New Research

CAL digital publishing trends survey

CAL digital publishing trends survey

22 July 2011This report contains the results and analysis of a survey of Copyright Agency Limited members to learn more about their views of, and experiences with digital publishing in Australia.

The role for marketing in public health change programs

22 July 2011While the public health paradigm provides a comprehensive framework for identifying target groups, it lacks a framework for the implementation of programs, particularly with respect to communicating with and persuading people to adopt recommended behaviours.

Nyetizdat: how the Internet is building civil society in Russia

22 July 2011Russia has experienced explosive growth in the spread of the Internet and its applications. As in other authoritarian regimes, where the national media are state controlled, censored, or selfcensored, the Russian “net” has become “a shelter in the world of censorship.

Demand for food science and technology graduates

Demand for food science and technology graduates

22 July 2011Examining the demand for food science and technology graduates, this survey also explores the issues facing businesses in relation to hiring, attracting and retaining FST graduates and ways to address these issues.

Collaborating with consumer and community representatives in health and medical research in Australia: results from an evaluation

22 July 2011In health and medical research, consumer participation is considered morally and ethically correct practice . It supports the advancement of accountable, open and democratic involvement of citizens in publicly funded research.

The science of prevention for children and youth

22 July 2011The high prevalence of social, emotional and behavioural health problems in children, and the high cost and relative ineffectiveness of treatments to ‘cure’ them, lead to the conclusion that the most efficient and cost effective approach is to prevent them from occurring.

Joint Select Committee on the Christmas Island tragedy of 15 December 2010

22 July 2011This report into the December 2010 incident in which a suspected irregular entry vessel (SIEV 221) foundered on rocks at Rocky Point on Christmas Island, describes the rescue attempts and subsequent treatment of survivors.

An economic method for formulating better policies for positive child development

22 July 2011This paper examines traditional economic methods of evaluation used to assess early prevention programs and outlines a new method that can be used to address these deficiencies.

Asylum seekers and refugees: what are the facts?

Asylum seekers and refugees: what are the facts?

22 July 2011The purpose of this background note is to present information (in a simplified format) that may help address some of the popular misconceptions that surround asylum issues.

 The relationship between police arrests and correctional workload

The relationship between police arrests and correctional workload

22 July 2011This paper estimates the impact of a 10 per cent increase in arrests on the number of male and female offenders sentenced to full-time prison terms and the number of offenders given community-based supervised orders.

'Listen to children' – the 2011 child rights NGO report

'Listen to children' – the 2011 child rights NGO report

22 July 2011Despite ratifying the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1991, this report finds that Australia has not effectively incorporated human rights into policy and legislative frameworks to nurture and support children.

The Arab uprising: causes, prospects and inplications

The Arab uprising: causes, prospects and inplications

22 July 2011As the Arab revolution spreads, the international community grapples with its causes and consequences. Are other Arab regimes likely to fold? What will replace them? And what will the long-term impact be?

Australia's Federation: an agenda for reform

21 July 2011Australia's federal system of government has served it well, but improvements are in order.

Seeking synchronicity: revelations and recommendations for virtual reference

20 July 2011As we become more and more comfortable mediating all kinds of situations online and through various technologies, our virtual selves increasingly overlap our 'real' lives.

Green paper on a common strategic framework for EU reseach and innovation funding

20 July 2011The public consultation on the Common Strategic Framework for EU research and innovation funding closed recently with an unprecedented 1300 responses including 775 position papers from interested parties.

Regenerating the academic workforce

20 July 2011The report primarily explores the career intentions and motivations of research students. It provides particular emphasis on their interests in following an academic career on completion of their degree and the support they have received.

Relationships indicators survey 2011

20 July 2011The overall objective of this research was to provide a statistically sound representative sample of feelings, attitudes and opinions about relationships within the Australian population.

Services for academic libraries in the new era

19 July 2011The purpose of this paper is to document the integration of Web 2.0 services into the working framework of some of the most advanced academic libraries in the world.

A review of the health leadership and management capacity in Solomon Islands

A review of the health leadership and management capacity in Solomon Islands

18 July 2011This review describes the current state of health management and leadership capacity and issues that affect management performance in the Solomon Islands.


OOHC not working for at-risk kids

21 July 2011Australia's out of home care (OOHC) system is not run in the best interests of vulnerable children, argues Jeremy Sammut in The Drum Unleashed.

Be alert not alarmed: 'tell-tale' symptoms may not indicate ovarian cancer

21 July 2011Our public heath messages need to be refined, writes Marian Pitts in The Conversation.

Is this News Limited's defence?

19 July 2011News Limited does some things very well, writes Geoffrey Barker in Inside Story. Self-analysis isn't one of them

Topic Guides

NBN: Guide for Consumers

  • Australian Communications Consumer Action Network & Internet Society Australia

09 June 2011The Internet Society of Australia (ISOC-AU) and the Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN), have developed NBN: A Guide for Consumers, designed to offer all Australians information about the National Broadband Network.


Bigger cities, bigger slums

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21 July 2011Our increasing urbanisation means a significant growth in the size and number of the world's slums. So, without romanticising the slum, can we make them places fit for living? And do we have any choice?

NT local government voting system 'perverse'

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21 July 2011 The Northern Territory has been advised to change its system for electing local governments before elections are held in March next year.


Into the ERA era. Why research in Australia will never be the same again

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20 July 2011The first Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) evaluation of disciplinary and institutional research quality in early 2011 established a comprehensive measure of research performance. The effect on institutions was immediate and electric, everywhere triggering strategies to lift ERA rankings.

Beware online "filter bubbles"

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20 July 2011As web companies strive to tailor their services (including news and search results) to our personal tastes, there's a dangerous unintended consequence: We get trapped in a "filter bubble" and don't get exposed to information that could challenge or broaden our worldview.



20 July 2011Hansard is the name given to transcripts of parliamentary proceedings. This digital version has publications dating back to May 1901.

Australian Social Policy Association (ASPA)

18 July 2011Established to promote debate and to increase understanding of social policy in Australia, the ASPA enables productive collaborations between those working and researching in social policy locally, across the Asia-Pacific region and internationally.

Australian Government Regional Telecommunications Review

12 July 2011The Australian government has announced the comittee conducting the 2011-12 Regional Telecommunications Review. In its review of telecommunications services in regional, rural and remote parts of Australia, the committee will have particular regard for initiatives that enable regional communities to participate in, and realise the opportunities of, the digital economy.

Latest commentary


20 July 2011


The National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) will decommission the Reframing the Future website on 31 August 2011.

13 July 2011

The Workplace Research Centre is working collaboratively with the Boden Institute of Obesity, Nutrition, Exercise and Eating Disorders and the Workforce Education and Development Group in the Sydney Medical School to further our knowledge of how we can improve our health and wellbeing in the workplace. This University of Sydney research consortium has been contracted by the Department of Health and Ageing (DOHA) to develop content and related resources for an online national Healthy Workers Portal.

07 July 2011

The Winter 2011 issue explores the NATO intervention in Libya, global sex trafficking, Australian forces in Afghanistan, China's economic power, and more.


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Speechwriting for government in Australia

Speechwriting for government in Australia

  • James Groves
  • James Groves & Associates
" indispensible book...excellent practical guide to the art of effective oral communication" from the Foreword by Malcolm Hazell CVO AM, former Official Secretary to the Governor-General
Youth work and social diversity

Youth work and social diversity

  • Collection editor: Rob White
  • ACYS Publishing
Doing youth work in Australia is a three-volume series edited by Rob White and published for the youth work field by ACYS Publishing.

Topic Guides

NBN: Guide for Consumers

  • Australian Communications Consumer Action Network & Internet Society Australia

09 June 2011The Internet Society of Australia (ISOC-AU) and the Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN), have developed NBN: A Guide for Consumers, designed to offer all Australians information about the National Broadband Network.