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Cedar Lounge
For Lefties too Stubborn to Quit

offsite link News of the World? redux 16:54 Mon Jul 11, 2011 | WorldbyStorm

offsite link Clare Daly on The Week in Politics? 16:45 Mon Jul 11, 2011 | WorldbyStorm

offsite link Left Archive: The Just Society [version], Fine Gael, 1965. 07:00 Mon Jul 11, 2011 | WorldbyStorm

offsite link Sunday Independent Stupid Statement of the Week 12:06 Sun Jul 10, 2011 | Garibaldy

offsite link President Mitchell? Hmmm? 19:15 Sat Jul 09, 2011 | WorldbyStorm

Cedar Lounge >>

Dublin Opinion
It's a group blog. What more do you need to know?

offsite link FINE GAEL AND THE JUST SOCIETY, 1965 18:13 Mon Jul 11, 2011

offsite link You Can?t Keep a Wife and a Family on This 21 Acres of Land 12:42 Mon Jul 11, 2011

offsite link SINS OF THE FATHER, B-SIDES AND OUT-TAKES: The Ruling Trinity: A Community Study of Church... 12:30 Mon Jul 11, 2011

offsite link ENDA AND EAMON TELL IRELAND TO GO FUCK ITSELF 11:53 Mon Jul 11, 2011

offsite link STAY CALM AND KEEP TYPING: DEMOCRACY 0.1 13:16 Sun Jul 10, 2011

Dublin Opinion >>

Irish Left Review
Joined up thinking for the Irish Left

offsite link The trouble with ?trafficking? Mon Jul 11, 2011 15:05 | Wendy Lyons

offsite link More of the Same on Social Housing Mon Jul 11, 2011 14:37 | Eoin Ó Broin

offsite link Hurray!!! Fine Gael Comes Out Against a Flat-Rate Household Charge Mon Jul 11, 2011 14:04 | Michael Taft

offsite link From the Weird Pile - In the Name of Job Creation, Government Subsidises Compani... Mon Jul 11, 2011 13:54 | Michael Taft

offsite link Stay Calm and Keep Typing: Democracy 0.1 Mon Jul 11, 2011 10:30 | Irish Left Review

Irish Left Review >>

A shot at bias in the media

offsite link The Forgotten Constituency: The Majority and The Irish Economic Crisis Fri Mar 11, 2011 11:49

offsite link A curse on the zombie establishment Tue Sep 21, 2010 15:11

offsite link 'Officials say', 'officials say', 'according to an official' Tue Jul 27, 2010 17:05

offsite link 'The false reality of news journalism' Fri Jul 02, 2010 13:15

offsite link Israel and its influence on world politics Mon Jun 28, 2010 14:52

MediaBite >>

national / anti-capitalism Saturday July 02, 2011 22:14 by ArtistKnownasG
Crises of capitalism

It has been said that we live in a business run society which is characterised by business parties masquerading as political parties and a 'political class' that implements policies which more often than not puts the interests of 'big business' ahead of the well being of the general populace. The unprecedented nature of bank bailouts in this country along with continued and debatable payments to bondholders with an apparent absence of serious public consultation let alone a referendum on matters with such wide-ranging and generational consequences seems to lend some credence to this characterisation of modern society.

international / crime and justice Thursday June 30, 2011 23:34 by indyjourno
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FRU Group Photo

The Force Research Unit (FRU) was a covert military intelligence unit set up by the British Military of Defence sometime between 1979 and 1981. Its motto was ‘Fishers of Men’. Its remit was to recruit and run double agents in the paramilitary groups in the 6 counties. At its peak the FRU had up to 80 officers and about 100 support staff dealing with hundreds of informers. The FRU were in collusion with loyalist paramilitaries during the 1980’s and 90’s that led to the murder of dozens of catholics including high profile solicitor Pat Finucane. Despite having been exposed in British Tribunals and in the press of collusion with loyalist paramilitary gangs, a rebranded FRU has been involved in illegal operations in Iraq and Libya showing that the British establishment not only knew about the collusion but also actively encouraged it and rewarded those of its officers who were engaged in these activities.

national / miscellaneous Thursday June 30, 2011 23:34 by éirígí Sligeach
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Is the Irish social welfare system for the birds??

Below is the first in a series of articles relating to social welfare within the twenty six counties. Amongst the specific issues dealt with will be cutbacks, 'fraud' and the broken promises and hypocrisy of the Fine Gael/Labour coalition less than 100 days after taking office

image Minister Joan Burton 0.01 Mb image Donegal News June 2 0.34 Mb image socialwelfarecartoon1.jpg 0.07 Mb

national / miscellaneous Wednesday June 29, 2011 18:27 by WC
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Jim Cusack does it again

Sunday Independent journalist Jim Cusack has a consistent track record of writing highly dubious stories, based solely on anonymous Garda sources. In the June 19th edition of the newspaper, he makes a lame but insidious attempt to mitigate the behaviour of the Gardaí in Co Mayo who recorded themselves talking about raping women in their custody last March. He claims to have been shown new video footage, supposedly of the incident on March 31st, and this forms the basis of his article. Unfortunately for him, this footage, if it exists at all, is clearly not a recording of the incident in question.

national / rights and freedoms Friday June 24, 2011 17:58 by Derek Leinster
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The evidence Quinn failed to acknowledge
on the front page of report handed to him on 24 May 2011)

In letters to Joe Costello TD and Bethany Home Survivors Chairperson, Derek Leinster (attached), Ruairi Quinn TD, Minister for Education, turned down the survivors' request to have the Home included in the Schedule to the Residential Institutions Redress Scheme.

They met the Minister on 24 May last, accompanied by other survivors from the home, and by Niall Meehan from Griffith College Dublin. Inclusion is necessary in order for survivors to apply for compensation for the neglect they suffered in the home that the state was aware of but ignored.

image Child deaths soared after Bethany Home was supposed to be 'inspected' by the Department of Local Government and Public Health 0.69 Mb image Deputy Chief Medical Adviser, a state official, reveals state prejudice, ignores neglect and death 0.1 Mb image Deputy Chief Medical Adviser stops Bethany admitting Roman Catholics - hopes that will make the negative publicity problem about sickness and death go away 0.58 Mb image Department inspector wants Bethany nurse mother prosecuted - Deputy Chief Medical Adviser exonerates her, says child was 'delicate' and needed 'country air' 0.26 Mb

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English Gaeilge
Stop the sale of Coillte! Facebook: Woodland League Spread the word. Feb 12

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Mon 11 Jul, 21:48

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textCall for Whistleblowers in the Kevin Tracey Case 12:12 Fri 08 Jul by Justin Morahan 1 comments

textIrish Political Prisoners Escalate Their Protest In Maghaberry 00:34 Fri 08 Jul by Diarmuid Breatnach 3 comments

textLunchbox: new publication 23:34 Mon 04 Jul by Mick 0 comments

textVideo Launch of the Campaign for the Old City Arts Building 23:26 Mon 04 Jul by Mick 1 comments

IRMS security accidently joining the protest imageShell Office Blockaded for 6 Hours 18:04 Mon 04 Jul by lump 1 comments

Front of Shop imageRacist 'GollyDolly' on display in The Doll Store. 11:20 Thu 30 Jun by Residents Against Racism 8 comments

videoSolidarity with Irish Ship to Gaza, Dublin 28th June 2011 20:54 Wed 29 Jun by Trade Union TV 0 comments

textRossport Solidarity Camp June 2011 Update 17:29 Wed 29 Jun by Rossport Solidarity Camp 0 comments

Line formed across road imageImpromptu 2 hour tractor occupation at Shell Compound 15:58 Wed 29 Jun by Rossport SC 0 comments

videoVideo: Who lives here, belongs here- World Refugee day 22 June 2011 14:37 Wed 29 Jun by Trade Union TV 0 comments

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textSituation in Maghaberry jail critical. Jul 11 Republican Sinn Féin 0 comments

imageStill No Response from Stormont Politicans to GARC's Request? Jul 10 Greater Ardoyne Residents Collective (GARC) 1 comments

imagevideoKukutza Social Centre: Basque Kukutza Social Centre calls for solidarity Jul 10 Kukutza Social Centre 0 comments

textRNU Slams The Parades Commission Jul 10 Republican Network for Unity (RNU) 0 comments

textCarlow remembers the hunger strikers Jul 09 Republican Sinn Féin 0 comments

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