Contributors and Sources

The following people have either contributed one or more samples to the table, or been the source of one or more of them. The difference between a Contributor and a Source is that a Source is where you might go to get another one like the one I have, while a Contributor is the person who financed the sample.

Periodic Table Home.


Contributor of: Titanium

1sh Chair Skin Care Salon (1)

This company sells Jane Iredale brand D2O refreshing spray here.
Source of: Hydrogen

Air (2)

Air is about 78% Nitrogen and 21% Oxygen: The rest including Carbon Dioxide is just trace amounts in comparison.
Source of: Nitrogen, Oxygen

Alan Halls (2)

Alan Halls sells sodium from his website Check it out, you'll be amazed.
Source and Contributor of: Sodium, Sodium

Alec Wright (1)

Alec Wright is a student in England.
Source of: Mercury

Alfa Aesar (1)

The Alfa Aesar company ( puts out a huge catalog from which you can buy, at a price, basically every element up to and including Uranium. But that would be cheating as well as bankrupting.
Source of: Bismuth

America (3)

America is a country that is for the most part south of Canada.
Source of: Copper, Zinc, Bismuth

American Elements (3)

American Elements is a specialty chemicals company that supplies a range of high-purity materials (pure elements, compounds, powders, etc) to industry. Refreshingly, they also welcome small orders from students and collectors.
Source and Contributor of: NiCl2, RuCl3, Yttrium

Ameriglo (2)

Ameriglo sells a variety of tritium-light containing location markers, signs, etc.
Source of: Hydrogen, Hydrogen

Andrew Goodall (2)

Andrew Goodall works with my partner Max Whitby in his London office.
Source and Contributor of: Carbon, Silicon

Andrew Goodall (3)

Andrew Goodall has been collecting elements on and off since the 1970's. He sent me some nice samples after seeing my website. His email address is
Source and Contributor of: Chromium, Arsenic, Cerium

Ann Lovgren (1)

Ann Lovgren finds strange aluminum blobs on Lake Superior.
Source and Contributor of: Aluminum

Anonymous (46)

The person or persons responsible for this sample wish to remain anonymous.
Source and Contributor of: Davidite2, Davidite3, Sodium, CoCl2, HoCl3, Potassium, Potassium, Calcium, Scandium, Scandium, MnI2, Iron, Iron, CoBr2, Nickel, Nickel, LuBr3, NdBr3, TmBr3, YbBr3, CeI3, ErI3, NdI3, PrI3, TbI3, Barium, Radium, Thorium, Protactinium, Uranium, Uranium, Uranium, Uranium, Uranium
Source of: Ba2Cu3O7, Y1Ba2Cu3O7, Calcium, Tin, Iodine, Tungsten, Thorium, Thorium, Uranium, Uranium, Uranium, Plutonium

Anonymous (19)

The person or persons responsible for this sample wish to remain anonymous.
Source and Contributor of: Iodine, Xenon, Xenon
Source of: Technetium, Technetium, Technetium, Technetium, Technetium, Technetium, Technetium, Tungsten, Lead, Lead, Lead, Lead, Lead, Lead, Lead, Lead

Anonymous (13)

Source and Contributor of: Technetium, Platinum, Platinum, Platinum
Source of: Ruthenium, Ruthenium, Rhenium, Rhenium, Osmium, Osmium, Iridium, Iridium, Thorium

Anonymous (8)

The person or persons responsible for this sample wish to remain anonymous.
Source and Contributor of: Cadmium, Tantalum, Platinum, Platinum
Source of: Zinc, Silver, Silver, Tungsten

Anthony J. DeAngelis (1)

Anthony DeAngelis is apparently hard to contact. I got his email address ( from a website about Lichtenberg figures, and when I inquired about buying one, he wrote back after some time saying his computer died and he would not be able to respond to further email, but if I wanted one I could sent a check to Anthony J. DeAngelis, 193 Brookside Parkway, Medford, MA. 02155. I did, and he sent me a beautiful Lichtenberg figure. It turns out he is associated with Bert Hickman who runs a website about Lichtenberg figures, and who now actually has some for sale. If you want one, check his website and his current eBay auctions.
Source of: Electrons

Attard's Minerals (2)

Attard's Minerals has an ever-changing selection of unusual minerals ranging from a few dollars to many thousands.
Source of: Silver, Silver

Auction (7)

I get a lot of random stuff at auctions, usually for next to nothing in a box of stuff no one else wanted. That's the advantage of being interested in weird stuff no one else cares about.
Source of: Oxygen, Sodium, Magnesium, Mercury, Lead, Lead, Lead

Auction (1)

Source of: Iron

Auto Parts Store (5)

This source means items generally available in an auto parts store.
Source of: Chromium, Nickel, Yttrium, Silver, Platinum

Bert Hickman (5)

Bert Hickman runs a website about Lichtenberg figures and coin shrinking, and practices both from time to time. He sells the results on his website and also on eBay: This link will find his current eBay auctions.
Source and Contributor of: Copper, Electrons, Electrons, Electrons
Source of: Copper

Big Bang (1)

Source of: Hydrogen

Blake Ferris (20)

Blake Ferris lives in Los Angeles where he experiments with exotic photographic chemical processes, including using uranium salts instead of silver halide to make photographic prints. He offers these prints, and other exotic stuff, on eBay. He can print your own large-format negative using this or other uranium-based processes,and also makes prints from historical negatives like this one:You can contact him by email at
Source and Contributor of: Uranium
Source of: Aluminum, Silicon, Silicon, Titanium, Manganese, Manganese, Iron, Nickel, Copper, Zinc, Molybdenum, Tin, Tungsten, Tungsten, Gold, Mercury, Lead, Bismuth, Uranium

Boat Shop (1)

This source means items generally available in a boat or marine supply store, such as you would find around large lakes or anywhere there is a harbor.
Source of: Zinc

Boeing Surplus Store (7)

The Boeing aircraft company operates a wonderful surplus store.
Source of: Aluminum, Aluminum, Aluminum, Aluminum, BrassSplitRing, Tungsten, Tungsten

Borden Radio Company (1)

Borden Radio Company ( sells old and old-style crystal radio kits for you to put together. They sell them from their website and also on eBay. This link should look up any auctions they have going on eBay right now.
Source of: Germanium

Boulder, CO (1)

Source of: Cesium

Bulb Americal (4)

Bulb America sells all kinds of light bulbs.
Source of: Sodium, Sodium, Sodium, Europium (1)

Source of: Promethium

Cabelas (1)

Cabelas is a huge supplier of hunting and sporting supplies and equipment. Their retail stores are simply incredible.
Source of: Iron

Cabot Corporation (2)

The Cabot Corporation is an industrial chemicals supplier serving a wide range of industries with high performance raw materials.
Source and Contributor of: Cesium, Cesium

California Knife Store (1)

Source of: Knife

Calvin Webb (6)

Calvin Webb is a mineral collector who traded me several very nice mineral samples in exchange for a handful of my strange raspberry copper nodules and some nickel plating growths.
Source and Contributor of: Barite, BandedFluorite, Fluorite, Marcasite, CopperPetrifiedWood, Sylvanite

Calyxa (2)

Calyxa sells lovely Tarot-like Elemental Hexagon Cards.
Source of: HexagonCards, HexagonCards2

Canada (1)

Canada, a country, can be found by driving north for a really long time from just about anywhere in the US except some of the dangly bits. They make their own money, some of it out of elements.
Source of: Nickel

Carbon, Illinois (1)

Carbon, Illinois is a small town in Illinois. My guess is it is or was heavily involved in coal or oil: What do you think?
Source of: Carbon

Casey's Gas Station (1)

Source of: Gold

Catalog (1)

Source of: Radon

Charles and Susan Kunze (1)

Charles and Susan Kunze kindly donated a Fiestaware bowl after hearing me on NPR. It turned out to be highly radioactive, almost dangerously so.
Source and Contributor of: Uranium

Charles Bergquist (1)

Charles Bergquist is a producer of the NPR show Science Friday which interviewed me in July 2002 about the periodic table table. Like several of his listeners, Charles had a few elements lying around....
Source and Contributor of: Vanadium

Charles Cowie (1)

I got to know Charles Cowie when he sent some information about osmium phonograph needles and pen nibs. He's been collecting elements for a while too, and it turns out we made many of the same choices for samples. I traded one of my "osmium" photograph needles for a selenium rectifier of his. His email is
Source and Contributor of: Selenium

China (4)

Source of: NanjingRainbowRock, Iron, Europium, Europium

Chris Anderson (3)

Chris Anderson and I went to high school together quite some time ago.
Source and Contributor of: Zinc, Mercury, Mercury

Chris Carlson (13)

Along with the elements he contributed, Chris contributed the maple wood used for the Noble Gas column. He also helped carve out the enlarged sample area needed for Silicon, though he might rather forget how that went.
Source and Contributor of: Carbon, Aluminum, Aluminum, Aluminum, Aluminum, Aluminum, Aluminum, Aluminum, Aluminum, Iron, Iron, Iron
Source of: Copper

Chrissy Caviar (1)

Source of: Carbon

Christopher Bell (1)

Christopher Bell is a kind element collector from England.
Source and Contributor of: Carbon

Christopher's Fine Jewelry (1)

Christopher's Fine Jewelry is a jewelry store in Champaign, Illinois, not far from where I live. Christopher makes much of the jewelry himself, including my wife's wedding ring.
Source of: Carbon

Claudin Welding Supply (9)

Claudin Welding Supply in downtown Champaign, Illinois is where I get all my plasma cutter tips and electrodes.
Source and Contributor of: Hafnium, Tungsten
Source of: Hydrogen, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Argon, Argon, Tungsten

Coal Dealer (3)

City Coal in Brazil (Brazil, Indiana that is) sells coal by the ton or by the hundred-pounds, for a few dollars a hundred-weight, or a hundred or two dollars per ton.
Source of: Carbon, Carbon, Carbon

Coal Yard (1)

Source of: Carbon

Coin Shop in California (5)

Coin shop in Richmond, California or thereabouts. Don't remember the name, but any good coin & stamp shop should do.
Source of: Silver, Silver, Platinum, Gold, Gold

Computer Store (1)

Source of: Copper

Dan Klarmann (4)

Dan Klarmann makes and sells absolutely lovely titanium jewelry from his website
Source and Contributor of: Titanium, Lead
Source of: Titanium, Titanium

Dan Lewis (2)

Dan Lewis sells coins on eBay and through his website. His email address is and his website is I bought a titanium coin from him, and then when he read the story about the table, he kindly contributed an ancient silver coin.
Source and Contributor of: Silver
Source of: Titanium

Dan York (1)

Dan York reports: I'm a teacher of mathematics at universities around the world (11 years in Papua New Guinea, 5 years in Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates). I've been interested in elements for a long time, and surfing the net is one way to find out more about what's out there, especially from your site.
Contributor of: Palladium

Darrell Hamilton, MD (1)

Source of: Mercury

Dave Hamric (43)

Dave Hamric (email: sells a variety of elements from his website at In some cases he can provide large quantities (up to 1 kg ingots), and he can cast ingots of selenium and tellurium sized to request. He also sells various elements on eBay: This link will look up any auctions he has going on eBay right now.
Source and Contributor of: Selenium, Yttrium, Ytterbium
Source of: Magnesium, Aluminum, Scandium, Titanium, Vanadium, Iron, Cobalt, Nickel, Copper, Zinc, Gallium, Selenium, Yttrium, Zirconium, Niobium, Molybdenum, Palladium, Silver, Cadmium, Indium, Tin, Antimony, Neodymium, Samarium, Europium, Europium, Gadolinium, Terbium, Dysprosium, Holmium, Erbium, Thulium, Ytterbium, Lutetium, Hafnium, Tantalum, Platinum, Gold, Lead, Bismuth

daverobers (4)

Contributor of: Arsenic, Mercury, Mercury, Bismuth

Dave Roberts (5)

Dave Roberts is in charge of the chemical storeroom at DePauw University, where Max and I installed the prototype of our line of museum periodic table displays in October 2003. He's such a nice guy that when he noticed our interest in elements, he found a whole cabinet of surplus elements he felt DePauw could live without. Some of them are in my collection now, most will go into future periodic table displays we create for other universities, museums, and science centers.
Source and Contributor of: Phosphorus
Source of: Arsenic, Mercury, Mercury, Bismuth

David Eisenman (1)

David Eisenman's primary claim to fame is that his phone number spells ELM-SHIT, a fact reported to him by a crank caller some decades ago. Aside from having the worlds most easily-remembered phone number (just try to forget it), David is also an editor, publisher, teacher, activisit, and general troublemaker.
Source and Contributor of: Lead

David Franco (37)

David was the first person from the slashdot discussion who actually came through with real element samples. It turns out he has all kinds of elements, some of which he sells on eBay. He initially sent a collection of 11 little vials of elements, but once he found out I could get him things with Mathematica logos on them, he sent a bunch more.
Source and Contributor of: Sodium, Aluminum, Silicon, Calcium, Titanium, Chromium, Manganese, Cobalt, Nickel, Germanium, Arsenic, Selenium, Rubidium, Zirconium, Niobium, Molybdenum, Silver, Cadmium, Tellurium, Iodine, Cesium, Cesium, Dysprosium, Tantalum, Bismuth
Source of: Boron, Aluminum, Vanadium, Yttrium, Zirconium, Niobium, Molybdenum, Ruthenium, Rhodium, Barium, Praseodymium, Rhenium

dealer248 (1)

Source of: Thorium

Derek McKinley (4)

Derek McKinley.
Source and Contributor of: Copper, BrassShellCasings, Tungsten, Tungsten

Design Pyrenees (1)

Design Pyrenees is a design company.
Source of: Phosphorus

Dick's Sporting Goods (1)

Source of: Titanium

Dollar Store (1)

Source of: Silver

Donald Barnhart (1)

Donald Barnhart is the author of Optica, optical design software built on top of Mathematica.
Source of: Aluminum

Doug Bowman (1)

Doug Bowman is a local mathematician who also collects puzzles and asteroids.
Source and Contributor of: Silicon

Dr Chung (3)

Source and Contributor of: BariumSulfateJug, BariumSulfateJug2, Gadolinium

Dr. Kunas (1)

Source of: Titanium

Dudley Fox (1)

Source and Contributor of: Copper

Duluth Trading Company (1)

Duluth Trading Company is a nice mail order company that sells tools, work clothes, and the like.
Source of: Titanium

Dutchguard (1)

Dutchguard is a mailorder company that sells all sorts of "as seen on TV" stuff:
Source of: Titanium

Eagle Nebula (1)

Source of: Hydrogen

eBay (19)

Source of: Hydrogen, CalciumHydrideCanister, Wolfenite, Magnesium, Magnesium, Magnesium, NiCadBattery, Iron, Germanium, Zirconium, Tin, Lanthanum, Cerium, DidymiumLens, Neodymium, Neodymium, Mercury, Lead, Polonium

eBay seller 00018 (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Osmium

eBay seller 142pimp (2)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source and Contributor of: Germanium
Source of: Germanium

eBay seller 1954cowboy (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Uranium

eBay seller 20fec (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Selenium

eBay seller 4jdk (3)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: SiliconCarbide, Thorite2, Bismuth

eBay seller 4slghmr87 (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Boron

eBay seller 4theear (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Niobium

eBay seller 4thegrace (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Boron

eBay seller 517trinket (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Cobalt

eBay seller 5kumar (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Molybdenum

eBay seller 69chuck69auctioneer (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Beryllium

eBay seller 6tomcat (5)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Sulfur, Strontium, Radium, Uranium, Uranium

eBay seller 7538bruce (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Germanium

eBay seller 7890inky (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Tungsten

eBay seller a1-89 (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Silicon

eBay seller aaronleighton (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Tungsten

eBay seller accurateimage (4)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Iron, Iridium, Platinum, Uranium

eBay seller aerosource (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Titanium

eBay seller afterburner713 (5)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Nickel, Nickel, Nickel, Nickel, Nickel

eBay seller akilawolf (4)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Chromium, Chromium, Cobalt, Nickel

eBay seller alexpharm (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Fluorine

eBay seller alliesthenandnow (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Manganese

eBay seller allthedodaday (3)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Beryllium, Beryllium, Plutonium

eBay seller alpha-omegaman (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Rhodium

eBay seller alpinevarietystore (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Aluminum

eBay seller alteglasslady (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Cobalt

eBay seller americanaenterprises (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Vanadium

eBay seller ancientcaesar (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Copper

eBay seller angellitcandles (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Zinc

eBay seller anish62 (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Titanium

eBay seller arkie-annie (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: TiO2

eBay seller arrowheadmine (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Galena

eBay seller artgarden2005 (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Magnesium

eBay seller artie324 (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Tantalum

eBay seller artone03 (2)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Zinc, Zinc

eBay seller arturkr (3)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Silver, Polonium, Radium

eBay seller ashleysfinejewelry (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Titanium

eBay seller assetrecoveryctsystems (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Indium

eBay seller auntncb (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Cobalt

eBay seller avieleah (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Iron

eBay seller avitarunlimited (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Tantalum

eBay seller aztecjaguarwarrior (2)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Cobalt, Radium

eBay seller aztool-jerry (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: M42Bit

eBay seller badgerlaunch (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Lead

eBay seller bandtled (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Gallium

eBay seller bargains-by-the-bagfull (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Titanium

eBay seller barneys_cast_iron (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Iron

eBay seller barnsideantiques (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Gold

eBay seller beaglemania2 (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Selenium

eBay seller beckyj29 (2)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Radon, Radium

eBay seller belkisminerals (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Sulfur

eBay seller bestdeal120 (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Barium

eBay seller bestshells (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: VenusFlowerBasket

eBay seller bettyboop (6)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Astatine, Francium, Radium, Actinium, Protactinium, Uranium

eBay seller billrka (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Torbernite2

eBay seller billw87 (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Beryllium

eBay seller birago123456 (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: SiliconCarbide2

eBay seller bluemedi (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Silver

eBay seller boco007 (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Thorium

eBay seller boomologist (2)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Autunite3, Autunite4

eBay seller boss1 (2)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Invar, Magnesium

eBay seller bowsong (2)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Gold, Gold

eBay seller bronco2x2 (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Iron

eBay seller b-turner (2)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source and Contributor of: Niobium
Source of: Niobium

eBay seller buckaru (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Lead

eBay seller bulbsgalore100 (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Xenon

eBay seller c3h5no3 (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Zirconium

eBay seller cacheofcoins (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Argon

eBay seller camillehervier (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Selenium

eBay seller campgems (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Silicon

eBay seller camsurg (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Fluorine

eBay seller canadalookingforsomething (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Titanium

eBay seller cape-estate (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Beryllium

eBay seller caraudiosupply (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Niobium

eBay seller carlrw (2)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Tantalum, Tantalum

eBay seller catingames (2)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Neodymium, Neodymium

eBay seller channel4steve (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Mercury

eBay seller charltonmills (4)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Titanium, Cobalt, Cadmium, Cadmium

eBay seller chifizica (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Beryllium

eBay seller chinaembroidery (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Silver

eBay seller chinaemma (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Carbon

eBay seller choppermr (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Titanium

eBay seller chregasana (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Zirconium

eBay seller chrisbuckman (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Manganese

eBay seller chrisredcat (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Magnesium

eBay seller cieinternational (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Xenon

eBay seller clinia (2)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Zirconium, Zirconium

eBay seller cnull (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Antimony

eBay seller collect-a-thon (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Iron

eBay seller colonialacrescoins (1)

This seller always has a large number of aircraft related items on offer, several of which are usually made of titanium or other exotic metals. This link should look up any auctions they have going on eBay right now.
Source of: Nickel

eBay seller consiliumdesigns (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: SrAlRod

eBay seller copper_nugget_man (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Copper

eBay seller corockgal (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Baddeleyite2

eBay seller covers_machining (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Magnesium

eBay seller crabbybeans (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Strontium

eBay seller crystaldigger (2)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Brookite, Electrons

eBay seller curiodream100 (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: DavyLamp

eBay seller cutter923 (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Silicon

eBay seller cutting_edge _tool (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Boron

eBay seller cvrelics (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Lead

eBay seller cycling-clothing (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Scandium

eBay seller cynlion (2)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Iodine, Iodine

eBay seller daddio (2)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Radium, Uranium

eBay seller dahl1az (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Radium

eBay seller dandn21 (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Titanium

eBay seller danfuboco (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Silicon

eBay seller danniken (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Uranium

eBay seller danniken (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Silver

eBay seller dashto (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Radium

eBay seller dbluett (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Copper

eBay seller ddogmoxie (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Iodine

eBay seller delraygoddess (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Orpiment

eBay seller dfacbco (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Tungsten

eBay seller dfried18 (2)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Copper, Copper

eBay seller dhenry102 (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Phosphorus

eBay seller d-h-garske (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Kolbeckite

eBay seller directcoin (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Platinum

eBay seller dixielandemporium (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Si3N4

eBay seller djkemme (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Nitrogen

eBay seller dlafew (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Tungsten

eBay seller dlrguy (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Aluminum

eBay seller dmhsgeneralstore (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Zinc

eBay seller donfriend (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Chromium

eBay seller doodad60 (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Uranium

eBay seller dougcarol1987 (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Iridium

eBay seller dp63 (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Beryllium

eBay seller dr.starstone (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Mercury

eBay seller drsusphd (2)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Palladium, Gold

eBay seller dr**zarkoff (3)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Autunite2, Carnotite, Zippeite

eBay seller dudemanlevi (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Chlorine

eBay seller e3134 (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Titanium

eBay seller easternages (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Lead

eBay seller ebms2006 (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Promethium

eBay seller edbrix (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Manganese

eBay seller effusionality (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Lead

eBay seller elaine301 (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Radium

eBay seller eldoglassnmirror (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Cerium

eBay seller el_three (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Cadmium

eBay seller emerald-imports (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Carbon

eBay seller emmjane-ejc (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Sodium

eBay seller emovendo (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Neodymium

eBay seller endo80 (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Limestone

eBay seller entropydave (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Osmiridium

eBay seller equillink (2)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Tantalum, Tantalum

eBay seller erinsplace (2)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Zirconium, Rhenium

eBay seller estuff (2)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Gallium, Indium

eBay seller eureka52 (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Silicon

eBay seller ezthirfty (2)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Indium, Indium

eBay seller fabriclauncher (2)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Fluorine, Fluorine

eBay seller fasteddie_2007 (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Manganese

eBay seller fellows (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Cerium

eBay seller finch34 (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Phosphorus

eBay seller flabster (3)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Silicon, Silicon, Calcium

eBay seller fogie1 (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Arsenic

eBay seller foos15 (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Tungsten

eBay seller forsythia (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Rhenium

eBay seller fragrancealley (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Thallium

eBay seller freakingcat_gems (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Baddeleyite

eBay seller free-shipping-auctions (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Zinc

eBay seller fsooff44 (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Iron

eBay seller fullhouse2b3g (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Copper

eBay seller gainexpress (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Platinum

eBay seller garden_supply (2)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Sodium, Scandium

eBay seller gardnrobe (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Silicon

eBay seller gedeon-qc (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Ruthenium

eBay seller geoelectronics (6)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Radium, Uranium, Uranium, Uranium, Plutonium, Americium

eBay seller getnick (3)

This seller always has a large number of aircraft related items on offer, several of which are usually made of titanium or other exotic metals. This link should look up any auctions they have going on eBay right now.
Source of: Titanium, Titanium, Nickel

eBay seller gigioleen (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Cobalt

eBay seller glenben1 (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Polonium

eBay seller gogobobs (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Silicon

eBay seller goods_keeper (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Tellurium

eBay seller goventureout (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Titanium

eBay seller granahlee (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Tungsten

eBay seller grandejunquetion (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Manganese

eBay seller grandma-adams (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: MineralCapsules

eBay seller greatresults (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Iron

eBay seller gulfbeachbum (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Hydrogen

eBay seller hairy_walrus (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Silicon

eBay seller halide2 (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Indium

eBay seller hallmarkmetals (7)

Hall Mark Metals sells a variety of metals and alloys in bulk form, but will sell small quantities to individuals (i.e. a few 5-6 pound ingots at a time). The also sell on eBay. This link should look up any auctions they have going on eBay right now.
Source of: Tin, Tin, Tin, Antimony, Antimony, Lead, Bismuth

eBay seller handmedownz (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Antimony

eBay seller harrymarks (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Iridium

eBay seller hcas-granite (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: BariumSulfateSuspension

eBay seller healingmass (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Erbium

eBay seller hemlytool (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Hafnium

eBay seller henderko (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Aluminum

eBay seller heruur (35)

Chris Leubner sells a wide range of wierd stuff on eBay: He's one of my favorite eBay sources. This link should look up any auctions he has going on eBay right now.
Source and Contributor of: Carbon, Tungsten, Tungsten, Gold, Lead, Lead
Source of: Lithium, Neon, Neon, Sodium, Magnesium, Aluminum, Calcium, Scandium, Vanadium, Nickel, Yttrium, Zirconium, Tellurium, Praseodymium, Neodymium, Samarium, Europium, Gadolinium, Terbium, Dysprosium, Holmium, Erbium, Thulium, Ytterbium, Hafnium, Tantalum, Tungsten, Platinum, Thorium

eBay seller hexoctboy (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Tellurium

eBay seller hispls (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Phosphorus

eBay seller hmv (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Osmium

eBay seller homedecorshops (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Cobalt

eBay seller hoofcure (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Sodium

eBay seller hoosier981 (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Titanium

eBay seller huntinfrek (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Magnesium

eBay seller ilickrocks (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: HaliteAndBorax

eBay seller imissthe60s (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Uranium

eBay seller indcomixing (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Propeller

eBay seller indianhead (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Nickel

eBay seller irenie1 (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Erbium

eBay seller irvineman (3)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: CeramicBallsSi3N4, CeramicBearingsSi3N4, CeramicBearingsZrO2

eBay seller i_sell_tech (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: HalothaneVaporizer

eBay seller ja117 (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Xenon

eBay seller jacav111 (6)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Beryllium, Beryllium, MetalSamplesPouch, Copper, Niobium, Tantalum

eBay seller jamrat2000 (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Nickel

eBay seller janerili (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Nitrogen

eBay seller jeffshobbies (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Rhodium

eBay seller jnqmn (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Antimony

eBay seller jrschades (3)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Lead, Lead, Lead

eBay seller judys-1000s-treasures (2)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Nickel, Copper

eBay seller kaltofen (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Zinc

eBay seller karlhoyer (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Iron

eBay seller kathy456 (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Radium

eBay seller kbv1 (2)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Bismuth, Bismuth

eBay seller kellypeterson (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Mercury

eBay seller kentuckyspecialfx (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Rhenium

eBay seller kevinsantiquerocks (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: RealgarOrpiment

eBay seller kiaoradogs (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Silver

eBay seller kidkayo (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Tungsten

eBay seller kikitbw (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Titanium

eBay seller kingendymion (6)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Nickel, Gallium, Germanium, Selenium, Tin, Bismuth

eBay seller knightlady21 (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Uranium

eBay seller kskt4 (3)

Ken has a nice website where he sells huge bismuth cyrstals, and he also sells on eBay. This link should look up any auctions he has going on eBay right now, or check out his website for more crystals.
Source of: Bismuth, Bismuth, Bismuth

eBay seller landelec (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Silicon

eBay seller lauram300 (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Quicklime

eBay seller ldcurtis2002 (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: NativeCopper2

eBay seller ldhappy55 (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Contributor of: Silver

eBay seller lee1414 (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Iron

eBay seller ley646 (2)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Vicanite, Actinium

eBay seller lovedock (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Polonium

eBay seller luajam (2)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Lead, Lead

eBay seller lubomir (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Copper

eBay seller magman1000 (2)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Magnesium, Magnesium

eBay seller markbritt (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Zinc

eBay seller markieo51 (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Radium

eBay seller marky23uk (1)

You can contact this person by email to buy directly at, or check their eBay auctions. This link should look up any auctions they have going on eBay right now. Please note that it is legal for them to sell tritium key chains in the UK, but it may not be legal for you to import or possess them here. So don't blame me when the FBI comes knocking.
Source of: Hydrogen

eBay seller matky (2)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source and Contributor of: Silicon
Source of: Silicon

eBay seller mattpeters1 (2)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Palladium, Palladium

eBay seller maurineandken (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Antimony

eBay seller maxiemumdeals (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Krypton

eBay seller mc17cyclotron (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: BGO

eBay seller meanderingmetals (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Titanium

eBay seller mebigger (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Zirconium

eBay seller megaw (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Polonium

eBay seller merlyn8804 (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Yanomamite

eBay seller meteoritesandmore (2)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Iron, Iron

eBay seller mickw16 (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Cobalt

eBay seller microdrivesrus (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Tungsten

eBay seller microlocomotion (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Neodymium

eBay seller migalf1 (2)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Torbernite, Protactinium

eBay seller mimidog0 (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Sulfur

eBay seller minclassixx (3)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: SphaleriteWithSiderite, GermaniumOre1, GermaniumOre2

eBay seller mineralman999 (3)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Monazite, Thorite, Francium

eBay seller minwreck (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Euxenite

eBay seller mirluck (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: OsmiridiumAd

eBay seller mitryrock (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: ManganeseNodule

eBay seller mld101 (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Tungsten

eBay seller motoreyes (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Magnesium

eBay seller mrherola (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Curium

eBay seller mrj33 (5)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Aluminum, Aluminum, Aluminum, Titanium, Terbium

eBay seller mrmavica (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Graphite2

eBay seller muni-divas (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Gold

eBay seller musicpartsguru (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Samarium

eBay seller mycomicsrock (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Technetium

eBay seller naomimage (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Zirconium

eBay seller nebulousstars (2)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Zirconium, Molybdenum

eBay seller need1have1 (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Magnesium

eBay seller nelsonhom0r9g (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Silicon

eBay seller nhbbobb1985 (3)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Rubidium, Rubidium, Rubidium

eBay seller northernkollector (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Radium

eBay seller npappas0013 (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Helium

eBay seller nrankscs (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Selenium

eBay seller nw_stuff_seller (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Zirconium

eBay seller nwy (3)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source and Contributor of: Carbon, Tantalum, Tungsten

eBay seller oakwilde (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Magnesium

eBay seller oboyoberta (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Aerogel

eBay seller ohioidustrialsurplus (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Beryllium

eBay seller ohoa13 (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Germanium

eBay seller oldboytoyz (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Molybdenum

eBay seller originalbuy (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Lead

eBay seller oxygeninc (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Oxygen

eBay seller pablof_azul (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Rubidium

eBay seller pancholv (2)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Rhodium, Rhodium

eBay seller paolo2008_123 (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Iron

eBay seller parker282828 (5)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Beryllium, Beryllium, Beryllium, Beryllium, Beryllium

eBay seller paul-n-jayne (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Thorium

eBay seller pcijma (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Calcium

eBay seller perkins55 (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Zirconium

eBay seller phumin2007 (3)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: RubyBoule, RubyBoule2, RubyBoule3

eBay seller pinta-beads (1)

I don't know anything about this person other than their eBay name, pinta-beads. This link should look up any auctions they have going on eBay right now. They also have a website at
Source of: Niobium

eBay seller pogodzinski (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Iodine

eBay seller powerpoint-electrical-sales (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Mercury

eBay seller precision-marine (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Zinc

eBay seller pro_cables_direct (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Gold

eBay seller proclocks (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Mercury

eBay seller prospectorsgold (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Platinum

eBay seller psainvestments (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Nitrogen

eBay seller quartzpegmatite (2)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: CrudeOil, Molybdenum

eBay seller quartzpegmatite (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Thallium

eBay seller raceprovenparts (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Magnesium

eBay seller racingfreaks (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Lead

eBay seller radaru (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Cobalt

eBay seller radiocorner (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Selenium

eBay seller ramblingguy (2)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Argon, Argon

eBay seller rare-chips-4-u (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Gold

eBay seller rare-chips-4-u contact (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Gold

eBay seller rbcybertech (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Gold

eBay seller rdr-electronics (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Fluorine

eBay seller reginaldvance (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Carbon

eBay seller rfjewelry (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Titanium

eBay seller ringman001 (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Antimony

eBay seller rmoy (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Antimony

eBay seller rockgod (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Uraninite

eBay seller rrgaetan (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Vanadium

eBay seller rto37 (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Nickel

eBay seller rubbermann7 (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Fluorine

eBay seller rubbleshop (5)

Gillian Pearce is aonderful source of information and exotic element samples. Also sells elements on eBay. This link should look up any auctions they have going on eBay right now.
Source and Contributor of: Beryllium, Radon, Plutonium
Source of: Hafnium, Hafnium

eBay seller rustnstuf (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Oxygen

eBay seller safetobe (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Niobium

eBay seller saltwonders (3)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: LargeBarite, HimalayanSeaSalt, SaltLamp

eBay seller salvart (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Radium

eBay seller sammy13 (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Vanadium

eBay seller saratthasamuccaya (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Alum

eBay seller saturngroup (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Praseodymium

eBay seller scubadiscount (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Titanium

eBay seller seaboo49 (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Radium

eBay seller seedogshop (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Tungsten

eBay seller seismoman (2)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Cadmium, Cadmium

eBay seller sellingoffoddstuff (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Euxenite2

eBay seller sellitontheweb (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Bromine

eBay seller selwrite (2)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Iron, Niobium

eBay seller sevyg (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Titanium

eBay seller shauna74 (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Tantalum

eBay seller sherl111 (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Carbon

eBay seller shiningjewel (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Ruthenium

eBay seller shipper39 (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Arsenic

eBay seller silverspoon53 (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Molybdenum

eBay seller silysavg (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Silicon

eBay seller singlepoint (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: CobaltBit

eBay seller sj6girls (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Carbon

eBay seller skrantiques (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Uranium

eBay seller smeezle (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Cobalt

eBay seller smektar (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Sulfur

eBay seller snooj (3)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Titanium, Manganese, Tantalum

eBay seller spatial-one (2)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Beryllium, Beryllium

eBay seller sport1 (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Magnesium

eBay seller star-stuff (6)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Actinolite, Anthophyllite, Chrysotile, Grunerite, Riebeckite, Tremolite

eBay seller startgroove (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source and Contributor of: Osmium

eBay seller stephanieutz (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Ruthenium

eBay seller stonepeoplesongs (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Yttrium

eBay seller summitracing_sales (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Cadmium

eBay seller sunshinehope (2)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Potash, SulfateOfPotash

eBay seller surenet (2)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Silicon, Silicon

eBay seller surginstruments (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Lead

eBay seller survivorman2000 (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Iodine

eBay seller sushack (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Cobalt

eBay seller suttonst (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Iodine

eBay seller swliquidators (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Xenon

eBay seller swordsandstones (2)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Silicon, Silicon

eBay seller sysgenss (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Carbon

eBay seller tamagno (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Radium

eBay seller tapent (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Hydrogen

eBay seller tbagkdr (2)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: OsmiridiumPen, OsmiridiumPen2

eBay seller tecollectables (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Magnesium

eBay seller teddp (3)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Strontium, Strontium, Europium

eBay seller terri63097 (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Silicon

eBay seller tgalloway123 (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Helium

eBay seller thaipants (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Fluorine

eBay seller thegoldman (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Gold

eBay seller threelittlelambs (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Indium

eBay seller thunderbird1010 (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Nickel

eBay seller tictoxx (5)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Helium, Neon, Argon, Krypton, Xenon

eBay seller time-warp (2)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: GaAsAmp, GaAsAmp2

eBay seller timna91 (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Lead

eBay seller tjauto04 (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Xenon

eBay seller tnp5659 (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Iron

eBay seller topwatch (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Radium

eBay seller toufdoc (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Zirconium

eBay seller trader55553 (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Lead

eBay seller tranquil-gardens (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Terbium

eBay seller treacia1800 (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Carbon

eBay seller trifectasales (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Lead

eBay seller tubesrus (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Mercury

eBay seller tungsten-direct (2)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Tungsten, Thorium

eBay seller ultimatecollectibles19 (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Mercury

eBay seller valdor (2)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: FerrochromeCrystal, FerrochromeLump

eBay seller valpone (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Cobalt

eBay seller vanagon (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Molybdenum

eBay seller vbb71 (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Lead

eBay seller vintageandcollectables (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Iron

eBay seller vipcreative718 (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Sphalerite2

eBay seller viperctw (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Iron

eBay seller virtualvillage-usa (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Rhodium

eBay seller vitamaker (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Strontium

eBay seller vonhoho (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Radium

eBay seller wahyouwan (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Platinum

eBay seller watchman37 (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Radium

eBay seller watsgotslots (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Radium

eBay seller waveles (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Oxygen

eBay seller wholesalenow (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Iron

eBay seller wrightstuff1903 (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Titanium

eBay seller wvtools (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Lead

eBay seller wz2j (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Sulfur

eBay seller xsellr8 (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Mercury

eBay seller yan_kelly (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Magnesium

eBay seller yesterdaisys (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Iron

eBay seller yougotitwebuyit (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Iodine

eBay seller zeebidder (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Silicon

eBay seller zephyr4 (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: SilicatedMagnesium

eBay seller zwergenfrau1 (1)

An eBay seller I have done business with: This link to their items on eBay may or may not show similar items to the one I got from them, but it's probably worth looking.
Source of: Iron

Ed Bertschy (2)

Source and Contributor of: Nickel, Nickel

Ed Pegg Jr (42)

Ed is arguably responsible for almost all the donated elements, because it was only through his featuring of my table on his math puzzle website (, which started the slashdot discussion, that other people became aware of it. He also helped engrave all the atomic weights and densities.
Source and Contributor of: Boron, Boron, Fluorine, Titanium, Iron, Samarium, Tungsten, Tungsten, Tungsten, Tungsten, Gold, Lead, Uranium
Contributor of: Beryllium, Boron, Carbon, Aluminum, Aluminum, Chlorine, Vanadium, Chromium, Iron, Gallium, Bromine, Yttrium, Zirconium, Zirconium, Niobium, Molybdenum, Ruthenium, Rhodium, Rhodium, Indium, Iodine, Barium, Praseodymium, Neodymium, Neodymium, Thulium, Rhenium, Bismuth, Bismuth

Educational Innovations (1)

Educational Innovations is a great company, they sell all kinds of really neat science stuff, including my poster. Shows good taste.
Source of: DensitySet

Electronics Store (1)

Source of: CompactFlashHardDrive

ENCO (1)

Source of: Titanium

Eric Winter (4)

Eric Winter is a chemistry major, element collector, and chainmailler trying to make a different chain mail weave out of every metal that can reasonably be turned into wire. He doesn't have a website (yet) but would be happy to hear from you if you'd like some chain mail jewelry, element samples, or have some interesting wire to part with.
Source and Contributor of: Aluminum, Aluminum, Copper, Mercury

Ethan Currens (97)

Ethan is an element expert and Master's student in Materials Engineering. He does consulting for several high purity metals/advanced materials/semiconductor companies, and can be reached at for materials science and element sample inquiries.
Source and Contributor of: Beryllium, LaB, SiliconCarbide3, RbMnF3, Aluminum, Aluminum, Aluminum, Aluminum, Aluminum, Aluminum, Aluminum, Silicon, Silicon, Silicon, Silicon, BotryoidalPyrite, Titanium, Titanium, Vanadium, Chromium, Chromium, Chromium, Chromium, Chromium, Chromium, Iron, Iron, Fe40Co60, Cobalt, Copper, Copper, Germanium, Germanium, SnSe, Yttrium, Yttrium, Yttrium, Zirconium, Zirconium, Zirconium, Zirconium, Zirconium, Molybdenum, Silver, Indium, Indium, Tin, Tin, Tellurium, Tellurium, BiTeEr, PbTe, Cesium, Barium, Terbium, Erbium, Hafnium, Hafnium, Tantalum, Tantalum, Tantalum, Tantalum, Tungsten, Tungsten, Tungsten, Bismuth, Bismuth
Source of: Carbon, Carbon, Chromium, Iron, Nickel, Copper, Gallium, Germanium, Germanium, Germanium, Arsenic, Selenium, Niobium, Niobium, Niobium, Molybdenum, Palladium, Silver, Silver, Silver, Antimony, Cesium, Cesium, Hafnium, Tungsten, Tungsten, Gold
Contributor of: Neon, Silicon, Zinc

Eva Gray (1)

My mom.
Source and Contributor of: Silver

Exclusive Fossils/Nord Fossil (1)

Nord Fossil is a German fossil dealer.
Phone: xxx
Address: xxx.

Source of: PyritizedAmmonite3

Executive Creations (1)

Executive Creations is in the business of creating custom-designed cast acrylic and other motivational or commemorative objects for the business community.
Source and Contributor of: Carbon

Farm & Fleet (28)

Farm and Fleet is a local hardware/automotive/horse/farm/etc supply store. If you need half a gallon of arithromycin, you can buy it there, no questions asked. I got some pretty colored horse bandage material that the kids love to use whether they have an injury or not.
Source of: Carbon, Carbon, Nitrogen, CuSO4.a, CuSO4.b, CuSO4.c, Sodium, HorseSalt, HorseSaltMagnesium, SaltBlock, Sulfur, Titanium, Titanium, HexSocket, HexSocket2, Chromium, Iron, Iron, Copper, Copper, Copper, Zinc, Bromine, Bromine, Palladium, Palladium, Cadmium, Platinum

FDJ On Time (3)

FDJ On Time ( is a supplier of jewelry making supplies and equipment. I've bought quite a few things from them including casting and plating materials and find them very reliable..
Source of: Titanium, Nickel, Gold

Flea Market in London (1)

A flea market in London in the early 1980's.
Source of: Silver

Flex-n-Gate, Inc (3)

Flex-n-Gate, Inc, Urbana, Illinois ( bills itself as the largest manufacturer of automobile bumpers in the country. Their reject pile is very, very shiny. They don't sell elements, but I asked really nice.
Source and Contributor of: Chromium, Nickel, Nickel

Florida (1)

Source of: SeaShell

Force Field (2)

Force Field is a fun site with all kinds of silly magnet stuff, and some really strong magnets.
Source of: Neodymium, Neodymium

Fossil Image Ltd. (1)

Kevin & Janet Burgart are the proprietors of Fossil Image Ltd. They had a large selection of fossils for sale at a fossil show I attended in March, 2003.
Phone: 615-746-4182
Address: P.O. Box 396, Pleasant View, TN 37146.

Source of: ChromiumPetrifiedWood

Frank Liebscher (9)

Frank Liebscher is an element collector from Germany. I sent him some nickel and copper nodules and in return he sent me some of the most beautiful pure elements I've seen: It looks like he has great skill in ampuling things!
Source and Contributor of: Sodium, Sulfur, Potassium, NativeArsenic, Copper, Strontium, Silver, Iodine, Bismuth

Franklin Mineral Museum (1)

The Franklin Mineral Museum is world-famous for its collection of fluorescent minerals, many collected from local mines.
Source of: Carbon

Fundacio' Joan Miro' (1)

The Fundacio' Joan Miro' (Joan Miro' Museum) is located in Barcelona, Spain. Here is their website:
Source of: Mercury

George Beck (1)

George Beck ex of Canada was very tolerant of my really quite rude and repeated requests that he bring me back some Canadian quarters next time he was there. Pre-2001 they were made of nickel, you see. Strictly speaking he didn't contribute them, because I paid him real money US for them, but it was very nice of him to bring them so far south, so I'm listing him as a contributor.
Contributor of: Nickel

George (not 007) Lazenby (10)

George Lazenby Sent Ed a lovely letter in a fancy envelope, and inside were three teeny tiny plastic vials with rubber gaskets and inside them were three foil samples, Thallium, Tantalum,and Palladium. Now, someone on slashdot made a joke about us asking for element donations, saying he'd like people to send him some Au or Ag too. I didn't really expect anyone to send us free gold and silver, but free palladium is pretty darn close! In fact,it's often more expensive than gold. He thoughtfully included a copy of the MSDS (material safety data sheet) for Thallium, so we wouldn't kill ourselves with it. Later he sent several more bigger samples, all of which he got at a surplus auction of his highschool. It seems he was the only one there who appreciated the erbium foil. The samples had been donated to the school by a former student who worked at NIST (National Institute for Standards and Testing), where they had been used as x-ray calibration standards. This means they are probably very pure.
Still later, he sent, on a semi-permanent loan basis, one of the most remarkable samples in the whole table: A three ounce (103.8 gram) bar of solid gold.
Email: george_lazenby(at)
Source and Contributor of: Yttrium, Palladium, Neodymium, Samarium, Erbium, Tantalum, Tantalum, Osmium, Gold, Thallium

Germany (1)

Source of: NativeCopper5

Gift Shop in Chinatown (3)

There are a whole bunch of fairly similar gift shops along the main street in San Francisco's Chinatown district. They actually have a lot of pretty nice stuff if you need to bring home something for the kids. By "nice" I mean cheap.
Source of: Copper, Copper, Silver

Goantiques (1)

Goantiques sells antiques online.
Source of: Polonium

Golden Nugget Coins (2)

The Golden Nugget is a coin shop in Champaign, Illinois.
Source of: Silver, Silver

Greg P (13)

Greg sells many unusual elements on eBay. He is the only known source for elemental fluorine stored in a way that you can actually see it, which is quite unusual. He can also provide a wide range of other elements in unusual forms: Email him at, or check out his current eBay auctions here.
Source and Contributor of: Fluorine, Sodium, Chlorine, Potassium, Germanium, Arsenic, Silver, Silver, Platinum, Platinum, Platinum, Polonium, Seaborgium

Griffith Observatory (2)

The Griffith Observatory is not an observatory, it's a science museum. I like it because they sell a lot of my periodic table posters.
Source of: Zinc, Gold

Grocery Store (7)

This source means items generally available in a food-oriented market.
Source of: ChocolateTin, Phosphorus, Phosphorus, Chlorine, Potassium, Cobalt, Gallium

Grocery Store (1)

Source of: Sodium

Gun Shop in California (1)

Gun shop in the silicon valley area of California. Don't remember the name, but any K-Mart will do.
Source of: Lead

Harbor Freight Tool Company (7)

Harbor Freight Tool Company is one of my favorite mail order tool companies, and much to my wonder they recently opened a retail store not far from where I live.
Source of: Lithium, Carbon, Aluminum, Silicon, Iron, Zirconium, Molybdenum

Hardware Store (52)

This source means items generally available in a hardware store, builder's supply center, etc. Examples of national chains would be True Value, Menards, Lowes, Builder's Square, and so on. Many of these items are also available at Walmart, if that's all you have in your town.
Source of: Carbon, Carbon, CrVWrench, CrVWrench2, Oxygen, Fluorine, Magnesium, Aluminum, Aluminum, Aluminum, Sulfur, Sulfur, Sulfur, Sulfur, Chlorine, Argon, Scandium, Titanium, Titanium, Titanium, Iron, Iron, Iron, Copper, Copper, Copper, Copper, Copper, Zinc, Arsenic, Bromine, Krypton, Tin, Tin, Tin, Praseodymium, Neodymium, Europium, Tungsten, Tungsten, Mercury, Mercury, Mercury, Lead, Lead, Radon, Thorium, Neptunium, Americium, Americium, Americium, Americium

Heinrich Pniok (1)

Heinrich Pniok has a large collection of extremely pure element samples.
Source of: Cadmium

Herschberger Welding Auction (5)

In fall 2003 there was an estate auction of Herschberger welding, an Amish welding shop. I wrote a story about the auction.
Source of: Iron, Iron, Mercury, Lead, Lead

Hobby Lobby (1)

Source of: ColoredChalk

Homer Auction (1)

Source of: Barium

Hospital (1)

Source of: Holmium

Hot Topic (1)

Source of: Titanium

Ian Brown (3)

Ian Brown is a high school kid (in 2006) who spends the money from his summer job on element samples. Inspirational, isn't it?
Source and Contributor of: Trinitite, Iodine, Gold

indiana9 Fossils (1)

Merv Feick is the proprietor of indina9 Fossils. He had a large selection of fossils for sale at a fossil show I attended in March, 2003.
Phone: 636-933-0478
Address: 12708 Oakbrair Meadows Ln., Festus, MO 63028
Source of: PyritizedAmmonite1

Inkling Pen Company (2)

The Inkling Pen Company makes pens out of solid tungsten. Heavy, man.
Source of: Tungsten, Tungsten

Ivan Petrov (2)

Ivan Petrov of the Materials Research Laboratory at the University of Illinois kindly arranged to allow me to use the extensive facilities at the U of I, which is a national collaborative center for materials testing, and asked his colleague Jim Mabon to determine the composition of my artificial knee joint and tungsten samples. (The tungsten was in fact tungsten, but the knee was aluminum, not titanium as I had hoped. Oh well.) I guess he took pity on me and donated the following very pure samples.
Source and Contributor of: Titanium, Tungsten

Ivan Timokhin (14)

Ican Timokhin is currently (2006) at the University of Zurich, but he has many contacts in his homeland of Russia, from whom he has acquired many spectacular elements for his own impressive element collection. He sells some elements on eBay from time to time, and can be reached at
Source and Contributor of: Carbon, Selenium, Cadmium, Tin, Xenon, Tungsten
Source of: Phosphorus, Chlorine, Tungsten, Tungsten, Platinum, Gold, Gold, Gold

Jake Scott (3)

Jake Scott researches the properties of dental implants.
Source of: Titanium, Titanium, Titanium

James Weigner (1)

Source and Contributor of: Zinc

Japan (6)

Japan is a country that really needs to add a decimal place or two to its currency. At least they don't make fractional-Yen coins, but even the full-Yen ones are worth so little, they make them out of aluminum.
Source of: Aluminum, Aluminum, Iron, Germanium, Germanium, Tin

Japan (2)

Source of: Copper, Copper

Japan House (1)

Source of: Iron

Jason Cohen (1)

Source and Contributor of: Technetium

Jason Stainer (1)

Jason Stainer is a science instructor at the Bishop Bell Mathematics and Computing Specialist School in East Sussex, England. He and his students have been studying chemistry by creating pure elements from their various compounds. What luck: They have elements, and I have an element website!
Source and Contributor of: Lead

Jeff's Finger (1)

This sample is located on Jeff Bryant's finger, assuming he's wearing his wedding ring.
Source of: Titanium

Jensan Scientifics (87)

The Grand Tour of the Periodic Table mineral collection is sold by Jensan Scientifics.

To learn more about the set you can visit my page about element collecting for a general description, or you can see photographs of all the samples from the set displayed on my website in a periodic table layout, or in numerical order with bigger pictures in this collection.
Source and Contributor of: Apophyllite, Bauxite, Coal, Davidite, Erythrite, Garnierite, Lepidolite, Romanechite, Ulexite, Triphylite, AquamarineBeryl3, Calcite, Graphite, Smithsonite, Nitratine, BotryoidalHematite, Chromite, Quartz, Ruby2, RutileQuartz, RutileQuartz2, Sodalite, Vanadinite, Fluorite, Halite, NativeSulfur, Sphalerite, Sylvite, NativeCopper
Source of: Dioptas, Goethit, Jensan.Allanite, Jensan.Eudialyte, Jensan.Haynesite, Jensan.Pollucite, Jensan.Pyrochlore, Kuliokite, Turquoise, Kunzite, Jensan.Bastnasite, BotryoidalAgate, Cassiterite, Coltan, Columbite, Ilmenite, Jensan.Apatite, Jensan.Baryte, Jensan.Cassiterite, Jensan.Celestine, Jensan.Crocoite, Jensan.Euxenite, Jensan.Hafnon, Jensan.Scheelite, Jensan.Tantalite, Jensan.Wulfenite, Jensan.Zincite, Pitchblende, Rhodonite, Titanite, Wolframite, Xenotime, Zincite, ZirconSand, Chalcocite, Galena3, Jensan.Bismuthinite, Jensan.Cinnabar, Jensan.Greenockite, Jensan.Greenockite2, Jensan.Rheniite, Jensan.Stibnite, Jensan.Weissbergite, PeacockOre, Pentlandite, Realgar, Rhenite, Jensan.Embolite, Jensan.NativeIron, Jensan.TerrestrialIron, Palladobismutharsenide, Jensan.NativePalladium, Jensan.Iodargyrite, Jensan.SilverOre, PlatiniferousPyroxenite, Jensan.Calverite, Iridium, Jensan.PlatinumOre

Jim Markitell (4)

This person regularly has Fiestaware plates available for sale. Email: This link should look up any auctions they have going on eBay right now.
Source and Contributor of: Autunite, Astatine
Contributor of: Actinium, Protactinium

Johannes Wirth (1)

Source and Contributor of: Copper

John Gray (157)

My dad.
Source and Contributor of: Copper
Contributor of: SC.Allanite, SC.Allophane, SC.Alunite, SC.Atacamite, SC.Aurichalcite, SC.Azurite, SC.Azurite2, SC.AzuriteAndMalachite, SC.Cavansite, SC.Cerite, SC.Cornetite, SC.Elbaite, SC.Elbaite2, SC.Emmonsite, SC.Erythrite, SC.Eudyalite, SC.Fluellite, SC.Gypsum, SC.Hemimorphite, SC.Hydroxilherderite, SC.Kleinite, SC.Lepidolite, SC.Lepidolite2, SC.Malachite, SC.Manganaxinite, SC.Manganite, SC.Manganite2, SC.Metatorbernite, SC.Miserite, SC.Pollucite, SC.Scolecite, SC.Staurolite, SC.Staurolite2, SC.Stilbite, SC.Topaz, SC.Ulexite, SC.Vesuvianite, SC.Wavellite2, SC.Wavellite3, SC.Petalite, SC.Beryl, SC.Beryl2, SC.Chrysoberyl, SC.Londonite-Rhodizite, SC.Londonite-Rhodizite2, SC.Londonite-Rhodizite3, SC.Phenakite, SC.Danburite, SC.Danburite2, SC.Danburite3, SC.Painite, SC.Ankerite, SC.Aragonite, SC.Aragonite2, SC.Bismuthite, SC.Calcite, SC.Cerussite, SC.Cerussite2, SC.Cerussite3, SC.CrocoiteAndCrCerussite, SC.Dolomite, SC.JetLignite, SC.Magnesite, SC.Magnesite2, SC.NativeGraphite, SC.Rhodochrosite, SC.Siderite, SC.Siderite2, SC.Smithsonite, SC.Smithsonite2, SC.Strontianite, SC.Anhydrite, SC.Apatite, SC.Baryte, SC.Baryte2, SC.Bixbyite, SC.Brookite, SC.Cassiterite, SC.Cassiterite2, SC.Cassiterite3, SC.Celestine, SC.Celestine2, SC.Corundum, SC.Corundum2, SC.Crocoite, SC.Diopside, SC.Euxenite, SC.Fergusonite, SC.Forsterite, SC.Gehlenite, SC.Gehlenite2, SC.Glauberite, SC.Grossular, SC.Hematite, SC.Huebnerite, SC.Kyanite, SC.Magnetite, SC.MnO2, SC.Monazite, SC.Orthoclase, SC.Pyromorphite, SC.Pyromorphite2, SC.Pyroxene, SC.Pyroxmangite, SC.Quartz, SC.Quartz2, SC.RubyCorundum, SC.Rutile, SC.Rutile2, SC.Scheelite, SC.Spessartite, SC.Spinel, SC.Sulphohalite, SC.Uvarovite, SC.Vanadinite, SC.Wulfenite, SC.Zirconolite, SC.Fluorite, SC.Fluorite2, SC.Fluorite3, SC.Halite, SC.Arsenopyrite, SC.Carrollite, SC.Cinnabar, SC.Cobaltite, SC.Getchellite, SC.Livingstonite, SC.Molybdenite, SC.NativeSulfur, SC.Proustite, SC.Pyrargyrite, SC.Pyrargyrite3, SC.Pyrite, SC.Pyrite2, SC.Pyrrhotite, SC.Renierite, SC.Rheniite, SC.Stannite, SC.Stibnite, SC.Niccolite, SC.Niccolite2, SC.Copper, SC.NativeCopper, SC.NativeSelenium, SC.Bromargyrite, SC.Iodargyrite, SC.NativeSilver1, SC.NativeSilver3, SC.NativeSilver4, SC.NativeSilver5, SC.SilverInBornite, SC.Antimony, SC.NativePlatinum, SC.GoldOnQuartz, SC.NativeBismuth, SC.NativeBismuth2

John Gray's Collection (10)

My dad has an extensive mineral collection, which I am photographing slowly.
Source of: Azurite, AquamarineBeryl, AquamarineBeryl2, AquamarineBeryl4, Cerussite, Rhodochrosite, Ruby, Fluorite3, Fluorite4, Fluorite5

John Posey (1)

Source of: Coral

John Wechselberger (8)

John Wechselberger lives near a scrap metal dealer who gets surplus metals from all sorts of aerospace industries in southern California. He has supplied me with large quantities of some very nice metals, for my collection and for use in the museum displays I am building with Max Whitby. If you like any of the things listed as coming from him, check the eBay seller akilawolf (click here to look up current auctions): John prefers to sell his elements that way.
Source and Contributor of: Boron
Source of: Titanium, Titanium, FerrotitaniumLump, Chromium, FerrochromeLumps2, Nickel, Nickel

Juan Jimenez (11)

Juan Jimenez runs an auto shop in California, and in his spare time collects some of the finest high-purity element samples I've seen. He also sells some things on eBay, this link will look up any items he's got for sale right now.
Source and Contributor of: Lithium, Beryllium, Aluminum, Chromium, Chromium, Zirconium, Niobium, Niobium, Niobium, Indium
Source of: Radium

Justin Urgitis (1)

Source and Contributor of: Palladium

Kaistar R&D; (16)

Kaistar R&D; is a company that specializes in extremely high purity metals and alloys, which they make to order in their unique high-vacuum e-beam furnace. If you are a researcher in need of that kind of thing, give them a call. If you are an element collector looking for small buttons of pure metals, you're in luck: They have a collector's division. Click on the "Krdnet Supplies" tab on their website to see their current element offerings, or check out their eBay store. I visited the company in the summer of 2004 with Oliver Sacks and wrote up a story about it, which includes photographs of the incredible furnace used to produce most of the samples they sell.
Source and Contributor of: Titanium, Titanium, Zirconium, Zirconium, Zirconium, Niobium, Niobium, Molybdenum, Hafnium, Tungsten, Tungsten, Tungsten, Tungsten, Tungsten, Tungsten
Source of: Tungsten

Kat (1)

Source and Contributor of: DeathValleySalt

Keith Stroyan (1)

Keith Stroyan is a long-time user of my company's product Mathematica. He's also the author of subversive calculus textbooks.
Source and Contributor of: Tungsten

Kent State NEO Beam Facility (1)

The Kent State NEO Beam Alliance is a partnership between Kent State University and Mercury Plastics, Inc..
Source and Contributor of: Titanium

Kevin Hopkins (1)

Source of: Tungsten

Kevin of Midwest Tungsten Service (1)

Kevin of the Midwest Tungsten Service is a great person to know if you need some tungsten. His company has a wonderful orphan page where they sell overstocks and odd items at greatly reduced prices.
Source of: Tungsten

Keystone Resort (2)

Source of: Copper, Silver

Kinetic Fountains (1)

Kinetic Fountains sells various yard decorations, including granite spheres.
Source of: Radon

Kitchen Store (3)

Source of: Silicon, Silicon, Silicon

Larry Curtis (2)

Larry sells minerals on eBay and elsewhere, at very reasonable prices.
Ebay: current auctions.
Source of: NativeSulfur2, NativeCopper3

Leal School (1)

Source of: Uranium

Lena Carlson (1)

The Carlson family element dynasty continues in the next generation.
Contributor of: Copper

LessEMF (2)

The LessEMF Company sells everything you could possibly want if you are worried about high body voltage, excess magnetic fields from power lines, or you just want to wear a tinfoil hat to help with the voices. If you don't worry about these things, they also sell quite sensible microwave leak detectors.
Source of: Silver, Silver

Mall (6)

Source of: CeramicKnife, Copper, Neodymium, Neodymium, Gold, Gold

Mall store (1)

Source of: Gold

Marco's Scrap Metal (8)

Marco's Scrap Metal in Champaign, Illinois is a wonderful place to spend an afternoon. You might be crushed by a crane or die of some peculiar chemical contamination, but you'll have fun doing it. They have mainly scrap iron, but also copper, brass, aluminum, zinc, and anything else you find in junk that is made of metal. For example, I have 1200lbs of hard disk platters from them.
Source of: Chromium, Iron, Copper, BrassCylinder, Zinc, Zinc, Zinc, Selenium

Mark Peterson (4)

Mark Peterson contributed several very nice synthetic crystals.
Source and Contributor of: MicaSheet, QuartzSlice, QuartzWindow, SyntheticQuartz

Mark Rollog (6)

Mark has an element collection which he is currently (summer 2002) thinning down by way of eBay. I won some actions of his, then he donated some more elements too. This link should look up any auctions he has going on eBay right now.
Source and Contributor of: Sulfur, Antimony
Source of: Chromium, Manganese, Niobium, Indium

Matt D Tactical (1)

Metallectric sells elements in cube form from their website and on eBay.
Source of: Titanium

Max Cane (4)

Source and Contributor of: Carbon, Magnesium, Copper, Mercury

Max Whitby of RGB (165)

Max Whitby is Director of The Red Green & Blue Company in England, an educational supply company that sells a very nice periodic table collection. If you're interested in getting all the elements all at once, this set offers a quick way to get nice samples of all the elements it's possible to have nice samples of. To read more about the set, look at my page about collecting elements. The company has a set of photographs of the samples you get with their set on their website, or you can see photographs of all the samples from the set displayed on my website in a periodic table layout or with bigger pictures in numerical order.
Source and Contributor of: Hydrogen, Hydrogen, Helium, Lithium, Lithium, Beryllium, Beryllium, Boron, Boron, Carbon, Nitrogen, Nitrogen, Oxygen, MonaziteSand, YAG, Fluorine, Fluorine, Neon, Sodium, Magnesium, Magnesium, Magnesium, Aluminum, Silicon, Silicon, Silicon, Phosphorus, Phosphorus, Phosphorus, Sulfur, Chlorine, Argon, Potassium, Calcium, Calcium, Scandium, Scandium, Titanium, Vanadium, Vanadium, Chromium, Manganese, Iron, Cobalt, Nickel, Copper, Copper, Zinc, Gallium, Germanium, Arsenic, Selenium, Selenium, Bromine, Bromine, Krypton, Rubidium, Strontium, Strontium, Yttrium, Yttrium, Zirconium, Niobium, Niobium, Molybdenum, Molybdenum, Technetium, Technetium, Ruthenium, Ruthenium, ReRuOsIr, Rhodium, Rhodium, Palladium, Palladium, Silver, Cadmium, Cadmium, Indium, Tin, Antimony, Tellurium, Tellurium, Iodine, Xenon, Cesium, Barium, Lanthanum, Lanthanum, Cerium, Cerium, Praseodymium, Neodymium, Promethium, Promethium, Samarium, Samarium, Europium, Gadolinium, Terbium, Terbium, Terbium, Terbium, Terbium, Dysprosium, Holmium, Holmium, Erbium, Erbium, Thulium, Thulium, Ytterbium, Lutetium, Hafnium, Hafnium, Tantalum, Tantalum, Tantalum, Tungsten, Tungsten, Rhenium, Rhenium, Osmium, Iridium, Iridium, Platinum, Platinum, Gold, Gold, Mercury, Thallium, Thallium, Lead, Bismuth, Bismuth, Polonium, Astatine, Radon, Francium, Radium, Actinium, Thorium, Protactinium, Uranium, Uranium, Plutonium, Curium, Einsteinium, Fermium, Mendelevium, Nobelium, Lawrencium, Rutherfordium, Seaborgium, Bohrium, Meitnerium, Roentgenium
Source of: Vanadium, Germanium, Zirconium, Niobium, Indium, Rhenium
Contributor of: Thorium, Thorium

MDB Ventures (1)

MDB Ventures sells unusual collectors items on eBay.
Source of: Thorium

merlyn8804 (1)

Source of: Betafite

Metallectric (1)

Matt D Tactical sells a range of expensive and dangerous toys.
Source of: Tungsten

Michael Z. Williamson (2)

Michael Z. Williamson is an author and knife expert. He has two websites: and covering his book writing and knife making activities.
Source and Contributor of: Iron, Iron

Microsun (1)

Microsun sells table and floor lamps that use a 68W metal halide bulb containing scandium made by friends of mine.
Source of: Scandium

Mike Lauter (4)

Mike makes jewelry out of various elements. He can be contacted at
Source and Contributor of: Aluminum, Copper, Silver, Gold

Mr. Bismuth (1)

Ed bought some bismuth eggs from Mr. Bismuth about a year ago. His website is very informative. And his US distributor for small quantity orders is SoCal (Nevada), Inc from which we have other samples too.
Source of: Bismuth

MrValue Jewelry (1)

The ring came with this information:
Ebay name: (see current auctions).
Source of: Rhodium

mrx (2)

Source and Contributor of: FerrochromeCrystal2, FerrochromeCrystal3

My Pocket (1)

Source of: Copper

Nathan Giguere (2)

Source and Contributor of: Nitrogen, HgS

Neil Lipson (10)

Neil sold me one of the best samples in the whole table: An ELEVEN POUND cylinder of tungsten. And he gave me a good price on it (I think). Neil sells tungsten bars on eBay, and this link should look up any auctions he has going right now. Tungsten is the most dense element that you can buy in any reasonable quantity (it's about 100 times cheaper than gold, which is almost exactly the same density). I highly recommend that everyone have some to surprise people with. Neil has sold a total of over 20 pounds of it to my co-workers, aided by the fact that we all work forWolfram Research (In case you don't get it, the symbol for tungsten is W, which stands for wolfram, the German name for tungsten.)
Source and Contributor of: Zirconium, Tungsten
Source of: Cobalt, Cobalt, Nickel, Molybdenum, Molybdenum, Molybdenum, Tantalum, Tungsten

New England Miniature Ball Corp (1)

New England Miniature Ball Corp ( makes, well, I probably don't have to tell you what they make.
Source of: Iron

New Harmonie (1)

Source of: Zirconium

New Harmony (1)

Source of: IslandInABottle

New Scientist Magazine (1)

New Scientist is a respectable weekly magazine about science. The samples listed under this category are of course not physically in the table: They are purely theoretical at this point.
Source of: Neutrons

New York Central Art Supply (5)

New York Central Art Supply is an extremely comprehensive retail artist supply house in New York (11th Street at 3rd Avenue).
Source of: Aluminum, Aluminum, Palladium, Silver, Gold

nick (4)

Source of: Tungsten, Tungsten
Contributor of: Copper, NativeCopper5

Nick Brandenburg (1)

Nick Brandenburg is a fellow element collector.
Source and Contributor of: Tungsten

Nick Brandenburg (2)

Source and Contributor of: Sodium, Sodium

Nick Mann (23)

Nick Mann is my lackey, hired in late 2006 to assist with running my poster-selling business, as well as run the rotation photography rig to catalog new samples as they come in. Elements are my hobby, but I'm too busy for my hobby, so I had to hire Nick to do it for me. An accomplished photographer himself, you can see his photography here.
Source and Contributor of: CicadaKiller, Dragonfly, Fly, Arrowhead, Magnesium, NativeSulfur3, Titanium, Copper, Copper, Copper, Silver, Europium, Tungsten, Tungsten, Gold
Source of: Nitrogen, Cobalt, Cobalt, Silver, Silver, Mercury, Mercury
Contributor of: Alum2

Niels Carlson (1)

The youngest member of the Carlson family, Niels, completes this remarkable family's record as the only family in which every single member has contributed an element sample to my collection.
Source and Contributor of: Copper

NIST (2)

NIST is the National Institute of Standards and Technology, the US government agency in charge of keeping track of, and defining, such things as time, length, weight, and other fundamental units. This is a surprisingly broad mision, under which a wide range of important research is supported.
Source and Contributor of: Cesium, Cesium

Northwest Territorial Mint (5)

The Northwest Territorial Mint sells precious metals in ingot and round form from their own mines at very competitive prices (if you're willing to meet their minimum order). They have also put up a comprehensive web site about palladium.
Source and Contributor of: Silver
Source of: Palladium, Silver, Silver, Platinum

Nuclearon (2)

Nuclearon specializes in trinitite and other interesting radioactive objects..
Source and Contributor of: Trinitite2, Trinitite3

Oak Ridge Health Physics Museum (9)

The Oak Ridge Health Physics Museum houses an amazing collection of all things radioactive.
Source of: Technetium, Radium, Radium, Thorium, Uranium, Uranium, Uranium, Plutonium, Plutonium

Office of Coal Development (1)

The Illinios Office of Coal Development is in charge of convincing people that burning more coal is a good idea.
Source and Contributor of: Carbon

Oliver Sacks (5)

Oliver Sacks is a well-known author and neurologist, but he's also an element collector I have traded a few samples with.
Source and Contributor of: OliverSacksPenguin, Antimony, Tellurium, Rhenium, Seaborgium

Oliver Sacks' Office (9)

Oliver Sacks has an office apartment near Greenwich Village in New York City.
Source of: Aluminum, Nickel, Copper, Copper, Tin, Iridium, Lead, Lead, Lead

Oliver Sacks' Wallet (1)

Oliver Sacks keeps a bar of tungsten in his wallet, and I have a picture of it. Click the Tungsten link to read why.
Source of: Tungsten (1)


oxygenpartybar (1)

Source of: Oxygen

Paul Wellin (4)

Paul Wellin, who works at Wolfram Research, was visiting the periodic table one day and I said, "gee, I'd really like to run into an orthopedic surgeon some day, who might have some left over titanium or tantalum body parts". Upon which Paul says, "Oh, that's no big deal, my brother is an orthopedic surgeon and he's got all sort of bone pins and stuff lying around". He made it sound like this was the most mundane request ever. He said he'd send some my way, and I was expecting maybe some two inch pins, which would have been great. But when the stuff came, well, it was just incredible! You have to see for yourself, so go click on titanium.
Source and Contributor of: Titanium, Titanium, Cobalt, Cobalt

Pehnec Gems (7)

Pehnec Gems ( is a great place to get sparkly things at ridiculous prices. For a reference 10mm round brilliant cut cubic zirconia (imitation diamond) stone I found prices anywhere from $300 for one to $60 for 50, a ratio of 250 to one. I bought the ones for $60/50 from Pehnec, and everyone who's seen them agrees they are just beautiful. Can't imagine how you could justify paying 250 times more. And for a few dollars each, you can get Real (if synthetic) rubies and sapphires that make your eyes pop.
Source of: Carbon, FakeEmerald, Aluminum, Zirconium, Zirconium, Zirconium, Praseodymium

Perfectly Scientific (3)

Perfectly Scientific sells algorithms, lab equipment, and scientific art.
Source of: Neon, Silicon, Zinc

Philadelphia Airport (1)

Source of: Zinc

Pottery supplier (1)

Source of: Chromium

Precision Reloading (3)

Precision Reloading is a company that sells reloading supplies online. Reloading supplies means all the things you need to make your own ammunition, but I was only interested in them because they are the online reseller for the bismuth shot made by the Bismuth Cartridge Company.
Source of: Bismuth, Bismuth, Bismuth

Prof. Jianguo Wen (1)

Prof. Jianguo Wen came along with a group of fourth graders who were visiting my periodic table. Unlike the fourth graders, he brought an element sample, some carbon nanotubes he uses in his research.
Source and Contributor of: Carbon

QVC (1)

QVC (which stands for Quality Value Convenience) is one of those companies that sells things on late night TV.
Source and Contributor of: Palladium

Radio Shack (21)

Radio Shack ( is an electronics and electrical parts chain with many stores around the country.
Source of: Hydrogen, Lithium, Lithium, Lithium, Lithium, Lithium, Lithium, Neon, Neon, Titanium, Manganese, Nickel, Zinc, Krypton, Silver, Silver, Xenon, Neodymium, Tantalum, Gold, Gold

Randall Fullman (1)

Randall Fullman's grandfather, Martin Farlee, was involved in developing the process for refining zirconium metal, and Randall has kindly sent us a slice from some of the first pure samples ever prepared.
Source and Contributor of: Zirconium

Raph Levien (2)

Raph Levien is fascinated by the fact that lithium in nearly elemental form is still a popular mood-stabilizing medication. A family member of his switched from lithium to a different medication around the same time he discovered my Periodic Table, so naturally he thought of contributing the leftover pills to the table.
Source and Contributor of: Lithium, Lithium

Ready Set Glo (4)

Ready Set Glo is a supplier of glow-in-the-dark paints and powders of various kinds, including the relatively new europium-doped strontium aluminate types that are quite remarkably bright and long-lasting. Visit their website at or their eBay store.
Source and Contributor of: Sulfur, Zinc, Strontium, Europium

Real Armor of God (1)

Real Armor of God is a supplier of reproduction swords, armor and related equipment for historical reenactment and general mayhem..
Source of: Iron

Renaissance Fair (1)

Source of: Silver

River Valley Ordnance (1)

This company is an outfitter to the cannon-shooting hobby (only in America!). They sell large-caliber ammunition and supplies for people wishing to shoot their Howitzers, Gatling guns, etc. Website:, email:
Source of: Tungsten

rmbidwell (1)

Source of: Carbon

RMS Titanic, Inc (1)

RMS Titanic, Inc owns the salvage rights to the wreck of the Titanic, most of which is still at the bottom of the ocean. They have recovered thousands of objects, including a load of coal which they are selling off in ways that some people find lacking in taste. I bought some anyway.
Source of: Carbon

Rob Accurso (108)

Rob Accurso bought the remaining stock of an element set made by the Russian company Everest, and has recently been selling them on eBay. Click here to see if he has any auctions going right now. To read more about this set, look at my page about collecting elements (I have also set up a link where you can buy the set from him at a fixed price from that page). If you're interested in getting all the elements all at once, this set is the most economical choice. You can see photographs of all the samples from the set displayed on my website in a periodic table layout or with bigger pictures in numerical order.
Source and Contributor of: Hydrogen, Helium, Lithium, Beryllium, Boron, Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Fluorine, Neon, Sodium, Magnesium, Aluminum, Silicon, Phosphorus, Sulfur, Chlorine, Argon, Potassium, Calcium, Scandium, Titanium, Vanadium, Chromium, Manganese, Iron, Cobalt, Nickel, Copper, Zinc, Gallium, Germanium, Arsenic, Selenium, Bromine, Krypton, Rubidium, Strontium, Yttrium, Zirconium, Niobium, Molybdenum, Technetium, Ruthenium, Rhodium, Palladium, Silver, Cadmium, Indium, Tin, Antimony, Tellurium, Iodine, Xenon, Cesium, Barium, Lanthanum, Cerium, Praseodymium, Neodymium, Promethium, Samarium, Europium, Gadolinium, Terbium, Dysprosium, Holmium, Erbium, Thulium, Ytterbium, Lutetium, Hafnium, Tantalum, Tungsten, Rhenium, Osmium, Iridium, Platinum, Gold, Mercury, Thallium, Lead, Bismuth, Polonium, Astatine, Radon, Francium, Radium, Actinium, Thorium, Protactinium, Uranium, Neptunium, Plutonium, Americium, Curium, Berkelium, Californium, Einsteinium, Fermium, Mendelevium, Nobelium, Lawrencium, Rutherfordium, Dubnium, Seaborgium, Bohrium, Hassium

Rob Raguet-Schofield (1)

Rob's Wife's Co-worker's parents had some mercury in their basement for 40 years. So he contributed it.
Source and Contributor of: Mercury

Rockome Gardens (3)

Rockome Gardens is an Amish theme park near where I live. Yes, there is such a thing as an Amish theme park.
Source of: Copper, Copper, Silver

Rockome Gardens (1)

Source of: CopperPetrifiedWood2

Ryan and Trevor Oakes (1)

Ryan and Trevor Oakes are a identical twin artists who, among other things, hand draw images projected onto spherical surfaces that they make out of paper. It's pretty neat, you can read about how they do it on their website.
Source of: Oxygen

San Jose Airport (1)

San Jose, California is a great place to visit if you want to see the future. Unfortunately, it's not someplace you'd want to live, which is why I always go through its airport twice a few days apart. That's about all the future I can take.
Source and Contributor of: Neodymium

Science Toys (2)

Science Toys ( is another one of those companies whose name makes further exposition redundant. Ed Pegg got this pyrolytic graphite.
Source of: Carbon, Carbon

Seattle (1)

Source of: Titanium

Sepp Leaf Products (1)

Sepp Leaf Products is an importer of gilding supplies: They sell by mail order.
Source of: Copper

Shawn Havery (3)

Shawn Havery is a senior undergraduate student studying biological science at Florida State University (in 2003), and he also collects elements. This he has been doing since the sixth grade, and his collection, which he periodically takes to local schools, is nearing completion. Inspired by the Seaborgium tile from Greg P, Shawn decided to prepare some very similar ones to be autographed by Dr. Gregory R. Choppin, a co-discoverer of einsteinium, fermium, and mendelevium who also happens to be a professor at Shawn's university. One set was sent to me and is now in the table, and another set is going to Greg P in thanks for all of his help in contributing to Shawn's collection.
Source and Contributor of: Einsteinium, Fermium, Mendelevium

Shire Post Mint (9)

Shire Post Mint makes and sells a wide range of fantasy coins.
Source and Contributor of: Tantalum
Source of: Titanium, Iron, Niobium, Niobium, Niobium, Niobium, Niobium, Hafnium

Simone Citon (156)

Simone Citon is a mineral dealer in Italy who really wanted a particular piece of rhodochrosite (listed on this site) in my father's collection. We arranged a trade: That one piece in exchange for a collection of small minerals representing all (or almost all) the elements. Since the rhodochrosite belonged to my father he's listed as the contributor of all the minerals from Simone.
Source of: SC.Allanite, SC.Allophane, SC.Alunite, SC.Atacamite, SC.Aurichalcite, SC.Azurite, SC.Azurite2, SC.AzuriteAndMalachite, SC.Cavansite, SC.Cerite, SC.Cornetite, SC.Elbaite, SC.Elbaite2, SC.Emmonsite, SC.Erythrite, SC.Eudyalite, SC.Fluellite, SC.Gypsum, SC.Hemimorphite, SC.Hydroxilherderite, SC.Kleinite, SC.Lepidolite, SC.Lepidolite2, SC.Malachite, SC.Manganaxinite, SC.Manganite, SC.Manganite2, SC.Metatorbernite, SC.Miserite, SC.Pollucite, SC.Scolecite, SC.Staurolite, SC.Staurolite2, SC.Stilbite, SC.Topaz, SC.Ulexite, SC.Vesuvianite, SC.Wavellite2, SC.Wavellite3, SC.Petalite, SC.Beryl, SC.Beryl2, SC.Chrysoberyl, SC.Londonite-Rhodizite, SC.Londonite-Rhodizite2, SC.Londonite-Rhodizite3, SC.Phenakite, SC.Danburite, SC.Danburite2, SC.Danburite3, SC.Painite, SC.Ankerite, SC.Aragonite, SC.Aragonite2, SC.Bismuthite, SC.Calcite, SC.Cerussite, SC.Cerussite2, SC.Cerussite3, SC.CrocoiteAndCrCerussite, SC.Dolomite, SC.JetLignite, SC.Magnesite, SC.Magnesite2, SC.NativeGraphite, SC.Rhodochrosite, SC.Siderite, SC.Siderite2, SC.Smithsonite, SC.Smithsonite2, SC.Strontianite, SC.Anhydrite, SC.Apatite, SC.Baryte, SC.Baryte2, SC.Bixbyite, SC.Brookite, SC.Cassiterite, SC.Cassiterite2, SC.Cassiterite3, SC.Celestine, SC.Celestine2, SC.Corundum, SC.Corundum2, SC.Crocoite, SC.Diopside, SC.Euxenite, SC.Fergusonite, SC.Forsterite, SC.Gehlenite, SC.Gehlenite2, SC.Glauberite, SC.Grossular, SC.Hematite, SC.Huebnerite, SC.Kyanite, SC.Magnetite, SC.MnO2, SC.Monazite, SC.Orthoclase, SC.Pyromorphite, SC.Pyromorphite2, SC.Pyroxene, SC.Pyroxmangite, SC.Quartz, SC.Quartz2, SC.RubyCorundum, SC.Rutile, SC.Rutile2, SC.Scheelite, SC.Spessartite, SC.Spinel, SC.Sulphohalite, SC.Uvarovite, SC.Vanadinite, SC.Wulfenite, SC.Zirconolite, SC.Fluorite, SC.Fluorite2, SC.Fluorite3, SC.Halite, SC.Arsenopyrite, SC.Carrollite, SC.Cinnabar, SC.Cobaltite, SC.Getchellite, SC.Livingstonite, SC.Molybdenite, SC.NativeSulfur, SC.Proustite, SC.Pyrargyrite, SC.Pyrargyrite3, SC.Pyrite, SC.Pyrite2, SC.Pyrrhotite, SC.Renierite, SC.Rheniite, SC.Stannite, SC.Stibnite, SC.Niccolite, SC.Niccolite2, SC.Copper, SC.NativeCopper, SC.NativeSelenium, SC.Bromargyrite, SC.Iodargyrite, SC.NativeSilver1, SC.NativeSilver3, SC.NativeSilver4, SC.NativeSilver5, SC.SilverInBornite, SC.Antimony, SC.NativePlatinum, SC.GoldOnQuartz, SC.NativeBismuth, SC.NativeBismuth2

Simon Quellen Field (3)

Simon Quellen Field runs, a great site for educational and scientific toys and kits.
Source and Contributor of: LiquidMetalAlloy, FieldsMetal, FieldsMetal2

Skylighter (1)

Skylighter is a reputable fireworks ingredients supplier.
Source of: Aluminum

SoCal (Nevada), Inc (21)

SoCal (Nevada), Inc, 909-302-9413 reports that they market:
(1) Small quantities of pure elements, ie, gallium, indium, crystallized hafnium, bismuth, silicon, germanium, silver crystals, tellurium, cobalt, chromium crystals, natural elements, etc.
(2) 1/8inch diameter ruby and sapphire rods.
(3) High voltage apparatus and parts.
(4) Ar, Ne, bulbs, etc.
(5) 400 uM ultraviolet LED miniature flashlights
(6) Miniature MicroVise and MicroClamp for precision macrophotography & positioning.
(7) mineral specimens.
They sell regularly on eBay: this link should look up any auctions they have going right now.
Email is
Source of: Aeschynite, Boltwoodite, SapphireBoule, Thorianite, Magnesium, Silicon, Silicon, Silicon, Silicon, Silicon, Chromium, Iron, GalliumArsenideWafer, GalliumGermaniumAlloy1, GalliumGermaniumAlloy2, Yttrium, Lanthanum, Cerium, Praseodymium, Neodymium, Neptunium

Sovietski Catalog (1)

The Sovietski catalog sells all kinds of neat military surplus stuff. It's very slick. Their website is
Source of: Uranium

Special Effects Neon (6)

Tony Greer secializes in modern Geissler tubes and custom noble gas and neon tubes. He has some pictures online at, or you can look at the pictures of the noble gas tubes he made to fit my table.

Special Effects Neon
502 Ave G
Email: and

Source of: Helium, Oxygen, Neon, Argon, Krypton, Xenon

Specialty Stamp & Coin (2)

A local coin shop in Champaign, Illinois, with a friendly and knowledgable propriotor.
Source of: Silver, Silver

Stanford Materials Corporation (1)

According to their website, they are "A worldwide supplier of rare earth, non-ferrous, advanced ceramic materials and permanent magnets". That probably qualifies them in the "it's cheating to buy from a chemical supply company" category, but in some cases, there just isn't any choice.
Source of: Thulium

St. Louis Arch Gift Shop (1)

Source of: Iron

suesmccoy (1)

Source of: Aluminum (5)

Zinc, Zinc, Cadmium, Cadmium, Cadmium

Superior Titanium (1)

Superior Titanium sells titanium money clips, bracelets, and other such things.
Source of: Titanium

Surplus Shed (1)

Surplus Shed has an fascinating collection of unusual surplus equipment and supplies for sale from their website and also on eBay.
Source of: Tungsten

Survival, Inc (1)
Source of: FireStarter

Switzerland (1)

Source of: Chromium

The Bone Room (2)

The Bone Room, Berkeley California, appears to be a legitimate, active dealer in bones of all sorts for educational purposes. I purchased a "Half Human Tibia with Attached Artificial Knee Joint" from them through eBay, but they also have a retail store and mailorder business. Their website, which should not be missed, is I had high hopes that the knee joint would be titanium or maybe even tantalum, but it turned out to be just aluminum.
Source of: FrilledDragonSkull, Aluminum

The Boston Museum of Science (3)

The Boston Museum of Science is quite large. They have a huge Van de Graf generator. The samples listed under this category are of course not physically in the table: They are located the museum and I'm just including pictures of them because I think they are interesting.
Source of: Hydrogen, Helium, Rubidium

The Cohen Mint (1)

The Cohen Mint sells many affordable precious and non-precious metals for investment purposes.
Source and Contributor of: Copper

The Harvard Museum of Natural History (26)

The Harvard Museum of Natural History on the Harvard University campus has a very extensive collection of minerals, which are helpfully organized by chemical composition: All the native elements first, then all the sulfides, and so on. They also have the most amazing collection of realistic glass flowers. The samples listed under this category are of course not physically in the table: They are located in the museum and I'm just including pictures of them because I think they are interesting.
Source of: Boron, Carbon, Carbon, Sulfur, Sulfur, Iron, Copper, Copper, Arsenic, Arsenic, Selenium, Palladium, Silver, Silver, Silver, Antimony, Tellurium, Tungsten, Osmium, Iridium, Iridium, Platinum, Mercury, Lead, Bismuth, Bismuth

Theodore Gray (1369)

These are the elements I've procured myself.
Source and Contributor of: Hydrogen, 3DPuzzle, BabyRattle, BaconLance, CardDeck, ElectromagneticSensor, GlassMedallion2, PineTree, Tourmaline, Helium, HeNeLaser, Carbon, Carbon, Carbon, GlassMedallion1, MoO3, QuicklimeDesiccant, StrontiumTitanate, Fluorine, Fluorite6, Fluorite7, Neon, Aluminum, Aluminum, Aluminum, Aluminum, Aluminum, Aluminum, Aluminum, Aluminum, Silicon, Phosphorus, Phosphorus, Sulfur, Chlorine, Argon, Argon, Titanium, Titanium, Titanium, Titanium, Titanium, Titanium, Titanium, Titanium, Titanium, Titanium, Titanium, Chromium, Manganese, Manganese, Manganese, Iron, Iron, Iron, Iron, Iron, Iron, Iron, Iron, Iron, Iron, Iron, Cobalt, Cobalt, Nickel, Nickel, Nickel, Nickel, Copper, Copper, Copper, Copper, Copper, Copper, Zinc, Zinc, Zinc, Zinc, Zinc, Zinc, Zinc, Zinc, Zinc, Zinc, Gallium, Gallium, Krypton, Ruthenium, Rhodium, Cadmium, Cadmium, Indium, Tin, Tin, Tin, Tin, Tin, Tin, Tin, Antimony, Antimony, Iodine, Xenon, Xenon, Hafnium, Tantalum, Tungsten, Tungsten, Tungsten, Tungsten, Rhenium, Osmium, Iridium, Mercury, Mercury, Lead, Lead, Lead, Lead, Lead, Lead, Lead, Lead, Lead, Lead, Lead, Bismuth, Bismuth, Polonium, Polonium, Polonium, Berkelium, Californium, Dubnium, Hassium, Darmstadtium, Ununbium, Ununtrium, Ununquadium, Ununpentium, Ununhexium, Ununseptium, Ununoctium
Source of: Lithium
Contributor of: Hydrogen, Hydrogen, Hydrogen, Hydrogen, Hydrogen, Hydrogen, Hydrogen, Hydrogen, Hydrogen, Hydrogen, Actinolite, Aeschynite, Alum, Amber, Anthophyllite, Autunite2, Autunite3, Autunite4, BariumSulfateSuspension, Betafite, Boltwoodite, BurnedDoll1, BurnedDoll2, CalciumHydrideCanister, Carnotite, ChocolateTin, Chrysotile, CrudeOil, DavyLamp, Dioptas, FrilledDragonSkull, Goethit, Grunerite, HaliteAndBorax, HalothaneVaporizer, HexagonCards, HexagonCards2, IslandInABottle, Jensan.Allanite, Jensan.Eudialyte, Jensan.Haynesite, Jensan.Pollucite, Jensan.Pyrochlore, Kolbeckite, Kuliokite, Riebeckite, Torbernite, Torbernite2, Torbernite3, Tremolite, Turquoise, Yanomamite, Zippeite, Helium, Helium, Helium, Helium, Helium, Helium, Lithium, Lithium, Lithium, Lithium, Lithium, Lithium, Lithium, Lithium, Kunzite, Beryllium, Beryllium, Beryllium, Beryllium, Beryllium, Beryllium, Beryllium, Beryllium, Beryllium, Beryllium, Beryllium, Beryllium, Beryllium, Beryllium, Beryllium, Beryllium, Beryllium, MetalSamplesPouch, Boron, Boron, Boron, CompactFlashHardDrive, Vicanite, Carbon, Carbon, Carbon, Carbon, Carbon, Carbon, Carbon, Carbon, Carbon, Carbon, Carbon, Carbon, Carbon, Carbon, Carbon, Carbon, Carbon, Carbon, Carbon, Carbon, Carbon, Carbon, Carbon, Carbon, Coral, CrVWrench, CrVWrench2, Graphite2, Invar, Jensan.Bastnasite, Limestone, SeaShell, SiliconCarbide, SiliconCarbide2, SphaleriteWithSiderite, Nitrogen, Nitrogen, Nitrogen, Nitrogen, Nitrogen, Nitrogen, Nitrogen, CeramicBallsSi3N4, CeramicBearingsSi3N4, Si3N4, Oxygen, Oxygen, Oxygen, Oxygen, Oxygen, Oxygen, Oxygen, Oxygen, Oxygen, Aerogel, Ba2Cu3O7, Baddeleyite, Baddeleyite2, BGO, BotryoidalAgate, Brookite, Cassiterite, CeramicBearingsZrO2, CeramicKnife, ColoredChalk, Coltan, Columbite, CuSO4.a, CuSO4.b, CuSO4.c, EpsomSalt, Euxenite, Euxenite2, FakeEmerald, Ilmenite, Jensan.Apatite, Jensan.Baryte, Jensan.Cassiterite, Jensan.Celestine, Jensan.Crocoite, Jensan.Euxenite, Jensan.Hafnon, Jensan.Scheelite, Jensan.Tantalite, Jensan.Wulfenite, Jensan.Zincite, LargeBarite, Monazite, NanjingRainbowRock, Pitchblende, Potash, Quicklime, Rhodonite, RosyQuartz, RubyBoule, RubyBoule2, RubyBoule3, SacredGeometrySetCube, SacredGeometrySetDodecahedron, SacredGeometrySetIcosahedron, SacredGeometrySetOctahedron, SacredGeometrySetTetrahedron, SapphireBoule, SulfateOfPotash, Thorianite, Thorite, Thorite2, TiO2, Titanite, Uraninite, VenusFlowerBasket, Wolfenite, Wolframite, Xenotime, Y1Ba2Cu3O7, Zincite, ZirconSand, Fluorine, Fluorine, Fluorine, Fluorine, Fluorine, Fluorine, Fluorine, Fluorine, Fluorine, Fluorine, Fluorine, Neon, Neon, Neon, Neon, Neon, Neon, Sodium, Sodium, Sodium, Sodium, Sodium, Sodium, Sodium, Sodium, Sodium, Sodium, HimalayanSeaSalt, HorseSalt, HorseSaltMagnesium, SaltBlock, SaltLamp, Magnesium, Magnesium, Magnesium, Magnesium, Magnesium, Magnesium, Magnesium, Magnesium, Magnesium, Magnesium, Magnesium, Magnesium, Magnesium, Magnesium, Magnesium, Magnesium, Magnesium, Magnesium, Magnesium, Magnesium, Magnesium, Magnesium, Magnesium, SilicatedMagnesium, Aluminum, Aluminum, Aluminum, Aluminum, Aluminum, Aluminum, Aluminum, Aluminum, Aluminum, Aluminum, Aluminum, Aluminum, Aluminum, Aluminum, Aluminum, Aluminum, Aluminum, Aluminum, Aluminum, Aluminum, Aluminum, Aluminum, Aluminum, Aluminum, Aluminum, Aluminum, DensitySet, SrAlRod, Silicon, Silicon, Silicon, Silicon, Silicon, Silicon, Silicon, Silicon, Silicon, Silicon, Silicon, Silicon, Silicon, Silicon, Silicon, Silicon, Silicon, Silicon, Silicon, Silicon, Silicon, Silicon, Silicon, Silicon, Silicon, Silicon, Silicon, Silicon, Silicon, Silicon, Silicon, Silicon, Silicon, Silicon, Phosphorus, Phosphorus, Phosphorus, Phosphorus, Phosphorus, Phosphorus, Phosphorus, Phosphorus, Phosphorus, Sulfur, Sulfur, Sulfur, Sulfur, Sulfur, Sulfur, Sulfur, Sulfur, Sulfur, Sulfur, Sulfur, Sulfur, Sulfur, Sulfur, Chalcocite, Galena, Galena2, Galena3, Jensan.Bismuthinite, Jensan.Cinnabar, Jensan.Greenockite, Jensan.Greenockite2, Jensan.Rheniite, Jensan.Stibnite, Jensan.Weissbergite, NativeSulfur2, Orpiment, PeacockOre, Pentlandite, PyritizedAmmonite1, PyritizedAmmonite2, PyritizedAmmonite3, Realgar, RealgarOrpiment, Rhenite, Sphalerite2, Chlorine, Chlorine, Chlorine, Chlorine, CaCl2, Jensan.Embolite, Argon, Argon, Argon, Argon, Argon, Argon, Argon, Argon, Argon, Potassium, Potassium, Calcium, Calcium, Calcium, Scandium, Scandium, Scandium, Scandium, Scandium, Scandium, MineralCapsules, Titanium, Titanium, Titanium, Titanium, Titanium, Titanium, Titanium, Titanium, Titanium, Titanium, Titanium, Titanium, Titanium, Titanium, Titanium, Titanium, Titanium, Titanium, Titanium, Titanium, Titanium, Titanium, Titanium, Titanium, Titanium, Titanium, Titanium, Titanium, Titanium, Titanium, Titanium, Titanium, Titanium, Titanium, Titanium, Titanium, Titanium, Titanium, Titanium, Titanium, Titanium, Titanium, Titanium, Titanium, Titanium, Titanium, Titanium, Titanium, Titanium, Titanium, FerrotitaniumLump, Vanadium, Vanadium, Vanadium, Vanadium, Vanadium, Vanadium, HexSocket, HexSocket2, Chromium, Chromium, Chromium, Chromium, Chromium, Chromium, Chromium, Chromium, Chromium, Chromium, Chromium, ChromiumPetrifiedWood, FerrochromeCrystal, FerrochromeLump, FerrochromeLumps2, Propeller, Manganese, Manganese, Manganese, Manganese, Manganese, Manganese, Manganese, Manganese, Manganese, Manganese, ManganeseNodule, NiCadBattery, Iron, Iron, Iron, Iron, Iron, Iron, Iron, Iron, Iron, Iron, Iron, Iron, Iron, Iron, Iron, Iron, Iron, Iron, Iron, Iron, Iron, Iron, Iron, Iron, Iron, Iron, Iron, Iron, Iron, Iron, Iron, Iron, Iron, Iron, Iron, Iron, Iron, Iron, Iron, Iron, Iron, Iron, Iron, Iron, CobaltBit, FireStarter, Jensan.NativeIron, Jensan.TerrestrialIron, Knife, M42Bit, Cobalt, Cobalt, Cobalt, Cobalt, Cobalt, Cobalt, Cobalt, Cobalt, Cobalt, Cobalt, Cobalt, Cobalt, Cobalt, Cobalt, Cobalt, Cobalt, Cobalt, Cobalt, Cobalt, Nickel, Nickel, Nickel, Nickel, Nickel, Nickel, Nickel, Nickel, Nickel, Nickel, Nickel, Nickel, Nickel, Nickel, Nickel, Nickel, Nickel, Nickel, Nickel, Nickel, Nickel, Nickel, Nickel, Nickel, Copper, Copper, Copper, Copper, Copper, Copper, Copper, Copper, Copper, Copper, Copper, Copper, Copper, Copper, Copper, Copper, Copper, Copper, Copper, Copper, Copper, Copper, Copper, Copper, Copper, Copper, Copper, Copper, Copper, Copper, Copper, Copper, Copper, Copper, Copper, Copper, Copper, Copper, BrassCylinder, BrassSplitRing, CopperPetrifiedWood2, NativeCopper2, NativeCopper3, NativeCopper4, Zinc, Zinc, Zinc, Zinc, Zinc, Zinc, Zinc, Zinc, Zinc, Zinc, Zinc, Zinc, Zinc, Zinc, Zinc, Zinc, Zinc, Zinc, Zinc, Zinc, Zinc, Zinc, Zinc, Zinc, Gallium, Gallium, Gallium, Gallium, Gallium, GaAsAmp, GaAsAmp2, GalliumArsenideWafer, GalliumGermaniumAlloy1, GalliumGermaniumAlloy2, Germanium, Germanium, Germanium, Germanium, Germanium, Germanium, Germanium, Germanium, Germanium, Germanium, Germanium, Germanium, GermaniumOre1, GermaniumOre2, Arsenic, Arsenic, Arsenic, Arsenic, Palladobismutharsenide, Selenium, Selenium, Selenium, Selenium, Selenium, Selenium, Selenium, Selenium, Selenium, Selenium, Selenium, Selenium, Selenium, Bromine, Bromine, Bromine, Bromine, Krypton, Krypton, Krypton, Krypton, Krypton, Rubidium, Rubidium, Rubidium, Rubidium, Strontium, Strontium, Strontium, Strontium, Strontium, Yttrium, Yttrium, Yttrium, Yttrium, Yttrium, Zirconium, Zirconium, Zirconium, Zirconium, Zirconium, Zirconium, Zirconium, Zirconium, Zirconium, Zirconium, Zirconium, Zirconium, Zirconium, Zirconium, Zirconium, Zirconium, Zirconium, Zirconium, Zirconium, Zirconium, Niobium, Niobium, Niobium, Niobium, Niobium, Niobium, Niobium, Niobium, Niobium, Niobium, Niobium, Niobium, Niobium, Niobium, Niobium, Niobium, Niobium, Niobium, Niobium, Molybdenum, Molybdenum, Molybdenum, Molybdenum, Molybdenum, Molybdenum, Molybdenum, Molybdenum, Molybdenum, Molybdenum, Molybdenum, Molybdenum, Molybdenum, Technetium, Technetium, Technetium, Technetium, Technetium, Technetium, Technetium, Technetium, Ruthenium, Ruthenium, Ruthenium, Rhodium, Rhodium, Rhodium, Rhodium, Rhodium, Palladium, Palladium, Palladium, Palladium, Palladium, Palladium, Palladium, Palladium, Jensan.NativePalladium, Silver, Silver, Silver, Silver, Silver, Silver, Silver, Silver, Silver, Silver, Silver, Silver, Silver, Silver, Silver, Silver, Silver, Silver, Silver, Silver, Silver, Silver, Silver, Silver, Silver, Silver, Silver, Silver, Silver, Silver, Silver, Silver, Jensan.Iodargyrite, Jensan.SilverOre, PlatiniferousPyroxenite, Cadmium, Cadmium, Cadmium, Cadmium, Cadmium, Cadmium, Cadmium, Cadmium, Cadmium, Cadmium, Cadmium, Cadmium, Indium, Indium, Indium, Indium, Indium, Indium, Indium, Indium, Tin, Tin, Tin, Tin, Tin, Tin, Tin, Tin, Tin, Tin, Tin, Tin, Tin, Tin, Tin, Tin, Tin, Tin, Antimony, Antimony, Antimony, Antimony, Antimony, Antimony, Antimony, Antimony, Antimony, Antimony, Antimony, Antimony, Tellurium, Tellurium, Tellurium, Tellurium, Jensan.Calverite, Iodine, Iodine, Iodine, Iodine, Iodine, Iodine, Iodine, Iodine, Xenon, Xenon, Xenon, Xenon, Xenon, Xenon, Xenon, Xenon, Cesium, Cesium, Barium, Barium, Lanthanum, Lanthanum, Lanthanum, Mischmetal, Cerium, Cerium, Cerium, Cerium, Cerium, Praseodymium, Praseodymium, Praseodymium, Praseodymium, Praseodymium, DidymiumLens, Neodymium, Neodymium, Neodymium, Neodymium, Neodymium, Neodymium, Neodymium, Neodymium, Neodymium, Neodymium, Neodymium, Neodymium, Neodymium, Promethium, Promethium, Promethium, Promethium, Samarium, Samarium, Samarium, Europium, Europium, Europium, Europium, Europium, Europium, Europium, Europium, Gadolinium, Gadolinium, Terbium, Terbium, Terbium, Terbium, Dysprosium, Dysprosium, Holmium, Holmium, Erbium, Erbium, Erbium, Erbium, Thulium, Thulium, Ytterbium, Ytterbium, Lutetium, Hafnium, Hafnium, Hafnium, Hafnium, Hafnium, Hafnium, Hafnium, Tantalum, Tantalum, Tantalum, Tantalum, Tantalum, Tantalum, Tantalum, Tantalum, Tantalum, Tantalum, Tantalum, Tantalum, Tantalum, Tungsten, Tungsten, Tungsten, Tungsten, Tungsten, Tungsten, Tungsten, Tungsten, Tungsten, Tungsten, Tungsten, Tungsten, Tungsten, Tungsten, Tungsten, Tungsten, Tungsten, Tungsten, Tungsten, Tungsten, Tungsten, Tungsten, Tungsten, Tungsten, Tungsten, Tungsten, Tungsten, Tungsten, Tungsten, Tungsten, Tungsten, Tungsten, Tungsten, Tungsten, Tungsten, Tungsten, Tungsten, Tungsten, Rhenium, Rhenium, Rhenium, Rhenium, Rhenium, Osmium, Osmium, Osmiridium, OsmiridiumAd, OsmiridiumPen, OsmiridiumPen2, Iridium, Iridium, Iridium, Iridium, Platinum, Platinum, Platinum, Platinum, Platinum, Platinum, Platinum, Platinum, Platinum, Platinum, Platinum, Platinum, Jensan.PlatinumOre, Gold, Gold, Gold, Gold, Gold, Gold, Gold, Gold, Gold, Gold, Gold, Gold, Gold, Gold, Gold, Gold, Gold, Gold, Gold, Gold, Gold, Gold, Gold, Gold, Gold, Gold, Gold, Mercury, Mercury, Mercury, Mercury, Mercury, Mercury, Mercury, Mercury, Mercury, Mercury, Mercury, Mercury, Mercury, Mercury, Mercury, Mercury, Mercury, Mercury, Mercury, Mercury, Thallium, Thallium, Lead, Lead, Lead, Lead, Lead, Lead, Lead, Lead, Lead, Lead, Lead, Lead, Lead, Lead, Lead, Lead, Lead, Lead, Lead, Lead, Lead, Lead, Lead, Lead, Lead, Lead, Lead, Lead, Lead, Lead, Lead, Lead, Lead, Lead, Lead, Lead, Lead, Lead, Lead, Lead, Lead, Bismuth, Bismuth, Bismuth, Bismuth, Bismuth, Bismuth, Bismuth, Bismuth, Bismuth, Bismuth, Bismuth, Bismuth, Bismuth, Bismuth, Polonium, Polonium, Polonium, Polonium, Polonium, Polonium, Polonium, Astatine, Radon, Radon, Radon, Radon, Francium, Francium, Radium, Radium, Radium, Radium, Radium, Radium, Radium, Radium, Radium, Radium, Radium, Radium, Radium, Radium, Radium, Radium, Radium, Radium, Radium, Radium, Radium, Actinium, Thorium, Thorium, Thorium, Thorium, Thorium, Thorium, Protactinium, Uranium, Uranium, Uranium, Uranium, Uranium, Uranium, Uranium, Uranium, Uranium, Uranium, Uranium, Uranium, Uranium, Uranium, Uranium, Uranium, Uranium, Uranium, Neptunium, Neptunium, Plutonium, Plutonium, Americium, Americium, Americium, Americium, Americium, Curium, Electrons, Electrons, Neutrons

The Tech Museum, San Jose, California (1)

The Tech Museum in San Jose, California ( is a great place to see high-tech stuff, like chip fabrication machinery. They sell silicon chip wafers online.
Source of: Silicon

The Universe (1)

Contributor of: Hydrogen

The Universe (2)

The Universe consists of everything outside of the periodic table, as well as the periodic table itself.
Source of: Hydrogen, Helium

Time Trips (2)

Alexander Iwanow is the proprietor of Time Trips, which sells fossils, skulls, and natural history items. He had a large selection of fossils for sale at a fossil show I attended in March, 2003.
Phone: 989-687-5895
Address: 2800 N. 5 Mile, Midland, MI 48642.

Source of: Amber, PyritizedAmmonite2

Tim Worstall (4)

Tim Worstall is an interesting character: A Englishman living in Portugal who deals in scandium metal and scandium oxide. He doesn't just deal in them, he does most of the dealing in them (60% or so) that is done worldwide. Oddly, I don't have any pure scandium from him, but rather a couple of rare earths he happened to have on the side. You can contact him through If you're an industrial user or producer of scandium and you need someone to broker your scandium oxide transactions, see Tim. If you're an element collector looking for scandium (and who isn't), come back here in a while and I may have some links where you can buy samples for a much better price than you're going to find at your local chemical supplier.
Source and Contributor of: Aluminum, Scandium, Thulium, Lutetium

Tom Salow (1)

Don't know anything but the name and email:
Source of: Beryllium

Topaz Mineral Explorations (1)

A geologist selling minerals and things on eBay. This link should take you to his eBay profile.
Source of: Rhenium

Trish Craig (2)

Trish Craig works in the Environmental Health & Safety department at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. She scanned some of our samples for radioactivity, and donated several too.
Source and Contributor of: Radium
Contributor of: Thorium

Tryggvi Emilsson and Timothy Brumleve (20)

Tryggvi, an Icelander, knew my wife from contra dancing long before I met her, and he also knows my friend Donald of Optica. Timothy Brumleve has a son named Dan, who was once an intern at my company, but is now better known as a finder of security holes in web browsers and such. What's the chance that the two of them would happen to work together at a company that has lots of elements they don't really need anymore?

There's a company in town here that makes the high-purity metal and halogen mixtures used in high-intensity discharge lamps (the kind that are used for street lights, stadiums, etc). Look at that satellite picture of the world at night. Something like 50% of the light you see is from lamps they have supplied the critical ingredients for! (Which makes me think there's an astronomy club somewhere plotting a firebombing of their factory.)

Ed Pegg and I went for a tour of their factory one afternoon, expecting to spend maybe an hour seeing some opaque machinery doing mysterious things. Instead we spent quite a lot longer than that seeing machinery that made a good bit of sense, thanks to the excellent explanations of our hosts. But the real treat was when they took us to an old metal cabinet in a back room and started rummaging through the bottles.

It seems that over the decades they have accumulated a somewhat random assortment of little bottles of elements and compounds. Many of them are by now of questionable purity, and they had little use for them. (I should note that because of the nature of their work, "questionable purity" means if you don't start running out of fingers on one hand when you count the nines, it's questionable.) You can't imagine my delight when asked a question like "could you use any gadolinium?". It's just not the sort of question you get asked on a regular basis. We ended up with about a dozen hard-to-find elements.

On another level, as we were walking around the plant, it started reminding me more and more of my Swiss grandfather's scale business. Mind you, there's virtually no aspect of it that is even a bit similar. They have a kilo-scale fine chemicals facility dominated by glassware and glove boxes, housed in a large warehouse-style building in the flatland of Illinois. My grandfather had a precision mechanical fabrication facility dominated by super-fine Swiss machine tools, housed in an eccentric German Baron's old stone mansion on a hillside overlooking the city of Zurich.

But there was just something about the attitude towards the work that reminded me of the people I'd met at my grandfather's company. When I was a child I once needed a hole drilled through a nail, which seemed to me at the time like an impossible task. But when I asked my uncle, it was done in a minute (using a drill press that could probably have drilled a hole through the wire I wanted to put through the hole in my nail).

When Tryggvi wanted to show us a simple percussion explosive you can make with red phosphorous, he just walked over to one of the ubiquitous fume hoods, mixed it up on an old sheet of paper, and set it off by whacking it with the back end of a wrench.

This is the way of people who are comfortable with their work, and it's the way kids should learn about science, not with sanitized "experiments" involving solutions that turn from red to blue on cue and that would never, ever go bang. But don't hold your breath waiting for the local school board to implement a real-chemistry-taught-by-people-who-actually-understand-it program: Their liability insurance would never allow it, and besides they probably don't much like science anyway.

That's OK, the foreign students are still coming in enough numbers to keep our technological society operational, and maybe we'll even attract enough immigrants to make the social security system viable after us natives are all too old or too stupid to do any useful work.

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this contributor credit are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the contributors.

Source and Contributor of: Hydrogen, Hydrogen, Lithium, Phosphorus, Chlorine, Zinc, Zinc, Selenium, Bromine, Rubidium, Niobium, Rhodium, Silver, Europium, Gadolinium, Dysprosium, Osmium, Bismuth, Thorium, Uranium

United Nuclear (10)

United Nuclear walks the fine edge of what you can sell online and get away with today. They supply a large number of interesting items from their website at Most of them are related to fireworks in one way or another, but they also work on interesting things like hydrogen power. A very good company to know if you need magnesium ribbon.
Source and Contributor of: Magnesium, Aluminum, Sulfur, Titanium, Zinc, Bismuth, Uranium, Uranium
Source of: Torbernite3, Mischmetal

Unknown (16)

Source and Contributor of: Silicon, Copper, Arsenic, Cadmium
Source of: RosyQuartz, SacredGeometrySetCube, SacredGeometrySetDodecahedron, SacredGeometrySetIcosahedron, SacredGeometrySetOctahedron, SacredGeometrySetTetrahedron, Galena2, Copper, NativeCopper4, Promethium, Promethium, Polonium

Unknown eBay seller (3)

Source of: Tin, Tin, Tin

Ursula Carlson (1)

The third member of the Carlson family to contribute an element. No other family even comes close.
Source and Contributor of: Mercury

Wah Chang (3)

Wah Chang is a major refiner of speciality metals. They have been (2002-?) selling commemorative coins made of 99.9% niobium. They have set up the website to sell these coins and a few other niobium trinkets. If you have trouble with the website's ordering mechanism, you can also get them by calling Sheryl Renzoni in their marketing department at 888-926-4211 (or 541-926-4211) ext 6280. They even take credit cards, so what are you waiting for? Download this PDF file for details about the niobium coin and an older zirconium one that is no longer available.
Source and Contributor of: Titanium
Source of: Zirconium, Niobium

Walgreens Pharmacy (3)

Walgreens ( is a national pharmacy chain.
Source of: Sulfur, Sulfur, Iodine

Walmart (50)

WalMart ( is a national everything-store chain. There are on the order of 30 elements, by my count, that you can buy in pure form from Walmart. The list below is just the ones that I actually got from there for this table, it's far from a complete list of the ones you can get there.
Source of: Alum2, BurnedDoll1, BurnedDoll2, Helium, Helium, Fluorine, Fluorine, Fluorine, Magnesium, Aluminum, Aluminum, Silicon, Silicon, Phosphorus, Phosphorus, Sulfur, Sulfur, Chlorine, Potassium, Titanium, Titanium, Titanium, Titanium, Titanium, Titanium, Chromium, Iron, Iron, Copper, Copper, Copper, Copper, Zinc, Selenium, Selenium, Selenium, Selenium, Bromine, Tin, Tin, Tin, Tellurium, Lanthanum, Cerium, Tungsten, Tungsten, Mercury, Lead, Lead, Lead

Walmart (3)

Source of: EpsomSalt, CaCl2, Bismuth

Warut Roonguthai (9)

In January of 2003 I started getting a series of emails from a "warut" pointing me to eBay auctions. Each one was for an item I didn't know about and couldn't live without: Whoever it was, he was starting to be an expensive habit. He didn't answer a couple of emails from me, but kept sending these irresistible eBay pointers. Finally I tracked him down as a graduate student, and he finally answered my email. Then he even sent me some elements! People are just so nice, even if they are an expensive habit.
Source and Contributor of: Ekanite, Magnesium, Chromium, Nickel, Niobium, Tin, Tantalum
Contributor of: Silver, Silver

William Kolb (1)

William Kolb is the co-author with Paul Frame of a wonderful book, Living With Radiation: The First Hundred Years, which is required reading for anyone interested in radioactive objects, trends, and fads. It's also an indispensible reference for anyone wanting to collect radioactive things from eBay, flea markets, or antique stores.
Source and Contributor of: Mercury

Wolfram Research (1)

My employer, Wolfram Research, Inc, a company I co-founded in 1988 with Stephen Wolfram, makes Mathematica.
Contributor of: Lithium (1)

Source of: Argon (3)

Antimony, Antimony, Antimony