The Extrasolar Planets Encyclopaedia
Established in February 1995
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Jean Schneider  CNRS/LUTH - Paris Observatory

Update : 08 July 2011    

Latest news : 
 14 June  :  MOA-2009-BLG-266Lb: a cold 10 MEarth mass planet (Muraki et al.)
 14 June  : Ten new CoRoT transiting planets :
CoRoT-16b Ollivier et al.
CoRoT-17b Csizmadia et al.
CoRoT-18b Hébrard et al.
CoRoT-19b Guenther et al.
CoRoT-20b Deleuil et al.
CoRoT-21b Pätzold et al.
CoRoT-22b Moutou et al.
CoRoT-23b Rouan et al.
CoRoT-24b and c Alonso et al.
 04 June  : Upper exoplanet mass limit in 25 Jup mass
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  Update : 08 July 2011   564 planets     Update : 29 March 2005
Searches for Extrasolar Planets        Theory Work
  Update : 01 July 2011     Update : 13 November 2009
Bibliography   Other sites
  Update : 08 July 2011     Update : 14 June 2011
  Update : 08 July 2011