μFUN-PLANET collaboration


In January 2009 we decided to form a new microlensing collaboration, the μFUN-PLANET collaboration. Our objective is  to  search for extrasolar planets via microlensing, combining the ressources of the two previous groups, μFUN and PLANET. μFUN and PLANET had different search strategies based primarily on different resource structures. Nevertheless, the strategies are both complementary and overlapping and so will benefit from increased cooperation and integration of effort.
In particular, coverage of high-mag events  will benefit in two major ways:
  1) better identification of high-mag events from PLANET photometry at low magnification.
  2) better coverage near peak by closer coordination between μFUN and PLANET observatories.

We will, as always, work closely with OGLE and MOA teams.


2011 season

μFUN-PLANET came online mid March, 2011, with MOA-034. μFUN and some PLANET telescopes are kept on target of opportunity status: continuous monitoring from PLANET starts on May 1 st, 2011 at Canopus, later at SAAO.

IN THE NEWS: The new telescope in Tasmania Australia is under construction. Plans include a wide field imager. See the Hobart Mercury newspaper article


can be accessed through our List of monitored events (with online data files).
Usually data updates within an hour of being taken at the Planet telescope.
Data will be still uploaded on both websites of PLANET and μFUN for the time being.

Watch List of possible High Magnification events
last pySIS3 reductions
Latest modelling of ongoing events by Cheongho Han and students.
This is password protected: Contact us.


1995  1996  1997  1998  1999  2000  2001  2002  2003  2004  2005  2006  2007  2008  2009  2010

 2008  2009  2010


Our Collaborator's information and useful tools can be found at:
OGLE Survey group in Chile. They are currently upgrading thier telescope. A list of pre 2009 events
MOA Survey group in New Zealand. A list of thier current microlensing alerts
μFUN Follow up group of Ohio State Uni, and amateur astronomers world wide. A quick-look photometry archive
RoboNet II Automatic follow up telescope network with customizable priority list for microlensing targets
and associated page that provides a telescope specific prioritized list. PLOP
MiNDSTEp and ARTEMIS consists of an automatic data collection, modelling and alert detection system. It has similar layout/methedology/functionality as the PLANET pages (above) but there are differences in the implementation of models.
There is a sorted prioritized list
and an interactive plotter

not Found At IAP, PLANET is funded by HOLMES collaboration (J.P. Beaulieu, Pascal Fouqué)
Updated 2011-05-03 Ch.C