
This section is a collection of the correspondence I receive.

For the record, I only publish the most vile/challenging/hilarious mail here. Rest assured, I also receive many supportive messages.

Letters 2011

From: U Umbakutu, umbakutu@hotmail.com

Date: 27 June

Mr Lowsystein,have you written about Gilad Shalit?Do you care?Of course not.You are happy about what has happened to him.You are a filthy character that can only be summarised in one word;TRASH


From: J.A., hhjjii@hotmail.com

Date: 13 June

Are you a Jew or are you an Arab?Antony, I think you are just a fuckwit.


From: Reality Check bradtorontoworkmail@yahoo.com

Date: 20 May

You, your neo-nazi and islamic fundamentalist allies won’t succeed in destroying Israel. You’re wasting your pathetic life.

When the desire to destroy Israel ceases, there will be peace. Until then, there won’t. The end.


From: Osama bin Laden, osbila@yahoo.com

Date: 11 May

Mohammed Lowenstein I welcome you soon to be with myself and Allah.Allah Akbar.I am proud of you son.You will have 40 virgins for your reward in heaven.


From: rutomy d., gintafa@hotmail.com

Date: 10 May

Just a suggestion antony lowstein, if you take the rings on your ears and put them on on your mouth you will look alot better.Are you bi sexual?I think you are.


From: James Hendricks, hendricks713@yahoo.com

Date: 9 May

I would like to express my condolences to Antony Loewenstein for the death of Osama bin Laden.You must be very heartbroken.But do not fear as Al Queada and the arabs will continue to support you financially.


From: Jeff Lenchiner, jeff@insidehoops.com

Date: 29 May

If Hamas was anywhere else in the world, the extreme-left (like you) would correctly completely cast them off as crazed radical fundamentalist terrorist organization.

But, because they try to kill Jews and try to kill Israelis, the extreme-left (like you) make excuses for them and instead shift all blame all the time onto Israel.

Sorry dude, but Jews and Israel aren’t going to suicide themselves, despite the wishes of the extreme left (fake peace activists who are basically just anti-Jew and anti-Israel bigots) and the extreme right (anti-Jew and anti-Israel bigots who are open about it and don’t pretend to be peace activists).


From: John Wright, wrighty77@yahoo.com

Date: 6 April

If anyone`s a bitch it is you Antony.You are an effeminate prick.


From: Vladimir Kalinsky, kalkal123@hotmail.com

Date: 6 April

Take a long walk on a very short pier.Your time will come bitch.


From: C.P.G, cpg5312@hotmail.com

Date: 4 April

Palestine already exists.It is Jordan.The arabs living in Judea and Samaria should move to Jordan which is Palestine.


From: F. Cantori, cantori9@hotmail.com

Date: 4 April

You are the antichrist,a barbarian who is the son of two idiots.


From: Marco P, mmmpasori207@hotmail.com

Date: 4 April

You are a sick puppy and I heard that your parents smoked when you were conceived.I guess that explains everything.Poor Anthony.


From: Bruno T, bruno41tnm@yahoo.com

Date: 4 April

Zionism doesn`t need a bogyman moron.You are the sokesman for the arabs who steal land whenever and whereever they can.In time you will want to call Australia Australiastan and declare it an independant islamic country practising sharia law.You are now known as ali baba of the 41 thiefs.YES YOU ARE A THIEF.


From: cpg5312@hotmail.com

Date: 4 April

koosochte you swine. a retard the son of retards.


From: T. Venocili, tvenocili@yahoo.com

Date: 29 March

You are not a real journalist.You are a fake journalist who is paid by arab organisations to do your work because on your own income you would not survive.You are a fake and dishonest.


From: Raj Timaja, Timaja5x5x@hotmail.com

Date: 26 March

I wish you all the very worst always.This unremovable curse is on your head for life.You will see it will come to pass.If not today,or this week but it will be.


From: Gimpyu Homnye, fud23Sd@hotmail.com

Date: 26 March

But it is not arab land.It is Jewish land.Read history.You are so horribly misled and uninformed.You do not want to learn, read and be informed You want to stay an ignorumus.


From: Hiram, HQ@cydoniaglass.com.au

Date: 24 March

Your such a one sided wimp, i think you and I should travel to the Middle East together and look at things from the real side, are you brave enough ?
you have my number call me anytime Anthony.


From: Em Beech, emilybeech@ymail.com

Date: 21 March

Absolutely lovely, Anthony. Your blog and your followers seem to have one standard in condemning racism against Muslims, but you feel free to vent your hatred on Israel. Your rants are not rationed pieces of political opinion, but bile-filled hate pieces. Your article How have you amassed so much hatred in you? Your article entitled ”Israel’s Gestapo Cranks Up To Find Traitors In Their Midst” is an immature tongue-poking “nyah nyah” little heading, don’t you think? What did Hamas affiliates do with Palestinians they thought fed information to Israelis? Did you compare them to Gestapo, or was that valid in your hate-filled mind. You and your readers don’t want peace. If that were achieved, heaven knows you couldn’t bring it in your black hearts to criticise REAL perpetrators of human rights violations.


From: Ralph Torrens, truthandwisdom11@yahoo.com

Date: 21 March

Lowenstein, you have an abnormally narrow and limited view of Israel and the Arab world.In your autistic narrow and abnormally skewed view of Israel you cannot see past your own limited idea of reality.I have read what others have said and I think you are in your own autistic world, not connected to fact or reality.However I do not feel sorry for you like the others.


From: Triba Abulafia, abuabu22@yahoo.com

Date: 16 March

Hi Nutter, how are you today?Did you cry in your sleep last night from your hatemail?Bet you are pissing in your pants while trying to show a straight face.Poor poor Anthony.Poor poor thing.The worst thing is some of the nut houses have been closed but there are good shrinks that can sedate you.Oh you poor poor thing!


From: Lbnaz, lbnaz@mac.com

Date: 14 March

So in what sense is the phrase “everything is poisoned by the Israeli embrace” not a blatantly racist remark demonizing an entire country and its people? I’m curious as well as to whether Mr. Lowenstein would allow a comment to stand on his blog that read: “everything is poisoned by the Palestinian Arab embrace”? Interesting as well that the frothing at the mouth over all Israelis and all things Israeli commenter fancies him/herself capable of passing judgment on the intellectual nature of universities.


From: Desira Shapatti, ds11-11@hotmail.com

Date: 14 March

A. Loewensein, you are fucked in the head.You are beyond repair or sanity.


From: Ronald Jaegger, mita88@hotmail.com

Date: 14 March

I can`t understand why you get hatemail.After all you are a normal,decent,honest chap.Perhaps a mental asylum is where you really belong.I`ll bet you cry at night from all your emails.Poor bugger.Poor poor Anthony.


From: Alan Sommers, sommers941@hotmail.com

Date: 13 March

Anthony Lowenstein, you are a moron and a lunatic.I really feel sorry for you.


From: David, dadler0001@kctcs.edu

Date: 12 March

There was a time in 1948 when jewish settlers reached out to the Arabim regarding water rights. The sentiment of the arab population, then as now, was to push the jews to the sea and exterminate every last one of them. This was helped along by the Brits in their occupation of the land, but that is a different story. I am sorry not to have a name to place with the original comment posted in 2009, but it is interesting that the opinion formed is one based on a “visit” to Israel. Try living there, you ignorant and opinionated shitbird. A trip to a courtroom on your way back to the King David Hotel is not quite the same as living with the division on a daily basis. You have conveniently violated all the tenets of objective journalism with your slice of life commentary. Bravo. I would slap you with your Bar Mitzvah pictures if I could.
Outside of the Orthadoxim, who are a definite minority in Jewish culture and belief within the state of Israel, God and his directive that the Jews should have Israel is of little concern to most of the State’s residents. We were given control in 1948 after a very uncomfortable period in Europe. We were promptly attacked after efforts of making peace by multiple countries. Our families and children were in the line of fire. I was in Jerusalem during the uprising in 2000 and our children were still in the firing line. Whine from a distance, if that is all you can do. Call it unfair that the poor palestinians who shoot home made rockets at Sederot do not have the same rights as their Jewish targets. Please go and study your history books. What would you have us do? Would you put your own children at risk? Raise them as Arab? If your child’s school was being attacked by rocket fire would you defend the enemy? They would not be the enemy if they did not choose to fight us. Go live in the Arab quarter of Jeruslaem as I have and write again. Until then, I wish you a second circumcision. David Robert Adler. Israeli Citizen since 1999.


From: Dion Bond, bondy323@hotmail.com

Date: 11 March

Anthony, you are a nobody who tries to fill your void by trying to feel important.Poor Anthony,poor poor Anthony.


From: Terry Thompson, teth67smith@hotmail.com

Date: 10 March

Mr Loenstein, could you please let us know if there is any difference between your beliefs and those of Ahmenijad.There does not appear to be any difference at all.


From: Greg Hugo, rlma32w@hotmail.com

Date: 27 February

Anthony lowenstein, you are disgusting.


From: Ron, swinsonia1@gmail.com.au

Date: 17 February

Its a shame that an Australian will support boycotting the only democracy in the middle east
You need to get it in to your heads, The Arabs use western liberalism to get the world public in their side, there isn’t one Arab nation with democracy and there will never be, it’s not in their culture,
murder of daughters and sisters in the name of family honor is.
hanging of gays and lesbian from a power poles is in their culture,
it’s about time that we will wake up, France, England, Holland and other countries are facing the disaster of Islam, lets stop the support of the Moslem’s now, before it will be to late.


From: systemlfo@gmail.com

Date: 8 February

The fight is on & the enemy doesn’t distinguish between Israeli Jews or the wider Jewish community.
The hate is deep set & rising. The western community is feeling duped about a decade long conflict & is looking for someone to blame. When europeans are dissatisfied with anything they will turn to the old punching bag- dem evil kid killin jude !!
Their snarling like hungry rabid dogs & when the catalyst arrives, they will come hunting for us- regardless of political affiliation.
You can bow & scrap at the mobs feet as much as you like but don’t ask for our help when they kick you in the teeth.
Your on your own.
I do not waste my words on blind hate groups & I will no longer waste my time on you- he who is simply known as ‘Antony’.


From: systemlfo@gmail.com

Date: 5 February

How about commenting on the long list of problems with Islam and arabic culture.
What’s wrong ? Can’t u face the repercussions that u would inevitably get from the muslim community ?
Grow some balls Loewenstein …


From: Lloyd Bishop, lloydbishop@sbcglobal.net

Date: 10 January

Israel must be only for Jews. Germany must only be for Germans. Others must be deported. Nothing else will work.


From: G. Kahledeldt, cmzzie222@homail.com

Date: 7 January

Why can`t you be honest and admit you are a muslim.You are using the lie that you are a Jew to do what you are doing.Useless pathetic lier.FUCK OFF

From: Jose Pedro, caldeira_man81@hotmail.com

Date: 6 January

I want to be paid to tell the truth, that the world is full of racist scum like you.


From: Peta Towers, ptowers243@hotmail.com

Date: 4 January

Jordan Is Palestine. You don`t want to publish this as you are a coward,a lier and a psycopath.


From: Ryan B., imortant1357@hotmail.com

Date: 1 January

The Chin people of Burma are harassed daily, denied medical aid and robbed by the Burmese military.Are you going to write about these peoples plight or are you going to just focus on Isael bashing.The people of Burma need attention to their plight and I think you should do this for their sake.Oh, and incidentally you are not God.You`re a piece of crap, but as a journalist you could help the Burmese people.If you have it in your heart you will do so.
My view if you is another David Irving or a Mad Mel Gibson.YOu`re a shit but you will help the Burmese people asshole.

Letters 2010

From: Julian, sposna42@yahoo.com

Date: 28 December

We never hear you complaining about the way Palestinians are treated as sub humans by the Jordanians.Until you do this all your argumaents show you are only antiIsrael and not just proArab.I fail to understand your total oblivion to how these people are treated by their own kind.Your constant barrage of momotonous monologue indicates that you are autistic .You are in your own world.Sad but true.


From: Janice, fjrool4@hotmail.com

Date: 28 December

As a journalist, are you going to stick up for the oppression of the Palestinians in Jordan? Would you report about Arab attrocities in Israel and in other parts of the world?The answer is no.This is because you are an arab yourself.You have shown to all the world your true nature and that your so called reporting can only ever be one sided.


From: Anthony Sperling, Asper205@hotmail.com

Date: 25 December

Anthony lowenstein is yet another example of an ignorant,self hating Jew.Judea and Samaria has and will always belong to the Jewish people.If he likes, he should convert to Islam.Good riddens to bad rubbish.


From: Jeff, Jc4466@hotmail.com

Date: 25 December

Anthony Lowenstein you are not only an antisemite and anti israel ,you are an islamic lover and supporter.You are a dangerous wanker that makes money from your trouble making.Hope you drop dead.Sooner rather than later.Entshala.


From: Leonora, farq@gmail.com

Date: 22 December

You’re nothing more than a soft anti semitic coward that in 1933 would have posed as an ‘intellectual’ supporting the Nazi’s.
Except your writing ( and lack of basic literary skills ) exposes you as even less than the hack you pretend to be.
What’s your amazon ranking now?
A joke – even to your friends.


From: Thomas Paine, stephenjackson1@gmail.com

Date: 11 November

Sad Ignorant people you all are here. The Palestinians are responsible for their own problems. If these corrupt Palestinians you all so support would stop brainwashing their children, blowing themselves up, strapping bombs to their sister and blowing them up in the name of Allah, and being militant and picking up arms because they were brainwashed into hate–if they stopped all of this, then they could have peace TOMORROW, don’t you get it! The Israelis DO NOT TARGET CIVILIANS. It is collateral damage due to Palestine’s own war mongering and violent leaders and society. GO AHEAD YOU NUT JOBS. GIVE PEACE A CHANCE! If these Palestinians tried just once to stop the violence and hate in their society, you would see an end to or less military action having to be taken against these terrorists in Palestine. But in the corrupt land of Arab radicalism, there is no chance to start moderate movements. The moderates in such Arab societies are shouted down and targeted for violence so abusers of the Koran can use hate to scapegoat the anxieties of their own people who they oppress against the “Jews” or “Americans”. Doing this helps the radicals to retain power and keeps the Arab masses on their side with a common objective of murdering and hating Israelis. You brainwashed pro-Palestinians make me sick! How about you call out some of the horrible practices such as brainwashing their citizens to hate and commit acts of terror, blowing themselves up, which is the main thing that propagates this violence, but you dont! You only condemn Israel! Sad sad ignorant people you are here!


From: -

Date: 28 October

Nice one Antony. I love it how you put Israel in its place – divestment. It’s the only way we can help our brothers in occupied land. Keep up the good work, soon we’ll have our land back.

PS – Think I forgot to mention that your articles all seem to be vaguely familiar – get a life – but of course it is Israel that you are against, not the Jews, because you are one yourself, right? You clearly have a chip on your shoulder about something in your childhood and have truly joined the ranks of the misguided fools who argue your line of thought. Newsflash, Israel ain’t going anywhere. Scared of strong Jews who believe in something? Keep your ivory tower going and become a muslim – stop the fakery!


From: Strangelove, georgefink1@hotmail.com

Date: 10 October

Lowenstein and his deranged cackling geese are determined to destroy the one 20,000 sq km homeland for the Jews, 6 million of who were murdered and another 5 million dispossessed by the Herrenvolk only a few years ago. Lowenstein and his corps only serve to strengthen the resolve of Jews who believe in the right of Jews to live in safe surroundings. His use of Einstein on his masthead is a profanity.


From: T.T.Bopy, TTBopy@gmail.com

Date: 15 August

The Taliban did this because they are religious fanatics. Not because of America or Israel or oil or imperialism. Now you try to use moral relativism to spin your own twisted lack of perspective.
I guess in a few days you’ll pull this entry off your site or just say it was “misinterpreted” like the infamous Gillard nazi poster.
Beyond that I previously thought you were just young with a high sense of ideals, misguided and ignorant but well intentioned.
I was wrong – you have just confirmed to me you are a disgusting narcissistic human being willing to stoop to any low to achieve attention and an embarrassment to real writers.
Spare us your filthy amoral crap please.
No surprises if your fragile ego will not allow this post BTW


From: m hayman, haymanmark@hotmail.com

Date: 13 August

The vast majority of so called “refugees” are Muslim. What we have here is a kind of Muslim invasion. The Caliphate will be reborn but this time it will be worldwide – and you Mr Lowenstein are working toward that happy end. Allah Akba baa baa baa


From: David, davidsc@fastmail.com.au

Date: 6 August

You f..king hypocrite Loewenstein. Australia has diplomatic and trade relations with Israel so you should chhoose to go and live somewhere else if you had the courage of your pathetic convictions.


From: Um Yisroel Chai, grieman@hotmail.com.au

Date: 4 August

Achminejad deny Holocaust. Loewenstein Jewish but lose noone in holocaust so must be prove not happen. We Iranians hate Juden so you must become no more infidel Antony! No more of your Jew lies Antony. Convert to Koran and we will love you like son. Allah Akbar. We Muslims take ourselves too seriously sometimes, but we think we are sooo important. Shalom Chaverim!!!!! L’Chaim – to life and no more wars. Peace to Israel and Palestine – the onyl wa to go. Let all peple live in peace and no more rockets into Sderot. Well Done Antony on betraying your people!


From: wessie, wess@yahoo.com

Date: 13 June

Antony you are a very poor excuse for a Jew.  I hope you one day stop sucking up to those who seek your destruction and wake up to the evil you have brought into this country.  There is nothing worse than an antisemitic Jew!


From: shiko, shpinserge@yahoo.com

Date: 4 June

Mr. Lovenshtein, you are disgrace to Jewish nation.  I have yet to see any Abdullah or Mohhamed going against own people the way so many Jews do. From surname I see that the leader of provocateurs Greta Berlin is another Judas.
It is also disgust me to see how weak minded Jews can become talking about negotiations with Hamas.  it is akin negotiating with Al Qaeda.
It is inherited Jewish weakness to try to look good and be liked. Take care of yourself before caring for others. Being weak and likable won’t help you.


From: bobby, powerball342@optonline.net

Date: 1 June

isnt it amazing how when isreal defends itself or tries to prevent more genicide  all the jew hating anti semites crawl out of the woodwork . when the arabs fire rockets in to isreal from gaza into jeruselem killing innocent civilians not a word of reproach ever appears in print saying the arabs are to blame when arab mothors if you can refer to them as such intice and teach there 10 and 12 year old children to strap on a bomb and walk in to a crowded square with jews and blow themselves  up    along with innocent people not a word is uttered in defence of the jews its only when incidents like the present one occure that mention is made by a bunch of jew hating bastards . do you ever see them reproaching the filthy arab population for beheading innocent people who they judge as inferior or infidels because they arent muslims worshiping  allah  and what about our coward in cheif who refuses to use the word terrorists  to describe a bunch of blood thirsty savages who worship death as we worship life a president who travels with his whole dam family on vacation including his mother in law on your dime . we have the worst disaster in history going on now and were is he on vacation were was he the first few weeks  playing golf and attending state dinners with dictators who came here to mock this country . were in the history of this country has any american president traveled to the mideast and apologize to a bunch of hitler clones about how bad this country has been thats treason and at the same time sanction the slaughter of our troops serving in iraq and afghangistan  . he was a snake oil salesman that the idiots in this country fell for hook line and sinker and has done more harm to this country then any previous president . but you idiots got what u voted for and if harm comes to you and members of your family as a result of this inexperienced blowhard  remember  you voted for this peice of defication as for isreal the arabs tried to  anihalite isreal before and couldnt do it and got there ass kicked  this time it wont be isreal that faces total destruction its those dirty sand crawlers


From: Adsh, metrosleeps@yahoo.com

Date: 10 May

Mr Loewenstein is obviously an asshole.


From: Jeff Mailcity, jeffnyc@lycos.com

Date: 7 April

Hi Antony!

Keep up the great work demonizing Israel and promoting as much hate towards Israel as possible on a regular basis, and sticking up for people who want to destroy Israel! You’re doing a great job serving the wishes of the islamic fundamentalists, neo-nazis and the other crazed Jew-hating and Israel-hating loons out there. Congrats!



From: Albert Landa, aalanda@bigpond.com

Date: 23 January

Dear Antony Loewenstein

I just caught your interview with the ubiquitous Geraldine Doogue(spelling?) and I have heard quite a lot about you and the question which came to my mind, in a nutshell, is this:
What is it that you want to see Israel do? Do you want them to pull out of the West Bank, like now,taking all the settlements with them, do you want them to tear down the wall (shades of Ronald Reagon) which has, I believe. reduced suicide bombings by up to 90%.Do you want to see Israel pilloried  in the  halls of the UN and throughout the world’s media..Do you want to see Israel immediately take in the millions of Palestinian refugees displaced by the war that was inflicted on them like so many other wars?.Do you want to see Israel stop wingeing about the thousands of rockets being fired into it’s territories, endangering the lives of its citizens on a daily basis.Do you want Israel want to become a perfect flawless democracy, where even those who are hell-bent on its destruction are given full and equal “rights” that are enjoyed by its Jewish citizens.Is this a risk that Israel should obviously be prepared to take so that it can win the approval of even its most anti-Israeli, anti-Semitic  enemies, including dismaying, deluded traitors like yourself.Do you imagine the leaders of Israel are this stupid?As far as “perfect” democracies are concerned, perhaps you might like to inform me of the existence of any.I believe that there are times of national emergency, such as the seemingly permanent condition of the state of Israel that it is simply not possible to have a flawless democracy.Perhaps you were thinking of the many Arab “democracies: in the Middle East that you might like to see Israel emulate
You certainly seem to have more confidence in the integrity of Hamas and other avowed enemies of Israel than you do in your own people.Do you think that by taking this stand you are going to win the admiration and respect of the non-Jewish world? Only those of a criminal mind with criminal intentions will grant you this spurious approval and this will only be because at that moment it may be tactically convenient and just one more tactic to weaken and undermine their enemy.Because, make no mistake, even though your blogging and careerist public pronouncements of disapproval of Israel may be used as further ammunition in the Hamas long =term plan for the destruction of Israel, you will be one of the first to have your throat cut by your erstwhile “friends” if they succeed, because in the final analysis, and as much as you may hate it you are, and always will be, a Jew.
Just one other thing.It strikes me that you are wanting to have it both ways.A “bob each way” to quote an Aussie vernacular.On the one hand you like to assure your non Jewish audience of your impeccable Jewish credentials, you know, the child of Holocaust survivors blah blah,and on the other hand, you, in the name of a spurious and totally unconvincing desire for “fairness” want to feel free to attack certain vital policies that Israel is by and large forced to take.Why can’t you accept that the situation in the Middle East between Israel and the Arabs is a state of ongoing war and mutual hatred and distrust.In this situation it does not help to identify with the “other side”.In a time of war, your attitude would be regarded as the most heinous treachery and the appropriate punishment would and should be meted out.
You seem to feel that the “solution” to the Middle East tragedy is soley the responsibility of the Israelis.Perhaps you might like to think about possible contributions that the many Arab countries in the region might make to further this process.I don’t wish to become personal but I see in your situation a certain tragedy.Despite all your protestations, you ARE going to be adjudged a ‘self-hating’ Jew, desparate for the approval of the non-Jewish world, even at the expense of your own people,and, as well, playing into the hands of the enemies of Israel and the Jews.You bring shame, not only to yourself,but certainly to your brothers and sisters.a great people who have suffered enough throughout history and will always need all the friends that it can get.You say that the Holocaust is “in the past”.Yes, in terms of mere time this is true but in other senses the Holocaust is still with us and perhaps it always will be.You make me sad, almost to the point of despair, but at the same time, I am sorry, but you also disgust me.


From: Rose Madder, rose.madder@live.co.uk

Date: 7  January

You seem to have a lovely collection of nazis supporting you.
Are you gay by any chance? Im not saying all gays are as stupid as you, but many have a psycho in-built self-destruct mechanism.


From: tekhelet16, labour-of-love@hotmail.co.uk

Date: 6 January

Dear Antony, I wont leave any messages for you again but just 1 last thing: do you think that these arabs and other jew-haters would help YOU if you were being hunted down because you are Jewish?
Please think about it!


From: Michael Goldberg, mgoldberg69@yahoo.com

Date: 6 January

Antony, well done!!!
You have managed to take an extremely controversial subject and use it to become the outspoken “Jew” that has made you very popular amongst anti-Semites.
…And obviously the anti-Semite market is a very large one for someone like yourself to easily target, particularly with your points of view.
Which leads me to the conclusion that you have done very well to become a successful Jew in lining your pockets in a very easy easy kind of way, and at the expense of the Zionist State.
This proves that you really are Jewish!
I don’t think you need to worry any more about paying rent or paying for your next feed?
So who cares about the rest, my yiddishe boy.
(Maybe I should write a book about “Why do Ferrals love Chavez” …I’m sure you could help me on this one. Or maybe something more controversial?
Lets make it another really easy topic, but one that would bring instant fame and success in a short time right)?
…Ah, the sweet sound of the cash register. Hypocrite? Nooooo. Let’s face it, there will always be those people that could sell their grandmother, right?

Michael Goldberg


From: john nemesh, lhit33@yahoo.com

Date: 4 December

Like you A Loewenstein, Gideon Levy pays lip service to real debate whilst in reality refusing to answer questions that may rock his sense of security and superiority.

It is absolute and total rubbish that  settlers define the Israeli way of life.
You would rather have it that way I am sure, but it is also a statement on how skewed and off centre to reality your core views have become.

Years ago now i invited you to a lunch………..you didnt even have the courtesy to answer.
Even then you were  afraid as you remain now to face person to person, a normal zionist jew who is also a child of holocaust survivors , but may actually know more than you.


From: john nemesh, lhit33@yahoo.com

Date: 3 January

Yes Ant you have made an impact.
Feel good about it?
You describe yourself as a jounalist……………I beg to differ,
you are  no more than a crude propagandist, who long ago threw away the vestiges of objectiveism, and
the willingness to acknowledge that both sides have made major mistakes.
Your use of John Pilger to praise your writing and to justify Israel bashing whilst escaping being labelled as a Jew hater is most useful for him.
I distinctly remember him actually helping and then writing in eulogy for Arab terrorists who attacked an Israeli kibbutz BEFORE 1967 in order to MURDER  as many JEWS  they could.
The terrorists did not  distinguish between a Jew  and  an Israeli Zionist Jew.
and neither did Pilger.
My question to you is that –as a once Sydney Morning Herald jounalist at the same time as Sharawi’s agent in Sydney did you not notice a giant elephant in the room of your conscience?Called Conflict of Interest?
No  you did not.
But the Sydney Morning Herald did.
Isnt that why you had to leave?
You have made a living in denying your own people the jews  the very right of self independence which you support for all other groups.
Explain that to your soul and your ancestors.
They would spit on your actions.
john nemesh

Letters 2009

From: gaddi, vk3dhr@bigpond.net.au

Date: December 12

imma would be proud of little antony today wouldn’t she? you know, after all these years of jewish training, he still beats his brother about the ears, tells false stories about him, and even turned him in to the police once!
as we say in oz, i hope all your chooks grow club feet and kick your dunny door down. that should straighten you out. of course if you happen to be an edomite???, then even that won’t work, so all i can say is “pray for your own soul, mr. loewenstein”, dont worry about anyone else’s.


From: From: Dov Midalia, dvm@iprimus.com.au

Date: December 5

You still haven’t told us whether you receive financial support from Arab organisations. I’ve sent this query before but oddly it hasn’t made it to your Letters page. Can’t risk your readers thinking such thoughts, can you? Or indeed thinking at all. OK, guess we’ll have to find out ourselves….


From: Charles Solnik, cmsolnik@rogers.com

Date: November 27

I don’t know how you can be proud to be a Jew. The foundation of Jewishness is the Torah. That is even if one is secular or not their knowledge that they are a Jew is derived from the fact that Jews over 3500 years maintained an adherence to the biblical format.

That means even your ancestors kept the Torah. They crossed the dead sea they fought with Joshua (and conquered the land) up to Bar Kochba to keep the land.

They all believed that the land of Israel was given to them in a covenant with G-d. They died for it and were persecuted for it for the last two thousand Years. Many preferred death than conversion.

So I don’t know what it is that makes you proud to be a Jew and support Israel’s enemies. I imagine it must be very attention getting and profitable to pretend to be a proud Jew and promote the destruction of Israel. The expert is Richard Goldstone the self proclaimed lover of Israel. How much did he get paid now and in the future for his report?

I am a Jew who fought for Israel and I know very well the nature of the conflict. I know the huge extent we go to reduce collateral damage. I know the pain of losing comrades and burying them. I know how Israel yearns for peace but our neighbors seek our destruction.

Your mother may be a Jew but you no longer are one.

Charles Solnik


From: Canadian, hrdansk@yahoo.com

Date: November 6

Please, do me a favour, find Bali on a world map…

Let me give you a little help… it’s in Indonesia:


What is it about Bali, a tiny Hindu dot within a sea of Muslim green, that could have offended the “religion of peace”?


Is Islam, the religion of peace?
http://www.thereligionofpeace.com/attacks-2001-2003.htm (2002.10.12 – Indonesia – Bali – Series of Al-Qaeda bombs in nightclubs kill more than two hundred people, injure at least three-hundred more.)

Now, please take out your magnifying glass again and find Israel


I suggest the next time you write an article, consider a response to the Imams who in their weekly supremacist sermon of hate say “Oh Allah, give victory to Muslims and Islam…Oh Allah, give defeat to the Kufaar and Mushriqeen”

What will you answer your child when they ask “Daddy and Mommy, why did you support Jew Hating J-Street and not protect me from the HATE preached by the so-called “religion of peace”?



From: Pete Fumberger, petefumberger@hotmail.com

Date: October 22

I can’t believe they allow a tool like you, an avowed racist, yes, racist, against Jews no less even though you are one, liberty to have articles published. I’m not saying that you can’t of course, but just who in their right mind would read your crap. Think Pilger, Adams, Burnside, Oakes, Deveney, man you are in some exquisite company.
Go and see what is really happening over in the territories Ant, and go in with open eyes and not the blinded ideology that you have against Israel.
A deadset tool of the highest order.


From: John Miller, millerj43@hotmail.com

Date: October 21

You are entitled to your point of view but your biases, displayed on many websites have been just as palpable as those of Gerald Henderson. Mr. Henderson does not need me to defend him but you have a very strange view of Islamic terrorism, which has seeped into this country and like so many of your ilk, you will defend the rights of terrorists and their objectives against the traditional values and norms of Australian society. In that sense, you are a bloody disgrace.


From: Orfan, orfan@telus.net

Date: October 20

Your entry, Israel wants to be special (and kill unarmed civilians) is false and full of antisemitism. Israel does more to protect civilians–even if they are armed–than any other country, most of the time at great risk to themselves. You spew vitriol from abroad aimed at those on the front lines–but you aren’t willing to condem those vowing to wipe us off the map. Sad to be you.


From: Chook, henryherzog@dodo.com.au

Date: October 1

What exactly, Mr. Loewenstein is revealing about that letter? Nothing new, just the same old Israel being the nuclear threat and cause of all the world’s evil. No analyses just like you do, sheer unbased vilification. If Israel was the threat why haven’t they bombed Iran before Iran developes its nuclear weapon? But Loewenstein, don’t you see that the mixing of words, anti- Semite, Holocaust denier, as Carruthers does, is getting a tad dangerous, even for you. I mean no one has accused the powerful anti-Israel lobby of also being Holocaust deniers, yet that is what the anti-Israel people want to do to discedit Jews who support Israel, which is the vast majority. Your mates who equate Israel with Iran’s crazed dictator, who also is a Holocaust denier, I would definity consider as anti-Semites. Nice friends you got there Loewenstein. But guess what? to them, even though they like your talk, you are still a Jew; get it. The only revealing thing is that your only friends are those who hate Israel, and most of them don’t have much time for Jews either.


From: Chook, henryherzog@dodo.com.au

Date: September 29

And another thing, reading Loewensteins quick and simple response to Danby’s letter, it brings to mind the first rule of anti-Zionist: never talk about how Israel’s enemies, never accepting Jews in their midths. Never mind Hamas’s charter of driving the Jews into the sea, never mind Arafats pledge to dive the Jews into the sea and never mind Irans threats, and progress to date, of wiping Israel off the map. No never mind all those things. Loewenstein, no serious people are listening to you accept the Palestinian lobby. They love your talk, especially when you put on that all knowing Jewish accent to show that even Jews are against Israel. I reckon that in another life you were a second-hand car salesman, the way you sell yourself. All puff and no substance.


From: john nemesh, lhit33@yahoo.com

Date: September 3

you act as a dreck fresser antony. and you have avoided accepting the reality that you hate your own kind.
such animals when mothers–eat their children.
you are in the best of company.


From: Dov Midalia, dvm@iprimus.com.au

Date: August 2


Please tell everyone who finances you, pays for your trips to Gaza etc, funds your ‘research’, etc. Specifically, how much do you receive from Arab or Muslim organisations in all their not-always-obvious forms?


From: Adolf Hitler

Date: June 22

Antony Lowensetein, keep up the great work, promoting dishonest, exaggerated, anti-Israel garbage and promoting anti-semitism and anti-Israel hate! And great job ignoring what is done to Israel that causes the need for Israel to be so defensive, you’re fooling some people quite nicely!

Your friend,

Adolf Hitler


From: Jason Lipstein, missingtimeprod@hotmail.com

Date: June 18

I glanced through your article on haaretz.com and was horrified. Just let me ask you one thing. You live in NY, right? Eventually all jews in the world will be forced to live in Israel. The rise of anti-semitism mixed in with very fast communications this day and age will eventually bring about all the jews to Israel. But beyond that, would you move to Israel right now? Would you stand with your people in Israel and live there like a real mentch? Or are you just going to complain about the way the Israelis handle things with the arabs from a distance and keep voicing your left wing opinion.

Understand what it is I’m trying to tell you. You can continue to report alllllll you want from your little town in NY, or wherever. But understand that at the end of the day. You’re still a jew. You can’t run from that. You’re stuck.

People have tried in the past… They still ended up in the ovens of Aushwitz. It doesn’t matter if you’re reform, secular, conservative or beyond Orthodox… It has no bearing. You’re a jew. And eventually, G-d willing, with time… You’ll eventually know what that means.


From: davidebernstein@aol.com

Date: June 18

Why I’m Not Outraged (Your Ha’aretz Piece): Camp David/Taba, Israel offered the Palestinians 97% of the West Bank, compensatory land in Israel, all of Gaza, half of Jerusalem, and $40 billion in aid from various sources. Given that Israel has already offered to end the occupation, and indeed unilaterally ended the occupation, and this has not led to peace, why should I be outraged at Israel, and not at the Palestinians?


From: Jeffrey Levine, drexpert@xemaps.com

Date: April 23

Hello Mr. Antisemite!

I hope to G-d that you are not Jewish. If you are, then you belong on the list of the self-loathing. Right near the TOP!


From: דורי מירון, axe401@gmail.com

Date: March 25

i served as a tank commander in the IDF, with pride

i am going to write in Hebrew. you must know hebrew, with such a big mouth. or don’t you? if you don’t, as i expect, you better get this translated.

מר לווינשטיין היקר.
לא יכולתי להתעלם מהפוסטרים שלך שמפוזרים בכל האוניברסיטה.
בושה שיהודי כמוך מבזה את עמו ומעורר כל כך הרבה אנטישמיות. אנשים כמוך הם המקור לשנאה כלפי ישראל.
אפילו השמאל בישראל לא יעלה על הדעת לבצע כזה פשע.
אתם, הקבוצות הסוציאליסטיות, חלשים ובורים. אתם מנסים לבצע מניפולציה רגשית תוך שימוש במידע מועט.

אנטוני היקר, קמה קבוצה חדשה באוניברסיטה בשם ISF. מטרתה להלחם ולסתום פיות של אנשים כמוך.
בכל מקום שתהיה, אנחנו נהיה.
בכל מקום שתלכלך, אנחנו נלכלך בחזרה.
בכל מקום שתדבר, אנחנו נדבר.
כמובן שהכל ברוח פוליטית ומתורבתת…


the ISF- Israel Stands Forever

Dear Mr. Loewestein,

I couldn’t ignore your posters that are all over the university. It’s a shame that a Jew like you humiliates his people and foments so much anti-Semitism. It is people like you who are the cause of so much hatred towards Israel. Even the left in Israel wouldn’t think of committing a crime such as yours.

It is you, the Socialist group, weak and ignorant, that are using emotional manipulation via selective information.

My dear Antony, there has arisen a new group at the university called ISF [Israel Stands Forever], whose aim is to fight and shut the mouths of people like you.

In every place that you’ll be. We’ll be there too.
In every place where sprout your dirt, we’ll sprout back. [a Hebrew slang roughly meaning "ruin someone's name" or "say something bad about them with no good reason"]
In every place where you’ll talk, we’ll talk back.

Of course this is all in the spirit of politics and civility.”


From: Liligans.com

Date: March 9

Having read a certain book review in The Australian Literary Review last week by Antony Loewenstein I felt great sadness for his parents. How terrible it must be to produce a son like him, a self-hating Jew who continues to gets his rocks off by writing against Israel and Jews.

I could imagine his parents wondering where they went wrong. What had they done or not done to create a person who can actually praise the leader of Hamas who wishes to see the destruction of the Jewish state? That “The Australian” newspaper should have accepted his review of a book about the leader of Hamas is not surprising. Loewenstein’s views are controversial and he thrives on using his Jewish heritage to attack Israel. What better scandal than a modern Judas?

I don’t take seriously what he writes because he is a lost cause. He is like those Frenchmen, Ukrainians and Poles who collaborated with the Nazis and then were executed by them because the Nazis knew that they couldn’t be trusted in the long run.

My mind keeps turning back to Loewenstein’s parents and I weep for their shame. It must torment them constantly. Not that it would bother their son. As long as he can get into the news it doesn’t matter to him whom he betrays.


From: levi, leviym@gmail.com

Date: February 24

with all do respect, you guys see one picture and pass judgement as though you were there. who’s to say that he wasn’t armed to the teeth and attacking when he got killed? is the picture hideous? of course. but being dead doesn’t make someone the good guy. i’ve been to israel, iraq and several other countries with muslim extremism [i have more than one close muslim friend, so don't think i'm gung ho and biased], and this picture is typical of their ridiculous media attention grabbing ploys. if that kid had fallen off a roof this pic would still get aired on multiple media outlets bec as much as we as humans find the image revolting we also [again bec we are human] can’t get enough of it. in short violence sells newspapers. one of the differences between the people who took this pic and the israeli’s, is that the israeli mom had the decency to not allow a pic of her son with his brain hanging out, due to a bus bomb, to be taken in the first place. stop believing everything that you are fed and start to dig for the real story. stop being wowed by the overwhelming gore of one picture. if any of you have ever been to a battle field you would know that the picture above is but barely a snippet of the true horrors of war. stop being so gullible and sheltered. is war terrible? absolutely! but being more mangled doesn’t make some one a saint.


From: Nicole Kidman’s stolen child, fuckantony@fuckantony.com.poo

Date: February 22

WHy can’t Antony Blowenstein just love having a dick up his ass?


From: scott, rivoet4jamie@hotmail.com

Date: February 20

blame hitler and the nazis for everything as usual
fuck you
hail Hitler


From: JPS, jps32@verizon.net

Date: February 20

You people who chastise Israel and side with Palestinian terrorist need to wakeup. It would be like New York being rocket attacked by Pennsylvania. Pretty soon you get tired of it and fight back. The Palestinian support Hamas, PLO, etc. there has never been a Palestinian homeland, what makes them think there ever will be one.

What do you think Israel should do…sit back and let rocket attacks, suicide bomber continued unanswered? They place the rocket launcher around schools, hospitals, housing area…DO YOU THINK THEY GIVE A SHIT ABOUT WOMEN AND CHILDREN THAT COULD BE KILLED WHEN THE IARAELI MILITRAY ATTACKS THEY SITES.



From: Mervin, mrosenkranz@tpg.com.au

Date: February 18


Your cynicsm knows no bounds. It’s Israel, Israel Israel for you all the time. Finally, when a situation arises that has many similarities to the recent Israel-Hamas conflict, yet the world remains mum, you decide to capitalise on this & make this cynical “statement.” Eseentially, what you’re trying to convince everyone is that all you care about is human rights – wherever this occurs. What nonsense. This is purely a public relations fraud & your co-signatories – two of whom are media “experts” – merely reinforces this. We don’t buy your nonsense.



From: Mark Spivakovsky, m_spiva@hotmail.com

Date: February 19

Hi Antony,

Hope you are well – it has been a long time!

Now for my Antony question – are you proud of who you are?

I ask this because there is a feeling of shame in your writing. This shame does not seem to be connected to anything external, such as politics, or the actions of others. It seems to be something internal, deep down in you that has been there for a long time.

You don’t deserve that kind of treatment from yourself. Look back over your past. Become aware of how past events have battered parts of you. Get your pride back and everything (yes, including that feeling in your writing!) will improve.

Cheers, Mark


From: James, yesofcourse@upieceofshit.com

Date: February 16

Another sorry bunch of liberal fucktards believing there is no such thing as Islamic extremism and expansionism and all of it is the creation of right wing politicians.

You leftist sissies will have your heads in your asses and will refuse to see the threat of Islam to the world because doing that would be ‘Islamophobic’ and ‘racist’.

I guess it is your destiny to feel the knife slit ur throat and still not believe what is happening to u.

Just keep on smoking your bongs and taking it up the ass until the world has had enough of ur mental sickness. The day draws near :)


From: Arik Bennett, arikbennett@optusnet.com.au

Date: January 31


I read your comments in the Financial Review about Israel with dismay and disbelief.

Let me response to article:

First, let’s stick to the facts. Israel never occupied any territories. According to the UN Resolutions 242 and 338 the territories of Gaza and the West Bank are disputed territories that were taken from Jordan and Egypt during the 1967 war – one of many wars that Israel has fought, simply for the right to exist. Many Israeli soldiers died giving you the freedom to write your self-Jew hating, anti-Israeli comments. Guaranteed if Jewish freedom was compromised in Australia that the first flight you’d take would be to Israel for protection.

Israel pulled out of Gaza 2 years ago. Instead of using the billions of dollars that the international community provided to Arafat and his lieutenants to build schools, hospitals and infrastructure, they have instead funded tunnels, bunkers and weapons. Worse, they built no shelters for their own people.

For 8 years they have sent missiles into towns in Israel as part of their charter to destroy Israel and to wipe all Jews off the earth. That they haven’t killed more people is a testimony to how Israel protects its people rather than lack of effort on the part of Hamas. Tell me, Mr Loewenstein, if you were in charge of Israel and your people were being attacked daily by thousands of missiles over 8 years, what would you do? It’s extraordinary to me that Israel didn’t attack Gaza long ago to protect Israeli civilians – as any other country would have done – and will continue to do.

You say that during the war with Hamas only 13 Israelis were killed and over 1300 Palestinians died and you’ve assumed that this was a result of Israeli abuse of power. Tell me – Would you claim that the Allied attack on Dresden in World War II, where 60,000 civilians died, was an over-reaction or abuse of power? On a larger scale, they too were preventing ongoing attacks on their own people. And as a result, many more Germans died than British. And let’s not forget the hundreds of Israelis – innocent women and children – who have been killed catching buses or going to cafes when Palestinian suicide bombers have blown them all up.

And now for your main claim that Israel committed war crimes: I don’t deny that during battles and wars innocent people get injured and even die; however I dispute completely your claims that Israel deliberately tried to hit and kill innocent people. I served in the Israeli army, and I can tell you that in all those years I was never given an order to attack or kill civilians. My brothers serve in the army now, and nothing has changed.

Hamas is renowned for using civilian shields to prevent Israeli responses to their attacks. Please see for yourself examples of this in the film clip at. Hamas believes in martyring its people as part of its cause celebre, to destroy Israel. Their hatred of Israel and the Jews – including you – exceeds their love of their own children. Why else would they encourage their own children to blow themselves up as suicide bombers?

You have called for Israel to face war crimes charges. Why don’t I see articles by you and your colleagues criticising, or calling for war crimes charges, against the British and Americans and its allies in Afghanistan? What about NATO killing hundreds of civilians during the Bosnian war? Or the Lebanese army killing hundreds of Palestinians 18 months ago when it took over a refugee camp in Lebanon? Or when the Hamas turned on its own people and killed hundreds of Palestinians when it took control of the Gaza strip? Sudan? Sri Lanka? Or even Russia and Chechnya? Or recently, Turkey’s attacks on Kurds in Iraq? I’m not justifying their attacks, but I am questioning your integrity. You seem very quick to condemn Israel, yet conveniently keep quiet when so many other situations could call for action.

People like you are delegitimizing Israel, its right to exist and to live peacefully. Ultimately you will cause more harm, because ironically, what you are doing is sticking up for the terrorists.

Arik Bennett


From: xxxxxx xxxxxx, deltaflyer2003@hotmail.com

Date: January 30

Hey anthony, just wanted to thank you for your tireless efforts to promote anti-semitism in Australia, before I read your blog I used to get in a lot of trouble handing out anti-semitic material, but I found that now, if I replace the word “Jew” with “Zionist” or “Israeli”…I’m home free!

I used to think the Israel issue was complex and required compassion and condemnation for parties on both sides, thanks to you, I (and the other 2 people in Australia who read your book) can now safely blame Israel (well, let’s just say it: blame the jews) for everything!!!

I particularly enjoy the way you turn against your own to boost sales of your book, exactly the behaviour I’d expect from one of you guys, it was almost too good to be true!
Material like yours ensures that the people in Australia continue to turn a blind eye to anti-semitism, and saves them the hassle of actually looking into the issues in Palestine and Israel by turning a complex and multi-layered conflict spanning ethnic, religious and national divides…into something simple and easy enough to promote a blog or sell a few copies of your book (might wanna keep your day job though, I mean, let’s be honest, it’s no To Kill A Mockingbird now, is it?).
I just wanted you to know that every time a Jew gets hassled or abused or assaulted on the street, that you can take a little bit of credit for that…so cheers buddy! Keep up the good work!!


From: Colonel Neville, colonelrobertneville@yahoo.com.au

Date: January 24

Dear Tony Baloney:

How ironic a title: “The bias is very clear”.

Hey, a book endorsement by John Pilger. Big as they say, ‘effing surprise. Oh the irony yet again.

An unhinged Marxist circus geek pal of Hamass and Jew hater, with zero journalistic credibility whatsoever, gives a worthless and laughable “endorsement” to er, you!

Fantastic and worthy of Python or Derek and Clive.

Gee, just what all the great empirical best sellers attract and need. A John Pillock blurb. Everything he says is a blurb. I’m sure your book, like all Leftard agitprop and trope tracts, will be a HUGE seller. Er, no.

A good word from Pilchard is like the first signs of the plague…

“Run away! It’s diseased!”

Or like one’s grossly deluded and senile Grandmother saying your taste in music and clothes are swell.

Pillhead is now soooo crazy a deluded, hyperbole sodden Marxist bore, that he apparently can’t even get published in The Age etc. Hahahaha! Yuk.

Ya know, it’s hard to tell how much of a pro-Islamic terrorist, Leftard Marxist asshat and talentless creep some people are. My guess is that some folks may have taken it all the way, baby.

Odd that I, a non-Jew, love Israel and the Jewish people more than perhaps golly, somebody seemingly ever will. Congrats. You appear to be in the running to win self-loather of the year. Five stars.

Are you mad or just a sane phony? Hilarious then.

And they even pay some people for this?

I mean not just fellow Marxist freaks and Hamass fans, and what for? Check. Apparently there must be a real shortage of treasonous Leftard terror apologist’s and Hamass licking crawlers, eh?

I hadn’t noticed, but whatever. Just asking an’ all. Great work if one can get it. Bravo. Encore.

Colonel Neville.


From: Lou Knee, lou22@gmail.com

Date: January 14

Hi Antony,probably you don,t remember that Hamas has been targeting Israeli civilians for months.I suppose you are a closet Jew of sorts who hopes that by writing slanted columns about Israel will be accepted into the world around you.Probably you will get some brownie points but when the truck comes they will put you on it too.I wish you no ill but claiming that the Jewish state is beligerent is just plain ignorant and untrue.Jews are always blamed when they defend themselves.It has been so throughout history.Probably the best thing for you to do is to go and get the box containing your foreskin out from the cupboard under the stairs.Sew it on again and take up the fight against the Jewish menace without having to look over your shoulder.You really are tiresome but regards anyway.


From: Paul Erdos, asilverhorse@gmail.com

Date: January 2

Antony (thy name is Osama-Hitler),

I first strongly recommend that you seek some professional help due to intense self-hatred of yourself and the people you BELONG to.

You should know that the people you are trying to win favor with are probably not impressed.

I am going to use a bad word but I need it to make a point:




So to remind you I will from now on call you Antony-the-Jew.

Antony-the-Jew: Jewish history is filled with idiots Holier than Thou type of Jews. We have a few of you around here in Israel as well. We will overcome you as well as we did all the rest.

Antony-the-Jew: what for the love of god is a “genocide scholar”? Where does one go to study such matters? What is the agenda of such studies?
I have never heard of a university where you can graduate in genocide. Here we stick to the usual stuff you know: Math, Physics, Biology, etc.
I wonder what is on the final exam of such studies.

Antony-the-Jew: We Israelis can take criticism but from people that actually know something about what it means about living in Israel. You have reduced the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to a one-dimensional argument that is extremely unbalanced or fair.

Are you capable to write one (only one) note about the terror inflicted by “innocent” Palestinians on to Israelis?

Do not go in peace and may Allah be always but always with you.

Letters 2008

From: Dov Midalia, dvm@iprimus.com.au

Date: November 16


I’m a Jewish israeli Australian atheist who criticizes israel when necessary, loathes the settlers and has no love for the haredim – but who also knows some actual history and has personal experience of israel.

You on the other hand are no more than a predictable, pathetic anti-Israel propagandist who like Pilger, Fisk and other such bottom-feeders feeds his career and attracts support by making false statements and omitting facts which undermine his so-called ‘case’, which is really just a venting of personal spleen. Your writings and pronouncements have given me this impression but this was confirmed when I managed to observe you in the flesh on that most sophisticated of programs, ‘Politics in the Pub’, on that most intellectual of media, channel 31. Clearly you have no real idea about the Israel/Arab conflict, and certainly no interest in a fair or balanced discussion or debate. Just two statements you made on this program give your game away:

1. ‘There is no possibility of a 2-state solution because Israel’s occupation is irreversible and inextricable.’

Literal nonsense. Was the Gaza occupation irreversible? Was the occupation of south Lebanon irreversible? No, and neither is the occupation of the West Bank. You have spent almost no time in Israel and did not understand what you saw or heard if you ever were there – do you speak Hebrew (like me)? No. Most Israelis are eager to leave there and will ha[ppily leave the settlers to their fate. Obviously many Israeli politicians in the know, including the president, do believe withdrawal is possible, and so do the settlers themselves, who are doing all they can to fight it. All that has to happen is that the borders, perhaps slightly redrawn, close and Tsahal leaves - finito.

2. 'Israel is the most corrupt country in the world.'

Idiotic. The extent of corruption is indeed too high, but no Israelis are very surprised by what's now know about Olmert and Sharon - their corruption was known to Israelis all along, and was hated but overlooked due to small issues such as national security. However there is and always was a genuinely free press there which constantly exposes such matters to light. Yes, there's corruption, but the most corrupt country in the world? More corrupt than Zimbabwe or Egypt or all the other corrupt African, Asian and Arab countries, where every cop and clerk must have their palms greased before you can do anything? This sort of thing you simply will never find in Israel.

Only someone with real hatred for Israel would make such sweepingly false statements. At the least you have proved your complete lack of journalistic cred: you are no more than a propagandist and polemicist, and like all such others, easily exposed with a little logic and a few facts.


From: Robert Krochmalik, krochmalik@optusnet.com.au

Date: July 23

There is not much worse than an anti-Semitic Jew and here in Australia Antony Loewenstein takes the cake. How come we never seem to hear from him protesting about human rights abuses in China, Sudan, Zimbabwe, Pakistan, Iran and the numerous other countries with a far worse record than Israel. How about how he refers to Hanan Ashrawi as the Palestinian peace activist whereas others may consider her better described as the Palestinian Minister for Propaganda. And how about his criticism of the democracy in Israel when it is the only democratic country in the Middle East. I'm surprised he doesn't commend Lebanon and Hezbollah for their welcome home hero worship of convicted child murderer Samir Kuntar. Perhaps we should ask Kevin Rudd to send Loewenstein as our representative to the proposed Durban II conference to encourage racism and spread anti-Semitism. Loewenstein will really be in his element there.


From: Hate Everyone, youhateeveryone@cnn.com

Date: July 23


Love your work - Jews are all the same. And as for the Zionists, well, let’s not go there. Wait a minute, aren’t you the prototypical self-hating Jew? Yup, 100%. Media outlet gives you space must be great - good for the ego too, huh. Oh, I forget, you bash Israel and Jews for the greater good. Nothing to do with your need to be loved. Did you have a bad childhood, no love from mommy?


From: Bill Pearlman, wpearlman@aol.com

Date: July 17

Good day for you. A guy smashes the head in of a 4 yr girl after killing her father in front of her. And he's out to a hero's welcome from your buddies in Beirut. Do you feel good, Congratulations asshole.


From: Ozzie Mozzie, someone@somewhere.com.au

Date: April 23

I hate Jews and Arabs, personally I don’t cant tell the difference except for their culture and religions and there relentless ability to split hairs, frankly, they’re both more trouble than there worth, I say gun’em all down and let God sort em out. Peace - To everyone else except you.


From: Israeli, (email address supplied and available)
Date: April 16

You’re an absolute idiot, traitor to your own people who makes a living by selling off your people’s good name and using that good name to do so.
A self-hating jew, kapo, and if we’d believe in hell, I’m sure you’d be going there.
This article is filled with lies, the polls cited in it are either mischaractarized, and taken out of context, or are non existant.
Guys like you make me want to convent to christianity just to discover there’s a hell and you’ll be roasting in it.
Have a nice day.


From: Elizabeth & Gabor, mazal@netspace.net.au
Date: March 15

You [Independent Australian Jewish Voices] bunch of dirty rotten mamsers deserve a swing on the rope like the Nazi war criminals in the hands of Albert Pierremont and Chris Woods, the British and American executioners who hanged your Nazi friends after the Nuremberg Trials. If you can not say anything nice about the Jewish State, the State of Israel at least shut the fuck up and do not spread anti Semitic shit with your terrorist friends. If could, I would be happy to check your weight, adjust the rope around your neck and open the trap hole under your arse. That is what the mamsers like you deserve!

Letters 2007

From: Michael Burd, mburd@bigpond.net.au

Date: December 14

Antony you claim your voice is stifled within the Jewish community yet you have never submitted a letter to the AJN the Jewish communities only Newspaper in Australia. The AJN do not censor letters and people with radical unpopular views such as yours have their letters published.

As far as your group of dissident Jews some of them fake names submitted by people I know just to prove the list is not kosher. There are also some people that have asked to be removed. I know Of some personally who been asked to be removed in any case the genuine names or people only represent a few hundred out of a population of about 120,000 prteyy insignificant really. In every community, ethnic group or religious group there would be a few radicals that only represent them selves and not the majority. In Austyralia we have BOB Brown in USA they have Michael Moore, etc.

Why is it every time anybody posts a view on your blog site that you don’t agree with it only lasts a few minutes before it is removed {like this post}.

You should be aware that these posts that you remove are being printed out immediately as evidence to show that you are removing them ..


From: Mochael Ordeman, morde@optusnet.com.au

Date: December 5:

i just skimmed over an article in The Age on line co-authored by yourself.

What suprised me was that you sound jewish?

irrespective whether the points made in the article are in fact true or not, putting down Israel or Jewish views etc as you have actually is dangerous to us all. It strengthens petty attacks and worse.

I dont know who you are or what you believe in or if having a write up with your name on it is worth everything to you, but surely you can write about topics that dont cause harm and division amongst your own people.

I would be interested in hearing why you think you can put such a slanted view to print and along side a pro palestinian.

If in fact you may not be really jewish, which is what i assume then i still ask you that your views are counterproductive when thay are so slanted. The middle east is a difficult situation and there are many wrongs and few rights. lets not dream that Abbas is the saint in the mioddle east. The Plo and the arabs have used there own kind to get vantage points promoting a good cause, “The Palestinaian Cause”. They created most of their own problems

Think before you write.


From: Vancouver, run1500@yahoo.com

Date: September 28

Whats the matter you quisling traitor? You are as bad or worse than the Kapos in the camps.


From: Vancouver, run1500@yahoo.com

Date: September 26

Actually, they love people like you, who serve their purpose as useful idiots. See, they say, even the Jews say that the Israelis are Nazis or act like Nazis.
At the end of the day, however, you are to them a dirty jew just like the rest of us.
In Germany too, there were many Jews who thought they were atheists, till Hitler reminded them otherwise.
Same for Daniel Pearl.
So, at the end of the day, what are Tony Karon and Anthony Lowenstein known for? For siding with those who would murder us.
I am a proud Israel who served three years in the Paratroops, and I would do so again.



From: Eris, erisldysnomia@yahoo.com

Date: September 16:

Why are so many Jews utterly afraid of openly discussing the rights and wrongs of Zionism?

Has something to do with the fact that Christians and Muslims had been killing Jews for millenia.

I’m particularly fond of the medieval habit of killing pregnant Jewish women by cutting off their hands, cutting open their belly, inserting a live cat, and sewing the belly shut.



From: ashley, miss_magnesia@hotmail.com

Date: March 21

Ack, g-d you’re a creep Loewenstein. A real creep.


From: Oliver Colman, ocolman@bigpond.net.au

Date: March 21

You are indeed the worst twister and distorter of facts I have ever seen. You are a disgrace to the Jewish people and I can only imagine what the world to come has in store for you. Remember Gehinnon awaits the epicoris. For you it probably rests somewhere between the knife of the mohel and the blade of the shochet, but not as quick, more like an eternity. If you were an Arab there would be a fatwa out against you, you fraud.

Letters 2006

From: Art, artforart@idx.com.au

Date: November 17

I dont understand all this negativity towards Israel especially coming from a Jew. Why are you turning against your own people? and what the hell do you mean by “Jews love fries with freedom”? wake-up dummy, Jews gave the concept of freedom to the world plus a host of other things as well, such as great music, literature, art: I could go on and on about OUR contrib to the human race for which we got little in return except persecution and villification. I guess the Saudis love “freedom” dont they? or the Pals (freedom as long as you are one of them) or the Syrians or the Iranians? Israel loves and cherishes freedom more than any other country on earth. If it weren’t for Pal terrorism, Israel would today be a thriving, prosperous and peaceful country, providing jobs and opportunities for 100’s of thousands of Pals and others from around the mid east, by no, jealosy got in the way didn’t it?


From: Art, artforart@idx.com.au

Date: November 17

Wake up to yourself and get into the real world. israel has a security crisis on its hands RIGHT NOW that must be dealt with decisively and forcefully. The problem is in the here and now not in the distant future. People are dying on the streets of Israeli cities every day. F.. these Palestinians, may they all rot in hell, the misery they have brought to Israel, the hell they have created. i have friends who have lost loved ones to these terrorist murderers. Were it not for terror, Israel would be a thriving, prospering country providing benefits and friendship to all her neighbours.


From: E. David Litvak, edlitvak@comcast.net

Date: November 1

It is a perfect indicator of the time we live in that the leaders of the West: political, scholastic, ecclesiastic, and above all, the pontificators of the Fourth Estate simply cannot bring themselves to face, let alone to state the obvious fact that the West is immeasurably superior to Islam. Harmony in music / perspective in painting / painless surgery / the eradication of many diseases that had plagued mankind throughout the ages / the abolishment of slavery / the harnessing of electricity, of steam and oil / the principles of flight, including into outer space / of photography / household plumbing (let us pay homage to the lowly Western plumber for it was he, not the medical profession, who banished cholera, dysentery & typhoid) / telephone, television & the computer/ the list goes on and on. Further, the universal languages of the arts & sciences are: English, French, Italian & German all Western tongues. The proof of the pudding is in the eating. Islamic students go to Western universities in their tens of thousands, very few Westerners attend Islamic universities save for religious studies.


From: Ian Katz, ian_katz2003@hotmail.com

Date: September 25:

Hey ,Loewenstein, you call your piece of perfidious fiction a best-seller and dont like the AJN calling you a rookie author, well, Loewenstein, the only sort of people that would be interested in reading your odious homily would be avowed Nazis, or the sponsors of Palestinian suicide bombers for 72 virgins that you seem to be amnestic for, despite being the self appointed vanguard of Palestinians.

You are a spoilt envious little attention seeker trying to get back at the leaders of the Jewish community for not admiring your seemingly invisible[non -existent ] self proclaimed talents.


From: Ron Danko, rdanko@ozemail.com.au

Date: August 29

Firstly Jews have a right to a home land in ISRAEL WITH Jerusalem as its Capital.

Because you are a secular jew you have little or now understading of what is happening.

We are NOT occupying Israel, they are living in our home land. They had plenty of chances to leave and go to ANY OTHER OF THE OTHER 22 fucking Arab countries.

Our right does NOT depend on what the UN or other peopel think. We exist because that is the plan.

Rabbi M Kahane was correct , we should have kicked them out when we had the chance.

When you start to live in the REAL WORLD then OPEN your mouth!!.

We own all of Israel not some ARABS , they are not PALESTINIANS!!!

Better not to speak and show how STUPID you are . Be quite and then people will only guess how stupid you are.

The Lebanon war is just . ONLY 1000 civilian casualties , that is not alot , especially when they were warned to get out.


You are an idiot.

hugs and kisses you moron


From: mfaygale, mburd[at]bigpond.net.au

Date: July 10

Let me under stand Mr Loewenstein if I were to understand your logic if the 6 million Jews /Israelies gave in to the 1.5 billion Muslim/Arabs and their allies the French,Koreans,Chinese,Russians ,Swiss etc etc and gave the palestinians gaza,west bank,tel aviv,haifa and the rest all the Muslims and arabs that are currently planning attacks on their fellow citizens in canada,Uk,USA,France,Lakemba etc etc will immediatly put away their maps of subways and airports and dispose of their bombs all the islamic terrorists creating havoc in Chechyna,Kashmir,India,paksitan ,Iraq , Afganastan,yemen,Thailand,Phillipines northern China,Algeria just to name a few will all suddenly put down their weapons and be happy chappys the Arabs in Sudan will stop masacering the Black africans {400,000} last count,the sunni and the shea will stop murdering each other and stop blowing up each others mosques and the lebenese Muslims will stop killing theior christian brothers..



From: Chaos, vegeta_cas[at]hotmail.com

Date: July 6

It’s amazing how even if the US really is losing the war on terror that anyone rational would be happy about such a thing.

But of course Ant knows that the chances of Muslim armies ever marching into Australia are more or less nil, and who gives a damn about those brown-skinned fellows who would have to bear the consequences of a US defeat? After all, they’re only Arabs / Africans / Asians, not good white people like Ant.


From: Spider, speak2mecobber[at]yahoo.com.au

Date: June 26

Israel is a state should needs to be forgotten. Send the Jews to live there in mass then turn our backs to them. Let karma take over and finish the job. What we see in Jews are people who are full of themselves, who believe that they can step on all people around them then expect to be glorified in the process. In the past couple years, I’ve started to believe that the Nazi’s had it right. Look how much trouble Jews are.


From: rhapsodiser, georgiesmail4[at]hotmail.com

Date: May 24

Did you inform Cindy Sheehan that you were urging and hoping that her son be murdered to satisfy your perverted treasonous ideology?

“Working towards, and advocating, “Coalition” defeat has been achieved.”

Treasonous, cowardly hypocrite. God, people HATE you Loewstein, they despise you.


From: Sho, sho[at]sho.com

Date: May 19

It’s funny how the title graphic of your blog appears to be a rat graffitiing its name on a wall, because you certainly are a rat, Antony, and your blog is about as valuable as graffiti.


From: rhapsodiser, georgiesmail4[at]hotmail.com

Date: May 14

Once again, you lie and distort

Not once in the SMH article did the word “really” come up.

You are clearly not a journalist.

You continually confirm that the SMH decision to fire you was a correct one. You are dishonest and put your own spin on the words of others. No wonder you are hated so widely amongst professional journos.

You are disgusting, a liar and a hypocrite who sells his country and his people down the river for personal gain.

There are no words to describe how peurile you “really” are.


From: rhapsodiser, georgiesmail4[at]hotmail.com

Date: May 14




pretty sick eh?


From: Alex, alex[at]lubansky.net

Date: May 10

Two questions for you Antony:

1) Do you believe Israel is the worst country in the world and by such a large margin that it justifies Israel being singled out for this action? Are there no other countries in the world that you believe are engaged in occupation, disriminatory policies, or any of the host of sins you frequently accuse Israel of?

2) Why should any academic, whether from Israel or anywhere else, be forced to mouth a political view in order to be able to work and to collaborate? Surely in this case freedom of thought, political or otherwise, should be protected as important in universities. This is different from cases of opposing hate-speech, as this requires you to have and to express certain views.


From: rhapsodiser, georgiesmail4[at]hotmail.com

Date: May 6

What a fucking hypocrite you are.

You slam Bush et al for overthrowing SaddamHussein and then you slam him for not coming down harder on human rights abuses in Iraq!

Which is it? You can’t have it both ways — you are a typical narrow-minded left wing ideologue who wouldn’t know his arse from a hole in the wall. Go to Iraq and then talk to me. Fuckwit.


From: mfaygale, mburd[at]bigpond.net.au

Date: May 5

Islamic exremists in indonesia backed by islamic extremist head honcho osma { he said so} attacked australians in Indonesia beacuse of our support for christian east timorese..just as our support for the infidals of west papua will once again anger the islamic
extremists in indonesia who will attack aussies again in Bali no doubt…
isnt it strange how the leftys want our government to pick and choose who australia should support and where we should send troops…if the palestinians suddenly said they wanted aussies troops you watch how quick the leftys argue that we should send them.


From: mfaygale, mburd[at]bigpond.net.au

Date: May 2

Many people describe Loewenstein as a self-hating Jew what exactly is a self hating Jew.
I always thought Jews that sided with the Arabs did so because they believe they wouldn’t be targeted and left alone..? Isn’t a better description collaborator? Just imagine if any Arab or Muslim sided with the Jews how long before his head would be lobbed off?
We can see what happned to one muslim who converted to christianity.


From: rhapsodiser, georgiesmail4[at]hotmail.com

Date: April 5

This blog is abhorrant. A sick-bed of Jew hatred nurtured and encouraged by a self-hating Jew. You are so sick to do this to your own people. To let others perpetuate untruths and misconceptions and then to publish it all so that you can gain publicity for yourself. God, you are a sicko.


From: Judicious Asininity

Date: March 29

Antony Lowenstein: Islam is not a ‘race’. Criticising Islam is not ‘racism’. Having your tongue perpetually crammed up the arse of every Islamofascist and screaming about ‘zionism’ doesn’t make you an independent thinker Antony, merely a paranoid, self-hating terror-apologist. Lowenstein is the kind of arseclown who, if he was alive in WW2, would probably have blamed the invasion of Poland on “Zionist provocation”.


From: rhapsodiser, georgiesmail4[at]hotmail.com

Date: March 25

I just spoke to some associates of mine. I’m glad I made copies of my comments and have now copied their removal by the blog’s owner.

When your book is published Antony, we will make it publically known that you stifle and censor polite fee speech on your own blog. There was nothing offensive about my comments except that you disagreed with them — and the public, including publishers (Loiuse [Adler, MUP head] to begin with) will be shown this.

You’re a fraud Loewenstein. You censor discussion on your own blog and limit it to those who agree with you. You have no credibility.

You will not be able to claim that my comments were offensive because I have copies of them to prove they were not.

Louise got her fingers burned with Latham and now you….she won’t want to touch you again after August.


The following message, by “Revilo”, was posted on the New Matilda message board on March 15 in response to my article about Israel’s “hidden shame“. (The spelling and grammar mistakes remain):

Here he goes again “Israel kills millions of Palestinians a day……” Loewenstein commits the big lie… remember that Antony?, Hitler and Goebbels used it to its fullest. I wonder in your humanist secular wisdom.. “I also am against a Buddhist, Muslim, Christian.. hegemonist state.” I wonder if you also vehemently oppose the Queen of England, the Pope, Ayatolla Khomeni. If so, we don’t hear it, except in an occasional aside.

Your continuous carping hyperbole and half truths, disgust and appall the mainstream Jewish Australian, and the N.M should cease to publicise your upcoming book. I can only wonder why they choose such a warped and biased writer.

As I have said before, the book will hopefully lie in the tip alonside such other works as ‘Mein Kamph’ and the ‘Protocols of the elders of Zion.’ No doubt the anti-semites will rush to your support as usual, and defend your jaundiced views to the hilt. I know in dignifying this rubbish with a response I am lending some credence to it. However I owe it to those who risk their lives daily by living in the promised land and to some degree the readership who deserve better. I only wish I could lend clout by having a website or title. I was derided for challenging this individual before. But I will not be swayed from commenting when I see the truth being so badly treated by someone who purports to be an expert.


From: Eocko, andygarcia[at]yahoo.com

Date: March 8


You are an idiot.


From: Jihad Imudsen, jihadmuddy[at]hotmail.com
Date: February 20

The only vege around here is you ‘turd boy’ – even then you’re not real fresh. Hey? What’s with the ‘Journo’ tag btw? You’ve been outed before as a liar on this issue – why keep up the charade? You’re just a not so bright Jew hatin’ bigot- and don’t use the fact that you’re a YID as some kind of defence. You’re a fuckin’ disgrace to YIDS everywhere.

albert landa