Latest News for: pamina


How photography can build peace and justice in war-torn communities

Hastings Tribune 20 Aug 2021
(The Conversation is an independent and nonprofit source of news, analysis and commentary from academic experts.). Pamina Firchow, Brandeis University; Tiffany Fairey, King's College London, and Yvette Selim, University of Technology Sydney ... But that’s what we ask people in war-torn communities to do, all around the world ... She explains her photograph.

Performance Shipping Inc. Announces the Sale of a Panamax Container Vessel, the M/V Pamina Nasdaq:DCIX

MENA FN 27 Aug 2019
(MENAFN - GlobeNewsWire - Nasdaq) ATHENS, Greece, Aug.27, 2019(GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Performance Shipping Inc. (NASDAQ. DCIX), (the 'Company'), a global shipping company specializing ... .

Performance Shipping Inc. Announces the Sale of a Panamax Container Vessel, the M/V Pamina

Nasdaq Globe Newswire 27 Aug 2019
DCIX), (the “Company”), a global shipping company specializing in the ownership of vessels, today announced that it has signed, through a separate wholly-owned subsidiary, a Memorandum of Agreement to sell to an unaffiliated third party the 2005-built vessel “Pamina”, with ...
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