"It's hard to know where sporting boycotts ought to start and stop" ... Tamil Tiger soldiers in 2004, and above, Sri Lanka and Australia play in the ICC Cricket World Cup in Colombo, March 5, 2011.

"It's hard to know where sporting boycotts ought to start and stop" ... Tamil Tiger soldiers in 2004, and above, Sri Lanka and Australia play in the ICC Cricket World Cup in Colombo, March 5, 2011. Photo: AP/Reuters

The recent expose´ of the systematic execution, rape and abuse of Tamils in the closing stages of the civil war in Sri Lanka has provoked deep consternation among cricketers. One prominent player has been having nightmares since Four Corners aired the Channel 4 report this week, and the Players Association has been asked to intervene. Australia is due to visit Sri Lanka in August.

When it comes to making a stand, sport has mostly preferred to bury its head in the sand. Claiming it was none of its business, it ignored the state-sponsored slaughter of the Tamils in Sri Lanka and of the Ndebele in Zimbabwe in the 1980s. Few condemned the West Indies' refusal to appoint a black captain, a policy that lasted deep into the 1950s. People preferred to talk about the lbw rule. Patronising images were conveyed of happy-go-lucky West Indians and hospitable Sri Lankans. The truth is always more complex.

It's not good enough. Sportsmen and women can no longer pretend lack of knowledge. Facebook, YouTube and so forth have denied them that luxury. Sport is not a trivial distraction but part of our daily lives, not an escape but an embrace. Cricket, especially, has an opportunity to advance racial and religious tolerance. Have not these causes united all great men and women? Teams from Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist and Christian heritages reached the semi-finals of the recent World Cup. Sport has an obligation to help different peoples cross the bridge.

Not that any game ought to involve itself in local matters. Legitimate politics provides a choice between legitimate parties. Sovereign nations are entitled to determine their own fates. Tyranny is another matter.

In the past 40 years, cricket has encountered two clear tyrannies: apartheid and Zimbabwe's ZANU-PF. In both cases, progressives argued strongly in favour of a boycott. Eventually, democracy prevailed in South Africa, whereupon sporting contact was resumed.

As far as cricket was concerned, the violence let loose upon the Zimbabwean people by a ruthless and latterly illegitimate government was the next affront. Several victims of ZANU torture squads live in my African home. Another narrowly escaped from a burning house as the militia tried to kill his MDC- supporting family. The idea of shaking hands with the perpetrators makes my stomach churn. But cheated opposition parties decided that compromise was the only way forwards. Now Australia A is playing in that betrayed and benighted country, and democrats agree it's worth a go.

Cricket is obliged to confront another matter that reaches far beyond its ordinary jurisdiction. Already the former England cricket captain, Michael Atherton, has urged his country to consider its position before undertaking its tour to Sri Lanka next year. Atherton described the Channel 4 footage as the most shocking seen on television since the Ethiopian food crisis. Evidently the ruling regime carried out these atrocities, chased away reporters and now blocks the United Nations' attempts to establish the facts.

Clearly the Australian players are entitled to have as much information as possible before making any decision to visit any country. In this case, it is not a straightforward matter because the government appears to have popular support. After decades of civil war, the country is ostensibly at peace. And let's not pretend the Tamil Tigers were saints. On the other hand, the leader of the opposition is behind bars and a small family clique around the presidency seems intent on controlling the economic and political levers.

It's hard to know where sporting boycotts ought to start and stop. Iraqi civilians have suffered terribly from bombs dropped in an illegal war. Are the perpetrators to be isolated? If not, why not? Perhaps the difference lies between wicked actions and evil systems. That is poor consolation to the victims.

Besides the glories of its best exchanges, cricket has provided many satisfactions. A black man is captaining the West Indies, a Muslim has played for Australia, another captained India and a Tamil took 800 Test wickets for his country. Sport can be uplifting. But it cannot pretend that it lives in another world. Escapism is the realm of children.

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