The AAI Foundation

A not-for-profit affiliate of the Arab American Institute (AAI), the Foundation supports programs that promote greater awareness of Arab Americans in the United States, demographic research and international outreach. The AAIF serves as the primary national resource on the Arab American experience for the media, academia, government agencies and theprivate sector. Through its numerous outreach programs, the AAIF buildsleadership skills among students and young professionals and informs the American public, government agencies and organizations about the contributions and concerns of Americans of Arab descent. In the wake ofthe tragic events of September 11, the foundation launched a number of ambitious educational and humanitarian initiatives that garnered national prominence.

Kahlil Gibran Spirit of Humanity Awards

The Kahlil Gibran Spirit of Humanity Awards are named for the world-renowned Lebanese-born author of The Prophet whose work underscored his respect for the dignity of man, his belief in the sanctity of individual freedom, and universal love of humanity. The awards further symbolize Gibran’s pride in his Arab heritage and respectfor the freedoms that he found in the United States.

At the annual Gibran Awards Gala, AAIF honors individuals, corporations, institutions, and communities for their work in promoting greater understanding and appreciation of diversity and inclusion.

Arab American Service Day

Arab American Service Day is held each year during AmeriCorps Week in communities accross America. This annual day of service is organized by Arab American organizations and Arab American Resource Corps members and benefits from the participation of both Arab Americans and Americans of other ethnicities. Whether they are building houses, cleaning parks or organizing health fairs, these service days highlight the commitment of Arab Americans to their communities at large, and focus on the importance of giving back as an essential part of being an American today.

Youth Leadership Opportunities

AAIF provides cash awards, internships, scholarships, and leadership training for young Arab Americans on the basis of their interest in public and community service. For more information please email Samer Araabi at


AAIF produces educational materials on the role of the Arab American community in American society. AAIF also provides links to some of the better educational materials on Arabs in America and on the Arab World and Islam.


AAIF efforts include presentations to inform the American public and Arab visitors to the United States about ethnic identity of Arab Americans and their contributions to American civic life, government service, business and professional life, and education. AAIF reaches out especially to American law enforcement agencies and educators to help them develop positive ways of interacting with the Arab American community.

Cultural Tribute Events

Every four years,AAIF hosts cultural tribute events at both the Democratic and Republican National Conventions. These receptions expose delegates from around the country to the richness and diversity of the Arab American community, spotlight the host cities’ Arab American communities, and honor Arab American elected officials and delegates.