparers did not get the word, so these letters provide additional information so they can register as soon as possible,” said IRS Commissioner Doug Shulman. “We owe it to the compliant tax preparers to make sure that everyone is on a level playing field.”

The IRS launched its PTIN registration program last fall. Since then, about 712,000 tax preparers have registered and obtained PTINs. Paid preparers who are not Certified Public Accountants, attorneys or Enrolled Agents, have additional requirements to pass a competency exam and suitability check, which are expected to start this fall, and complete 15 hours of continuing education credits annually, which will start in 2012.  Some of those who registered will lack the intellectual capacity and skills to pass the proposed exam so there will be further attrition of poorly qualified preparers over the next few years.

Given the extensive publicity by the IRS over the past year, it is certain that this subgroup of non-compliant paid tax preparers are probably among the most incompetent in the profession. Some may have chosen to not register because the IRS has announced its intent to perform background checks on those enrolling in the program. Others may have missed the IRS publicity campaign. If the preparers are so out of the loop they missed the tidal wave of publicity surrounding this program, it is almost an absolute certainty that they also fail to maintain minimum levels of knowledge of tax laws to prepare accurate tax returns. 

The failure of over 100,000 paid preparers to register supports the need for registration of paid preparers. Until the advent of  the IRS program there was almost no regulation of the tax preparation industry in most states. Oregon has for several years had a stringent program of preparer registration and testing and California has had a minimal system for preparer regulation. In most other states someone could be a recently paroled convicted felon and open a tax preparation office. Thousands of Americans have sought the services of heavily advertised tax preparers who lack the training and ethical compass required to prepare accurate tax returns. Each year Congress makes tax laws more complicated and as a result most taxpayers are unable to self-prepare their returns. They have been left to seek the assistance of paid preparers without the knowledge that many preparers are dishonest or incapable of completing accurate returns. Competent tax professional are placed at a competitive disadvantage because they can not promise large refunds like many unqualified preparers.  The fact that 100,000 tax returns were prepared this year by unregistered preparers confirms the need for aggressive enforcement by the IRS.

Some unscrupulous preparers may attempt to elude the new oversight program by not signing returns they prepare. Taxpayers should never use tax return preparers who refuse to sign returns and enter PTINs.

In an effort to identify these “ghost preparers,” the IRS later this year also will send letters to taxpayers who appear to have had assistance with their returns but lack tax return preparer signatures. The letter will inform taxpayers how to file a complaint against preparers who failed to sign returns and explain how to choose legitimate tax preparers. The goal of the letters is to protect taxpayers by ensuring that all paid federal tax return preparers are registered with the IRS, and sign tax returns they prepare and use an identifying number when required to do so.

The IRS must implement a system to aggressively pursue ghost preparers and jail those who intentionally flout the registration rules. In less egregious cases the IRS should strictly apply the statutory penalties for failure to sign a return prepared for pay. Only with strict regime of enforcement will the system be purged of the dishonest and incompetent.

Compliance is a central part of the new tax return preparer initiative and the letters are one step in an ongoing compliance effort to ensure tax return preparers are following the new regulations. The IRS is also working to identify tax return preparers who make repeated errors. IRS personnel have had face-to-face meetings with thousands of such tax return preparers over the past two years. It has also stepped up the enforcement  of preparer penalties against those that do not use due diligence and take return positions without the support of adequate authority.

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