Recent Thinking Points

John Menadue | Navigating the Refugee Fact Free Zone

John Menadue, a CPD Director and formerly Secretary of the Department of Immigration in the Fraser Government (1980 – 1983), offers a roadmap for those seeking the facts amidst the the heated debate about refugees and asylum seekers in Australia. He … more…

Q: What is the plural noun for public servants?

A: An agency. Public service critics and detractors are rarely so kind. Pledges to reduce the size of public service agencies are a routine element of political and media cycles. Kevin Rudd spoke of ‘administrative bloating’ when the Howard Government … more…

Public Service

Public services in the news 14/6/11

The Rudd and Gillard governments clearly applied the brakes to the bureaucracy’s expansion… more…

Public Service

Latest Publications

John Quiggin | Gillard’s Labor Has Lost Its Heritage

  Wayne Swan’s Budget speech opened with a commendation of ‘this Labor budget’ and closed with an invocation of the … more…

'stranded' antonia green Undergrowth

James Arvanitakis & Alex Surace | The Disease that Ate the Budget

Wayne Swan’s fourth budget can be commended for beginning to address upper-class welfare and ending unnecessary tax cuts. However, Australia … more…

smoke stack

Eva Cox | Making a Society More Fragile

The primary and secondary purpose of Gillard’s first budget as PM appears to be economic growth for its own sake. … more…