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IGN Live at E3 2011: Game Demos, Videos, Previews, Interviews

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D Review

1 hr, 8 mins ago - Improving upon perfection is not exactly an easy job. Did Nintendo manage to upgrade The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time while respecting its legacy? Read More »

IGN UK Podcast #91: Wii R Not Confused

6 hrs, 15 mins ago - Join the team IGN UK for Podcast #91, as we welcome our new Games Editor and take the world of games by the scruff of the neck. Read More »

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - Remaking a Masterpiece

13 hrs, 45 mins ago - Zelda producer Eiji Aonuma discusses the challenges and choices in developing The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time not once, but twice. Read More »

DOA: Won't Somebody Please Think of the Children?

13 hrs, 53 mins ago - First it was banned in Scandinavia, now its classification has been revoked in Australia - why is Dead or Alive's 3DS debut so contentious? Read More »

Wii U: The Burning Questions

15 hrs, 30 mins ago - Wii U certainly made an impression on Rich at E3. But he still has questions about third party support, online structure and Nintendo's own games. Read More »

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time-- 10 Things You Didn't Know

16 hrs, 28 mins ago - Ocarina of Time's development was more interesting than you know. Read on to discover Z-targeting's surprising inspiration and how Navi got her wings. Read More »

Radar Mission Review

16 hrs, 47 mins ago - Radar Mission is Steel Diver's long-lost grandpa. Both are first-party Nintendo, both are submarine sims. But this one's just three bucks. Read More »
TCanning won the community nomination this week by a landslide. Congrats, and enjoy the ride.

Girlfight Podcast: E3 2011 Wrap-Up

17 hrs, 8 mins ago - It's our 50th Episode, and to celebrate we give Jim Reilly relationship advice, debate the sexiness of meat pies, and oh, yeah, talk about E3. Read More »

Alleyway Review

17 hrs, 13 mins ago - Nintendo's classic, shameless Breakout clone has returned through the 3DS eShop. Ready to bust some bricks with a ball? Read More »

Let Mario Hold Your 3DS For You

21 hrs, 7 mins ago - New collectible Mario figure not only looks cool, it actually serves a purpose by holding your Nintendo 3DS for you. Read More »

Nintendo Weekly Downloads

21 hrs, 27 mins ago - A classic Donkey Kong hits the 3DS eShop and a classic Mega Man hits the Virtual Console. What a week! Read More »

Activision's Kotick in Brad Pitt's Moneyball

22 hrs, 40 mins ago - Activision Blizzard CEO Bobby Kotick may soon have a new career in Hollywood. Read More »

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