Bio & Contact

Photo Credit: Rory Buck

Antony Loewenstein is a Sydney-based independent freelance journalist, author, documentarian, photographer and blogger. He has written for the Sydney Morning Herald, The Australian, The Guardian, Juan Cole, Mondoweiss, Washington Post, New Statesman, Huffington Post, The Daily Star, The National, Dawn, Haaretz, The Nation, BBC World Service, Adbusters, Al Masry Alyoum, Tehelka, Sydney’s Sun-Herald, New Zealand Herald, Sydney Ideas Quarterly, The Australian Financial Review, Melbourne’s Age, Brisbane’s Courier Mail, Canberra Times, Online Opinion, ABC Unleashed/The Drum, Amnesty International Australia, Green Left Weekly, Eureka Street, Kill Your Darlings, Tikkun, Adelaide’s Advertiser, The Bulletin, Znet, Overland, Sydney PEN, The Big Issue, Counterpunch and many others.

Antony contributed a major chapter to 2004′s Australian best-seller, Not Happy, John! on the Middle East. His best-selling book on the Israel/Palestine conflict, My Israel Question, was released by Melbourne University Publishing in 2006. A new, updated edition was released in 2007 (and reprinted again in 2008). The book was short-listed for the 2007 New South Wales Premier’s Literary Award. Another fully updated, third edition was published in 2009. It was released in all e-book formats in 2011. An updated and translated edition will be published soon in Indonesia and the Muslim world in Arabic.

He was a contributor to the 2008 Verso Books release, A Time to Speak Out: On Israel, Zionism and Jewish Identity.

His second book, The Blogging Revolution, on the internet in repressive regimes, was released in 2008 by Melbourne University Publishing and will be released in an updated edition in 2011 and an Indian version soon.

He is a contributor to the 2011 book My Favourite Teacher, published by New Press.

He is currently working on a book about disaster capitalism and privatisation in Australia, the Asia-Pacific, the “war on terror” and beyond and a book about the role of the Left in modern politics.

His 2010 ABC Radio National feature documentary, A Different Kind of Jew, was a finalist in the UN Media Peace Awards.

He writes regularly for online magazines New Matilda and Crikey and is a board member of Macquarie University’s Centre for Middle East and North African Studies. He is an Associate at the University of Technology Sydney’s Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and a Research Associate at the University of Technology Sydney’s Australian Centre for Investigative Journalism. He sits on the advisory council of the British-based Sri Lanka Campaign for Peace and Justice. He is the co-founder of advocacy group Independent Australian Jewish Voices and contributed to Amnesty International Australia’s 2008 campaign about Chinese internet repression and the Beijing Olympic Games.

Antony appears regularly around the world on radio (including the BBC), TV (including Al Jazeera English, Democracy Now! and ABC News24), in public, writer’s festivals (in Australia and overseas such as Indonesia, India and New Zealand) and at universities (including Harvard) discussing current affairs, politics and media.
