Australian Labor government unveils carbon tax

By Patrick O’Connor, 11 July 2011

While presenting the policy as a means of addressing widespread concerns about climate change, Gillard’s speech was primarily directed toward the business elite who will benefit from the market-based scheme.

One year since the Australian Labor Party coup

By the Socialist Equality Party (Australia), 14 June 2011

Twelve months later, the crisis of the government has only deepened, as the geopolitical and economic contradictions that gave rise to Rudd’s ousting have intensified.

The political issues facing NSW public sector workers

By the Socialist Equality Party (Australia), 14 June 2011

Large numbers of workers in the Australian state of New South Wales will take part in a demonstration on June 15 against the move by the new conservative government to directly dictate public sector wage rises.

Bob Gould 1937-2011: A political assessment

By Nick Beams, 13 June 2011

Gould’s politics were grounded on the doctrines of Australian nationalism, fashioned and developed by the Australian Labor Party on the basis of its organic hostility to the “foreign” ideology of Marxism.

Police attack protesting refugees at Australia’s Christmas Island

By Wiil Morrow, 13 June 2011

For the second time in three months, police have opened fire with bean-bag bullets and chemical weapons on refugees protesting inside Australia’s Christmas Island detention facilities.

Australian prime minister in love fest with mining moguls

By Patrick O’Connor, 4 June 2011

An extraordinary address delivered by Prime Minister Julia Gillard to mining moguls this week underscores her government’s subservience to the profit interests of BHP Billiton, Rio Tinto, and Xstrata.

NSW government seeks direct power to cut public sector wages

By Terry Cook, 3 June 2011

With a clear majority in the lower house and backed in the upper house by two right-wing minor parties, the O’Farrell government is moving to slash public spending and privatise remaining state-owned assets to satisfy the demands of the financial markets.

Union betrays nine-week Australian PPG paint workers’ strike

By Margaret Rees, 1 June 2011

More than 120 paint workers have today resumed work at PPG Industries in Melbourne, after the United Voice (UV) union orchestrated an end to their nine week strike.

The Aboriginal “intervention” in Australia: four years on

By Susan Allan, 30 May 2011

As the fourth anniversary of the Northern Territory (NT) intervention approaches, calls are being made for a new round of regressive measures against Aboriginal people, including a “second intervention”.

Australian waterfront union capitulates, calling off industrial action

By Patrick O’Connor, 28 May 2011

The union’s abject capitulation in the face of a highly provocative campaign waged by Patrick against its workforce was no doubt closely coordinated with the Labor government.

Qantas prepares offensive on Australian workforce

By Terry Cook and James Cogan, 27 May 2011

Qantas is preparing what one commentator described as a “seismic shift” in its global strategy.

Mining boom shatters myth of “Australian exceptionalism”

By James Cogan, 20 May 2011

Barely a week after the Labor government of Prime Minister Julia Gillard brought down its budget, the focus of the financial elite has shifted to the immense pressures bearing down on the economy as a result of the mining boom.

The serious questions raised by the Dominique Strauss-Kahn affair

WSWS Perspective, 19 May 2011

Barely a week after the Labor government of Prime Minister Julia Gillard brought down its budget, the focus of the financial elite has shifted to the immense pressures bearing down on the economy as a result of the mining boom.

Australian Labor government’s budget targets welfare recipients

By Patrick O’Connor, 11 May 2011

This central premise of Prime Minister Julia Gillard’s first budget—that the mining boom will generate prosperity and enable millions of ordinary people to “share the benefits”—is an utter fraud.

What next in the struggle against NAPLAN?

By James Cogan, 10 May 2011

The SEP encourages teachers, parents and students to send letters to the World Socialist Web Site on your views and your experiences with NAPLAN testing and its consequences. The suppression of doubts, questions and outright opposition, for which the unions are primarily responsible, must be opposed. We urge all teachers to contact us and participate in a discussion on how to take forward the struggle to defend public education.

Behind Ford’s latest mass layoffs in Australia

By Will Marshall, 10 May 2011

Behind the backs of the workforce, Prime Minister Julia Gillard and her senior ministers are collaborating with the car companies and trade unions to restructure the entire industry with the aim of boosting profits and “international competitiveness.”

The death agony of American democracy

WSWS Perspective, 9 May 2011

Unlimited violence, the repudiation of legality, and the suppression of democracy: this is the reactionary trajectory of contemporary American capitalism.

Queensland flood inquiry raises questions about state government’s response

By Richard Phillips, 3 May 2011

The hearings raised crucial questions about the response of the state Labor government, in addition to those raised by last week’s hearings, which featured harrowing first-hand accounts about the lack of emergency warnings in the nearby Lockyer Valley and Toowoomba.

Australian government makes bogus pledge on household compensation for carbon tax

By Patrick O’Connor, 15 April 2011

The government’s claim that “millions” of ordinary people will be better off under the tax is a complete fraud.

Nuclear power, private ownership and the profit system

WSWS Perspective, 24 March 2011

The problem is not nuclear power per se, but the social and economic order under which it is developed.

After meeting with Obama, Australian PM declares “enthusiasm” for Washington’s anti-China cordon

By Patrick O’Connor, 9 March 2011

Gillard has recklessly committed Australia to any US war against China, without any public discussion on the issue.

The downfall of Hosni Mubarak

WSWS Perspective, 12 February 2011

The World Socialist Web Site hails the downfall of Egyptian dictator Hosni Mubarak. There is justified jubilation in the streets of Cairo, Alexandria and other cities, as millions of Egyptian workers and youth celebrate their historic victory.

See the full WSWS coverage of the uprisings
in the Middle East »

Australia’s floods: a failure of government and the profit system

Statement of the Socialist Equality Party (Australia),
29 January 2011

The tragic loss of dozens of lives and the destruction caused by the floods that have engulfed Queensland and other regions of Australia over the past two months have exposed the criminal indifference of every level of government for the lives and property of ordinary working people.

WikiLeaks cables expose US hostility to Rudd’s Asia Pacific Community plan

By Peter Symonds, 31 December 2010

Washington’s concern was that Rudd’s foreign policy was cutting across the US agenda.

The WikiLeaks cables and the US-Australia alliance

By Patrick O’Connor, 15 December 2010

Leaked US diplomatic cables have detailed the extraordinary level of involvement of the American state in the day to day functioning of Australian politics, laying bare the real character of the diplomatic relationship between Washington and Canberra.

Leaks point to US concerns over Australian role in Afghanistan

By James Cogan, 11 December 2010

Australian policy was in direct opposition to the stance of the Obama administration.

Australia: WikiLeaks cables reveal secret ties between Rudd coup plotters and US embassy

By Patrick O’Connor, 9 December 2010

Key coup plotters in the Labor Party and trade unions, including senators Mark Arbib and David Feeney, and Australian Workers Union chief Paul Howes, secretly provided the US embassy with regular updates on internal government discussions and divisions within the party leadership.

WikiLeaks cables cast fresh light on coup against former Australian PM Rudd

By Patrick O’Connor, 8 December 2010

The latest round of US diplomatic cables distributed by WikiLeaks have cast fresh light on the circumstances surrounding the anti-democratic Labor Party coup on June 23-24 that ousted Kevin Rudd as Australian prime minister.

Featured Analysis

WikiLeaks cables expose US hostility to Rudd’s Asia Pacific Community plan

By Peter Symonds, 31 December 2010

Washington’s concern was that Rudd’s foreign policy was cutting across the US agenda.

The political significance of the WikiLeaks revelations

By Nick Beams, 23 December 2010

The following report was delivered by Nick Beams, SEP (Australia) national secretary to SEP public meetings in Melbourne and Sydney on December 20 and 21.

NSW State Election

Australian Labor Party suffers devastating election defeat

Across the state, the most populous in the country, Labor received only 25.5 percent of the vote—its lowest result since 1904.

SEP analysis of the June 23-24 political coup

The Australian Labor Party coup: a warning to the working class

Julia Gillard’s installation as prime minister last Thursday through an unprecedented coup initiated within the Labor apparatus by a tiny handful of unknown factional warlords and trade union bureaucrats is a clear warning to the working class.

The international significance of the political coup in Australia

The sudden ousting of Kevin Rudd has punctured the myth, promoted around the world and at home, of Australia as a land of social stability and political quiescence.

Mining executive’s speech points to key role in Australian coup

A speech by Tom Albanese, chief executive of the giant mining transnational Rio Tinto, underscores the key role played by the major mining companies in the June 24 coup.


See more analysis of the June 23-24 coup...

Documents of the SEP Founding Congress

The Historical and International Foundations of the SEP (Australia)

Adopted in January by the founding congress of the Socialist Equality Party (Australia), The Historical and International Foundations of the Socialist Equality Party (Australia reviews and examines essential historical events and political experiences of the Australian working class throughout the twentieth century, within the context of global economic, political and social processes.

SEP (Australia) Statement of Principles

The SEP Statement of Principles outlines the basic conceptions of the SEP and the foundation for membership in the party. The document was adopted unanimously at the party’s founding congress in Sydney on January 21–25.

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