
Archive for the ‘Site News’ Category

Planned Outage Tonight

August 19th, 2011 9 comments

Hello everyone, it’s your friendly Ozblogistan Tyrant here.

I plan to migrate our servers to a different data centre tonight. There will be some disruption during the move, and it may take time for your DNS records to be updated.

We’re moving from the Fremont data centre, which has turned out to be about as reliable as a Ford Pinto, to the Dallas data centre (I look forward to your big-hats-and-oil jokes).

Categories: Site News Tags:

Ozblogistan move largely done

April 24th, 2011 12 comments

Hello all, Jacques here.

John’s site is largely migrated. is being served from the Ozblogistan servers. You should notice a performance improvement.

Comment in this thread if you see any problems.

Categories: Site News Tags: