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Leadership of Palestinian boycott campaign responds to new law July 12, 2011 by Palestinian BDS National Committee

This new legislation, which violates international law, is testament to the success of the rapidly growing global BDS movement and a realisation within political elites inside Israel that the state is becoming a world pariah in the way that South Africa once was.

Impose an immediate, comprehensive military embargo on Israel! July 8, 2011 by Palestinian BDS National Committee

Die Linke Protecting Israel’s Occupation and Apartheid? June 28, 2011 by Palestinian BDS National Committee

Palestinian civil society and Israeli citizens of conscience condemn France’s suppression of human rights June 16, 2011 by Palestinian BDS National Committee and Boycott! Supporting the Palestinian BDS Call From Within

Appeal to Jello Biafra: Do not cross our picket line June 13, 2011 by PACBI

Napalm Death: Don’t Turn Your Backs on Israeli Apartheid June 13, 2011 by PSCABI & PYAIA



Why socialists should support the boycott of Israel June 30, 2011 by By Kim Bullimore on Direct Action

The same day that Marrickville Council reconsidered its vote in support of the Palestinian-initiated BDS campaign, the Socialist Party of Australia issued a statement opposing it.

Time for BDS June 30, 2011 by By Anna Lekas Miller on The Nation

Palestinian sports community appeal to UEFA – Red Card Israeli Apartheid June 24, 2011 by Red Card Israeli Apartheid

The diamond industry’s double-standard on Israel June 23, 2011 by Seán Clinton on The Electronic Intifada

BDS: Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions – Book Review June 21, 2011 by Theresa Wolfwood

Gaza: Young Palestinians Lead a Global Movement June 14, 2011 by Joe Catron

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Israeli BDS supporters: We will not be silent July 14, 2011 by Boycott!

Activists with Boycott! release statement in reaction to the passing of the boycott law


ECCP endorses the call for an international military embargo of Israel July 14, 2011 by European Coordination of Committees and Associations for Palestine (ECCP)

The largest European coalition of solidarity organisations with Palestine fully endorses military embargo call


European anti-arms trade network endorses international call for Israel arms embargo July 12, 2011 by European Network Against the Arms Trade

European anti-arms trade groups announce support of Palestinian call for military embargo on Israel

Website launch – Who is arming Israel? July 11, 2011 by

The website is work in progress and people are invited to contribute their information on research results, campaigns and policy developments concerning military relations between Europe and Israel.

Flikr user: Rusty Stewart

U.S. Coalition Contributes to Global Military Embargo on Israel July 8, 2011 by US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation

The US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation (US Campaign) contributed today to the launch of a global military embargo campaign against Israel initiated by the Palestinian Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions National Committee (BNC)


Irish Congress of Trade Unions Maintains Commitment to BDS and Moves Policy Forward July 8, 2011 by PR from TRADE UNION FRIENDS OF PALESTINE

At its Biennial Delegate Conference this week in Killarney the Irish Congress of Trade Unions, demonstrated its continued commitment to Palestinian solidarity and BDS campaign.


Palestinian civil society calls for military embargo of Israel July 8, 2011 by Palestinian BDS National Committee

Youth activists gathered in front of the United Nations office in Ramallah to symbolically deliver the call along with evidence of international military collusion with Israel


COSATU Endorses the Palestinian Call to Impose an Immediate, Comprehensive Military Embargo on Israel July 8, 2011 by COSATU

COSATU fully endorses the Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions National Committee (BNC) calls for a mandatory comprehensive arms embargo against Israel similar to that imposed against apartheid South Africa.

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