Monday, October 17, 2011


...@76.7kg for a 'cheeky' national senior total record in the 77kg weight category. But, let's be bluntly honest here... 260kg @77kg body weight is terrible. When I hit a 300kg total @77kg body weight, then I can boast as only then would I consider myself to be a good weightlifter. In the Snatch I made 115kg, and narrowly missed 117kg. I finished on 145kg in the Clean and Jerk and decided to pass on my 3rd attempt as my left knee was pretty rough and I want to keep 150kg+ for Paris when it really counts.

But enough about me... Here's Eoin Murphy, UL's newest lifter, competing for the very first time...

I've only been coaching Eoin for just over one month. Should Eoin choose to stay with weightlifting long-term, he could potentially develop into a very good senior lifter. But for now, I will simply focus on making him stronger and more technically competent. Squat, Pull, Snatch, Clean and Jerk. Repeat...

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Cork Beckons...


No training


No training


Snatch 100kg 1x1, 110kg 3x1x (all in front), 80kg 1x1, 90kg 1x1, 100kg 1x1, 105kg 1x1, 110kg 1x1x (in front), 113kg 1x1

Clean and Jerk 130kg 1x1, 140kg 1x1 (Clean only, too dizzy to Jerk...)


No training


Snatch 100kg 1x1

Clean and Jerk 130kg 1x1 I also Cleaned 135kg & 137.5kg a few times... But I don't want to talk about the Jerks...


Snatch 115kg 1x1, 120kg 1x1x (a pathetic attempt...)

Clean and Jerk 130kg 1x1, 135kg 2x1 (missed Jerks, really don't want to talk about it...) 137.5kg 1x1

Front Squat + Jerk 60kg 1x3+3, 80 1x3+2, 100kg 1x3+1

Front Squat 130kg 1x3, 150kg 1x3

Friday, October 7, 2011


Front Squat 170kg 1x1

Back Squat 190kg 1x1, 170kg 1x3

Back Squat with pause 150kg 1x5

Muscle Snatch from below knee 70kg 3x1

Snatch Deadlift + Snatch Deadlift from below knee 140kg 1x1+2

Snatch Deadlift 160kg 1x1, 180kg 1x1

Power Clean from above knee 60kg 3x2

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Happy Birthday Cairbre...

...The Cardio-Fitness Centre's best part-time employee.


Snatch 110kg 2x1 (missed 1st because I got the 'first pull' wrong... Again...)
115kg 1x1 (missed in front as I slightly 'over-pulled' and couldn't secure the bar over-head) 117.5kg 1x1 (missed in front, shifted my weight onto the balls of my feet from the get-go...), 115kg 1x1

Clean and Jerk 140kg 3x1 (missed 1st & 2nd Jerks in front... My left knee, wrist and shoulder have been making Cleans & Jerks very difficult for me of late... Made the 3rd but it was more difficult than I would have liked...)

Front Squat with pause 150kg 1x1
Back Squat with pause 170kg 1x1
Front Squat 170kg 1x1
Back Squat 190kg 1x1, 150kg 1x5
Front Squat 130kg 1x5

Lower Back & Abs

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Separate the Barbell from the Floor Correctly...

...And everything else will fall into place... Trust me.


Snatch 112.5kg 2x1 (I missed the first rep in front as I got my 'first pull' wrong...)

Clean and Jerk 137.5kg 1x1

Clean Deadlift 200kg 1x1

Bodybuilding stuff...


No training. Living for 'The Man'...

For those of you who may not know how I came up with the title of this blog... Glee is awesome by the way. Don't even try to deny it. If you do deny it, you're a liar...

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Like Rocky Balboa...

...I have had to adapt to my current life and training situation.

I am currently doing a research masters which involves physical performance testing, weightlifting & strength training coaching and of course the actual writing of the thesis and statistical analysis also takes a lot of time and effort. Outside of my study I am working with teams and clients more frequently than ever. So, my fatigue levels are much higher than I have previously been used to. I am also now in my mid-twenties, embarrassingly old I know... This means that I have had to 'tweak' my training somewhat... I am not training as often as I would have been over the last few years. This is not ideal with the Senior World Championships looming, as well the National Club Championships in two weeks... Club or country I hear you ask...? UL, UL, UL UL UL!

My left knee is pretty beat-up which I originally hurt back in 2006 at the Benelux Championships in Amsterdam during a 115kg Clean and Jerk which can be seen at 4:15 of this video...

So, I've 'capped' my Front Squat & Back Squat at 170kg & 190kg respectively until after the World Championships in order to avoid aggravating my knee further. The right side of my lower back has been troublesome for quite a few years now, so I have to be very careful that I don't strain it again. My left shoulder is bloody sore, but I have pretty much learned to ignore this through years of practice. So, although I'm not quite as bad as our good friend Sly, I still need to focus on 'training, not straining'... which by the way is a Healy-ism...

Here begins the documentation of my preparation for the National Club Championships and the Senior World Championships... Over the next few weeks feel free to comment, advise, question & generally abuse...


Snatch 100kg 1x1
Clean and Jerk 120kg 1x1
Front Squat 170kg 1x1
Back Squat 190kg 1x1
Bodybuilding stuff...


Bodybuilding stuff...


Snatch 100kg 4x1
15 minute break
Snatch 110kg 1x1
Clean and Jerk 130kg 1x1
Clean Pull+Clean Pull from below knee 160kg 3x1+1


Front Squat 170kg 1x1
Back Squat 190kg 1x1
Front Squat with pause 150kg 3x1
Back Squat with pause 170kg 3x1
Front Squat 130kg 1x5
Back Squat 150kg 1x5
Bodybuilding stuff...

Tune in for more 'logging' tomorrow...

Peace out... Goodbye.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

So York...

...Did not go as well I had thought it would. 112/145 @81.?kg BW is very, very 'pish-poor'... Misses at 117kg and 151kg were also quite embarrassing. I felt stronger than ever on the day, and my last warm-up in the Snatch at 107kg was one of the strongest final warm-up lifts that I have ever done... Alas, on the competition platform I was unable to move the barbell, and my own body, into the positions that were needed in order to lift well. It was a strange sensation to feel so strong but at the same time so helpless... All of the videos from the BWLA Centenary Event can be viewed at the British Weightlifting Dartifish page here.

I have been pretty knackered this week, both from the competition last weekend as well as the few weeks of tough training that preceded it. I will compete again at the Leinster Open Championships on Saturday week where I hope to put the inadequacy that was York behind me and start building up some competition confidence in the run-up to the World Championships...