Long Haul Survey

There is an ongoing discussion among members of Long Haul about how we can improve the effectiveness of Long Haul as a radical community space. We have also been talking about how we can address some long-term problems that have plagued Long Haul since its early days and that have limited how successful the project has been. We would like suggestions, comments and ideas from the community on how we could make Long Haul better, more relevant and more useful to you and the radical community. Please take a few moments to read and think about these questions. We’ll use your comments in upcoming discussions about changes we hope to make to open up and renew the space. Thanks!

How Often Do You Visit the the Long Haul (required)
 I wouldn't be caught dead there.. Never heard of it until now Once a year Once a month Once a week Once a day I almost live there

What is your general impression of what happens at the Long Haul?

Who do you think mostly uses Long Haul? What do they do there?

Which of the following projects would you rate as very important, (check all that apply)?

 Lending Library Zine Library Space for Meetings Prisoner Support Events Free Skool Classes Free Computer Access Arts and Crafts Activities Pilates Classes Community Acupuncture DIY Mental Health Spoort Groups DIY zine making space Anarchist Study Group Free Movies - Radical content Free Movies - entertainment Free movies - Kid oriented Free food Free coffee Benefit dinners Quiet reading hour Unorganized hangout space Zines for sale Books for sale

Which of the following projects would you rate as somewhat important (check all that apply)?

 Lending Library Zine Library Space for Meetings Prisoner Support Events Free Skool Classes Free Computer Access Arts and Crafts Activities Pilates Classes Community Acupuncture DIY Mental Health Spoort Groups DIY zine making space Anarchist Study Group Free Movies - Radical content Free Movies - entertainment Free movies - Kid oriented Free food Free coffee Benefit dinners Quiet reading hour Unorganized hangout space Zines for sale Books for sale

Which of the following projects would you rate as not at all important (check all that apply)?

 Lending Library Zine Library Space for Meetings Prisoner Support Events Free Skool Classes Free Computer Access Arts and Crafts Activities Pilates Classes Community Acupuncture DIY Mental Health Spoort Groups DIY zine making space Anarchist Study Group Free Movies - Radical content Free Movies - entertainment Free movies - Kid oriented Free food Free coffee Benefit dinners Quiet reading hour Unorganized hangout space Zines for sale Books for sale

What new activities / changes would bring you to Long Haul? (check all that apply)?

 Bike repair facilties Tran's only space Women's only space Free store Ban Dogs Get rid of computers Stop showing movies Shower more often (Suggested by several local newspapers)

What new activities / changes would cause you to leave the Long Haul? (check all that apply)?

 Bike repair facilties Tran's only space Women's only space Free store Ban Dogs Get rid of computers Stop showing movies Shower more often (Suggested by several local newspapers)

What would you like to see more of at the Long Haul?

What would you like to see less of at the Long Haul?

If you used to visit the Long Haul, why did you stop?

If you have never visited visited the Long Haul, what keeps you away?

What do you think the the Long Haul does well?

What do you like doing at the the Long Haul?

Which of these problems do you most associate with Long Haul? (check all that apply)?

 Disorganized Events Boring Events Annoying men who hit on every woman who walks in Messy / poor housekeeping  Staff members ignore me / hostile  Poor power dynamics / arbitrary decision making Lack of racial / cultural diversity Too many deranged/crazy people Unwelcoming atmosphere Not enough items to purchase Staff members poorly trained Not sufficiently politically focused  Everything always starts late Too politically correct / holier than thou   Too noisy to get reading done Not clear how to participate or attend meetings

Do you see any additional problems with the the Long Haul?

We frequently hear that the Long Haul feels inaccessible and like a closed clique. If you agree, what could we do to make you feel more welcome?

Do you want to organize an activity at Long Haul or volunteer a shift

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