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Pickles Auctions
Pickles Auctions was established in 1974 and has grown to become the largest privately Australian-owned auction company in Australia.

At Pickles we sell vehicles on behalf of Federal, State and Local Governments, Insurance, Fleet and Finance companies.

The vehicles that we offer on are specially selected, high quality used vehicles. Offered at below retail price, available at a fixed price prior to being sold at auction. The majority of vehicles are registered and all vehicles have current manufacturer's warranty or dealer statutory warranty.

We have a very high turn over of vehicles; as such a vehicle may only be available for purchase at a fixed price for a short period of time before we sell it in one of our auctions. If the vehicle you are interested in has sold we will be able help you locate another vehicle to meet your needs.
You may also be interested in purchasing from one of our auctions – please refer to for stock listings and times.

To find out more about how you can save thousands on a range of quality prestige vehicles vist


Plus Servicing, Spare parts and In-House Finance available at all 19 dealerships at our 7 Locations!

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