Course-Based Ethics

The Ethics Certificate Program offers an opportunity for undergraduate students to test their convictions, deepen their knowledge, and explore their ambitions. It’s a rigorous course of study designed to prepare students for life – both personally and professionally.

Ethics Film Series

Public Ethics

The Institute’s 2011 Ethics Film Series features four films that touch on the theme of “community,” addressing the tensions that arise between individual rights and the common good and examining how individuals become members of and valued by their communities. The series runs January 25 through April 5.

Rethinking Regulation

Markets and Morals

Rethinking Regulation is a multi-year interdisciplinary program exploring the centrality of regulation to sustainable capitalism. Bringing humanist perspectives to bear on the study of regulatory institutions, the project reconsiders the bases of human motivation, the organizational culture of public institutions, and the role of moral judgment in governance.

William Darity, Jr.Good Question Series

How might social policies change as more Americans identify themselves as “multiracial”? William Darity, Jr., answers this month’s question in the Good Question: An Exploration in Ethics series.

Migrants and Refugees

The Bhutanese Resettlement Project explores the effects of resettlement upon Bhutanese refugees in Nepal and Durham.

DukeEngage Dublin

Civic and Ethical Engagement

DukeEngage Dublin is an immersive civic engagement experience in which students work in partnership with University College Dublin, the National College of Ireland, and several Irish NGOs to help understand and tackle issues of race, citizenship, and human rights in Ireland.

Ethical Crisis and Institutional Change

Ethical Crisis and Institutional Change

An interdisciplinary group faculty and graduate students from across Duke are investigating ethical crisis and change while seeking how best to understand, assess and improve the ethical cultures of military, religious, business and educational institutions.

Team Kenan

Ethical Leadership

Team Kenan provides students with opportunities to design and implement student-led programming and to fulfill leadership roles in the promotion of ethical inquiry at Duke.

News see all

Balleisen Discusses “Responsive Regulation”

In a new paper, Edward Balleisen and how this approach might inform our understanding of the recent global financial crisis. Read the full paper here.

Rethinking Regulation Project Announces Graduate Fellows

The Rethinking Regulation Project has selected the recipients of the 2011-2012 Graduate Awards in Regulatory Governance. More info.

Institute Announces Recipients of Inaugural Public Ethics Grants

The Kenan Institute for Ethics is pleased to announce the recipients of the Institute’s grants in public ethics. A request for proposals was issued in the spring to Duke faculty. More info.

Kenan Moral Purpose Award

In honor of its 15th anniversary at Duke, the Institute has established an annual award to recognize an outstanding essay on moral purpose by a Duke undergraduate. Congratulations to Bethany Horstmann and Rae Dong, winners of $1000. Learn more.

Institute Headlines

Apply for Project Change

Want to take part in Project Change? Click here for more information, or go directly to our online application.

Poverty in North Carolina

The Institute is launching a new project on the Moral Challenges of Poverty and Inequality. Click here for more info.

And the Winners Are….

The top prize winners of the What is Good Art? Competition were unveiled at the opening of the related exhibition on April 5. See who won.

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