Recent Thinking Points

Public service in the news | 12/07/2011 U.K. responses to ‘Big society’

This week’s news summary tracks UK public service reforms.  ‘Big Society’ is stirring folks up! David Cameron to unveil blueprint for public services > At a speech in London, the PM will vow to end the “take-what-you’re given” culture, and … more…

Public Service

Ian Dunlop | Managing Catastrophic Risk

Australia prides itself, rightly, on its ability to respond to crises.  During the Victorian bushfires, Queensland floods and Cyclone Yasi, which were almost certainly intensified by climate change, Australia’s disaster recovery systems acquitted themselves well.  The excellent leadership shown by … more…

Ian Dunlop | Changing the “Official Future”

As the complexity of the issues facing business and government mounts, scenario planning has become an increasingly popular technique.  It is rare to find a policy or economic report these days which does not claim to incorporate some form of … more…

Latest Publications

NEW REPORT: ‘Public servants of the highest calibre’

Senator Kim Carr recently asserted that public servants “of the highest calibre” are necessary to achieve “ambitious goals for a … more…

public service wordle

John Quiggin | Gillard’s Labor Has Lost Its Heritage

  Wayne Swan’s Budget speech opened with a commendation of ‘this Labor budget’ and closed with an invocation of the … more…

'stranded' antonia green Undergrowth

Fiona Armstrong & Laura Eadie | Innovating For A Prosperous and Secure Future

When it comes to innovation policy, the Gillard government relies heavily on hot air to hide their lightweight commitment to … more…

Australia's Green Economic Potential