My Real Estate Tools

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We are currently in the process of redeveloping the My Real Estate Tool functionality and during this period the Email Alerts, My Searches and My Properties functionality will not be available in this section of the website.

Internet Privacy Policy


The web site ("the web site") is operated by Pty Ltd ("REA"). REA is a subsidiary of REA Group Ltd and operates the web site on behalf of REA Group Ltd and its related companies ("we", "our" and "us" in this Privacy Policy). Click here to view our contact details.

The Privacy Policy set out below outlines the manner in which we manage personal information obtained through or displayed on the web site or otherwise provided by real estate agents or visitors to the website. (Personal information obtained through the web site of Home Loans will be managed in accordance with the Privacy and Legal statement contained on that web site.) By using the web site, or entering into an agreement with us in relation to the web site or any of our other web sites (eg to list a property or advertise on the web site) you are taken to have read, and agreed to the collection, use, disclosure and handling of your personal information in accordance with, this Privacy Policy. This Privacy Policy is in addition to any other terms and conditions applicable to the web site. Specific privacy terms contained in any documents made available by us should be read together with this Privacy Policy.

We reserve the right, at our discretion, to modify or remove portions of this Privacy Policy at any time. You should review this Privacy Policy periodically so that you are updated on any changes. We welcome your comments and feedback.

We do not make any representations about third party web sites that may be linked to the web site.

Respecting information privacy

We recognise the importance of protecting the privacy of information we collect that is capable of identifying an individual ("personal information").
In collecting and handling personal information, we are bound by the Commonwealth Privacy Act 1988, including the National Privacy Principles, and any other applicable privacy laws in Australia. This Privacy Policy governs the manner in which personal information will be dealt with.

There may be circumstances in which we need to transfer personal information outside Australia. If we do so, we strive to ensure that any organisation to which the information is transferred will be subject to binding privacy obligations.

Problems or Questions

If we become aware of any ongoing concerns or problems with the web site, we will take these issues seriously and work to address these concerns. If you have any further queries relating to this Privacy Policy, or you have a problem or complaint, please contact us.

Further Data Protection Information

For more information about privacy issues in Australia and protecting your privacy, visit the Australian Federal Privacy Commissioner's website.

What personal information do we collect and why?

In order to provide you with services, answer your enquiries, deal with your requests or improve the services we offer you, we may collect and process the following personal information about you:

If we do not collect this personal information from you, we may not be able to provide you with the services or assistance you have requested.

How do we use your personal information?

We may use personal information in the following ways:

Estate agents
You should be aware that submitting an enquiry regarding a property or an estate agent through the web site will result in the information being passed to the estate agent. What they then do with your information will be their responsibility. You will need to see the estate agent's privacy policy to find out how that estate agent handles your personal information. We are not responsible for the way estate agents collect, use, disclose or handle personal information.

Who do we disclose your information to?

We may disclose information held about you to the following types of organisations:

We also disclose real estate agent contact details (which may include a profile photo) in association with listings or advertisements on the web site.

Storage, Security and Processing

We strive to ensure the security, integrity and privacy of personal information submitted to the web site, and we review and update our security measures in light of current technologies. Unfortunately, no data transmission over the internet can be guaranteed to be totally secure.
However, we will endeavour to take reasonable steps to protect the personal information you may transmit to us or from our online products and services. Once we do receive your transmission, we will also use reasonable endeavours to ensure its security on our systems.
In addition, our employees and the contractors who provide services related to our information systems are obliged to respect the confidentiality of any personal information held by us. However, we are not responsible for events arising from unauthorised access to your personal information.
Data (including personal data) submitted by REA’s customers and visitors to the web sites may be held on servers located in Australia or in the data centres of REA’s outsourced data processors with data centres in Australia, the United States of America, Europe and Asia. The purposes of transfer of data outside of Australia are the secure storage, back-up and retrieval of data. REA has implemented policies and procedures to safeguard the secure storage and processing of data intra-group, has verified the security arrangements of its outsourced data processors and has implemented contractual arrangements intra-group and with its outsourced data processors in accordance with Privacy Act 1988 . You give consent to the transfer of personal data on these terms and for the purposes described above.

Correction and access

We will endeavour to take all reasonable steps to keep accurate and up to date any information which we hold about you. If, at any time, you discover that information held about you is incorrect, you contact us to have the information corrected.
You can also gain access to the personal information we hold about you, subject to certain exceptions provided for by law. To request access to your personal information, please contact us.


Cookies are data that a web site transfers to an individual's hard drive for record-keeping purposes. Cookies, which are industry standard and are used by most web sites, including the web site, can facilitate a user's ongoing access to and use of a site. They allow us to customise the web site to your needs and serve targeted advertising.
All pages on the web site are coded with measurement software which is transparent to the user. The software makes use of an invisible image at the bottom of the web page. This software stores a "cookie" in the browser, which contains a unique string. This enables them to count the number of unique browsers to the web site. This information is collected and aggregated, and in no way does this unique identifier identify a user personally. We do not and will not marry any data collected with any personal information collected on our web sites. We use the independent companies, including Neilsen/NetRatings and Omniture to measure and analyse the internet usage across our web sites. We also use an auditing system on our website in relation to internet usage measurement and/or analytics.
If you do not want information collected through the use of cookies, there is a simple procedure in most browsers that allows you to deny or accept the cookie feature. However, you should note that cookies may be necessary to provide you with some features of our online services.

Links to Other Sites

We provide links to web sites outside of the web site, as well as to third party web sites. These linked sites are not under our control, and we cannot accept responsibility for the conduct of companies linked to the web site. Before disclosing your personal information on any other web site, we advise you to examine the terms and conditions of using that web site and its privacy statement.

Credit applications by real estate agents

If you apply to us for credit, we will ask you to authorise us to obtain personal information about you from credit reporting agencies, other credit providers, existing or previous suppliers of goods or services, your bank and certain other businesses for the purposes of assessing your application.
We will also require you to authorise us to disclose your personal information to:

In addition to the ways in which we may use personal information set out above, if you are a customer of REA, we may also use your personal information:

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