Steel industry nabs $60,000 of taxpayer money per job

Under the cover of the carbon pricing scheme, Labor has reverted to old-fashioned protectionism with massive handouts to the steel industry.

Simons: could phone hacking happen here?

Here is a challenge to News Limited CEO John Hartigan. Publish the News Limited Code of Professional Conduct.

Elsewhere in Crikey...


Coogan goes troppo at NotW journo.


The News of the World phone hacking scandal.


Crikey’s music blog.


The Crikey AFL Jock Wrap.

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  • It’s bad, but it’s going to get worse for Labor

    While the carbon tax debate is about something that’s going to happen, Labor is in for a public opinion poll hiding. People are wary of change and they don’t trust politicians — especially politicians who have so recently lied to them and broken a promise not to introduce one, writes Richard Farmer.

  • Parkinson: a green light for renewables

    At a recent discussion in Sydney about the prospect of nuclear energy in this country, Martin Ferguson reflected that Australia may have no choice but to go nuclear if it was unable to find a clean energy alternative, writes Giles Parkinson.

  • Front page wrap: the carbon tax

    The front pages of the nation’s newspaper are as good a barometer as any to test the waters of the nation’s conscious.

  • The Gruen Transfer to return soon

    A new series of The Gruen Transfer begins August 3. Once again hosted by Wil Anderson, the show picks apart the world of advertising with intelligence and wit, writes Matt Smith.

  • NotW’s closure a watershed moment in tabloid journalism

    The foundation of Rupert Murdoch’s mighty empire is beginning to shake as the 80-year-old mogul becomes a victim of the culture he created. News of the World’s demise is Murdoch’s Watergate, writes Carl Bernstein.

  • Suck It And See by Arctic Monkeys

    In the fourth album from Arctic Monkeys, singer-songwriter Alex Turner has rediscovered his lyrical nous by toning down the weekend US rock star shapes a tad and riffing on home grown phrases, writes Neil Walker.

  • Daily Proposition: Go back to (after) school

    The number of hobbies kids take up then tire of really is testament to the unyielding patience of parents. But there’s something to be said for it, writes Iona Salter. So why not take up something you did as a kid?

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