New theme image test

August 25th, 2011

I’m using a minimal theme I found called “Just Write.” Here is an image:

mushrooms on the lawn

Can you see the mushrooms on the lawn?

Okay, it doesn’t force the size of the photo to fit, so the only thing I can do is put it in at “medium” size initially. And the editor won’t let me expand it to a bigger size. So this is really not a theme for images, but as its title says — for writing. It uses Helvetica/Arial (ugh) for the body font, but for some reason Arial doesn’t look as obnoxious here as it usually does. Pending…

Posted in Admin Stuff, Theme Stuff | Comments (1)

Testing again

August 4th, 2011

Okay, let’s see if the permalinky .htaccess thingie works.

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Where are my posts, bitch?

July 17th, 2011

After breaking the site several times, I finally just upgraded this bitch by hand. And now my posts (well, the one before this) are giving me a 404 error. What.

It’s a good thing this is just a test site.

Posted in Admin Stuff, No Just No | Comments (1)

List list o list

August 14th, 2010

Time to test the lists:

  1. Ayyy
  2. Beee
  3. Ceeee
  4. Deeee
  5. Eeeee

Ooooh, how about some code. Don't remember how to code so oh well.

Tags: , ,
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Twenty-Ten Weaver Theme

August 12th, 2010

Testing the Twenty-Ten Weaver theme. So far it’s okay but it seems mostly to be about looks more than content.

Posted in Theme Stuff | Comments (0)

One more test of Posterous

August 2nd, 2010

Can’t figure out why the footer stuff is stripped.


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Posterous autopost test

August 1st, 2010

Testing the autopost.

Update: hm… the links to Posterous and the comments are stripped out. Interesting.

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166 theme verdict so far

August 1st, 2010

I like it. No categories or tags (I’ve gotten tired of thinking up new clever names for things), and no archives (who reads archives? hardly anyone in my experience; I may be one of the few who do). The only thing I am reluctant to give up are comments. I must think about that.

Donation button test:

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Test a full page image

August 1st, 2010

Let’s break the site!

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Testing a pull quote

August 1st, 2010

Oooh, let’s test the pull quote thing. What they wrote I said was:

Phasellus eleifend est non velit eleifend congue. Pellentesque varius mattis nibh at dapibus. Vestibulum ac magna nec metus adipiscing dictum. Nunc orci sem, tincidunt quis varius quis, pretium vel justo. Sed consequat urna in ante faucibus pulvinar nec id sapien. Vivamus euismod nunc vitae lorem consequat sit amet blandit dui lacinia. Sed odio ligula, fringilla non adipiscing eu, dignissim sed sem. Nam vel lorem mi. Cras at malesuada mauris. Nam scelerisque vehicula diam, a semper sapien luctus sed. Cras mattis mollis lacus, eget faucibus nibh porta non.

Note: position the quote somewhere in the middle or write stuff after it or it will be positioned at the bottom (though in the proper side column) of your post. Right?

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