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dialing 411

November 16th, 2006 Leave a comment Go to comments

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Update: The original version of this post tagged systemic003 as the target system and systemic004 as the control system. It’s actually the reverse. In any case, we’re interested in getting multiple fits to both systems. -GL

No post today, just a request:

We’ve been doing an analysis of the detectability of low-mass planets around certain types of stars. In the course of this work, we’ve generated a radial velocity data set, systemic004, which may (or may not) harbor a planetary system. I’d like to ask everyone to (1) download the latest version of the console, and (2) submit your fits to the systemic004 system to the backend. We’ve also included a control system, systemic003, which may look familiar. It would be very useful to have your fits to that system as well.

Thanks in advance! Once we get a batch of fits, I’ll write a post that explains the motivation underlying this request…

Categories: detection Tags:
  1. November 17th, 2006 at 17:00 | #1


    I uploaded three fits for systemic004, if you can call them fits. I cannot get more than one planet and get it stable.
    I also uploaded one for 003 with three planets.
    Hope this helps.

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