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International Power entered the Australian energy industry in 1996 and has grown to become the country’s largest private generator of electricity. We also have a retail operation in South Australia and Victoria through Simply Energy.

International Power owns and operates 3,723MW (gross) of renewable, gas-fired and brown coal-fired generating plants in Victoria, South Australia and Western Australia.

It is part of the global International Power business, which in February 2011 combined with GDF SUEZ’s Energy International Business Areas outside Europe and certain assets in the UK and Turkey to form a world leader in independent power generation, with more than 66 GW of power generation (gross) in operation and 22GW gross capacity under construction.

For more information on the global business click on the following link,

Hazelwood Myths & Facts

International Power Australia welcomes informed, honest and constructive debate about energy and environmental issues.

In recent years a number of interest groups have targeted Hazelwood power station by making a range of false and misleading claims about the power station and its role in the national electricity market.

This fact sheet is designed to clarify a number of the claims made about Hazelwood – to sort the facts from the myths.

Download the International Power Hazelwood Myths & Facts Sheet here.

Latest News

10/07/2011 – IPR-GDF SUEZ response to carbon tax proposal

01/07/11 – Statement on Hazelwood closure speculation

30/06/11 – Unit 5 returns to service with a generation record

Latest Presentations/Reports