December 15, 2008

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Extrasolar Planets Mashup

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Ultra-Sensitive Camera To Measure Exoplanet Sizes [Slashdot: Science]
Roland Piquepaille writes "US astronomers and engineers have built a n...

Transiting planets - lightcurve analysis for eccentric orbits. (arXiv:0807.0096v3 [astro-ph] UPDATED) [astro-ph updates on]
Transiting planet lightcurves have historically been used predominantl...

Hot shots. First optical exoplanet pictures released! [PlanetQuest - the Search for Another Earth]
It's been a banner day for planet hunters, as two separate projects h...

Fantastic journey [PlanetQuest - the Search for Another Earth]
Slideshow of exoplanet milestones.

On a quest for astronomy's holy grail [PlanetQuest - the Search for Another Earth]
From her groundbreaking work on the detection of exoplanet atmosphere...


Venus in the Moon
Astronomy Picture of the Day


Latest uploads


2 planets (χ2 = 2.19)
by petej


2 planets (χ2 = 8.19)
by petej


1 planets (χ2 = 1.32)
by petej


1 planets (χ2 = 1.40)
by petej


1 planets (χ2 = 1.48)
by petej


3 planets (χ2 = 2.78)
by mauroesop

Latest comments

  gj674_actual (3-planets fit) by andy
12.14.08, 05:19:50
andy says:
34.9-day planet is an effect of stellar rotation.

  rhoCrB_B06L_A98ps (2-planets fit) by mikehall
12.11.08, 14:49:58
mikehall says:
1.0.27 RC Yoshida Surprisingly, stable for at least 10,000 years with inner planet eccentricity cycling stably

  rhoCrB_B06L_A98 (1-planets fit) by mikehall
12.11.08, 13:39:05
mikehall says:
1.0.27 RC

  HD183263 (3-planets fit) by mikehall
12.11.08, 12:44:25
mikehall says:
1.0.27 Yoshida Stablity checker says "likely unstable", but eccetricity cycles stably.

  HD8574 (3-planets fit) by mikehall
12.11.08, 06:18:21
mikehall says:
1.0.27 RC Yoshida similar solution to Lehket, but I used the de-trend function. However this is reported as a long period planet.

  HD92788 (3-planets fit) by mikehall
12.10.08, 14:57:21
mikehall says:
1.0.27 Yoshida stable for 2000 years

  HD72659 (2-planets fit) by mikehall
12.10.08, 12:20:59
mikehall says:
1.0.27. Yoshida Stable 10,000 years

  HD75898j2.6 (2-planets fit) by mikehall
12.09.08, 13:49:34
mikehall says:
1.0.27 RC Yoshida stable 10,000 years



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