Home > Life in General > Fundraiser


On the right hand sidebar you can see my latest fundraiser, a half-marathon run where I’ll be supporting the Queensland Cancer Council. It’s tax-deductible and there’s still time to donate before June 30, so you get the refund straight away (or, to think of it differently, you can give twice as much as you planned, and the government will pay half).

As I said last time, the deal with this fundraiser is that I’ll commit to a minute below two hours for each $1000 I can raise. We’re just about there for the first $1000, so to hurry things along, I’ll put in $100 of my own if the total gets past $900 by the end of tomorrow (Friday) evening.

Categories: Life in General Tags:
  1. frankis
    June 24th, 2011 at 14:11 | #1

    I actually feel bad about this since not only are you doing the running and the fundraising but also putting in your own cash but … with the total at $870 and given your generous offer, who could resist the marginal cost-effectiveness ($131) of my modest $31 donation?!

    Good work, good luck, thanks for your brilliant blogging as always, and hope you enjoy your run.

  2. Marginal Notes
    June 24th, 2011 at 16:05 | #2

    In the interests of a competitive market for sponsorship, I’m riding in the Brissie to the Bay bike ride on Sunday in support of people living with MS. Go to http://www.BrissieToTheBay.com.au and consider donating to the the Dad and Dave team. I will also match donations made between now and Sunday!

  3. PB
    June 26th, 2011 at 18:14 | #3

    Marginal Notes said “In the interests of a competitive market for sponsorship”

    Hmmm…. But surely the reason many of us are contributing to JQ is because he provides us with a regular commentary that we find interesting. Given that, is your request for sponsorship really appropriate?

    Of course if you were to contribute to JQ’s effort on some sort of proportional basis – say 25% then i’d be happy to make a contribution to your worthy cause.

  4. Marginal Notes
    June 27th, 2011 at 11:52 | #4

    Sorry JQ for intruding into what is clearly a non-market domain (though my comment was meant ironically). I drew on my own network and completed my ride. I will now swing my support behind your admirable effort.