
Distinguished Fellow Award

This award was proposed in 1985.

1. Purpose
To honour distinguished Australian economists for their contribution to the development of economics.

2. Criteria Eligibility
Contribution to the development of economics as a discipline or profession. Recipients of the Award to be living at the time of closing of annual nominations.

3. Selection

a.       Nominations for the Award may be made by a Branch, or by a Distinguished Fellow or by a pair of Distinguished Fellows.
b.      A Branch may make only one nomination each year. A Distinguished Fellow may make only one nomination each year. A citation and a curriculum vitae must be provided with a nomination.
c.       Nominations must be received at least sixty days prior to the AGM of Central Council.
d.      The Selection Committee will consist of five persons; the President, the Secretary and three persons chosen by Central Council.
e.       At least one Distinguished Fellow will be on the Selection Committee.
f.       Each committee member chosen by Central Council should normally serve no more than three consecutive years.
g.       The names of the people on the Selection Committee will be announced with the Award.

4. Announcement
The Award to be announced and presented at the Annual Conference whenever possible. The Award to be accompanied by a citation and the citation to be published in an appropriate issue of the Economic Record.

5. Winners
The Distinguished Fellow Award for 2010 was presented to Professor Peter Groenewegen at the Society's Annual Dinner (in Sydney) in September 2010. Recipients have been: 

2010 Professor Peter Groenewegen

2009 Professor Ross Garnaut
2008 Professor Alan Woodland
2007 Professor Yew Kwang Ng
2006 Professor Maureen Brunt
2005 Professor Peter Lloyd
2004 Professor Helen Hughes
2003 Professor Peter Dixon
2002 Professor Richard Snape
2001 Professor Bob Gregory
2000 Professor John Nevile
1999 Professor Adrian Pagan
1998 Professor Alan Powell
1997 Professor Fred Gruen
1996 Professor Geoff Harcourt
1995 Professor Max Corden
1994 Professor Heinz Arndt
1993 no award
1992 Sir Leslie Melville
1991 no award
1990 Professor Noel Butlin
1989 Professor Murray Kemp
1988 Sir Roland Wilson
1987 Trevor Swan and Colin Clark

Honorary Fellow Award
The Economic Society of Australia established the award of Honorary Fellow of the Economic Society of Australia in 2005.

1. Purpose
This award is to honour members of the Society for their significant and substantial contribution to the Society.

2. Criteria Eligibility
The eligibility criterion is ‘contribution to the Economic Society of Australia in relation to its stipulated goals’.

3. Selection
Nominations for this prestigious award can be made by any member of the Central Council of the Economic Society of Australia. These can be sent to the Economic Society at

4. Announcement and Presentation
The Award to be announced and presented at the next Australian Conference of Economists, whenever possible.


2010 Professor Neville Norman
John Macleod
Professors Russell Smyth and Phil Lewis
2007 Professors Harry Bloch and Keith Hancock
2006 Professor Peter Abelson

  Young Economist Award
The Economic Society of Australia established the Young Economist Award in 2006.

1. Purpose
To honour that Australian economist under the age of forty who is deemed to have made a significant contribution to economic thought and knowledge.

2. Eligibility
Any Australian (resident) economist under the age of 40, who is a member of the Society, and who has studied and/or worked in Australia for five out of the previous ten years would be eligible.

3. Selection
By a Committee of at least five (5) persons appointed by Central Council. The Committee includes the President (ex-officio), the Editor of the Economic Record (ex-officio), 2 Distinguished Fellows and an ESA Central Council member. Nominations are called from Branch Members. Nominations are to be received by the Administrator by 31 March and the selection committee to reach a decision by 30 April. Normally, not more than one (1) Award should be made, and only every two years. No Award should be made if there is no nominee considered worthy.

4. Announcement and Presentation
The Award to be announced and presented at the next Australian Conference of Economists, whenever possible. The Award to be accompanied by a citation. The Awardee to be invited to present a lecture at the next Australian Conference of Economists.

5. Winners

2009 Professor Paul Fritjers
Professor Joshua Gans


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