Denver, CO: 160 Parking Meters Sabotaged in Retaliatory Attack Against DPD

from Colorado Indymedia:

On July 18th, Denver Police took human life once again. The victim in this case was Alonzo Ashley, a 29 year old man visiting the Denver Zoo during one of the summer’s hottest days. As the visit went on, he suffered increasingly from heat exhaustion and decided to cool off by sticking his head in a water fountain, after which Zoo Security tried forcefully to remove him. What followed is still debated, though the police story continues to be debunked detail by detail, but the event resulted in 18 police cars being called, 5 tasings of Ashley and ultimately the death of an innocent man.

A couple weeks later, on July 31st, the International Day of Action Against Fascism and Racism, 160 city parking meters were sabotaged in retaliation for the murder. This action was chosen for numerous reasons – it being a clear attack on the same city government responsible for the Ashley murder, that also benefits the general populace in the form of a free parking spot, to draw a connection between the racism of the far right and that of the police forces; and above all to deliver a significant financial blow to the city responsible for this death in an extremely easy, simple way. The exact damage is unknown, but repairs on one defaulting meter alone averages out at a little more than $200, not to mention the money missed out on over the course of it being down or the fact that many of these meters were brand new, high tech ones. Each meter filled, bonded, jammed, sealed, welded, or otherwise destroyed can cause the government the same amount as say, a broken window, but with the advantage of being able to be repeatedly carried out one after another after another without detection. In other words, over the course of a minute the damage adds up real quick in a way that nosier attacks make nearly impossible.

This action far from evens the scales. The government of Denver lost some parking meters and thousands of dollars, somebody suffering from heat stroke lost his life for it, and no action could possible make up for it, particularly one as modest as this one could ever correct that tragic imbalance. However, this city and its police clearly care more for money than for human life, so count this then as a small strike intended to hurt them financially for their actions, past or present. The state has many unguarded weak spots. And to any claims that may come up that actions of this sort take money from schools, the fact remains that this was a clear response to the acts of the police. For the government to cut uninvolved services for the consequences of the murders committedby its police forces shows their true priorities in sickening detail. Most disgusting? Protesters against the police have done more time in cages than any of the officers from the most brutal department in the country.

Fuck the cops. Solidarity with all who fight them.
Rest in peace, Alonzo Ashley.

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Arvada, CO: Nazi Graffiti Covered Up by Antifascists

from Rocky Mountain Antifa:

We are pleased to state that our inaugural post as Rocky Mountain Antifa is a post of substance and action. A report and several pictures informed us of a rash of Nazi graffiti in East Arvada. Targets included the Lutz soccer field, Vanderhoof elementary school, a park adjacent to Vanderhoof, a wall dividing the nearby neighborhood from 58th Avenue, and the Arvada Plaza. Two antifascists took it upon themselves to cover up the filth and leave an antifascist message, and several members of the neighborhood were reportedly overheard talking about how slow the city was to respond and that it was a good thing people had taken the initiative to cover it up themselves.

Swastika on Vanderhoof Elementary School
Swastika on wall near 58th Avenue
Swastika on bridge in children’s park
Bridge in children’s park. Graffiti reads “nigger killa”, the “SS” symbol and several swastikas
Wall in children’s park. Graffiti reads “White Power” with several swastikas

After the antifascists visited in the night, that bullshit looked more like this:

Crossed out swastika in children’s park
Crossed out swastika on wall in children’s park
Crossed out swastika on wall near 58th Avenue
Crossed out swastika on elementary school sign
Crossed out SS symbol
Crossed out “White Power”
Crossed out swastika and antifa arrows
Crossed out “nigger killa”
Crossed out “White Power”

Clearly, the antifascists sent a message to the neighborhood and the coward Nazi scum that did this to an elementary school and children’s park that this area won’t take any of this lying down. The antifa also reported removing several fascist stickers in the area in preceding weeks, including Combat 18 and for an Arvada-based Neo-Nazi merchandise distributor DRP Industries.

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Chile: String of arsons claimed by International Revolutionary Front

From Liberación Total (August 8, 2011), translated by This Is Our Job:

Responsibility claim for arsons. Vindication for the actions of our comrade Luciano Pitronello. Our reflections.

We are the seed of a tenacious plant. And it’s because of the road we’ve traveled and the need to keep fighting that today, although bruised, we feel somewhat more mature than yesterday. We are thus undertaking, with all our hearts, to let loose some reflections and claim responsibility for our actions as well as those of our comrade-in-ideas Luciano Pitronello, so that they might spread and be discussed in any corner of the world.

These days, it seems that a negative idea has taken root: thinking that everyone involved in the struggle goes through periods of advance and retreat, ups and downs. And although we may think that way, feeling that times are dark for us right now, there still exists the need to regroup, ensure that the unpleasant experiences of the past aren’t repeated, learn lessons, and use every possible means to avoid the bottom of the pit.

We’ve now written something about this, through which we hope our point of view comes across as clearly as possible. We don’t want to overlook any comrade’s practice. This is only what we are thinking and doing, but we are always open to discussion because the struggle is nourished by diversity. It’s the different types and ways of understanding the war that allow us to pave our way.

Firstly, we recognize the existence of an inexplicable quality born within our hearts, that drives us even to risk our lives. It’s the need to be free that makes us hurl ourselves into the void, often without thinking of any consequences. That valiant warrior spirit keeps conflict alive in its most brilliant (but neither its only nor its principal) splendor: our violence against their violence.

Through this text, we mainly want to call for new methods, materials, and knowledge to be incorporated into the violent struggle against authority. We would never dare to judge or oppose comrades who launch themselves into attack without better knowledge or infrastructure. We’re not interested in becoming professional at anything, but we are motivated by the need to intensify the war while preserving our lives and the lives of our comrades. So even if actions always involve the possibility of accidents like Mauri’s death or Luciano’s situation (which are clearly indicative of heightened conflict against authority), to us those accidents also represent a giant step backward because each attacking individuality is in itself an act of liberation, and we must use every means to avoid losses in the course of antiauthoritarian action. It’s not good to treat those tragedies as normal, even though fighters have to learn to live with them.

Secondly, it thus follows that when an individual decides to get organized and make the shift toward violent action—whether that organization takes collective or individual form—the more deeply one gets involved in the battle, the more one needs a certain minimum knowledge of methods and materials to allow for increased, sustained impact. We must be clear that said infrastructure is constructed in relation to the goals of autonomy and liberation, and it never should be considered an end in itself. Building up infrastructure is crucial to our safety, which allows us to perpetuate our actions as much as possible, thereby advancing the struggle.

We need a cushion to land on when situations get complicated, and we need to appropriate methods and knowledge that will improve our mobility, but both needs shouldn’t for any reason nullify our present. The struggle continues, and part of this war involves advancing with regard to materials. While we can’t obsess over it, we also shouldn’t overlook what we still lack.

We will continue to attack authority, maximizing our safety measures and choosing from among the enormous range of existing possibilities for attack, always increasing the diversity and breadth of our actions. Right now we choose to use fire. What will you choose?

We claim responsibility for the following actions carried out just last week:

  • Leaving a homemade incendiary device, quick and easy to prepare, at the entrance to the Local Police Courthouse in La Cisterna on the chilly evening of Wednesday, August 3 (we don’t know how much damage was caused).
  • Torching a Banco de Chile near the Plaza de Armas in downtown Santiago on the blazing evening of Thursday, August 4 (damaging the facade).
  • Setting fire to a Banco Santander in the same area on the same evening of August 4 (damaging the interior, which the press said had been looted).



—International Revolutionary Front (Southern Fire Columns)

P.S. We send warm greetings of solidarity to our comrades around the world, especially those being charged, tried, or sentenced by the authorities, like our brothers and sisters in Greece and Switzerland and the Chilean comrades involved in the “Bombings Case.” We won’t forget them.

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UK: Claim for arson of viot van in Bristol

from actforfreedomnow:

Early this morning /9/8  we set fire to a riot van at Bishopston police station.

We rejoice the uprising of many State-brutalised, marginalised youths as they establish a new relationship to their surroundings, and whatever other insurgents who have chosen revolt across England.

To all the disgusted ‘citizens’ who can only see the daily class violence, inherent in this society, when the tables are turned – what did you expect?

We see a new decade of urban war forged anew by various shades of social combatants – within that our role as revolutionaries and anarchists being to constantly push forward our trajectory and ideas, spread destructive attacks to new areas and levels of engagement, find accomplices through the clashes (where and when our desires correlate), and maintain and expand an international informal network of comrades.

Making this action, in our minds was everyone killed by the cops, arrested in the rioting, the anti-fascists imprisoned in this country.

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Chile: Santander Bank sabotaged in Santiago

from culmine, translated by war on society:


On the night of July 31, the facade of the Santander bank located on July 10th Street and Rauli in Santiago was destroyed with a hammer and rocks.

The choice of this location was not an accident–although any bank would have been appropriate, Santander Bank has some particular points that encouraged us to pay it a visit. In addition to investing in the business of arms and wars, it also finances the businesses Endesa (Enel) and Colbún, co-owners of HidroAysén. The hydroelectric project that intends to build 5 dams in Patagonia, in addition to the construction of a large power line. Which will destroy hundreds of hectares of wilderness and with it the lives of thousands of wild species.

Nor is it a coincidence that two months ago, in a location near to the one attacked, comrade Tortuga was injured in an attempt to place a bomb. Comrade, this act of freedom was for you–strength!

La logica del dinero por sobre vida es lo que en definitiva rechazamos y combatimos. Tampoco nos interesa esa falsa defensa de la Tierra solo por que es “riqueza” que deberia ser para contemplarla como centro turistico o porque lugares como el sur distraen del frenesí de la urbe. La Tierra debe ser respetada, no usada, y en eso no transaremos cueste lo que cueste.

The logic of money over life is ultimately what we reject and combat. Nor are we interested in that false defense of the Earth only because it is “richness” that should exist in order to be contemplated as a tourist destination or because places like the south [of Chile, largely wilderness] distract from the frenzy of the city. The Earth should be respected, not used, and in this we will not compromise at any cost.

In order to live a free life it is necessary to destroy the systems of domination. It is here where each conscious person should intend to do something against such destruction, to act in defense of the Earth. Actions like the one we carried out do not stop the harmfulness of the system by themselves, but rather a wide conjunction of methods for the same end. Although the present may be adverse, we will not fail to try once and try again.

Special greetings for Billy, Costa and Silvia who were recently condemned to more than three years in prison for intending to carry out a beautiful action; take heart, comrades, this is not over yet.

Greetings to Marco Camenisch, to the accused and the members of the CCF, to Walter Bond, to Adrian Magdaleno and Braulio Duran, and also to the accused in the bombs case, especially to Diego Ríos and Gabriela Curilem, who are on the run.

This is a new beginning…

Earth Liberation Front.

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Gabriel Pombo da Silva: ‘There is nothing to reform’

words from Gabriel Pombo da Silvia via culmine, translated by war on society:

I am not so naive as to believe that what I am living here is something exceptional… and since “the prisoners” are not born here but come from a very concrete social context I do not look for the directly responsible “only” among the salaried jailers and the jailing administration which, in the end, reproduce on a microcosmic scale the politics and the ignobilities of the System and its “Society”… There is nothing to reform; everything must be demolished down to the foundations…

They are mistaken who believe (or imagine) that my radicality comes from the indigestion of “utopias” and various “theories”… actually, in the end and from the beginning I owe “my radicality” to the System and its miserable Society… or, if someone wants to look for the “theorists” responsible for my radicality, they can start in the offices of Department of Corrections and leave in peace the poets of the dynamite… :)


For me, I have never been left indifferent to the beggars who fill the metropolis, those who, brutalized by a whole life of wage slavery end their days taking refuge in programmed leisure activities, alcohol and/or drugs… or those who, in order to survive, sell their bodies to satisfy the pleasure of those who can buy bodies as if they were commodities… but it has not been all this legion of miserable and exploited who have filled me with the strength, inspiration and dignity necessary to combat the system that generates all this… for that my brothers in struggle are responsible: some were “bandits” and others were revolutionaries… that is the fundamental difference between the majority of “anarchists” and me… I do not need “excuses” and revolutionary “subjects” in order to confront the System… I hate the System because it taught me to hate it… and in this path of frontal war against the System I am learning who are my accomplices and who are my enemies, beyond “isms” and “conceptualizations”…

Aachen, July 2011


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Italy: Communique from the Informal Anarchist Federation, “Do not say that we are few” [full DRAFT translation]

Due to the timeliness and relevance of the following text, we are releasing a complete but unpolished draft translation of it. Source: culmine. Translation by: war on society:

(This draft translation contains a few errors and some poor wording; it should be mainly understandable as it is, but we ask that it not be disseminated very widely yet; please expect a final version to appear in the coming week…)

Do not say that we are few

To our sisters and brothers of the FAI / International Revolutionary Front, a contribution reasoning its communication, organization and armed struggle, at the dawn of a new era

Do not say that we are few
And that the commitment is too great for us.
Would you say that two or three tufts of clouds
Are few in the corner of the summer sky?
In a moment they let down wherever …
Flashes of lightning, bursts of thunder
And it rains on everything.
Do not say that we are few
Say only that we are.

- Lee Kwang Su

We the comrades of the “FAI / Artisans Cooperative of Fire and Affinity (occasionally spectacular) / International Revolutionary Front” and of the “FAI / 20th of July Brigade / International Revolutionary Front” claim in this writing the fruit of a meeting of more voices, in the name of the comrades “FAI / Sisters-in-arms, Mauricio Morales Cell / International Revolutionary Front,” the parcel bomb that in March 2011 resulted in the serious wounding of the Lieutenant Colonel of the thunderbolt Alexander Albamonte, the parcel bomb that lightly wounded the clerk of the Swissnuclear office, and the parcel bomb to the Koridallos prison in solidarity with our sisters and brothers of the “Conspiracy of Cells of Fire / FAI / International Revolutionary Front.”

In recent times, in the metropolises overlooking the banks of the Mediterranean, the streets are continually animated by increasingly heated protests and manifestations of the oppressed who are no longer willing to suffer the oppression of rule: from Greece to Tunisia, from Spain to Libya, the fuse continues to burn. In one of these streets we met and we have decided to deepen the discussion on what is moving in the circles of insurrectional anarchism across the world.

Within the general optimism of the comrades who, in the diversity seen always new outbreaks of struggle, in a dialogical and lively informal international confrontation, there was a dissonant voice. It was a comrade of our “Sisters-in-arms, Mauricio Morales Cell,” who told us ragefully of the censorship of the communique/discussion that claimed the actions mentioned above. These 12 claims, delivered by post to various realities of the anarchist movement in Italian, were not published by any, preventing a communication vital for the international growth of informal discussion. Today we know that this censure is only the desperate reaction of a former anarchist tainted by assemblary bureaucratism and by the obsession of the social struggle transformed into stupidity in partial struggle.

From the ashes of the old and glorious individualist anarchism, a new insurrectionalism has been / is being born. As our sisters wrote in their never-arrived claim: “For the first time in history an informal organization, a federation of informal groups across the world was made flesh, bleeding and drawing blood.” The informal organization is no longer an abstract fantasy, a soliloquy in the mouth of a handful of (more or less learned, more or less sincere) comrades. In these last years, in various parts of the world, the new nihilists have sparked the concern of various states, and fear and hostility in the official part of the anarchist movement. The new anarchism will give the destructive fantasy its proper force and will cement the nihilistic act with the proper consistency. Since we launched the proposal for an “Informal Anarchist Federation,” much water has passed under the bridge. Today, thanks to the sisters and brothers of the “Conspiracy of Cells of Fire” who have relaunched the “FAI / International Revolutionary Front,” the “FAI / International Network,” “The International Network of Action and Solidarity,” the “Informal Anarchist Federation – International Network“… with its thousands of names has become a reality. A reality which, now more than ever, needs to grow through the medium of informal organization on the world stage thanks to a federation of action groups. Dozens and dozens of cells, nuclei, movements, and individual comrades who diffusely and horizontally, united by a strong and clear pact of mutual aid, chaotically and destructively wage war on the existent.

In Greece:
- Conspiracy of Cells of Fire / FAI / International Revolutionary Front
- International Revolutionary Front / Conspiracy of Cells of Fire / Revolutionary Groups for the Spreading of Terror – Cell of Vandalisms.
- International Revolutionary Front / Terrorist Warriors’ Complicity of the fallen commando John Severino
- International Revolutionary Front / Deviant Behaviors for the Spreading of Revolutionary Terrorism / Cell of Anarchic Action
- Cell of Revolutionary Solidarity – FAI
- Anarchist Revolutionary Front / Deviant Behaviors for the Spreading of Revolutionary Terrorism / Cell of Reflexive Attack
- FAI / Cell of Aggressive Conscience
- International Revolutionary Front / Conspiracy of Cells of Fire / Revolutionary Groups for the Spreading of Terror / Abnormal Cell-Heretics

In Indonesia:
- FAI Informal Anarchist Federation, Indonesia Section.

In Mexico:
The two souls of Mexican insurrectionalism (ALF-ELF) and the Autonomous Cells for Immediate Revolution – Praxedis G. Guerrero.
- Informal Anarchist Federation / Acrata
- Earth Liberation Front (ELF) / International Network of Action and Solidarity – Anti-Civilization Informal Group
- Earth Liberation Front (ELF) / Informal Anarchist Federation International Network
- Insurrectional Cell Sole-Baleno of the Autonomous Cells for Immediate Revolution – Praxedis G. Guerrero / FAI
- Commando of Free, Dangerous, Wild and Incendiary Individuals for the Black Plague / FAI / International Network
- Luddites Against the Domestication of Wild Nature / FAI / International Network
- Eco-Anarchist Cell for the Direct Attack / FAI / International Network
- Revolutionary Action Brigade for propaganda by the deed and armed action – Simon Radowisky / FAI / International Network

In Chile:
- International Revolutionary Front / Insurrectional Commando Aracely Romo
- Commando 8th of December International Coordination FAI

In Russia:
- ELF Russia Informal Anarchist Federation (FAI) / International Network of Action and Solidarity / International Revolutionary Front

In Peru:
- Circle of Iconoclastic Action / FAI

In the Netherlands:
- Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – Dutch Cell

In England:
- International Informal Anarchist Federation / FAI

In Italy:
- FAI / Artisans Cooperative of Fire and Affinity (occasionally spectacular) / International Revolutionary Front.
- FAI / 20th of July Brigade / International Revolutionary Front
- FAI / Sisters-in-arms, Mauricio Morales Cell / International Revolutionary Front
- FAI / Lambros Fountas Revolutionary Cell
- FAI / International Solidarity
- FAI / Animal Revolt
- FAI / Horst Fantazzini Revolutionary Nucleus
- FAI / Cell against Capital and Prison and its Jailers and its Cages
- FAI / Armed Cell for International Solidarity
- FAI / Terrible Anonymous Revolt (RAT)
- FAI / Metropolitan Cell
- FAI / Narodnaja Vojla

It has been ten years during which, through action with our limitations, but with constancy, we have striven to realize this organizational design. Naturally the growth will not be linear and progressive, there will be ups and downs, for long and short periods in which almost all will be silent and then back stronger than ever in a country that we might not even imagine. Every group and individual with its strength, its will, will give its proper contribution of action and of communication to help everyone else to adjust the shot.

The repression has hit hard in Greece. Our sisters and brothers of the “Cells of Fire” continue to fight within the walls, participating with their writings, in an exceptional manner, in this organizational arrangement. If we know one thing, in such diversity, we are the hand that will break the chains. At first what we will bind the revolutionary solidarity through what some anarchists stupidly call “fictive movement,” failing to understand that their solidarity is tempered in any revolutionary project.

In our history we in the Italian FAI have always acted, without mediation, in “social” struggles: the struggle against FIES [extreme isolation units in Spanish prisons used to cage anarchist prisoners and other “uncontrollables”], the struggle against CIE, never relating to them in a demagogic top-to-bottom way. We have always acted as individuals not wanting to indoctrinate anyone. We destroy that which destroys us, what does not kill us makes us stronger.

The only limits that we place our actions are of an ethical character. In a world divided into included and excluded, we have with our actions made a choice. We are not interested in a society divided into classes, we do not want any dictatorship of one class over another, we want anarchy! Millions of microcosms where each individual can experiment freely. Something very similar to what we experience every day through action, elaborated in the best way of organizing without surrendering one’s own individual freedom. It is amazing to grow in this organizational experience together with sisters and brothers who we have never seen and probably never will see. It is amazing how, in a given historical moment, individuals who do not know each other come to the same conclusions.

We do not know how the FAI / International Revolutionary Front will evolve; the possibilities are enormous and unimaginable. It could die in a flash or grow exponentially. Our growth will be mainly qualitative, growth consistent with the unimaginable potential of informal organization. It will take a long time before the FAI / International Revolutionary Front gives its best, before the informal organization creates real problems in this state of things.

It is a war of anarchist resistance that began more than a century ago. With its highs: the contribution of the Paris Commune, the era of propaganda by the deed, the era of great revolutions and its lows: the trade unions, non-violence, the libertarian municipalism, all of which we believe goes by the name of compromise.

Our path will be characterized by a long and continuous communication through action. Communication is the core of all our informal structure, and is also its weakness. Until a year ago, our action-communiques could be read on the front pages of all major Italian newspapers; this sufficed us to communicate. Today, power (it was inevitable) has realized the danger of this communication and they censor not the action but the communique, the message. To speed up the dissemination of this writing and to reach the greatest possible number of actual anarchists, we decided to use e-mail. This choice is also due to the scarcity of Italian language publications willing and able to give space to what is new is moving in the anarchist movement internationally. To increase the reproducibility of an action, in our opinion, this action must be motivated, claimed. Otherwise, power will pollute it, distorting the meaning and making it in fact sterile and this, which we write, we know well for having experienced it directly on our skin many times. A destructive action will always remain a beautiful thing, even if it is not claimed. It can be done for the sheer pleasure of doing it. To do something right is always good. But to us this is not enough, we want to make this system fall. The more reproducible the action, the greater is its real destructive potential; the more rebels understand that a real resistance exists the more they will be motivated to action. In the past and even today, some of us happened to individually participate in actions that were not claimed, with comrades who of course were not part of the FAI / International Revolutionary Front, in order to make technical data that could save the precious lives of comrades, and–why not?–to learn some new technique.

We of the Italian FAI continue to travel all the routes that can flow into the revolutionary river. Riots, popular struggles, more circumscribed projects of radical struggle, all contribute to give new life to our practices of attack. It has been ten years that we have acted undisturbed. Power hits right and left with increasingly fanciful repressive operations, but so far none of us has ever been hit. We regret very much for the comrades who were arrested and indicted, but better that the perpetrators remain outside, free to strike and to strike again. Some of us may fall, but will soon be replaced by other groups. We hope on this occasion to behave like the sisters and brothers of the “Cells of Fire,” who continue the struggle with courage and consistency within the walls of a prison that we are sure will miss.

Criticism must always be active and alert. We have to save criticism and self-criticism from self-referentialism that would lead us to be fictitious, to go nowhere.

As we’ve said before, it is preferable that the affinity groups are not known to each other, to better combat repression, but if it happens like it happened to us, to re-meet in the field of movement, then the risks increase contemporaneously with the immediate prospects. For example, increased technical capacity, increased chances of acquiring weapons and explosives, greater ability to support the comrades forced into clandestinity.

We have read with great attention “The Sun Still Rises” of the “Conspiracy of Cells of Fire,” and we came to the conclusion that the three key points of the informal agreement of the second generation of the “Cells of Fire” can become the key points the “FAI / International Revolutionary Front.” In these three points are based on our main features.

First: the destructive direct action as a necessary and indispensable. Action that can go from the launch of a Molotov cocktail to the assassination, with no hierarchy of importance, each group or individual will decide how best to take, in accordance with its own revolutionary ethic that surely must agree never to strike in the pile. This point should give rise, according to our perspective, to a new anarchist and nihilist guerrilla, thousands and thousands of fires against capital wherever.

The second key point is important to us and ­­­we are never the spokesmen, representatives of anyone. We do not represent that we, women and men, in constant revolt against the existent, against political power, technological power, the power of capital which is likely to wipe out the entire lives on this planet on all levels. In us naturally there is no hope in a class that will impose its dictatorship over another, which then always reduces to the dictatorship of the “representatives” of a class over all others. In us there is no solidarity that does not confront subjugation, but that if the exploited do not move a finger to lift, contributing thereby also to our oppression. What qualifies us most is the refusal of delegation, of “representation,” our revolt is individual and it is there that our anarchism, nihilism and revolution traverses the organizational instrument of the informal federation.

The third issue featuring: international revolutionary solidarity. The comrades who participate in this informal arrangement should launch campaigns of struggle that will join with other groups of the FAI / International Revolutionary Front, in their own time and manner. Three simple and direct points which we believe would mark a step forward for our informal organization, expanding its vision of “anti-social” and “nihilistic” the founding document of the FAI, “Who we are: An open letter to the anti-authoritarian and anarchist movement.”

Everything about the “FAI / International Revolutionary Front” is in chaotic and continual evolution, beginning with its many names and definitions. We are only just beginning, the “Conspiracy of Cells of Fire” is the motor of this explosion of revolutionary vitality. The driving force of an informal federation that is growing and that has exceeded the confines—which for us anarchists are dead—of nations. Any organizational writing, analysis and criticism coming from the actions of the FAI / International Revolutionary Front will never be the definitive one. Our informal federation is in continual evolution. The comrades of the International Revolutionary Front span the world by one fire and another, already contributing to the analysis and to the growth of this project. Our sisters and our brothers who are imprisoned are our greatest strength, their analysis opens our eyes, our anger and hatred for their arrest gives us strength. A continuous and infinite organizational adjustment: this is the Informal Federation at its source, not in the perspective of a distant future revolutionary world that will arrive we do not know when, if ever, but in the perspective of the quality of our existence, which in this moment, here and now, is fully realized in the armed struggle against power.

We of the Italian FAI propose as the banner of this struggle the symbol of the “Conspiracy of Cells of Fire,” the 5 arrows of different lengths and different directions that together affect the power. To indicate the myriad of groups and individuals of the International Revolutionary Front / FAI, who, with varying intensity but united by a pact of mutual aid, strike without breath. The arrows are topped by a black star with an A inside, our symbol of anarchism; above the star, the name of the group of the International Revolutionary Front that claims the action. We decided on a symbolism for the story of “Conspiracy of Cells of Fire” came in and we broke through the rebels in our hearts. This, of course, if the Greek comrades are in agreement.

In a time of world crisis at all levels, perhaps an informal anarchic structure means to stop awaiting the events and go to the revolution. In Arab countries, regimes collapsed to give rise to other regimes, this time democratic. The world super powers are easy game to influence events, Europe is on the brink of collapse, we must not remain with hand in hand, tied to old organizational schemes that have already past their worst. To hold an Informal Anarchist Federation is to concretely intervene in view of the struggles of the excluded of the whole world, it is to concretely intervene in the struggle that nature takes every day against criminal human “technology.” To intervene through the reality of widespread attacks on the territory. Attacks that are never missed, but that tie together by an informal international network based on the pact of mutual aid, becoming more visible, more virulent, multiplying the diffusion and in fact the subversive potential. As we have said, we do not believe we have the truth in our pocket, but we are convinced that in certain moments in history, the ideas impose themselves on their own, now is the time to give the real contribution that perhaps will make the difference. A good wager, which we make, the best wager that an anarchist revolutionary can make, to throw your heart over the obstacle and see what happens.

We of the FAI / Artisans Cooperative of Fire and Affinity (sometimes spectacular) / International Revolutionary Front and the FAI / 20th of July Brigade / International Revolutionary Front adhere to the campaign of revolutionary solidarity that the comrades FAI / Sisters-in-arms, Mauricio Morales Cell have initiated with the package bomb to the Koridallos prison. Once a year, we will strike in solidarity with our sisters and brothers of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire until we find them in freedom. The dozens and dozens of years in prison to which they were condemned will be transformed into a tragic boomerang for the Greek state. The interests of that state in Italy will be struck, year after year, with ever increasing hardness. We invite other groups and individuals of the FAI / International Revolutionary Front around the world to do likewise.


FAI / Artisans Cooperative of Fire and Affinity (sometimes spectacular) / International Revolutionary Front
FAI / 20th of July Brigade / International Revolutionary Front


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Durham, NC: Noise Demo in Solidarity with California Prison Rebels and the Seattle 26

At 5:30 pm on Sunday August 7th, about 35 folks gathered in front of the jail in downtown Durham to spread awareness of and show our solidarity with hunger striking prisoners in California. We also wanted to draw attention to recent attacks on anarchist comrades in the Northwest. This demo followed up a similar protest two weeks ago in Greensboro.

Our presence was purposely timed with visitor’s hours at the jail, and for the hour and half we were there there was a constant stream of family and friends coming in and out of the large, modern, Orwellian structure. Handbills in English and Spanish explaining the various anti-prison struggles around the country (see text below) and business cards with information on how prisoners can get material support from local anarchists on the outside were given to folks visiting loved ones. Others banged on pots and pans, played drums, blew on kazoos, held banners, and chanted (“Cops, Pigs, Murderers!”, and “Abajo las Presiones, la Policia son Cabrones” were two favorites). One person just waved a large stick in the air with word “against” written on the end of it. 

Soon after we arrived, prisoners on every floor of the building began cramming up against the plexiglass windows of their cells to get a better look, while some stood in stairwells or on balconies waving and throwing fists in the air. Eventually many of these prisoners managed to make small posters out of paper on hand, reading things like, “I love this,” “Fuck Cops,” and “@.” Others started banging on the plexiglass. Most of the family members expressed similar sentiments. Though a fleet of cop cars showed up to watch, and a couple of us were eventually forced off the jail property for “agitating the prisoners,” the demonstration otherwise proceeded without incident.

This kind of breakdown of the isolation of prison, however brief, along with the love and rage expressed back and forth through a thin vein of plexiglass, however circumstantial, alone made the demonstration feel worthwhile. Of course, we also hope that hearing about such things can raise the spirits of prison rebels in California, not to mention inspire similar rebellion to spread here. We also want comrades in the Northwest to know that despite the repression they’ve faced, their struggle continues to be an inspiration. And of course, though we only just learned of it, we send our best to those engaged in fighting the police this very moment in London.

Text from the handbill is printed below.

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Denver, CO: Police car attacked in solidarity with anti-police arsons in London

from Colorado Indymedia (August 6th 2011):

There was a cop car window smashed in the Denver area in solidarity with the cop car burnings in London today.

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UK: Widespread anti-police rioting in London and elsewhere continues 3 nights so far

There are reports of extensive rioting, looting of shops and malls, arson of stores, cars, police cruisers, attacks on police officers and property, in diffuse neighborhoods of London and even outside the city, continuing for 3 days so far, provoked by the police murder of Mark Duggan. We cannot possibly cover the breadth or details of the riots ourselves at this time. Please see these sites which are following the events more closely:

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