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UnFunRun fundraiser

June 9th, 2011 John Quiggin

It’s been a while since we’ve had a fundraiser here, but a great opportunity has just come up. I’ll be attempting a half-marathon as part of the Brisbane Running Festival on 7 August, and there’s an associated fundraiser for the Queensland Cancer Council, which promotes research, awareness and support services. So, I’ve created a webpage for my effort here, where you can donate money (before June 30 if you want to claim it in this year’s tax return!).

A good fundraiser needs a good gimmick, so here goes. I completed my first[1] half-marathon run a week ago, in a time of 1:59:24, staying just ahead of the 2:00:00 pacerunner (someone who runs with a balloon or flag at a steady pace so others can keep pace) the whole time. I was pretty tired and sore by the time I finished – it’s not what you would call a fun run! This time, I want a commitment device to push me to run at 1:55 (or even better!). So, for each $1000 I can raise before race day, I’ll commit my best effort to stay a minute ahead of the 2:00:00 pacerunner. If I can raise $5000, I’ll run at the 1:55 pace as long as I can[2]. And, if there’s $10 000, I’ll try for 1:50, which will really push me to the limit.

I’ll start the ball rolling by promising to give $200 for each minute below 2:00 hours. So, you only need to give $800 to push my time down.

This is a great chance for everyone. If you enjoy the free commentary I’ve provided, please say thanks by giving whatever you can afford. If I’ve annoyed you, toss some money into the pot, and you can enjoy a Sunday morning lie-in thinking about me struggling to keep a punishing pace (at least for a middle-aged academic) over 21.1 km.

I’ll provide regular updates, and thanks to contributors, except for those who prefer to give anonymously.

fn1. I also did one in 2010, but I had to walk a fair bit, so I don’t think it counts.
fn2. No guarantees, as I’ll slow down if I’m feeling knee damage, but I’ll do my best to push on through exhaustion.

Categories: Life in General Tags:
  1. AndrewD
    June 9th, 2011 at 17:35 | #1

    I’m proud to make the first donation.
    And here’s my tip, John:
    The best sports recovery drink is milk – choc milk is my favorite but any flavour, low fat works. All the tri-athletes round here use it and I’ve been doing so since early this year. It doesn’t de-enamalise your teeth, supports local industry and has no artificial additives (well fewer than the various “-ades” around). And it tastes yum!
    All the best,

  2. John Quiggin
    June 9th, 2011 at 18:25 | #2

    Thanks, Andrew!

    I haven’t drunk milk since I was forced to consume warm milk at school back in the 1960s. But maybe choc-flavored would be OK.

  3. Dave
    June 9th, 2011 at 18:26 | #3

    I think a better gimmick would be for you to promise, if you reach a certain level of fundraising, to wear a Liberal Party t-shirt while you run… or maybe a short with Tony Abbott’s mug on it!

    Just a suggestion ;)

  4. Dave
    June 9th, 2011 at 18:27 | #4


  5. Alice
    June 9th, 2011 at 18:48 | #5

    @John Quiggin
    You obviuosly never heard of the Quik choc powder we all poured into our milk in the 1960s Prof (you call yourself a boomer? I doubt it – a rear end boomer – we had to overcome warm milk somehow).

  6. June 9th, 2011 at 21:31 | #6

    Went to other site, hope I didnt naff up the attempt.

  7. June 9th, 2011 at 22:29 | #7

    You mean that revolting lukewarm half sour milk they used to give us at recess?

  8. Scott
    June 10th, 2011 at 04:53 | #8

    Quik was still going strong in the 1970′s if my unreliable memories are anything to go by.

    Milk’s too high in fat to be good as a beverage after exercise. Good old fashioned water and a healthy salad are a much better replenishment fuel.

    Good luck with the run; I don’t have money to donate but good on you for having a go, and good on everyone that donates.

  9. June 10th, 2011 at 17:42 | #9

    Looks like the system rejected me somehow. N’boddy luvs me!
    I” ll do Oxfam next week instead, see if that salves my conscience, instead.
    My decade long war with new technology continues, but I was heartened by Gary Foley’s proud declaration that he won’t own a mobile phone and the thread response to it.
    Nedd Ludd.

  10. Alice
    June 10th, 2011 at 21:28 | #10

    @paul walter
    I luv yu Paul W!

  11. June 11th, 2011 at 03:06 | #11

    I do too.
    And you also

  12. Alice
    June 11th, 2011 at 09:15 | #12

    LOL Paul W.
    So what does Prof take before and during race?.

    In my olden days of swimming comps it was a steak and egg meal three or so hours before a race followed by some Sustagen (small cups) say an hour before and from then a couple of glucose tablets chewed.
    I think water was Ok..

    So what is the pre race / during race/ science diet these days for Marathons?

  13. June 11th, 2011 at 20:17 | #13

    Cant find an appropriate thread to relate the following, so I’ll put ithere. An FB friend reports from”Znet” that John Pilger’s movie and visit to the US were banned yesterday. Anyone seen any thing in local media about it?

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