These Lorries Carry the Most Deadly Load on British Roads...

Convoy carriers with nuclear warheads
Convoy carriers with nuclear warheads

DID YOU know that nuclear warheads are regularly transported for hundreds of miles along UK roads?

Police and Marines escort these military convoys between the warhead factory near Aldermaston and the Trident submarine base in Scotland.

No radiation warning symbols are carried and neither the public nor local authorities are warned of these nuclear convoys.

Nukewatch UK monitors these convoys with help from people like you. Nukewatch are then able to keep MP's, journalists, local communities, and consellers informed of what's passing through their towns.

If you see a convoy on the move, or passing by your house, be ready to phone us by having these numbers already on your phone...

South: 0845 45 88 364
North: 0845 45 88 365


Nuclear warhead convoys carry lethal radioactive materials...
The warheads in these lorries contain plutonium and other deadly radioactive materials. With each lorry carrying up to 8kg of plutonium, any accident involving an explosion or fire could lead to a radioactive plume spreading for miles, poisoning a huge area for thousands of years. US and British government research has been unable to rule out the risk of a catastrophic nuclear explosion. The risk of a major accident is growing as traffic on British roads increases.

They can travel by day and night...
In 2004 the MoD changed its 50-year policy on nuclear convoys to allow making the 500 mile road trip in one go, travelling in the dark and without overnight stops: more hazardous and with higher risks to the public. They may also use additional routes to those frequently used and marked on the map.

They carry illegal weapons...
The nuclear warheads these convoys carry are Weapons of Mass Destruction owned and wielded by the UK Government. Deploying Weapons of Mass Destruction is fundamentally wrong, illegal under international law, deeply hypocritical and flawed in its approaches to the modern world's challenges.

Help us to stop these nuclear weapon convoys.

UK Nuclear Weapons Convoy