It’s all in your stomach…

Working with healthy adult mice, the researchers found that disrupting the normal bacterial content of the gut with antibiotics produced changes in behavior; the mice became less cautious or anxious. This change was accompanied by an increase in brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), which has been linked to depression and anxiety.

When oral antibiotics were discontinued, bacteria in the gut returned to normal and Collins reported that there was “restoration of normal behavior and brain chemistry.”

To confirm that bacteria can influence behavior, the researchers colonized germ-free mice with bacteria taken from mice with a different behavioral pattern. They found that when germ-free mice with a genetic background associated with passive behavior were colonized with bacteria from mice with higher exploratory behavior, they became more active and daring. Similarly, normally active mice became more passive after receiving bacteria from mice whose genetic background is associated with passive behavior.

via Anxiety may originate in your gut, not your head.

Never too late.

For what it’s worth: it’s never too late or, in my case, too early to be whoever you want to be. There’s no time limit, stop whenever you want. You can change or stay the same, there are no rules to this thing. We can make the best or the worst of it. I hope you make the best of it. And I hope you see things that startle you. I hope you feel things you never felt before. I hope you meet people with a different point of view. I hope you live a life you’re proud of. If you find that you’re not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again.

- F. Scott Fitzgerald

Since proclaiming May 21 would be judgment day, Camping was able to raise more than $100 million to spend on himself and his prophesying.

Since proclaiming May 21 would be judgment day, Camping was able to raise more than $100 million to spend on himself and his prophesying.

via “I Don’t Understand”: How Rapture Believers Are Taking It – Culture – GOOD.

Remember, your painted car is no better than a primered one. Maybe the owner of that primered car likes it that way.

Remember, your painted car is no better than a primered one. Maybe the owner of that primered car likes it that way.

Listen to constructive criticism. But remember, there are people out there who enjoy to see you get angry. If you learn to tell the difference between the two, you are wise.

via Advice for hotrodders – Superfamous – Folkert Gorter.



Photo by my sibling Lee.

via falling | Flickr – Photo Sharing!.

Not quite there yet…

I always enjoy talking to Jack… glad to see a nice update on his blog.

If like most of us, you’re not quite there yet (I know I’m not), then go read. Go write. Go explore. Try on different lenses like you’re sitting in a dim room behind one of those contraptions they have at the optometrist’s office. Which looks clearer? A or B? One or two? Discard the fuzzy ones and move on. Keep at it, and you’ll get closer and closer to clarity. Closer and closer to your One True Thing. Yes, one true thing among other true things, but your one true thing. To you it’ll be the source of life. The explanation for the universe. The Unified Theory of what it is you’re meant to be.

via One True Thing – Jack Cheng.

Espresso One

A shot of Espresso One, from Commonwealth Coffee in Brimingham Michigan, extracted in my kitchen with a La Spaziale machine.


Animated Permutations of a Grid

The dog was running on the side of the road.

He was running really fast. On the sidewalk, next to a busy street. He just kept running faster and faster… I thought about pulling over and waiting for him to run up to me and then putting him in my car and helping him find his owner. But, I kept driving… past him. “That dog isn’t mine, I’m sure it does this all the time.” I was watching in my rearview mirror for what seemed like forever. “Please, let that dog be running to its owner.” “Please, slow down, go home.”

Then the dog made an abrupt left, into the street and tire screeches let out… the dog kept running and made it over the median. I couldn’t see what happened on the other side of the median. I wanted to turn around and go back and make sure the dog was okay. I don’t know why I didn’t.

I am going to pray he ran fast and the cars swerved out of the way, and hope that stupid dog will stop chasing cars.

Sometimes I feel like I’m that dog, chasing cars, and sometimes… darting across traffic seems like an appealing option.