Top 100 Modern Games
Marcus Fenix

If there's one question we get all the time on My IGN and Twitter, it's "I just picked up [insert modern video game machine]. What should I play?" That's why we made this list of the Top 100 Modern Video Games. If you just came out of the persistent vegetative state you've been in since just before the Xbox 360 ushered in the era of high definition, these are the games we think you should play from the six years that have made up the current console generation. And yes, we worked in the coolest PSP, DS and mobile games that came out during that timeframe, too.

Now, as you've just come out of this coma and probably have friends and family to catch up with, we want to maximize your time. A lot of rad franchises have multiple rad games, but we boiled those down to one installment to represent the series and let you see the most games possible. Similarly, if a game had an awesome expansion but it didn't redefine the experience, we just pushed the DLC into the consideration of the game itself.

These aren't the greatest games of all time, these aren't the games ranked by review scores, and we have no idea how they'll factor into our timeless Top 100 list. These are the Top 100 Modern Video Games as decided by a group of modern IGN editors we locked in a room to help you recover from your coma.

This is the order you should play them in.

Top 100 Modern Games

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