New Research

Health care services, 2009-10

08 July 2011This publication presents estimates of the financial performance and workforce characteristics of private sector businesses and organisations involved in the provision of health care services during the 2009-10 financial year.

Discrimination, work and family: recent regulatory responses to promote equality

08 July 2011Focusing primarily on recent developments in Victoria and in the Federal Government’s Fair Work Act 2009, this paper examines how these changes might bring about substantive equality for working families.

Australia and the real battle for Indonesian Islam

08 July 2011Australia needs to do more to support a tolerant and secular Indonesia, particularly through aid to schools.

Scoping study for a national not for profit (NFP) regulator

08 July 2011During the 2010 election campaign the Government outlined its commitment to reform Australia's NFP sector to deliver smarter regulation, reduce red tape and improve the transparency and accountability of the sector.

Independent review of aid effectiveness

Independent review of aid effectiveness

08 July 2011This review aims to determine whether the Australian aid program's current systems, policies and procedures are as effective and efficient as they can be, and advises on how to make the program more strategic.

The changing nature of objects stolen in household burglaries

08 July 2011While the offence is certainly serious, the incidence of household burglary in NSW has fallen considerably in the past 10 years.

Women on Australian government boards report 2009-2010

Women on Australian government boards report 2009-2010

08 July 2011This report provides a statistical gender analysis of the composition of Australian Government boards and bodies for the period 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010.

Crisis and confidence: major powers and maritime security in Indo-Pacific Asia

Crisis and confidence: major powers and maritime security in Indo-Pacific Asia

08 July 2011Risks are growing that China-centric maritime incidents could lead to war in Asia.

Report on the conduct of the 2010 Federal Election and matters related thereto

08 July 2011The 2010 Australian Federal election marked a time when the proportion of Australian citizens who actively take part in electoral matters is in decline, according to the Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters.

"People I can call on"

"People I can call on"

08 July 2011Describing both the challenges and the strengths gain from living with a chronic illness, this study emphasises the importance of informal support through family, friends and community.

The internet service market and Australians in the online environment

08 July 2011The internet service market in Australia is dynamic, characterised by continual innovation in internet service provider (ISP) offerings, take-up of innovative consumer access devices and increased consumer participation in the online environment.

The ageing experience of Australians from migrant backgrounds

08 July 2011Australia, as is widely known, has an ageing population and is also a country built on immigration. However, it is less well known that the immigrant population has an older age structure than the Australian-born population.

Evaluation of the child health check initiative and the expanding health service delivery initiative

08 July 2011This report provides findings and recommendations based on the evaluation of two programs: the Child Health Check Initiative, and the Expanding Health Services Delivery Initiative as part of Closing the Gap: NT.

Diabetes prevalence in Australia: detailed estimates

Diabetes prevalence in Australia: detailed estimates

08 July 2011This report presents the most up-to-date estimates of the number of people with diagnosed diabetes in Australia based on self-reports to the Australian Bureau of Statistics' 2007-08 National Health Survey.

Serving Australia: control and administration of the Department of Defence

08 July 2011After more than a decade on active service, the Australian Defence Force is better prepared and more experienced than at any time since the Vietnam conflict.Yet Defence continues to be a source of profound frustration to the government.

Before it's too late: Report on early intervention programs aimed at preventing youth suicide

08 July 2011Every year in Australia suicide claims the lives of around 2000 Australians placing it ahead of road traffic accidents and skin cancer as a cause of death.

There are alternatives: A handbook for preventing unnecessary immigration detention

08 July 2011This guide presents humane and cost effective mechanisms to prevent the unnecessary and damaging detention of refugees and aims to ensure that detention is only ever used as a last resort.

Illicit drug data report 2009 - 10

08 July 2011Provides a statistical overview of illicit drug arrests and seizures as well as profiling the current situation, national impact and the emerging trends and threats of illicit drugs in Australia.

Closing the gap on family violence

Closing the gap on family violence

07 July 2011Family violence in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities remains a significant social issue with far-reaching implications for service provision in the health arena, with impacts including: physical injuries; depression, trauma and anxiety; sexually transmitted disease; and substance use.

Australian economic indicators, July 2011

07 July 2011This reference document provides a broad basis for analysis and research on the Australian economy and includes statistics that can be applied to both macro-economic and sectoral analyses.


Reflections on climate change, and the quality of Australian economists

07 July 2011Saul Eslake ponders Tony Abbott's distrust of economists in Online Opinion.

Precarious times

07 July 2011You shouldn’t have to work for free to break into the white-collar world, argues Ross Perlin in his new book. Sara Dowse agrees

Come fly with me

07 July 2011In Inside Story, frequent flyer Robyn Williams takes a look at how aviation is dealing with its carbon footprint

Topic Guides

NBN: Guide for Consumers

  • Australian Communications Consumer Action Network & Internet Society Australia

09 June 2011The Internet Society of Australia (ISOC-AU) and the Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN), have developed NBN: A Guide for Consumers, designed to offer all Australians information about the National Broadband Network.

CC & Government Guide Using Creative Commons 3.0 Australia Licences on Government Copyright Materials

  • Anne Fitzgerald, Neale Hooper, Cheryl Foong

05 December 2010This Guide deals with the licensing of government copyright materials for distribution and reuse under Creative Commons (CC) 3.0 Australia licences.

The why and how of using Facebook for educators – no need to be friends at all!

  • Ronnie Burt
  • The Edublogger

20 May 2011If you are one of those out there that believe that Facebook has no place in the classroom, then, well maybe this post isn't for you. But please first take a look at just a few reasons why you should reconsider:


Digital convergence, connection and confusion

Listen to audio
08 July 2011It's coming fast, the digital hub where i-pads talk to mobile phones, computers talk to TVs, TVs have hundreds of apps, and you can choose and change with your magical remote wand.

Telemedicine provides healthcare to remote patients

Listen to audio
08 July 2011Medical consultations over the internet just got more affordable in Australia with the federal government announcing online visits to the doctor will be funded by Medicare.


India and the global financial crisis - what have we learnt?

Listen to audio
08 July 2011Dr D. Subbarao, the 22nd Governor of the Reserve Bank of India,  presented the 2011 K R Narayanan Oration on 23 June 2011.

Richard Denniss in conversation with Greens Leader Senator Bob Brown

Listen to audio
04 July 2011Greens Leader Senator Bob Brown joins The Australia Institute's Executive Director Dr Richard Denniss at Politics in the Pub to discuss 'Greening Government'.


Specialist Homelessness Services collection

04 July 2011Focusing on people's experiences of homelessness, a new collection to assist in measuring homelessness in Australia has been launched by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare.

UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS)

21 June 2011The UIS has redesigned its website in English and French to better serve the needs of its users.

45 and up study

20 June 2011 The 45 and Up Study is the largest study of healthy ageing ever undertaken in the Southern Hemisphere. Over 265,000 men and women aged 45 and over across NSW have been recruited to heir health followed over the coming decades.

Latest commentary


07 July 2011

The Winter 2011 issue explores the NATO intervention in Libya, global sex trafficking, Australian forces in Afghanistan, China's economic power, and more.


View online:

30 June 2011

NSW Consumer Advisory Group – Mental Health Inc is a statewide organisation that provides an ongoing opportunity for mental health consumers to participate in policy and service development, implementation and evaluation. NSW CAG acts as a bridge between consumers in NSW and our State and Federal Governments.

22 June 2011


Dear prospective participant,


Speechwriting for government in Australia

Speechwriting for government in Australia

  • James Groves
  • James Groves & Associates
" indispensible book...excellent practical guide to the art of effective oral communication" from the Foreword by Malcolm Hazell CVO AM, former Official Secretary to the Governor-General
Creative Industries And Economic Evolution

Creative Industries And Economic Evolution

  • Jason Potts
  • Edward Elgar Publishing
The book explores theoretical and conceptual aspects of an evolutionary economic approach to the study of the creative economy.

Topic Guides

NBN: Guide for Consumers

  • Australian Communications Consumer Action Network & Internet Society Australia

09 June 2011The Internet Society of Australia (ISOC-AU) and the Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN), have developed NBN: A Guide for Consumers, designed to offer all Australians information about the National Broadband Network.

CC & Government Guide Using Creative Commons 3.0 Australia Licences on Government Copyright Materials

  • Anne Fitzgerald, Neale Hooper, Cheryl Foong

05 December 2010This Guide deals with the licensing of government copyright materials for distribution and reuse under Creative Commons (CC) 3.0 Australia licences.

The why and how of using Facebook for educators – no need to be friends at all!

  • Ronnie Burt
  • The Edublogger

20 May 2011If you are one of those out there that believe that Facebook has no place in the classroom, then, well maybe this post isn't for you. But please first take a look at just a few reasons why you should reconsider: