United Voice

United Voice News

Bad News On The Roster

Thu 30 Jun 11

A month after Villawood Detention Centre was burned to the ground, Serco was pushing to reduce staffing on key shifts.

The company wants to cut numbers on some shifts by as much as 50 percent.


United Voice members say the move would wreck their family lives, and reduce their ability to build relationships with detainees that could head off future trouble.


More than 120 Villawood members responded to a Union survey, panning proposed changes as family unfriendly, impractical and a health and safety risk.


Officers, predominantly working 12-hour shifts, currently get seven days off every 21 days. Under the revamp, they would have to wait 35 or 42 days for their long breaks.


United Voice assistant secretary, Peter Campise, says extending the qualifying period would be a blow to morale.


“Anything that hurts morale at the centre is a problem for our members and the whole immigration detention regime,” he said.


“United Voice rejects any changes that expose our members to increased risk.”


Meanwhile, Villawood officers are buoyed by Serco’s retreat from attempts to slash overtime rates for people required to work more than 14 hours.


Serco reduced double time payments to time and a half early in the New Year but agreed to “revert to the previous interpretation of the clause” after it became apparent member would pursue the issue..


Peter says securing back pay is now the issue.

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