- Order:
- Duration: 3:59
- Published: 23 Jul 2009
- Uploaded: 18 Jul 2011
- Author: willm166
A fee is the price one pays as remuneration for services. Fees usually allow for overhead, wages, costs, and markup.
Traditionally, professionals in Great Britain received a fee in contradistinction to a payment, salary, or wage, and would often use guineas rather than pounds as units of account. Under the feudal system, a Knight's fee was what was given to a knight for his service, usually the usage of land.
A contingent fee is an attorney's fee which is reduced or not charged at all if the court case is lost by the attorney.
A service fee, service charge, or surcharge is a fee added to a customer's bill. The purpose of a service charge often depends on the nature of the product and corresponding service provided. Examples of why this fee is charged are: travel time expenses, truck rental fees, liability and workers' compensation insurance fees, and planning fees. UPS and FedEx have recently begun surcharges for fuel.
Restaurants and banquet halls charging service charges in lieu of tips must distribute them to their wait staff in some U.S. states (e.g., Massachusetts, New York, Montana), but in the State of Kentucky may keep them.
A fee may be a flat fee or a variable one, or part of a two-part tariff.
A membership fee is charged as part of a subscription business model.
Another fee is the early-termination fee applied nearly-universally to cellphone contracts, supposedly to cover the remaining part of the subsidy that the provider prices the phones with. If the user terminates before the end of the term, he or she will be charged, often well over 100 dollars. In the U.S., mobile phone companies have come under heavy criticism for this anti-competitive practice, and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is considering limits to prevent price gouging, such as requiring the fees to be prorated.
Many cable TV and telephone companies, including AT&T;, include a regulatory-cost recovery fee in the bill each month of around three U.S. dollars, passing the blame onto government regulation, and essentially charging their customers for complying with U.S. law.
U.S. banks extract fees from automatic teller machine transactions that are made at rival banks, even if the customer's home bank has no branch in a particular area (such as when the customer is on vacation). Customers are sometimes charged twice, both by the bank that owns the ATM, and again by their bank. Bank of America charges a denial fee, literally a fee for refusing service to the customer (if there are insufficient funds or a daily limit), and a fee to simply check the account balance at a "foreign" (other bank's) ATM.
Following the 2008 financial crisis and legislation passed by Congress, banks have modified many credit card agreements with customers sometimes increasing interest rates or reducing credit limits.
Registration with MasterCard/Visa are required for merchants processing convenience fees. MasterCard Convenience Fee Rules
MasterCard states that any convenience fee must comply with the following: • Must be properly disclosed to the cardholder in advance • Cannot discriminate against or discourage use of the MasterCard cards or brand in favor of any payment acceptance brand deemed by MasterCard to be a competitive brand, including American Express, Discover, and Visa • Does not have to be assessed on cash, check, automated clearinghouse (ACH), or personal identification number (PIN) based debit payments • Can be assessed as either a flat per transaction fee, a variable or tiered rate fee based on the amount owed, or a fixed percentage of the amount owed.
The merchants segments allowed to charge convenience fees under MasterCard rules are listed here:
• Elementary and secondary schools for tuition and related fees and school- maintained room and board • Colleges, universities, professional schools and junior colleges for tuition and related fees and school-maintained room and board • Local, state and federal courts of law that administer and process court fees, alimony and child support payments • Government entities that administer and process local, state and federal-fines • Local, state and federal entities that engage in financial administration and taxation • Government services - merchants that provide general support services for the government
Additionally, MasterCard (unlike Visa) will permit a variable convenience fee to be assessed in connection with Debit MasterCard® transactions in card acceptor business code (MCC) 9311—Tax Payments.
This provision allows, for example, a percentage-based convenience fee to be assessed for Debit MasterCard transactions using MCC 9311, even if a fixed or ad valorem convenience fee is assessed for a similar transaction on a competitive debit card. This allows the merchant to recoup processing costs based on the amount of the transaction.
General MasterCard/Visa Rule Pg 5-20
Visa Convenience Fee Rules
http://usa.visa.com/download/merchants/visa-international-operating-regulations-main.pdf Page 486
Visa convenience fee rules are more restrictive than MasterCard, as follows:
- The convenience fee must be a bona fide convenience in the form of an alternate payment channel, and must apply to all forms of payment in the alternate payment channel - The convenience fee applies only to non face-to-face transactions - The convenience fee must be disclosed to the cardholder and must allow the cardholder to cancel the transaction - The convenience fee must be a fixed or flat payment amount - The convenience fee must be included in the total amount of the transaction
The following is applicable only for the Visa Tax Payment Program:
- The convenience fee must be charged by the merchant, and must not be a third party to the transaction - The convenience fee may not be a recurring transaction
A Visa merchant that accepts solely mail/phone order transactions may not charge a convenience fee.
Unlike MasterCard, Visa allows a convenience fee only if the merchant offers “an alternate payment channel” that provides a convenience to the cardholder. The most common example is a merchant that accepts face-to-face transactions with no convenience fee, but allows payment over the internet with a convenience fee.
Also, note that Visa allows only a fixed or flat convenience fee payment amount, unlike MasterCard which allows a variable fee.
A title company or attorney collects a variety of fees in the course of handling the purchase of a house at a closing (real estate). These may include fees for tax service, flood certification, underwriting, appraisal, credit report, record deed, record deed trust, loan signing and processing.
Airports also charge landing fees to airlines in order to cover costs, particularly airport security.
There are a few other "cost-plus" stores, however, that add ten percent or so at checkout, using the lower shelf price to trick consumers into erroneous comparison shopping. At Food Depot and other smaller low-end chain stores like this, the shelf price may be 1.95, when the shopper will actually be charged 2.15 in the end, in a sort of legalized bait and switch. (Furthermore, a disclaimer indicates the shelf price is not even the actual cost to the store.)
Some mortgage companies also charge early payment penalties if the homeowner pays more than is due in order to reduce the interest owed and to shorten the remaining term of the loan. The fees typically negate this advantage at least in part.
There are also fees charged for any type of termination. In the suburban Atlanta county of Gwinnett for example, customers were hit with termination fees of over 23 dollars when the county commission chose not to renew the contracts of the county trash collectors in November 2008. The two companies charged this both in violation of county law and in breach of contract.
Commonly this is a student activity fee, which helps to fund student organisations, particularly those which are academic in nature; and those which serve all students equally, like student government and student media. A newer fee is the technology fee, which is often charged to students by schools when state government funding fails to meet needs for computers and other classroom technology. Students may also be charged a health fee which usually covers the campus nurse, and possibly a visit to a local clinic if the student is ill.
Parking fees are normally optional, because students may not have their own automobiles. However, many U.S. schools are now forcing meal plans on their students, particularly those that stay in dorms, and some force freshmen to stay in the dorms. Generally, all fees except parking are covered under scholarships, whether they are from private, government, or lottery funds. However, at least one U.S. state (Georgia) began denying HOPE Scholarship money for any new fees added, even by its own state schools.
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