The growing intimacy between Israel and Rwanda

Israeli lawyer Eitay Mack is a leading investigator in trying to uncover the dark secrets of Israel’s arms trade around the world (from South Sudan to Sri Lanka).…  Here’s his latest discovery (written by Mack and sent to me): For some time I received reports of Israeli rifles in Rwanda. I think this is the…

How Israel’s weapons industry thrives on ever-greater conflict

Fascinating and depressing (via 972 magazine) about the radically different view of Israel in the general public globally (never been worse due to racism and occupation against Palestinians) and the elites who see endless financial opportunity. Vulture capitalism brought to you by Zionism: In his new documentary, ”˜The Lab,’ Yotam Feldman explores how Israel’s weapons…

If I ruled the world

I was asked by Osman Faruqi, editor of the University of New South Wales student newspaper Tharunka, to write a column: The role of the US hegemony is over. Washington no longer controls the world by charm and force. It’s a multipolar planet with countless centres of power. Wouldn’t this be something to celebrate? In…

Wait, why is Obama really going to Israel again?

Barack Obama is soon to land in Israel and only a fool believes the US President is doing anything other than appeasing the Zionist lobby, occupation backers, the arms industry and other cretins and fools. Gideon Levy in Haaretz: Barack Obama has decided to punish the Israelis: He is talking to them as if they…

US arms the world but Iran is the threat?

The evidence is clear; Washington fuels more conflicts globally than Tehran could ever hope to do: Weapons sales by the United States tripled in 2011 to a record high, driven by major arms sales to Persian Gulf allies concerned about… Iran’s regional ambitions, according to a new study for Congress. Overseas weapons sales by the United…

US backing for Egypt largely about arms trade

How grubby (via the New York Times): An intense debate within the Obama administration over resuming military assistance to… Egypt, which in the end was approved Friday by Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, turned in part on a question that had nothing to do with democratic progress in Egypt but rather with American jobs at…

Hello terror, we can make money from you

Post 9/11, countless companies saw an opportunity to make a killing on the desperate desire of both democracies and repressive states to monitor citizens. And when the US government, supposedly the freest nation on Earth, brazenly spied on people in the name of “security”, the path was set. The Wall Street Journal reports: Documents obtained…

Globalised terror; from Palestine to America

Welcome to a world where the rapacious arms industry has a global reach, and sees no difference between helping an occupying army and thuggish police in a supposed democracy. Max Blumenthal reports: With the rise of the Occupy Wall Street, a new generation of mostly middle class Americans is learning for the first time about…