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Level 14
My book is on sale this week for just $2.99. You should buy it. I command thee! http://amzn.to/swampbook - 1 week ago
  • I wrote a book. You should buy it. http://swampcreaturebook.com
  • Dude from ...Right Behind You!, US
  • Member since: May 17, 2002
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  • Gasman82 wrote on Hil-IGN's wall
    "Just finished the book. It was a solid read and your sense of humor definitely carried over to short stories. Please keep up the good work and make more... I'll buy it."

    1 day agoReply
    • MacGhille_Mhoail wrote on Hil-IGN's wall
      "One of your writers is exceptional, and I truly hope you have a reward mechanism in place for such eventualities. A button or lever he can press to dispense a treat of some sort? http://www.ign.com/blogs/macghille_mhoail/2011/08/23/we-have-discovered"

      2 days agoReply
      • Alex392 wrote on Hil-IGN's wall
        "Epic Games to Make Five New Games http://tinyurl.com/3oppprs"

        7 days agoReply
        • cwalsh84 wrote on Hil-IGN's wall
          "Hil, I heard today that the aliens in the Avengers movie will actually be a collection of Aliens from the Marvel U. What do you think about this? It makes more sense concerning Loki involvment."

          1 week agoReply
          • User icon for TopNotchComic04

            TopNotchComic04 Skrulls

            5 days ago
          • User icon for cwalsh84

            cwalsh84 I am really thinking it's not the Skrulls, if it was it would be a huge waste because they really should have their own movie, plus over the weekend Hiddleson (Loki) made it sound like he gathers multiple beings from the 9 realms.

            3 days ago
        • Hil-IGN My book is on sale this week for just $2.99. You should buy it. I command thee! http://amzn.to/swampbook

          1 week agoReply
          • User icon for Deathstarengineer

            Deathstarengineer Damn Hil-we've missed your voice and dig the shit out of your book! Congratulations man.

            5 days ago
          • User icon for Hil-IGN

            Hil-IGN Thanks, man!

            3 days ago
        • stickali wrote on Hil-IGN's wall
          "Ur Awesome Hil..."

          1 week agoReply
          • User icon for Hil-IGN

            Hil-IGN No, you're awesome

            1 week ago
          • User icon for stickali

            stickali Thanks...And Im Gonna Add You On OnLive ;)

            4 days ago
        • Afroninja314 wrote on Hil-IGN's wall

          1 week agoReply
          • tyknu3 wrote on Hil-IGN's wall
            "I'm playing Arc Rise Fantasia on the Wii. Defeinitely better than the ign review imo. The voice acting doesn't kill the game when the gameplay is still fun and challenging."

            1 week agoReply
            • User icon for Hil-IGN

              Hil-IGN Never played it, but will take your word for it

              1 week ago
          • massivefist55 wrote on Hil-IGN's wall
            "massive55 : said that counter-strike is very awesomeness game."

            2 weeks agoReply
          • SolidGear69 wrote on Hil-IGN's wall
            "Speaking of Catherine. What are your opinions of it?"

            2 weeks agoReply
            • User icon for ninjachippie

              ninjachippie I would like to play Catherine. Can anyone tell me if it's getting a release in Ireland?

              2 weeks ago
            • User icon for smg1991

              smg1991 catherine a good game

              2 weeks ago
          • SolidGear69 wrote on Hil-IGN's wall
            "Parasite Eve is what I'm playing. Can't wait for the 2nd to hit PSN. Finished Catherine last week. Best game I've played in 20yrs aside from Snatcher. Getting Aug Ed. of Deus Ex: HR. Can't wait!"

            2 weeks agoReply
            • EliteXT wrote on Hil-IGN's wall
              "I'll see if I can get that books of yours! :) http://www.smdepot.net/."

              2 weeks agoReply
              • EliteXT wrote on Hil-IGN's wall
                "I doubt that even a pretigous member like you knows about this http://www.smdepot.net/."

                2 weeks agoReply
                • Zenice12 wrote on Hil-IGN's wall
                  "I found a guy who has MW3 on facebook heres the link http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.106585619443605.7489.100002765031045&saved;"

                  2 weeks agoReply
                  • User icon for SolidGear69

                    SolidGear69 Gotta be a print-out job. No way in hell Activision would let it slip! Especially given that it's not even complete. Still have beta testing ahead.

                    2 weeks ago
                • cwalsh84 wrote on Hil-IGN's wall
                  "Have you been watching G.I JOE Renegades? I wanted to know what you thought about it."

                  2 weeks agoReply
                  • User icon for Hil-IGN

                    Hil-IGN No -- what's in on??

                    2 weeks ago
                  • User icon for cwalsh84

                    cwalsh84 It's on the HUB network. It is a different ton and story than the original and would work really well as a movie premise. Basically Cobra is a huge Coporation that runs the world, but they are far from Legit and the Joes are a group of wanted military fugitives out to prove Cobra is evil. It's pretty good. They have a new T...expand

                    2 weeks ago
                • Hil-IGN RT @NGKupaMan: Just finished @hilarygoldstein 's Even Swamp Creatures Get the Blues. Good stuff. Check it out: http://t.co/kGwkeWJ #fb #MyIGN

                  3 weeks agoReply
                • WarriorProphet_2010 wrote on Hil-IGN's wall
                  "Mr Goldstein, I've been following IGN for years, and been following your career since your TRL days....what exactly is your title now, and what do you do? Outside of your never ending gaming wisdom"

                  3 weeks agoReply
                  • User icon for Hil-IGN

                    Hil-IGN I don't have a title. I left IGN two months ago, sorry.

                    2 weeks ago
                  • User icon for SolidGear69

                    SolidGear69 Sad and depressing. L.A. Noire was your last review. Where you headed now or just freelancing?

                    2 weeks ago
                • WarriorProphet_2010 wrote on Hil-IGN's wall
                  "league of legends, i got tired of making fun of people and tried it out, now im hooked!"

                  3 weeks agoReply
                  • kratos2015 wrote on Hil-IGN's wall
                    "lately alot of left 4 dead 2 sacrifice"

                    3 weeks agoReply
                    • User icon for SolidGear69

                      SolidGear69 Will be plenty of that in Aussie now since R18+ finally passed for them.

                      2 weeks ago
                    • User icon for kratos2015

                      kratos2015 man now im playing dnf peple hate it but i love it

                      2 weeks ago
                  • TristanMichelle wrote on Hil-IGN's wall
                    "Lately, Mass effect 2"

                    3 weeks agoReply

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