KVOA Tucson News: ‘Freecycle’ your school supplies at event next month

July 10th, 2011 by fiona

TUCSON – Freecycle, a Tucson-based organization that operates an international website that allows users to freely exchange items, will be at Pima County Libraries next month for a “Back to School Swap.”

Participants will be able to bring in items in good condition to one of three Pima County libraries on August 6, and trade for items brought in by others, library officials say. Clean clothes, books, or household items that are no longer being used can find a new home at the Freecycle swap.

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Melrose Patch: Freecycle Tuesdays: Five Free Deals in Melrose

July 10th, 2011 by fiona

The Freecycle philosophy is simple: Offer something to others that you no longer need; take something off of someone’s hands—all for free. It’s like a yard sale fell in love with recycling, got married and had a baby named Freecycle.

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Delmarva Now: Grapevine

July 2nd, 2011 by fiona

Yard waste

I recommend Delaware residents overrun with yard waste join www.freecycle.org, to find people who would like to have their excess yard waste. As an organic gardener, I would happily come pick up clippings from yards not treated with lawn chemicals. And I will happily come pick up your leaves in the fall. They make a great mulch and turn into fine compost (except black walnut). Delaware rightly stopped putting yard waste into the trash because it’s not trash.

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Bend Bulletin: Freecycle.org adds Central Oregon

July 1st, 2011 by fiona

Looking for free goods? There’s a website with a local user group to help.

Freecycle.org started in Tucson, Ariz., and now has local user groups in cities all over the nation, including one for Central Oregon.

The rules say everything must be posted for free, with no expectation of trading or bartering. Those with an old refrigerator taking up space in the garage can link with those who just happen to need one.

The goods can range from a chair to a fax machine to an old door. The one realm Freecycle stays away from is pets.

Freecycle is free to join. Consumers must then be accepted into the user group by a moderator.

Contact: www.freecycle.org.

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Fenton Patch: Fenton Resident Wants to Spread Word about Freecycle

June 30th, 2011 by fiona

To date, more than 11,000 items have been kept from landfills through the local Freecycle group.

Fenton resident Stephanie Pytlowanyj heard about the online group in 2007. Members give each other yard-sale quality items they can no longer use, benefitting those in the community and saving items from being thrown in the trash.

There wasn’t a Fenton Freecycle group in 2007, so Pytlowanyj joined the Holly one. Several months later, she decided to begin a Freecycle group in Fenton. Now Linden is part of it, but Pytlowanyj still sees way too many usable items out by the curb on trash day, she said.

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bestofneworleans.com: Live Free or Buy

June 28th, 2011 by fiona

Many websites exist to facilitate the free exchange of goods. The Freecycle Network (www.freecycle.org) has a chapter in New Orleans, and Craigslist.org features an entire section devoted to free stuff. Among the postings: A vegetarian who wants to get rid of MREs containing beef entrees and a retired stripper who no longer needs 40-plus bikini outfits.

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Brookfield Patch:Getting Rid of Stuff

June 28th, 2011 by fiona

Like Craig’s List, Freecycle.org is area specific. Items on this site are completely free. The purpose of the site is to keep items out of the landfill and keep them in use by someone. You will be shocked as to what someone may want.

On Freecycle its very true that what is trash to one person, is treasure to another. For example, broken china may be trash to you, but a wonderful find for an artist.

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Woburn patch: Freecycle Wednesdays: Five Free Deals in Woburn

June 24th, 2011 by fiona

The Freecycle philosophy is simple: Offer something to others that you no longer need; take something off of someone’s hands—all for free. It’s like a yard sale fell in love with recycling, got married and had a baby named Freecycle.

The Freecycle Woburn group is one of the most active in the area, offering tons of great deals. Click here for more information on the group, or to find out how to obtain any of these great items.

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Philadelphia Inquirer: Freecycle: Giving, getting, and doing good

June 19th, 2011 by fiona

When I was finished, I had four full trash bags. I had planned to store them in the basement, but I realized then that I really didn’t need any of the things and that someone else might.

So I went to freecycle.org.

Freecycle began in May 2003 with an e-mail Deron Beal of Arizona sent out to a few dozen friends and charities. His plan was to make giving and getting easier, with members posting items they needed or wanted.

There is no cost to join, and everything posted must be free, legal, and appropriate for all ages. Though members use Freecycle at their own risk, every regional group has local volunteer moderators who check the incoming messages and keep their group running smoothly.

The network grew rapidly. Freecycle reports being in 110 countries, with more than 8.5 million members. This year alone, the network says, it has saved 680 million pounds of items from landfills.

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Which:Five things you can do with an old pushchair

June 19th, 2011 by fiona

4. Freecycle your buggy

If your pushchair is still in safe working order but you’ve had no luck selling it, you could give your pushchair away to others that need it through a community-based re-use scheme such as Freecycle.

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