Zionism exports death globally (and the occupation comes on top)

Is there any nation on earth the Jewish state won’t sell weapons to? Unlikely:

Israel’s defense industry racked an unprecedented $7.2 billion in exports in 2010, up on the $6.9 billion achieved in 2009.

That put the Jewish state among the world’s top four arms exporters but declining military budgets around the world are likely to reduce sales over the coming years.

“We recognize the challenges but we’re working hard to maintain the level we’re currently at and even to increase it,” said Reserve Brig. Gen. Shmaya Avieli, head of the Defense Ministry’s Foreign Defense Assistance and Defense Export Department.

The Israelis are hoping to secure big-ticket deals at the Paris Air Show, a major international defense industry showcase next week at the Le Bourget exhibition center.

Government figures indicate Israeli defense companies sold military hardware worth $9.6 billion in 2010, $2.4 billion of it to Israel’s military.

But meantime, China, once a promising market for Israeli weapons and electronic systems, remains off-limits, largely because of Israel’s ally, the United States.

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