"There is no greater sorrow on earth than the loss of one's native land." - Euripides 431 B.C.

Recent Essays and other Writing by Gary Foley

Gary Foley has written extensively on the Koori political struggle for more than 25 years. In recent years he has completed his B.A. in History with First Class Honours at the University of Melbourne, and in currently completing a PhD at the univertisty's Australian Centre. Some of these recent essays and interviews reflect the interests he has pursued as a mature age undergraduate. In the future a full compilation Foley's writings will be incorporated on this website.

-Click on title to read essay-
1.Duplicity and Deceit: Rudd's Apology to the Stolen Generations - December 2008
2.The Inevitable Collision between Politics and Indigenous Art - April 2005
3.The Road to Native Title: The Aboriginal Rights Movement and the ALP 1973 -1996 - July 2001
4. Black Power in Redfern 1968 - 1972 - November 2001
5. Native Title is Not Land Rights. - 1997
6. The Enlightenment, Imperialism, and the Evolution of Museums- 16th June 2000
7. ATSIC: Flaws in the Machine - 18th Dec. 1999
8. For Aboriginal sovereignty - A speech by Gary Foley - 1988
9. The Power of Whiteness - 1998
10. Reconciliation: Fact or Fiction? - 1999
11. Reflections on History - 9th June 2001
12. Australia and the Holocaust: A Koori Perspective - 1998
13. Whiteness & Blackness in the Koori Struggle for Self-Determination - 1999
14. Muddy Waters: Archie, Mudrooroo & Aboriginality - 9th June 2001
15. The SMH and Representation of the 1988 Bicentennial - 9th June 2001
16. Portrayal of the Concentration Camp Experience on Film - June 2001
17. Italian Fascism and Race - June 2001
18. J. Edgar Hoover and the American Civil Rights Movement - June 2001
19. Assimilating The Natives in the US and Australia 14th June 2000
20. Power, Politics & the Internet - May 2000
21. Koori Engagement With Television - 1999
22. The NAACP to Nation of Islam: A Study of Race Relations in the U.S.A. - 1999
23. Snake Tales - A Review of Roberta Sykes' Book - 1998
24. Race in American History - June 2001
25. Assimilating the Mabo-Jumbo Added 11th Feb 2000
26. The Pain of Faine Goes Mainly to my Brain - 1994
27. "Money and History" - Address to Pathways Conference, Toowoomba, QLD - 1999
28. "Land Rights Battle Should Include Freehold" - 1998
Foley's List: A bibliography of further reading material
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site designed and maintained by Gary Foley