The Times The Times is a daily national newspaper published in the United Kingdom since 1785, when it was known as The Daily Universal Register.
A catchy tune with an interesting cartoon. It's sad...then happy at the end. Special thanks to Sesame Street Workshop for allowing me to post this here. All copyrights and profits for ALL Sesame Street segments belong to them!
Two haunting and Magical little songs from Sesame Street. Steve Zuckerman is so cool! 'Capital I' was the second thing I looked up on YouTube ever! So glad it was available to watch because it was so influential to my life and my interest in music ('The Butterfly-ball' film-clip to the song 'Love is All' was the first thing I looked up). Steve Zuckerman is a composer for television and movies, a songwriter, and a singer who wrote songs for at least three animated Sesame Street inserts: "I in the Sky," "Lowercase N," and "Imagination Rain." In an "Ask the AV Club" column on the AV Club Web site of The Onion, Zuckerman recalled the experience of creating the songs: " It was just me doing the harmony and the melody—I think it was using a 4-track and bouncing tracks back and forth. That's pretty much how I did all of them. I remember recording them around 1970 at Valentine Recording Studios (in the San Fernando Valley) for Fred Calvert Productions. I was just starting out (I had just turned 20) in my musical career as the studio's music director, and along with various other submitters, we proposed segments to CTW based on their rather detailed and voluminous source and research materials. In each of these segments, the songs were created first. The first segment (which I also performed and wrote) is still my personal favorite—"Imagination Rain," which ran for about 15 or 20 years. " BTW there is a great Guitar and vocal Tab/Music chart for Capital I at www.ultimate-guitar <b>...</b>
Is Elvis alive? Is he in the building? Watch this stirring musical tribute to upper and lower-case letters (from the award-winning PBS learn-to-read show "Between the Lions") and decide for yourself!
In this episode of Foundation, Kevin Rose sits down for a conversation with the incredibly accomplished entrepreneur, company advisor, venture investor, and private equity principal Chris Sacca. Not only is Sacca a smart businessman and a true visionary, but his wit, charm, and humor make this an informative and fun interview that you can't miss. Check out more episodes of Foundation:
The united states of America (note lower case) was incorporated in 1868/71 by the Roman Catholic institute. The united states of America could not stay sovereign and trade with nations already within the Oleron Law system. This is why events were engineered to destroy the sovereignty of America and bring about the 14th Amendment making all State citizens now property of this corporation DC In truth DC controls no where on the mainland other than its small patch. Its upon sovereign land as is the Vatican City which controls it and The City of London. Its dominated by Georgetown 'military fortress' University and the Jesuit US Conference President. Washington DC sits on once Roman Catholic soil owned by Francis Pope and Daniel Carroll, the later's brother founded Georgetown University and was the first US Bishop. The land was once known in 1663 property records as Rome and is made up of a part of VIRGINia and a part of MARYland giving us the Queen of Witches, Queen Semarisis of Babylon the wife of Nimrod. The US is totally under the thumb of The Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem's puppet the Knights of Malta who control the entire Temple Crown financial system have they've controlled the entire financial system since the destruction of the Knights Templar at the hands of the Pope. Two major haunts of the Knights Templar are visibly under the control of the Knights of Malta today. These are Aventine Hill in Rome which was once the Templars WHQ and the other <b>...</b>
From Episode 123: Big Bird wants to practice writing the letter R, but doesn't remember how--until a friendly lower-case r drops from the sky to help. After copying the r and watching it do tricks, Big Bird wants to show the adults his new friend. Unfortunately, the letter is gone by the time they arrive; the adults fuss over Big Bird's health, worrying that he might have hallucinated. The same scenario repeats itself when the lower-case r returns with its "big brother", the capital version: Big Bird copies both letters, calls for the adults, but gets written off as crazy. Shortly afterwards, the R's reappear to prove that Big Bird was telling the truth--and the adults apologize. NOTES: 1. I've included a classic "speech balloon" cartoon as an Easter egg (heh heh) between the first and second half. 2. Considering this sketch, I wonder why the adults could believe Big Bird when he saw the R's in Season 1....but refused to accept Snuffy as real until 1900+ episodes after his debut! :-( 3. Sesame Workshop has digital copies of the complete episode (and several others) available through iTunes--
Please watch the first video: Ku-Ku CALLIGRAPHY Cursive 1/3 (Basic) to learn the basic lines you have to learn before you start. This is my second video to show you how to do calligraphy (cursive). This video shows you only the capital letters. To learn how to do the lower-case and also make cards with calligraphy initials, you can watch the next videos. (Ku-Ku Arts & Crafts) MUSIC: "Tout le Monde" and "La Noveé" By Carla Bruni
Opening for Los Angeles post-rock band Beware Of Safety. Along with my regular pedalboard, I used a Behringer FCB1010 to trigger samples/loops on my laptop which was running Mainstage. Pedals on my board: JHS Little Black Buffer Diamond Compressor EHX Micro POG Blackout Whetstone Boss TU-3 Ibanez TS-9 Blackout Blunderbuss Musket Timmy Goodrich L-120 EHX Deluxe Memory Man Strymon El Capistan Line 6 Echo Park Boss RV-5 Strymon blueSky Boomerang III Looper/Phrase sampler All into a 2011 Matchless Chieftain and a 1965 Fender Twin Reverb. Thanks for watching. Connect with me: FACEBOOK: TWITTER:
How to create DOS Game with notepad @echo off :menu cls echo Hello, welcome to example game echo what would you like to do? echo 1) start echo 2) instructions echo 3) exit set /p letter= if %letter% == 1 goto startgame if %letter% == 2 goto instruction if %letter% == 3 goto exit goto menu :startgame cls echo level 1 echo Hello! enter your name: set /p name= echo hello, %name%! echo How are you? set /p lala= echo You are feeling %lala%? echo that's nice. pause echo I should go now. echo Bye %name%!!! echo next level? (yes or no) set /p wala= if %wala% == yes goto lvl2 if %wala% == no goto menu goto startgame :exit exit goto exit :lvl2 cls echo Hello ! Your name is %name%? yes or no set /p yn= if %yn% = yes goto cool if %yn% = not goto aaw goto lvl2 :cool echo Yay! i got it right echo Back? (y/n) lower case only set /p ynny= if %ynny% = y goto menu if %ynny% = n goto exit goto cool :instruction echo answer the computer will echo talk to you. echo back? (y/n) lower case only! set /p nyyn= if %nyyn% == y goto menu if %nyyn% == n goto exit goto instruction :aaw echo that's too bad. echo bye! pause exit goto aaw Save game.bat
Text for Success. Written and edited by Inside Joke Films: Shot by the wonderful guys at OverCrank Films
Learn how to write cursive. Cursive is any style of handwriting that is designed for writing notes and letters quickly by hand. In the Arabic, Latin, and Cyrillic writing systems, the letters in a word are connected, making a word one single complex stroke. The word "cursive" comes from the Latin cursivus, meaning "flowing".
posse cut from the same ol' thing ep featuring samuel otis,roskoe rockwell, bubber louie,fono veins,vogue virus and steeple jack. cuts by arthur needlefluff production by samuel otis
Steve Martin & The Steep Canyon Rangers - Atheists Don't Have No Songs
BLOG Facebook Page Twitter ----------------------------------------------------------------- Steve Martin with the Steep Canyon Rangers at Austin City Limits (2010) Atheists Don't Have No Songs (AKA The Atheist Hymnal) Lyrics: Christians have their hymns and pages, Hava Nagila's for the Jews, Baptists have the rock of ages, Atheists just sing the blues. Romantics play Claire de Lune, Born agains sing "He is risen," But no one ever wrote a tune, For godless existentialism. For Atheists there's no good news. They'll never sing a song of faith. In their songs they have a rule: the "he" is always lowercase. The "he" is always lowercase. Some folks sing a Bach cantata, Lutherans get Christmas trees, Atheist songs add up to nada, But they do have Sundays free. Pentecostals sing to heaven, Coptics have the books of scrolls, Numerologists can count to seven, Atheists have rock and roll. For Atheists there's no good news. They'll never sing a song of faith. In their songs they have a rule: the "he" is always lowercase. The "he" is always lowercase. Atheists don't have no songs. Christians have their hymns and pages, Hava Nagila's for the Jews, Baptists have the rock of ages, Atheists just sing the blues. Catholics dress up for Mass, And listen to, Gregorian chants. Atheists just take a pass, Watch football in their underpants. Watch football in their underpants. Atheists don't have no songs.
Green Day-Basket Case cover(lower ur volume a little)
guitar&bass- drums- Give Me Everything Pitbull Give Me Everything Pitbull Give Me Everything Pitbull Give Me Everything PitbullGive Me Everything Pitbull Give Me Everything Pitbull Give Me Everything Pitbull Give Me Everything Pitbull Give Me Everything Pitbull
We take a look at RAGE the new GAME from id which you PRONOUNCE "id" not "eye dee". Also id is all lower case whilst the name of the game RAGE is in uppercase. Glad to have helped!
The Trout-Tage | CoD4 Tritage | The Trout 91, Small Beans and aMOODIEswede
Lets get this a ton of likes eh? :) Hey guys, this wasn't a serious project or anything, I changed my 'Moodeh' gamertag to The Trout 9I (Capitol 'i') for a laugh and Joel changed his to The Trout 9l (lower case 'L') and we played some HCHQ for a few days. What you see here are some of the best clips, edited nicely by Joel. Hope you enjoy, rate the vid and if for whatever reason you aren't subbed to Trout and Beans, I suggest you do so ;) Thanks lads, cya soon!
The Real Truth - Government owns YOUR clone- Jordan Maxwell
Jordan Maxwell (clips taken from 2003 seminar and Bay Area interviews and condensed to address one issue). Full videos can be seen on channel : fr33domXXI Wake up and do your research! So, here's a question for ya... If you sign your legal papers with Upper and Lower case letters in your name, can THEY hold you accountable for the debt? (somebody let me know what the signature "line" on the checks really says)
Not just the handling, but some other files have been corrupted too! This time, I also used Corrupster to corrupt some files. Files I corrupted: handling.cfg (All 0's replaced with 3) vehicles.ide* (All 0.'s replaced with -1.) water.dat (Wave height set to 50) Some .ipl files* (Every number from 2. to 9. replaced with 0.) american.gxt (All lower case letters replaced with random bytes) * Look out for the decimal points, I added them to the replace list too. Some car and place names after corrupting: San Andreas: B I'ó Í2 ] A c TJ ! ú 4 p tO / gí . Las Venturas: PED ANSWER PHONE PED FIREWEAPONe PED FIREWEAPONE PED ANSWER PHONE á Train: LOUDY SF Greenwood: G6ÍBÚR8 W
Speed up your jailbroken iphone by deleting unused language packs that clutter your phone. All credit goes to for writing this script. Download the language pack deleter here: Things you need: Jailbroken iPhone Open SSH (from cydia) Mobile Terminal (from cydia) SSH client (WinSCP or just google SSH client) Input for mobile terminal: su (enter your password, ALPINE is the default) ./ (all lower case)
I put this together to teach cursive to my English language learners on My penmanship is not the best, but I hope this will help you make capital and lower case letters for the English alphabet. Please note: traditionally this sentence is written with "jumps" not "jumped". Now, my sentence has no S to practice. The music is by Thievery Corporation. The song is Indra, off the The Mirror Conspiracy album. In response to several inquiries, The pen is a Pilot Precise V5 Rolling Ball Extra Fine.
A catchy tune with an interesting cartoon. It's sad...then happy at the end. Special thanks to Sesame Street Workshop for allowing me to post this here. All copyrights and profits for ALL Sesame Street segments belong to them!...
Capital I and Lower Case N (No Logo's)
Capital I and Lower Case N (No Logo's)
Two haunting and Magical little songs from Sesame Street. Steve Zuckerman is so cool! 'Capital I' was the second thing I looked up on YouTube ever! So glad it was available to watch because it was so influential to my life and my in...
Learn - Alphabets (Small ABC)
Learn - Alphabets (Small ABC)
Click to learn more about alphabets...
Between the Lions: "Upper and Lower Case"
Between the Lions: "Upper and Lower Case"
Is Elvis alive? Is he in the building? Watch this stirring musical tribute to upper and lower-case letters (from the award-winning PBS learn-to-read show "Between the Lions") and decide for yourself!...
Ant Apple - Lower Case Alphabet - HD Version
Ant Apple - Lower Case Alphabet - HD Version
An ant is jumping on the branch of an apple tree and an apple falls into the somebody's basket....
Chris Sacca of Lowercase Capital - Foundation
Chris Sacca of Lowercase Capital - Foundation
In this episode of Foundation, Kevin Rose sits down for a conversation with the incredibly accomplished entrepreneur, company advisor, venture investor, and private equity principal Chris Sacca. Not only is Sacca a smart businessman and a t...
The united states of America (note lower case) was incorporated in 1868/71 by the Roman Catholic institute. The united states of America could not stay sovereign and trade with nations already within the Oleron Law system. This is why event...
Cat riding a car
Cat riding a car
Lower case alphabet of "C" featuring a cat and a car....
Classic Sesame Street: Big Bird's R Sightings
Classic Sesame Street: Big Bird's R Sightings
From Episode 123: Big Bird wants to practice writing the letter R, but doesn't remember how--until a friendly lower-case r drops from the sky to help. After copying the r and watching it do tricks, Big Bird wants to show the adults his ...
Ku-Ku CALLIGRAPHY Cursive 2/3 (Capital)
Ku-Ku CALLIGRAPHY Cursive 2/3 (Capital)
Please watch the first video: Ku-Ku CALLIGRAPHY Cursive 1/3 (Basic) to learn the basic lines you have to learn before you start. This is my second video to show you how to do calligraphy (cursive). This video shows you only the capital lett...
Lowercase Noises live at The Gasworks - 8/24/11
Lowercase Noises live at The Gasworks - 8/24/11
Opening for Los Angeles post-rock band Beware Of Safety. Along with my regular pedalboard, I used a Behringer FCB1010 to trigger samples/loops on my laptop which was running Mainstage. Pedals on my board: JHS Little Black Buffer Diamond Com...
How to create DOS Game
How to create DOS Game
How to create DOS Game with notepad @echo off :menu cls echo Hello, welcome to example game echo what would you like to do? echo 1) start echo 2) instructions echo 3) exit set /p letter= if %letter% == 1 goto startgame if %letter% == 2 goto...
The Winky Face
The Winky Face
Text for Success. Written and edited by Inside Joke Films: Shot by the wonderful guys at OverCrank Films
Learn how to write cursive. Cursive is any style of handwriting that is designed for writing notes and letters quickly by hand. In the Arabic, Latin, and Cyrillic writing systems, the letters in a word are connected, making a word one singl...
posse cut from the same ol' thing ep featuring samuel otis,roskoe rockwell, bubber louie,fono veins,vogue virus and steeple jack. cuts by arthur needlefluff production by samuel otis...
Steve Martin & The Steep Canyon Rangers - Atheists Don't Have No Songs
Steve Martin & The Steep Canyon Rangers - Atheists Don't Have No Songs
BLOG Facebook Page Twitter ----------------------------------------------------------------- Steve Martin with the Steep Canyon Rangers at Austin City Limits (2010) Atheists Don't Have N...
Green Day-Basket Case cover(lower ur volume a little)
Green Day-Basket Case cover(lower ur volume a little)
guitar&bass- drums- Give Me Everything Pitbull Give Me Everything Pitbull Give Me Everything Pitbull Give Me Everything PitbullGive Me Everything Pitbull Give Me Everything Pitbull Give Me Everything Pitbull Give...
YogTrailers - RAGE
YogTrailers - RAGE
We take a look at RAGE the new GAME from id which you PRONOUNCE "id" not "eye dee". Also id is all lower case whilst the name of the game RAGE is in uppercase. Glad to have helped!...
The Trout-Tage | CoD4 Tritage | The Trout 91, Small Beans and aMOODIEswede
The Trout-Tage | CoD4 Tritage | The Trout 91, Small Beans and aMOODIEswede
Lets get this a ton of likes eh? :) Hey guys, this wasn't a serious project or anything, I changed my 'Moodeh' gamertag to The Trout 9I (Capitol 'i') for a laugh and Joel changed his to The Trout 9l (lower case 'L...
The Real Truth - Government owns YOUR clone- Jordan Maxwell
The Real Truth - Government owns YOUR clone- Jordan Maxwell
Jordan Maxwell (clips taken from 2003 seminar and Bay Area interviews and condensed to address one issue). Full videos can be seen on channel : fr33domXXI Wake up and do your research! www.projectcamel...
GTA: San Andreas - Mega corruption
GTA: San Andreas - Mega corruption
Not just the handling, but some other files have been corrupted too! This time, I also used Corrupster to corrupt some files. Files I corrupted: handling.cfg (All 0's replaced with 3) vehicles.ide* (All 0.'s replaced with -1.) water...
Speed up your Jailbroken iPhone!
Speed up your Jailbroken iPhone!
Speed up your jailbroken iphone by deleting unused language packs that clutter your phone. All credit goes to for writing this script. Download the language pack deleter here: Things you need: Jailbroken i...
How to write in cursive
How to write in cursive
I put this together to teach cursive to my English language learners on My penmanship is not the best, but I hope this will help you make capital and lower case letters for the English alphabet. Please n...
photo: European Community / Rama
European Parliament in Strasbourg Wolesi Jirga (elected, legislative lower house) and Meshrano Jirga (mainly advisory, indirect representation); in special cases, e.g. as constituent assembly, a Loya Jirga
photo: NASA / Mustang dvs
A portion of the large dent in the first stage lower segment, as photographed by divers from the recovery vessel MV Freedom Star.
photo: Creative Commons / Fred J
Medieval church in Oxie, Scania with typical crow-stepped gables. The Nuttall Encyclopedia suggests this architectural feature is called Corbie steps
photo: US Navy / Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Gary Prill
ire controlmen from combat systems department, CS-7 Division aboard the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76) lower a Sea Sparrow missile into a storage and transport case.
photo: Creative Commons / Ultra
QE2 bow name, October 2008, The name of the liner as it appears on the bow and stern is the Queen Elizabeth 2, with lower case lettering and an Arabic numeral 2 as opposed to the Roman numeral II
photo: Creative Commons
Lower Kama Reservoir, Nizhnekamsk Reservoir
photo: US Navy / Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Joshua Scott
Sailors from USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76) work into the night as an MH-60S Seahawk, assigned to Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron (HSC) 21, lowers a missile case onto the flight deck during an ammunition on load.
photo: Creative Commons / LennartBolks
Well car
photo: Public Domain / GageSkidmore
Diet Pepsi
photo: Creative Commons
Epidermal cells
photo: Creative Commons / Drumguy8800
Light rail
photo: Creative Commons
photo: AP Photo / Shuji Kajiyama
France´s Sebastien Loeb,
photo: Inertia Stock.XCHNG
Retailers Faced with Supply Overload Offering ´Ridiculous´ Prices
photo: Creative Commons / Billertl
A belltower at Forrest Home Cemetery, in Fifield, Wisconsin, USA. Tolling bells during funerals has been customary in some places around the world.(在阿甘家公墓,法菲尔德,威斯康星州,美国贝尔尔。在葬礼上敲着钟声已经习惯在世界各地的一些地方。)
photo: US Navy / Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Meranda Keller
Navy Diver 1st Class Robert Johnson, an instructor at the Aviation Survival Training Course, lowers a hoist to a student during the Night Storm training exercise,
photo: Creative Commons / Bukvoed
Side view at Camp Pendleton.
photo: Creative Commons / Fir0002
Cumulonimbus capillatus incus
photo: Creative Commons / Usuario:Barcex
Some lines of the Metro de Madrid are light rail
photo: Creative Commons / Axe
Two-car light rail train in San Diego, California.
photo: Creative Commons / H20
Calvus type Cumulonimbus cloud.
photo: Creative Commons / Amr Fayez
A group of cyclists in Alexandria. The main sport that interests Alexandrians is football, as is the case in the rest of Egypt and Africa. Alexandria Stadium is a multi-purpose stadium in Alexandria, Egypt.
photo: Creative Commons
Twist handles
photo: Public Domain / Razbox
British Parliament and London Eye at night
photo: APphoto
** FILE ** Former Beatle John Lennon, giving the peace sign, and his wife, Yoko Ono, arrive for a hearing on their deportation case at U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service office in lower Manhattan, on May 12, 1972. The ex-Beatle´s celebrate
photo: Creative Commons
An image printed with a CcMmYKk ink set, on both paper and canvas stock. The ink cartridges used are also shown
photo: AP / Rajesh Kumar Singh
Indian policemen stand guard in Ayodhya, India, Thursday, Sept. 23, 2010. India's Supreme Court agreed Thursday to delay a verdict in a religious dispute over a holy site in Ayodhya that has shaken the core of modern India and led to repeated outbreaks of Hindu-Muslim violence. A lower court had been scheduled to rule Friday in the 60-year-old case on whether the site should be given to the Hindu community to build a temple to the god Rama or returned to the Muslim community to rebuild the 16th-
The Syrianeconomy, hit hard by five months of anti-govt protests, could survive unrest and sanctions into next year but experts and officials warn of a sharp deterioration afterwards. The protests,...
Columbia Journalism ReviewBison study plan to use sterilization, Jackson Hole (WY) Daily, 6/3/11 2 parrots sought in Long Beach birdnapping, Press Telegram (Long Beach, CA) 8/3/11 6-yr-old girl just...
Business WireDOC decision means all three Mandatory Respondents were found to have zero percent dumping WASHINGTON - "We are very pleased the Commerce Department (DOC) has now recognized that there was zero dumping by all three Mandatories in the Multilayered Wood Flooring from China antidumping (AD) and...
MSNBCJOPLIN, Mo. — A federal agency has lowered the number of Joplin tornado survivors who contracted a rare fungal disease from 12 to 10. Kristen Nordlund, a spokeswoman for the U.S....
Most occidentallanguages (certainly those based on the Latin, Cyrillic, Greek and Armenian alphabets) use multiple letter-cases in their written form as an aid to clarity. Scripts using two separate cases are also called "bicameral scripts", while those with only one case are "unicase scripts".
In English, capital letters are used as the first letter of a sentence, a proper noun, or a proper adjective, and for initials or abbreviations. The first-person pronoun "I" and the interjection "O" are also capitalized. Lower-case letters are normally used for all other purposes. There are however situations where further capitalization may be used to give added emphasis, for example in headings and titles or to pick out certain words (often using small capitals). There are also a few pairs of words of different meanings whose only difference is capitalization of the first letter. Other languages vary in their use of capitals. For example, in German the first letter of all nouns is capitalized, while in Romance languages the names of days of the week, months of the year, and adjectives of nationality, religion and so on begin with a lower-case letter.
If an alphabet has case, all or nearly all letters have both a majuscule and minuscule form. Both forms in each pair are considered to be the same letter: they have the same name, same pronunciation, and will be treated identically when sorting in alphabetical order. Languages have capitalization rules to determine whether majuscules or minuscules are to be used in a given context.
An example of a letter without both forms is the German ß (ess-tsett), which exists only in minuscule. When capitalized it normally becomes two letters ("SS"), but the ß letter may be used as a capital to prevent confusion in special cases, such as names. This is because ß was originally a ligature of the two letters "ſs" (a long s and an s), both of which become "S" when capitalized. It later evolved into a letter in its own right. (ß is also occasionally referred to as a ligature of "sz", which recalls the way this consonant was pronounced in some medieval German dialects. The original spelling sz is preserved in Hungarian and pronounced [s].)
Case comparison
Here is a comparison of the majuscule and minuscule versions of each letter used in the English language. The exact representation will vary according to the font used.
on a composing stick, lying on a lower case with larger boxes for more common letters.]]
The terms upper case and lower case originated in the early days of the printing press used with movable type in letterpress printing. The individual type blocks used in hand typesetting are stored in shallow wooden or metal drawers, known as cases, with subdivisions into compartments known as boxes to store each individual letter. In many countries the majuscules and minuscules are stored separately, with a pair of boxes for each typeface at a specific size. For typesetting, the two cases are taken out of the storage rack and placed on a rack on the compositor's desk. By convention, the case containing the capitals (and small capitals) stands at a steeper angle at the back of the desk, with the case for the small letters, punctuation and spaces, at a shallower angle below it to the front of the desk, hence upper and lower case.
Various patterns of cases are available, often with the compartments for lower-case letters varying in size according to the frequency of use of letters, so that the commonest letters are grouped together in larger boxes at the centre of the case.
Some sentence cases are not used in standard English, but are common in computer programming, as well as in product branding and in other specialised fields:
CamelCase: First letter of each word is capitalized, spaces and punctuation removed. If the very first letter is capitalized, as in "CamelCase" (or "PowerPoint"), the term "upper camel case" may be used; this is also known as "Pascal case" or "Bumpy case". "Lower camel case" describes a variation, as in "camelCase" (or "iPod" or "eBay"), in which the very first letter is in lower case.
Start case: First letter of each word capitalized, spaces separate words. All words including short articles and prepositions start with a capital letter. For example: "This Is A Start Case".
Snake case: punctuation is removed and spaces are replaced by single underscores. Normally the letters share the same case (either UPPER_CASE_EMBEDDED_UNDERSCORE or lower_case_embedded_underscore) but the case can be mixed.
Studly caps: Mixed case, as in "StUdLyCaPs", with no semantic or syntactic significance to the use of the capitals. Sometimes only vowels are upper-case, at other times upper and lower case are alternated, but often it is just random. The name comes from the fact that it was used to imply coolness on the part of the writer, although nowadays it is more often used ironically. (It is also used to mock the violation of standard English case conventions by marketers in the naming of computer software packages, even when there is no technical requirement to do so—e.g., Sun Microsystems' naming of a windowing system NeWS.)
Case folding
The conversion of letter case in a string is common practice in computer applications, for instance to make case-insensitive comparisons. Many high-level programming languages provide simple methods for case folding, at least for the ASCII character set.
In some forms of BASIC there are two methods for case folding:
UpperA$ = UCASE$("a")
LowerA$ = LCASE$("A")
C and C++, as well as any C-like language that conforms to its standard library, provide these functions in the file ctype.h:
This only works because the letters of upper and lower cases are spaced out equally. In ASCII they are consecutive, whereas with EBCDIC they are not; nonetheless the upper case letters are arranged in the same pattern and with the same gaps as are the lower case letters, so the technique still works.
Some computer programming languages offer facilities for converting text to a form in which all words are first-letter capitalized. Visual Basic calls this "proper case"; Python calls it "title case". This differs from usual title casing conventions, such as the English convention in which minor words are not capitalized.
Unicode case folding
Unicode defines case folding through the three case-mapping properties of each character: uppercase, lowercase and titlecase. These properties relate all characters in scripts with differing cases to the other case variants of the character.
Importance of case in the identification of scripts
As briefly discussed in Unicode Technical Note #26, "In terms of implementation issues, any attempt at a unification of Latin, Greek, and Cyrillic would wreak havoc [and] make casing operations an unholy mess, in effect making all casing operations context sensitive [...]". In other words, while the shapes of letters like A, B, E, H, K, M, O, P, T, X, Y and so on are shared between the Latin, Greek, and Cyrillic alphabets (and small differences in their canonical forms may be considered to be of a merely typographical nature), it would still be problematic for a multilingual character set or a font to provide only a singlecodepoint for, say, uppercase letter B, as this would make it quite difficult for a wordprocessor to change that single uppercase letter to one of the three different choices for the lower case letter, b (Latin), β (Greek), or в (Cyrillic). Without letter case, a 'unified European alphabet'—such as ABБCГDΔΕZЄЗFΦGHIИJ...Z, with an appropriate subset for each language—is feasible; but considering letter case, it becomes very clear that these alphabets are rather distinct sets of symbols.