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Libya Says 9 Civilians Killed in NATO Airstrike
Libya Says 9 Civilians Killed in NATO Airstrike
Libya's government said NATO warplanes struck a residential neighborhood in the capital Sunday and killed nine civilians, including two children. Hours later, NATO confirmed one of its airstrikes went astray. (June 19)...

Ben Ali trial date set for June 20
Ben Ali trial date set for June 20
Tunisia's ousted president Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali is to be tried in absentia on June 20. Ben Ali fled to Saudi Arabia in January but is likely to be charged with conspiring against the state, manslaughter and drug trafficking. Riyadh h...

Syrian refugees continue to flee to Turkey
Syrian refugees continue to flee to Turkey
Hundreds of Syrians are continuing to cross the border to escape a military crackdown which has begun on a nearby town. Like us on Facebook at and follow us on Twitter at

SUUUURVEY SAYS: Strontium Widespread in Fukushima - IAEA Fails To Guess The Answer
SUUUURVEY SAYS: Strontium Widespread in Fukushima - IAEA Fails To Guess The Answer
Survey: strontium widespread in Fukushima Soil samples from around Fukushima Prefecture have revealed concentrations of radioactive strontium. Japan's science ministry conducted a survey for radioactive substances at 11 locations in 10 ...

Greek PM addresses parliament as protest continues
Greek PM addresses parliament as protest continues
Greek prime minister George Papandreou has called on members of parliament to forge a "national accord" to deal with the country's debt crisis. Papandreou was speaking just hours before EU finance ministers gathered in Luxembo...

Greek PM addresses parliament as protest continues
Greek PM addresses parliament as protest continues
Greek prime minister George Papandreou has called on members of parliament to forge a "national accord" to deal with the country's debt crisis. Papandreou was speaking just hours before EU finance ministers gathered in Luxembo...

Saakashvili's war crimes wash off while West blasts Gaddafi
Saakashvili's war crimes wash off while West blasts Gaddafi
Colonel Gaddafi's attack on civilians has prompted condemnation and an immediate response from the international community. But while the outcry on Libya is loud, other conflicts have failed to draw such a reaction. And as RT's Gaya...

Afghan mission failing? People fear Taliban revenge terror
Afghan mission failing? People fear Taliban revenge terror
Monday's Taliban assault on the Afghan capital has again ignited concerns NATO's failing to combat terrorism there. After almost a decade of US efforts to control the situation, locals say they're too afraid of the militants to ...

Mobster claims Amanda Knox is innocent of Meredith Kercher's mur.
Mobster claims Amanda Knox is innocent of Meredith Kercher's mur.
WATCH FULL VIDEO AT THIS LINK :::: Witness In Amanda Knox Trial Says He Can Clear Her Crime , Mario Alessi , Amanda Knox , Amanda Knox Mario Alessi , Amanda Knox Trial , Amanda Knox Trial Mario Alessi , Amanda Knox Trial Convict , Am...

Greek PM addresses parliament as protest continues
Greek PM addresses parliament as protest continues
Greek prime minister George Papandreou has called on members of parliament to forge a "national accord" to deal with the country's debt crisis. Papandreou was speaking just hours before EU finance ministers gathered in Luxembo...