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Free downloads and ressources for your website.
Web Templates, LDU Skins, VWar Templates or Forum Themes (IPB, phpBB, VBulletin)...
Cheap custom and unique designs (including PSD or PNG source file) from our web designers under request.
Custom scripts easy to integrate to your existing website.
Optimized W3C standard coding (XHTML 1.0 or 1.1).
Easy and fast customization through CSS.
Private support and access to additional downloads for customers.
Designers for hire taking free and paying requests for templates, scripts, skinning services...
Staff members strive to bring our users and customers quality work!

ldu skin project
vwar template project
web template project
ipb skin project
web template project
web template project
site map contact faq
The BHS-D web commnunity provides free support for webmasters!
Black Hole Sun Design offers free Web Templates, VWar Templates, LDU skins, LDU plugins, LDU hacks, skins and themes for phpBB, IPB, vBulletin, Ressources, Web Design Services, Active Forums and much more...
Enjoy and have a nice stay on our site!

Wednesday May 18, 2011

Idle state

Hello everyone!
As you may have noticed, we are not as active as we used to be...
Hopefully, our site still exists and we still offer our old downloads, even tough the other services are discontinued.
Thanks for your understanding.

ps: please DO NOT credit our paypal account unless you received a confirmation for any request that you made.
Posted by Dumb Genius on 28-07-2008 23:23.

5000 users!

5000 registered members,
1919 topics in forums,
12794 posts in forums,
4476453 pages served since 2004-05-09."

Not much to say about it as many of us are sleeping. If you're still awake don't hesitate to join us in the forums. And thanks for all of you who still contribute to the development of our web design community.
Posted by Dumb Genius on 15-09-2006 20:01.

CSS Profile Design

We're introducing once again a new project: our so-called Advanced CSS Profile!!! Here is the concept: each user will be able to create a custom profile by uploading a CSS in his/her PFS. If a user created one, the button "cssprofile" will appear in the normal profile page.

To make your own, create a CSS file named profile-style.css and upload it to your PFS. Two files with code are provided as tools to start with: Default CSS and Profile HTML.

We think that it is a good opportunity for our members to improve their CSS coding skills and it will be for sure a good training for coding their future template XHTML/CSS.
So have fun and don't forget to show it off to the rest of the community!
Posted by Dumb Genius on 31-03-2006 12:28.
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